Fairy Tail One-Shots (Finishe...

By RoyalToxicBlue

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You can request any ships you want. EXCEPT nali, grayza, freedxlaxus, yukinoxrougue, stingxminerva, lucy and... More

request any ship.
Sleepover (stingyu)
Sleepover Part 2 (Stingyu)
The Job (Miraxus)
Meeting You (Lyredy)
Second Chance (Bixanna)
Rivals (Jerza)
Unexpected Turns (Nalu)
Unexpected Turns Part 2 (Nalu)
Ghost Love (Miraxus)
Ghost Love part 2 (Miraxus)
I'm giving up
Kids (Nalu's and Gruvia's kid)
Kids Part 2
Found You (Zervis)
It Hurts (Rowen)
Bar (Rogura)
Curse/Gift (Jerza)
Dangerous (Gruvia)
I Don't Want A Soulmate (Lyredy)
I Don't Want A Soulmate Part 2 (Lyredy)
I Don't Want A Soulmate Part 3 (Lyredy)
Home (Rowen)
Flower Boy (Zervis)
What?.... (Gruvia)
Another Day (Zervis)
A small Poem and News!!
Kids Part 3
The Last Christmas
Deleted Scenes

First Love (Zervis)

209 7 9
By RoyalToxicBlue

People I am exhausted, its 11:16 PM and I am ready to go to go to sleep. But first I have to do this while I have the inspiration. Lately I felt like I am not connected to Fairy Tail anymore. I don't know why. But I still enjoy writing about them and will not give up. Its all for you guys. Oh and FINALLY PEOPLE WE REACHED 200 FOLLOWERS.


Zeref's POV

With a sigh I stared at the picture frame in front of me. The delicate decorations around it made it look majestic. The gold it was made out of was still shiny and the diamonds around it could make me stare it all day. With a soft smile I looked at the 2 people in there.

One was a blonde haired girl, whose eyes were the brightest around. Her thin pinkish lips were set in a cute small pout. She had her arms crossed and she glared childishly at the other person. The other one had dark black hair, eyes who matched the darkness in the night, but the soft loving gaze he gave to the blonde was evident.

I still remember the first time we met.

I had been running away from my annoying little sibling. My eyes had been looking back, searching for the bright pink hair of my little brother. I had been to occupied on that I was about to run into someone. Before I knew it, I crashed into the other person.

I jumped ignoring the pain in my head, I bowed down in embarrassment and apologized immediately. I heard a small "Its ok.". I looked up intrigued by the soft melodious voice. I held my breath; sure that I was imagining the beauty in front of me.

Her soft fluffy blond hair fell in waves across her body, stopping on her waist. Her bright onyx green eyes were memorizing, making me want to lose myself into them willingly. Her thin pink lips were forming a small sheepish smile. She was like half a head shorter than me, maybe a full head.

"I-ah-um-I." I had been a stuttering mess, I could already feel myself turning red. "I'm sorry." I managed after a few failed tries of apologies. "No, no its ok." she had laughed, my eyes widen when hearing such beautiful sound.

With a small "Excuse me." I had left, sure that I had just made a fool out of myself in front of a goddess.

I chuckled at the memory, I had so shy back then. I can still remember my younger self, stuttering and blushing, lost for words. Shaking my head I looked back to our second meeting.

I had been sitting on the farthest desk in the class, losing myself in an old, book. I heard the teacher call for the attention of everyone. With a sigh I put down my book and looked up. I was taken back by the figure in front of the class.

She still looked as beautiful as before, a smile decorated her soft features. "You're drooling." I heard the annoying hiss of my azure haired friend. I ignored it, putting my attention back on the blonde.

"Everyone, this is our new transfer student, Mavis Vermillion. Please make her feel welcomed." I barely acknowledged the teacher's words. "You can sit on the back, next to Zeref. Zeref please raise your hand." my breath hitched.

I slowly raised my hand, shyly giving her a smile. Her eyes had light up when seeing me, making a warm feeling spread through me. She had nodded at the teacher's words and walked towards the desk in my right.

"We meet again." she giggled, setting her backpack on the floor. I nodded idiotically, a grin had taken over my lips in a matter of seconds. For the whole period an excited and nervous feeling had risen within me.

The second time we met was better than the first. I had managed to not make a fool out of myself. But I still think when it comes to the most embarrassing moments the one that takes the gold is when I asked her out on our first date.

"I can't do this." I bit my lower lip, pacing around. I had decided that today I would gather all of my courage and ask Mavis out on a date. But when it comes to her, I lose myself. I blush, I stutter, I turn clumsy and make a complete fool out of myself. So unlike me, I feel stupid next to her, like an idiot trying to do algebra in the middle of a war.

