Same Mistakes (A Harry Styles...

By for3v3ryoung

244K 2.2K 186

Brianna has grown sick and tired of her father's constant abuse. When the beating suddenly become more then s... More

Same Mistakes (A Harry Styles Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 25

6.1K 64 17
By for3v3ryoung

So a lot of you asked what happens to Brianna's dad. I changed a couple of future chapters to answer that question!

Chapter 25:

Brianna's POV:

"Pssst. Brianna."

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to find where my name had been called from.


My head snapped up as Harry's body came into view. "What are you doing? You realize you're not supposed to be in here."

"You need to get out of this stuffy hospital," he whispered, ignoring me. "Let me take you to the hotel." He tried to lift me up, but my hand clung tightly to the bed railing.

"I need to stay here with my mum," I whispered harshly back.

"No, your mum will be fine. Besides, Savannah has offered to take over for you." He pried my fingers from the bed. As soon as my fingers uncoiled, I grabbed onto it with my other hand.

"My mum needs me. I can't leave her alone. What if my father comes and does something to her?"

"Like I said, Savannah will watch your mother and keep her safe. Plus there's hundreds of nurses in here. Nothing's gonna happen." He gave me a final jerk and my fingers broke free.

"Harry Styles put me down now!"

"Shhh. You don't want to wake your mother, do you?"

Despite my thrashing and kicking, he pulled me out of the room and into the brightly lit hallway.

"Savannah!" I practically yelled as soon as I saw her. "Tell him to put me down!"

She shook her head at me and turned to speak to Harry. "Don't let her out of the hotel until she is good and rested. She doesn't think she needs it, but she does. She hasn't had proper sleep for a couple of days."

Harry nodded and began to walk me down the hallway.

"Oh, and get some food into her system!" Savannah called over her shoulder.

"What!?" I screeched. Harry slapped his hand over my mouth and started to run down the halls to keep me from waking every human being in the building. I knew I should shut up and listen, but at the moment I didn't care. I hated the feeling of being ripped away from my mother.

Somehow he managed to get me out of the hospital and into the car. By that time I was breathing hard, and for the most part I had stopped fighting, although I was boiling over with irritation. I slumped in my seat and crossed my arms.

"Awe, don't look so mad," Harry teased. I could hardly keep from yelling out my guts. Instead, I just stared out the window, mentally counting to 10.

After a few minutes of silence, he reached out and flicked my chin, knowing it would only rouse my anger more. I smacked his hand out of the way, hard. Normally I could take the teasing, but for some reason, tonight I had no patience for it.

"OW! What was that for?" he protested, rubbing his sore hand.

"You asked for it," I mumbled under my breath and continued to stare at the buildings passing by.

"Hmm? What was that? I'm afraid my hearing has been having issues lately." I could sense his own irritation now.

"I said you asked for it! Why can't you just freakin leave me alone?" I screamed right in his ear.

The car swerved slightly at my sudden outburst. He stared at the road ahead intently, his mouth fixed in a rigid line. "You know what? I know your mad and scared and tired, but that is still no reason to yell like that."

"What the heck? I am NOT scared. I can handle this on my own. And I wouldn't be mad if you wouldn't have forced me to leave my mothers' side! Don't you realize that I just want to be there for her for once in my life?"

"I'm doing you a favor! You obviously need some sleep, seeing how grouchy you are. You have been there for her, every step of the way. What more can you do?"

Our voices were raising more and more with every word we spoke. I hated that we were arguing, but everything he said only made me more angry. It was like I had no control over the words spewing from my mouth.

"I can be there when she wakes up. I told her I wouldn't ever leave her and now I'm in a car, heading away from the hospital. How do you think she's gonna feel?"

"She's gonna see what I see! She's going to understand that you needed to rest and make use of the hotel room that, may I point out, the hotel room that I bought you."

"I don't need your stupid fancy hotel room..." The tires shrieked as Harry braked hard, cutting me off. Looking around, I found that we were in the hotel parking lot. He got out and slammed the door, not even bothering to wait until I caught up. "Excuse me?" I shouted at him, drawing the attention of a couple older men in the parking lot.

He paused and turned to face me. "What? You expect me to wait for you so we can go to my stupid, fancy hotel room?"

I was starting to shake from anger. How could he possibly be so extremely rude? "Yes, that's what I expected. Because a real gentleman would. Clearly you're no gentleman," I retorted.

I could almost see smoke pouring from his ears. "I'm way more a gentleman than you'll ever deserve!"

"What did you just say? I'm not good enough for your snobby, rich self?"

He stomped close to me. So close I could feel his hot breath on my face. At all happened in a flash. His hand raised and connected with my cheek, causing me to stagger back at the impact. Instantly my cheek prickled, stinging from the slap.

He hit me.

Harry Styles, the boy I loved, hit me.

"Your just like the rest," I seethed.

Pivoting on my heel, I spun and found my legs were taking me away from Harry, away from the horrible memories threatening to emerge.

Everything was a blur. I was running, running from the pain. Running from the abuse. Running from love.

A pair of headlights danced in the moonlight in the distance. It was like I was stuck in a dream, a horrible, scary dream. The light came closer and closer. A car horn sounded, but it seemed to be coming from somewhere distant and far off.

An impact jarred my body and everything went black.

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