Redemption [3]

By Vampirediaries1996

196K 3.1K 760

Who would have thought our favorite Bass would find herself in the middle of one of the toughest love triangl... More

The Start of Something New
Back to Reality
Telling The Truth
The Spectator
Chuck and Dan Are Friends
A Not So Welcoming Shower
The Beginning of Love
Aftermath of the Crash
New Years Second Chances
The Dark Truth
Wedding Drama
Runaway Bride
Georgina Scheming Again
Picnic Dates and Plans
Valentine's Day Sucks
Forgive But Never Forget
A Party or a Wake?
KiKi Fashion or Just Kinky
Lola on a Mission
What Happened in Portugal?
I am Not Your Father
What is Real and What is Fake?
What Have you Done Lola?
Family Business
Old Friendship
Being a Boss
Rekindling of Lost Love
Moving Forward
Girl Talk
Horse Shows and Drama
Getting Real
Cotillion Scandal
Phillips for Sale
Microfilms and Fashion
What Are We Thankful For?
What Do We Do Now?
Break From It All
Bart or Bastard
Goodbyes Are Never Easy
Bart's Truth
Three Words, Eight Letters
It's Just The Beginning
New Life
Merry Life
Let's Start with Forever
Falling For You Forever
The Future is Ours

Who's Your Mother?

3.3K 59 12
By Vampirediaries1996

For season six I'm going to edit how long everyone's been away from one another. I need it to make Ella's story fit into the time line. Enjoy another chapter.

Chuck decided he needed space and ventured off to his room on his side of the penthouse. Nate was unsure how to handle this situation after being let back into the apartment. He knew Chuck and I needed time to process everything, but right now I just need him. In times like this, I've found baking the best remedy and so far, it hasn't let me down. Nate is being helpful but honestly, he should stay out of the kitchen.

"Um, babe. I know tonight was a rough night and all, but how many cakes and other desserts do you really need to bake?" Nate asks as he places my third cake tin on the counter as I place a try of brownies into the oven.

"I think this second batch of blueberry muffins should do the trick. And I can't ice or decorate the cakes until they cool so I can save that for tomorrow."

"Babe, talk to me." I bite my lip not knowing what to say to him.

"Do you want chocolate or vanilla icing for..."

"Ella, I don't mean the cakes. Please talk to me. I know what happened tonight had to be a lot for you to handle. Please, I'm here for you and I love you." Nate pleads as he moves to stand next to me. He takes my baking utensils out of my hands.

"Out of anyone in the world Diana has to be my mother."

"I know it seems unfortunate..."

"Unfortunate? Nate, she slept with you knowing that she was my mother and that we were friends! She never once cared about Chuck and me and..."

"But what about the blood thing?"

"Yes, let's talk about the blood donation. When were you going to tell me that Chuck and you were considering that night and who gave us a blood transfusion?" Nate scratches the back of his head knowing he's in the wrong.

"Chuck just wanted to be sure on something. He saw something related to that night and he's was just considering it. That's all. Nothing else."

"Do you still have feelings for Diana" I change subject to what I'm really worried about. I know I was hesitant about Lola but now I'm terrified of Diana and what it can mean for Nate and me.

"Why would you ask such a..."

"Nate, please just answer it." I have tears in my eyes know thinking about his answer and how it could crush me.

"What Diana and I had was nothing more than sex. Sure, we had a laugh here and there, but we never went anywhere outside the bedroom and well the office." My head whipped around so quick it practically scared Nate.

"Your office?" The look of terror on his face shows it all.

"I uh..."

"You had sex with Diana in the same freaking office that we've had sex in!!!" Nate holds his hands out in surrender.

"Hey, Ella. We did it a couple of times and it was nothing compared to the love and passion we have for each other..."