"Calm down, she likes you. You have nothing to worry about." Jellal, my friend tried to reassure me. "But that's the thing. I don't know if she likes me." I huffed, frustrated I had to make a big fuss about the whole thing.

It was just Mavis, but it's Mavis. The Mavis who made my heart race when she only smiled. The one who made me feel like an idiot when I'm supposed to be the smartest. I felt lost with her, I just couldn't do anything right.

Sooner than I would have liked the end of the school finished, I got out of the room. Searching for the familiar blonde hair of the girl who unintentionally had stolen my heart. Talking about it, my heart sped up when I saw her; laughing and giggling with her friends. A small pink blush was painted on her cheeks.

I walked towards her, stumbling over my own feet. "Talking about the devil..." I heard her friend, Mira murmur; her smirk confused me. Ignoring it I smiled nervously at Mira. "Can I steal Mavis for a few minutes, I promise I won't take long." I smiled at her friends, who just nodded.

"Go ahead, return her whenever you want. We don't have a problem with it. Keep her if you want." the white haired girl giggled at the end. With a huff Mavis stood up, she pouted before walking to my side.

"Will do." I chuckled, before turning around and walking towards the fountain of the school, making sure Mavis followed. My hands were sweating, my heart wanted to jump out of my chest; I was sure I was shaking. Finally I stopped in front of bench.

I was sure this was the same place were we had first met. I didn't thought I would ever feel so thankful for my little annoying brother. With a nervous smile I turned around and looked at her.

"Um hey, I-I-" I was already turning red and I hadn't even started. Her eyes were curious and confused, making me more nervous. "I been l-liking you for some time now. I realized it a few weeks ago. And I was just wondering if you might feel the same way." I cursed internally.

Her eyes were now wide and she looked troubled. "Fuck, its ok if you don't feel the same way-" I started babbling; my embarrassment and disappointment had started growing. It wasn't until she held a finger over my lips that I stopped talking.

"I do." the soft whisper reached my ears. "You do not feel the same way?" I blinked confusedly. "No, I do feel the same way you idiot." she giggled, a pink blush grew on her cheeks. I smiled idiotically.

"Then, would you like to be my girlfriend." I looked at her and smiled shyly. With another giggle she nodded and hugged me. With a light heart I wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled.

I admit, that was one of the worst confessions on history, but somehow I managed. That day was one of the happiest days in my life. My happiness quickly disappeared when I remembered our first fight. I had been so stupid and idiotic. That was one of the worst mistakes I ever did.

(A/N: Long ass flashback so be prepared.)

For four years our relationship had been going on strong. We were on our third year of college. I had just walking around campus, bored out of my mind. Nothing interesting had happened that day so far. I had been walking for a while now, taking random routes when I spotted a bright blonde hair.

With a smile in my face I walked towards the person, it wasn't until I was a few feet away that I noticed she wasn't alone. With a shrug I kept walking towards her and then gently tapped her shoulder. I had to smile at the small shriek she gave when I had taken her by surprise.

"Zeref, what are you doing here?" she asked, giving me a small peck on my cheek. "The teacher wasn't there today and they let us leave." I shrugged my shoulders. She only hummed in response before turning to look at the other person.

It was a boy, about my height, maybe an inch smaller. He had light blue hair and pale skin. A small button nose and thin lips. His eyes were warm brown, sort of catlike. If someone told me he was a model I would believe it. "How rude of me, Zeref this is Mino, my partner in a project we are doing in biology. Mino this is Zeref, my boyfriend." Mavis smiled at him.

Smiling politely he extended his hand. "Its really nice to meet you.". Shaking his hand I smiled at him too. "Its nice to meet you too. Don't let me get in the way of your project. I'll see you later." I turned around and left. Still bored.


It had passed a week now, Mavis and Mino had seen each other a lot. I didn't mind, I liked to give Mavis her space. And I knew she made friends quite easily. Entering our shared apartment I was not surprised to see Mino and Mavis on the table. They were working on their project, which I hadn't bothered to see what it was.

"Hey." I greeted both of them. I heard a small "hey." from Mino and only a hum from Mavis. I frowned at this, she always at least said a small "Hi." before. Shaking my head I walked towards our room.

Ten minutes later I came out, having taken a shower and changed clothed already. "Is there anything I can give you. Drink, snacks..." I trailed off waiting the blue haired boy to answer. "Do you have Sprite?" he asked, I nodded taking the can out and giving it to him.

