By 1-800-hotlinebizzle

135K 4.3K 570

I always thought that at age 19 I'd be in college. Maybe in one of those bullshit sororities partying with na... More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n Pt.1
S e v e n Pt. 2
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n P. 1
E l e v e n Pt. 2
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n P.1
F i f t e e n P. 2
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
T w e n t y S e v e n
T w e n t y E i g h t
T w e n t y N i n e P. 1
T h i r t y

T w e n t y N i n e P. 2

1.6K 63 4
By 1-800-hotlinebizzle

2 Months Later

"This is going to be your room, I had some people come and redecorate it to a more teen girl friendly vibe" With each word I spoke I felt my tongue get heavy. I was so scared that my little sister truly didn't fuck with me anymore.

"You got it like that now?" She tosses her backpack onto the bed and slips off her heels.

"Like what?" I ask, eyebrow raised and hands fiddling. God, why was I so nervous?

"Like... this" Elise motions around the room and I look around with her before shrugging.

"Hard work I guess." She snorts before sitting on the bed.

"That's not what mama calls it" I take a tentative seat next to her and hold in my sigh of relief when she doesn't shy away.

"What does she call it?" Elise examines her fingernails before sighing.

"Whoring. She thinks your his whore is that true?" Her wide hazel eyes study mine and my jaw ticks.

"She can call it what she wants, but I promise, I am the love of that man's life" Elise only shrugs before lying down.

"Think I can make it out here?"

" I think you can make it anywhere Elise" her pouty pink lips turn into a small smile.

"You always believed in me. More than you believed in yourself even. Do you like it? Stripping?"

" I liked it. I like modeling more I think."

"This boy I was dating, he said I should be a stripper. I thought about it you know? Thought about trying to find you in New York ... There was just one problem."

"What was that?" She sits up on her elbows.

"I can't fucking dance" it's my turn to snort.

"You really can't." Elise laughs and wipes away a few tears.

"When do I get to meet your man?" My heart beats a little faster.

"Actually, later today if you aren't too exhausted. He's done with detox so this will be the first time I get to spend more than few minutes with him."

"Are you guys gonna..." She purses her lips and makes a lewd hand gesture. I blush. Then there's a knock at the door.

"Oh. That's the rest of your stuff." The two of us look up to see the movers i had hired to lug her belongings up the stairs.

"Anywhere's fine?" The man asked and Elise shoots a thumbs up.

"I'm not picky" she declares and the man chuckles. I wait for him to leave before talking abut Justin again.

"He's excited to meet you. I don't really talk about you and mama alot..." If this fact hurts her Elise doesn't show it, instead she walks over to her suitcase, unzips it and pulls out a ratty looking stuffed bunny.

"She turned your room into an office. I saved this little guy from a sad life at Goodwill." She sets it on my lap and my eyes get watery.


"Hops." She says before kissing me on the cheek.

"I really did miss you Anya. She does too. She's just not great at showing it." I shrug and shake my shoulders as if to get rid of the rush of feelings.

"Let me show you the rest of the house.. You'll flip he's got an arcade." Elise whistles.

"Must be nice." She says in her cool and collected tone. One that I noticed hadn't been her trademark when we were growing up.


Two Hours Later

"Now I'm exhausted." Elise says as she plops down on my bed and curls into a tiny ball. I rub her back and pull out my phone. The rehab center would be calling at any moment to tell me I could head there.
"Are you wearing that to meet your dude?" I look down at my outfit. There was nothing wrong with it. A simple T-shirt and jeans combo. Nothing special.
"I shouldn't?" I walk over to my full size mirror and start to feel self conscious.

"It's cute. Just no wow factor."  I plant my hands on my ass and squeeze it a little. She was right.

"Gimme a sec." I walk into my closet and start stripping off my clothes. Standing there in my bra and panties I start to pick out different pieces that would have the 'wow factor' I'd been lacking.

" What do you think?" Elise whistles and claps her hands.

"Got em" she says before catcalling I smile and apply some light lipstick. My phone rings and the called ID makes my heart beat a little faster. Elise shoots me a thumbs up and I take a deep breath before answering.


"Yaya?" The voice is tentative, but totally recognizable.

"Jay?" He chuckles and I can imagine him running a hand through his hair and grinning. We'd only talked a few times on the phone we'd mostly discussed Elise as talking about his recovery wasn't recommended by the staff.

"I have some pretty sick news babe" I smile and Elise pretends to gag.

"Yeah?" I press the phone between my shoulder and my cheek and start to get my purse ready. Once it is I motion for Elise to follow me downstairs. Justin takes a deep breath as I cover the receiver and address my sister.

"You have your license right?" She nods and raises an eyebrow I point to the counter where I usually lay out the car keys.

"Shut up" Elise whispers in total disbelief and I motion for her to choose a key.

"So I've been doing pretty stellar with my program and they know you're coming to visit today and... I get to come home" I squeal into the phone and Elise twirls a set of Mercedes keys  around her ring finger.

"Baby! That's amazing! We're leaving right now I can't wait to see you!" One of the maids taps me on the shoulder and hands me a bouquet of flowers. I mute Justin to avoid confusion.

"Thank you so much Carolina!" She smiles and goes back to tidying up the kitchen. I'd bought the flowers earlier in the morning from the farmers market for Justin and if it weren't for her they'd be a pile of petals by the time I got back. I unmute him and double check that i have all of my things.

"You too, God Yaya I miss you so bad" Elise revs the engine and Justin makes a sound at the back of his throat.

"I can hear you revving the engine. What have you been doing to my babies?" I laugh and connect my phone to the car's Bluetooth.