"Did you keep the same bed after you stopped seeing her to the time we got together?" Nate's face said it all. "You son of a bitch! I am having that damn bed replaced and any sheets that whore may have touched burnt to a crisp. Damnit! Damnit!" I am beyond pissed and disgusted that my so-called mother and I had sex with the same guy in the same places.

"Ella, I will help with all of this. I will make sure anything she touched is gone and..."

"Nathaniel, I know you can work on no sleep but some of us need our beauty rest." Chuck says emerging from his room in full set of silk P.Js. He saunters back to his room and I'm still left to wonder what else my mother and I share.

"Ella, I'm sorry for having a history with Diana. If I could take it back I would."

"Nate, I love that you care so much, but I'm having a hard time processing that Diana is really my mother. I barely understood Elizabeth's motives she only came back to visit Bart's grave. Diana said she came back to check up on us but didn't stay to see if we were okay after that night. She's instead been running amuck with our friends and our lives. I just don't understand." Nate holds me close as we sway a little to calm us both down.

"All I know is no matter what happens, I will always love you, Ella Bass. You make going through this crazy life worth it and even enjoyable. I want you to know that whatever relationship I had with Diana is over and frankly my friendship with Lola is on the rocks."

"I know Lola wanted to be right about Serena, but how she went about it made me wonder how far she'll go. With Serena and Blair, I can typically pin point when they will stop, but with Lola she's too unpredictable and frankly untrustworthy." Nate kisses my forehead before bringing his head close to my ear.

"How about we get out all our stress in a bubble bath. I will run some hot water and you take care of the brownies."

"I didn't peg you for a bubble bath type of guy Archibald." I tease.

"I'll do anything for you, Ella." Nate and I kiss and I can only hope everything will be alright in the end.

Nate's POV

I've been worried about Chuck and Ella since Diana announced she was their mother. I know they act like they're fine or handling it but I can see especially in Ella this news is bothering her. I keep reassuring her that nothing is going on between Diana and me, but I think there's a bigger issue at hand than me sleeping with her mother. She just won't tell me what it is. Ella has been so guarded and won't share anything with me. I thought I broke through her walls that night of the accident, but apparently, they never left they just went into hiding to come back up now. I want her to know that she can trust me with anything and that I'll always be here for her despite any false hope she may have. I'm thankful though that she's been spending the night at my place and not avoiding me completely.

Everything was going great until my phone rang and I saw who was on the caller ID. "I think you dialed the wrong number. Obviously, you meant to call either your son or daughter and not me." Why is Diana calling me? I thought we made it clear all of this needs to stop. I really need to block her number.

"I know the news of me being Chuck and Ella's mother, must have come as rather a big surprise to you."

"Ya think?"

"But it doesn't have to ruin anything between us." Is she nuts?

"Except for the small part where I'm madly in love with your daughter and your son is my best friend."

"I know that you and Ella are in love, but I can't keep my feelings for you to myself. I know despite everything you must still have some for me."

"Diana, there is nothing between us. I'm in love with Ella."

"I know, but at least you know how I feel. I know it won't change anything, but maybe we can still be friends?"

"That's not a good idea. We shouldn't have anything but business between us."

"Well, if you change your mind I'll be out of the office all day, but can we meet after work tonight? Just to talk nothing else."

"Diana, I appreciate you reaching out, but I love Ella too much to do this to her. Meeting you after work is not good for either of us."

"Why? Are you afraid that you still have feelings for me?"

"There's nothing I'm afraid of Diana. Goodbye."

"Nathaniel, are my ears playing tricks on me or did I just heat you on the phone with a young lady earlier? Possibly my sister. I'm glad all of this mess hasn't come between the two of you."

"Not exactly. Uh, your mother called to talk to me." Chuck freezes and slowly turns to face me.

"Well, I'm not sure which one of us this is more awkward for."

"Neither am I. I'm madly in love with Ella, but I've slept with your mother. It's too weird to even be in business with her. I would love to find some funding and possibly buy her out for good. You interested?" I was hoping he would say yes.