"Thanks." he smiled at me before returning to work on his computer. I nodded before sitting on the couch. I noticed Mavis and I have sort of become distant. I'm not trying to blame Mino or something. He's a cool guy and I get along with him quite fine. But ever since they started working on their project Mavis and I barely hang out or go on dates.

I sigh getting up from the couch, I quickly grabbed my keys and phone. "I'm going out." I informed them. I didn't even heard a hum as a response. With a frown I got out of the apartment. I had just gone around driving to random places. Trying to ignore the feeling that my relationship was breaking apart.


Two weeks passed, Mino and Mavis had already finished the project and had turned it in. I was not surprised that they got an A+, seeing how hard they had worked. But just because they finished working on it didn't mean that they stopped hanging out. No, actually Mavis canceled a date because Mino wanted to hang out.

I wasn't jealous or anything, how could when I knew that Mavis wasn't that sort of person. And not to mention Mino apparently isn't straight either. Today was like any other day. I was alone in my apartment watching TV. Honestly, I feel like I'm not in a relationship anymore. Its like I'm back to being single again.

I heard the door open, a few seconds later Mavis entered. "Hey." I waved at her, she ignored me and went straight to her room. Yes 'her', we no longer share the same room. I had been devasted when I heard her say she wanted a room for herself. I had only agreed and helped her move her things to the guest room.

I lately been ignored by her a lot and this sort of treatment was sadly the usual now. No matter how many times she did that it still sent a wave of pain to my heart. With a sigh I walked out my apartment and just started walking randomly.

I accidentally bumped into someone, I immediately apologized. "Its ok. I was actually looking for you." the deep voice of the person made me look up, it was familiar these days.

"Looking for me?" I asked, blinking fastly. "Yeah, how about we talk about this through coffee, is that ok?" he asked me, smiling slightly. "Sure, I wasn't doing anything." with a sigh I shrug my shoulders and followed him towards Starbucks.

We entered the coffee shop and quickly ordered. We were sitting down when he started to talk. "I want to apologize." he looked down. "Why?" I asked, taking a small sip of the coffee. Its sweetness melted in my mouth.

"I am the reason your relationship is falling apart." he looked up and frowned. "Your wrong, its not you." I shook my head. "Don't lie, I know I am the reason. And I hate to say this, but its not the first time it happened." his sad smile was evident in his face.

Ok, I am confused. I think he saw that I was confused because he started talking again. "Its not the first time I somehow ruined someone's relationship. All I do is try and talk to one of them and the next thing I know they break up because of me. I'm really sorry I didn't stay away from Mavis as soon as our project was finished." the sadness in his voice made it impossible to actually stay mad at him.

Not that I was actually mad from the start. "I just wanted to apologize. It was not my intention to cause problems in your relationship. I actually didn't notice until I heard your friends mentioned that she had cancelled a date to hang out with me. She had told me that she was doing nothing important and had nothing planned." Mino frowned again.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Ugh, now I make it sounds like she is the bad person. I'm sorry, I don't know how to be even apologize without making someone the bad person." he ruffled his hair in frustration. "Its ok. I still don't see why you are apologizing. But I still appreciate it." I smiled sadly before standing up.

"I will stay away from her, if that makes you feel better. I'm sorry." I sighed before leaving the coffee shop. Mino clearly wasn't the problem. Sure, it kind of started with him. But he clearly has done his best to not get too close to her.


"Why are you being so distant these days?" her soft voice reached my ears. Confused I looked at her. She had a frown on her pink lips. "Are you sure you are even talking about the same person?" I grumbled, annoyed with her accusation.

"Yeah, the last time we went on a date was like last month." she huffed, glaring at me. My eyes widen, I could only stare at her with disbelief. "That's because you been canceling all of them." I raised my voice slightly. "I did not, and apart from that. You haven't made any efforts to hang out anymore." her voice was low.

"Are you serious? All I ever done is what you want. You wanted to hang out with new friends, I gave you space. You wanted to have a room by yourself, I helped you because you wanted that. You ignored me and pushed me away." I snapped at that moment. I just couldn't take it anymore.

"And now you are accusing me of making our relationship fall apart. I'm sorry, but I'm not made of steel. I have feelings too. I stopped trying. I cannot do this anymore. Maybe it would be best if we just go separate ways." I felt angry and hurt at my own words.

Her onyx green eyes widen, I could tell I had hurt her. But she had also hurt me. I was tired of just keeping this relationship that was basically dead at this point. "You don't really mean that." her voice cracked at the end. I stood up and walked towards the front door.

"I do. I'm sorry, but we cannot keep going like this." I whispered loud enough for her to hear. Not long after that I left.

I clenched my fist at the memory. That night I had stayed at my little brother's apartment. I had been a crying mess. By the end of the week I had came back, ready to apologize and tell her I hadn't actually meant those words.