"That wasn't me. It was Elise!" I insist and Elise does it again for good measure before laughing as I enter the rehab centers location into the GPS.

"Tell her to be careful" he whines

"She can hear you. You're on speaker."

"Oh word?"

"Word." Elise replies.

"Yo! I'm excited to meet you, Yaya has told me tons about you she's so happy you're with us."  Elise stops her profiling of the vehicle for a moment to look at me with a soft gaze,

"Really?" She asks quietly and I nod and squeeze her knee.

"This should be fun" Elise decides and Justin chuckles.

"See you in a few lovely" he says before I make a kissing noise and the line goes dead.

"This is so wild" Elise breathes when the gates swing open and we're ambushed by paparazzi.

"Justin hasn't been home in months and they still camp out. Chanel just sent me a text with an article saying you're our surrogate."


"They work fast."

"Jesus." I look behind us to double check that security had closed and secured the gate before settling into the leather comfort of Justin's car.

1 hour later

"This is a rehab center? It looks like Kylie Jenner's house"

"Actually. Kylie lives in a high rise with Kendall" Elise pauses at the gate and rolls down the window. Upon seeing me the security guard smiles and opens the gates.

"I forgot that you know them. My sister is actually famous wow."

"Shut up I am not" I say with an eyeroll as she finds a parking spot.

"Nervous?" Elise asks as we are greeted by Justin's doctor I shake my head and then bite my lip.

"A little."

"Right this way Miss Ventura" the doctor guides and I reach for Elise's hand and to my surprise she squeezes it tightly. The interior of the rehab center is lavish and looks nothing close to a hospital instead it looked pretty akin to one of the Kardashian's Calabasas homes.

"This is his room. My name is Dr. O'nassis should you have any questions or concerns."

"Thank you so much" I say with a smile and he knocks a few times before leaving us. The door swings open and suddenly I'm swept off of my feet and my senses are completely overcome with Justin. My hands grip the back of his neck as his arms squeeze me tighter and tighter against him.

"I love you," he whispers fiercely between the harsh kisses he presses to my neck. A tear rolls down my face and I bury my nose into the collar of his hoodie. Even though he was in completely foreign surroundings he still smelled like my Justin.

"I love you right back" I choke before Elise clears her throat and Justin puts me down.
"Holy shit. Justin Fucking Bieber" Justin laughs a sound that comes deep from his stomach as  he rests his hand firm on the small of my back and outstretches the other one to my sister. As he makes nice I start to survey him.

He looked healthy, glowing even. Nothing compared to the drug addled boy who I had said goodbye to months before.

"How was the trip here?" He asks before peppering my face with butterfly kisses. I giggle and accept his affection as Elise answers.

"It was pretty scenic. I can't believe I'm here" Justin smiles.

"God you two look just alike, yet completely different at the same time how is that?" He looks baffled and I pinch his cheeks.

"People say that a lot, but I wanna talk about you baby, you look so good"

"Yeah?" His brown eyes are shining and his smile gets wider.

"Yeah. Alive. Happy"

"Good enough to take home?" He teases and I bite my bottom lip.

"Good enough to eat" I say leaning in for a kiss.

"Oooooookayyyyyyyyy" Elise breathes before pointing to a stack of designer luggage and pushing past us.

"Is that your stuff Justin?" I release his lips and he looks a little dazed.

"Huh?" Elise repeats her question.

"You get to come back to your house right? Those are your things?"

"Oh yeah. Don't worry about it though. I've got people to-" Elise picks up a suitcase.

"Don't bother. I'd rather carry a hundred of these than watch you eat my sister's face." She then leaves the room.

"She seems nice" he says before lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into him.

"I missed you so much the house is so lonely without you. Kylie and Kendall come over a lot and Chanel does too, but they aren't great at cuddling"  he raises an eyebrow.

"I'm going to need you to explain this cuddling in graphic detail."

"You perve!" I squeal and he laughs.

"What? A group of models cuddling up together in bed? I maybe a recovering drug addict, but I'm still a man baby"  before I can answer my phones rings.

"Hey Kylie what's up?"

"Are you with him? You're with him right? You sound so happy" Justin squeezes my ass and twirls us around.

"Yes. Yeah. I'm with him and we have great news"

"What is it?" She sounds intrigued. C

"I'm coming home Ky!" Justin yells and Kylie screams so loudly that I have to pull the phone away from my ear. Elise walks in again, red faced with a few hairs out of place behind her stands a burly man.

"Brought reinforcements. This is Chad." The man waves and proceeds to pick up the rest of Justin's luggage's. After he walks out Elise makes a show of checking out his ass.

"I love California" she sighs before following Chad. I roll my eyes and tune back into the conversation with Kylie.

"Did you guys hear me?"

"Nope. Why?" Justin wonders still holding me and I wonder if his arms are tired yet.

"Ugh. I'm throwing you a party Bieber"

"Kylie no-"

"Don't worry. There won't be any drugs or even alcohol" my heart settles a bit.

"It'll just be his friends welcoming him back I promise." Justin shrugs.

"Can't hurt. My first sober party" he jokes and I rest my chin on his shoulder.

"Fine. We'll be back in a few." The line goes dead and I sigh and unwrap my legs from around waist.

"Sure you're up for this?" He pulls me as close to his body as he can and I feel the burgeoning of his hard on through his jeans.

"Yeah I'm up for other things too" he whispers throatily and I gasp before taking his hand and leaning upwards for a deep kiss.

"Let's get you home Bieber. You've got some time to makeup for."

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