But she wasn't there. The neighbor said she had moved away to another country and had been asked to give me the keys if I ever came back. I had been devastated. She said Mavis left 2 days before I came back.

I changed that year. I had drowned myself in studies. I graduated early and took over my parent's company. I became more harsh and cold. Even my own brother used to say he didn't recognize me anymore.

"Sir the person trying out for the job is here. She is ready for the interview." the voice of my secretary reached my ears. "Let her in." I order immediately grabbing the small picture frame and hiding in my desk.

A few words were said before the door opened revealing a blonde who quickly told me who the person was. I ignored her, my attention was focused on the other blonde. "Sir, are you listening." the voice my secretary snapped me out of the trance I was in.

"Yes, you may leave now." I ordered, with a nod. Quickly she left, leaving alone with the blonde haired girl. "Long time no see." she murmured softly. I hated that her voice was so familiar. "Clearly it hasn't been long enough." I set my lips into a straight line.

"Zeref I-" I raised my hand with a sigh. "If you are thinking just because we used to know each other its going to help you be hired you are mistaken. And do not call me by my name. If you do get the job you will address me as sir, boss or Mr. Dragneel." my tone was calm and cold. I made sure not a drop of emotion was heard.

She frowned before nodding. "Now, have you had any experience being an assistant before." the rest of the interview went smoothly. We treated each other as if we were strangers. It was for the best.


Mavis's POV

I will admit, it hurt when he acted as if he didn't know me. He asked me for my full name and age. As if he didn't already know. I didn't actually know he was the boss. I know, I'm an idiot when it clearly says 'Dragneel' in the building.

But I had heard rumors how the boss was cold and harsh. How he never smiled or laughed. No way that could have been Zeref. He used to be the sweetest and most understanding person in the whole world. Always smiling, kindness was a second nature to him. Nothing like he was described.

A few days later the company called me. Telling me I had gotten the job. I said a quick "Thanks." before I ended the call. They said I could start working next week, on Monday starting from 8 AM.

I had quickly put on some clothes that I thought would fit the classy office. Just a skirt, with a white blouse and my hair in a bun with two loose bangs on either side of my head. I drove to the office and they gave me an ID.

The girl who had first greeted me told me she was going to show me around, show me how things work. She was very polite and nice. A very pleasant person with a kind smile.

"And finally, the copy room. Mr. Dragneel will be the one you will be working for. He will be the one who will mainly tell you what to do. That's all, for now you can go home. Today is practice, be here tomorrow at 7:30 sharp." she gave me a warm smile before walking away.

I sighed before walking towards the exit. My gaze had been on the floor the whole time, making me blind for what was in front of me. It wasn't until I hit a hard chest that I looked up. I stumbled a little before regaining my balance.

"Please do watch were you are going Vermillion." the cold, calm voice of my new boss made me gulp. Knowing I was once the person who could bring out his warm smiles, make his eyes light up with a single laugh; made this more harder.

I was the one who destroyed him. Broke him until he was just dust; no longer able to turn back and try to pick him back up. I opened my lips to apologize, but before I could say anything he brushed pass by me.

I dropped my head, guilt crashing down on me. I never meant to hurt him, I don't know what was wrong with me at that time. I was blind of what was in front of me, of the amazing, kind man that basically worshiped me and would have taken a bullet for me. 

I continued walking, my path was the opposite of his. Most of my friends say I walk the path of light, of happiness. But they're wrong. I don't walk on it, I destroy without second thoughts. A careless mistake I will forever regret.

I made stupid, careless decision that will forever hunt me. My stupid past self pushed away her first love, pushed him until he was at the edge if a cliff. Pushed him until he dropped and shattered; broken pieces that turned into dust as the years passed.

And again, I watch him walk away without looking back. My heart gave painful tugs as I continued walking. Knowing I was the one who destroyed him; made me want to stay away. No matter how much it hurt me, knowing he was better of without me is better than breaking him more.

And so we walked away, farther and farther from each other. Our paths crossed again and again, but we never gave each other glances again. The love we once held was still there, buried inside.

First loves aren't meant to last. First loves are the ones were we first experiment, were we first test out the waters. But no matter how much we try to hold it, it will slip away.

Because its the first, not the last.____

"First love is only the start."

The end.


Oof, that was a long one right? I was actually going to make this happy. It was originally supposed to be flashbacks and then present where they are married and have kids. But my evil ass wanted to be well, evil. Aish,but I really liked this one. It reminds me of  one I made before, "Found" I think it was called.

But anyway, I hope you liked it.

Words: 4003

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