"Unfortunately, I'm still trying to decide what kind of relationship I want with her. Which means I'm not ready to put her out of business just yet."

"What you're saying is since I already screwed her..."

"I don't need to also. And keep in mind that I know your weakness for older women. Don't let this get in the way of your happiness with my sister. Be strong and resist any urges you may have. Ella means a lot to you. I can see that."

"You have nothing to worry about man. My history with Diana is minuscule compared to what I feel for your sister."

"Keep it that way."

"Ella's POV

"I wanted to meet with you so we can discuss this relationship of ours."

"Ask away darling." I hate that smirk.

"As you know when Chuck was in his accident he lost a lot of blood and on that same night I suffered a miscarriage that resulted in me needing a blood transfusion."

"Where are you going with this." I look Diana straight in the eyes not showing an ounce of emotion towards her.

"I felt like I lost a part of myself for months. I still have this emptiness inside me that won't go away. I want to know if you felt anything when you gave us up."

"If I'm being honest no. I was worried about myself then..."

"Nothing's changed." I snap.

"Yes, but when I gave birth I wasn't in the right headspace and wasn't nearly ready or wanting to take care of two babies. I needed to give you and Chuck a better life and that life didn't have me in it."

"Oh, yeah the life of hookers, drinking, and business was the life we've always wanted. Chuck and I were raised more by Bart's staff than him. Arthur our driver was our main parent through everything. He signed all our permission slips and was the only father figure we could count on."

"I know how you two grew up wasn't ideal, but it was the better of the two evils. I would never have been much of a mother to you two."

"Did you name us or did Elizabeth?"

"Frankly, it was Bart who named the two of you. Elizabeth couldn't bear to look at the children I brought into the world and I already left before you two were named."

"We meant nothing to you."

"Not nothing, I just didn't know how to have a relationship with you two. I was so removed from your lives I thought it was best I stayed that way."

"You know we barely had a father who cared about us and knowing that you are our mother and still didn't want us, validates anything I've ever thought wrong about myself."

"That shouldn't..."

"No, but the thing is I'm done thinking that no one will want me the way I know I deserve. I know I'm worth more than anything you or Bart could have ever thought of me."

"You have grown into such a fantastic young woman. Bart would be very proud of you." I look down at my phone and see that it's time for me to leave.

"I guess I just don't' seek his opinion or blessing anymore. I'm proud of myself and that's all that matters."

"I know me owning up to be your mother must have been hard for you and Chuck to hear..."

"Diana, just because you may have given birth to Chuck and I doesn't mean you're in any way our mother. This is the last I want to hear or see you." I get up from my seat and meet Arthur for a hug before heading back to the Empire.

I walked in to see Nate and Chuck huddled together over Nate's phone. This has to be something serious if they're not even saying anything.

"What are you two looking at?" I come over to their side of the room as Chuck hands me Nate's phone. At first, I'm not sure what I'm looking at it, but when I peer closer I see a picture of a very pregnant Elizabeth time and date stamped right around the time of our birth. "What does this mean?"

"Diana lied about being your mother." Nate says and I feel a sigh of relief not being related to that vile woman. "And uncle Jack probably put her up to it." Chuck and I gave Nate a weird look.

"Jack? What does he have to do with this?" Chuck asks.

"Turns out he's the one funding Diana. He could have paid her to tell you two whatever you both wanted to hear."

"He had her pretend Elizabeth's donated blood was really hers." Chuck adds.

"Okay, as nice as this is, you both told me when you started searching for who donated blood that night Elizabeth said she was nowhere near the country. Why would she lie about something like that if she really was our mother?" I ask.

Chuck frantically searches through his research from that night and anything that has to do with Elizabeth or Jack. I double check to see if there was anything I missed until I spot the thing that struck my attention when Chuck handed me the phone. I show Chuck what I found and it all clicked.

"Are you two okay?" Nate asks us.

"The only thing that Diana and Elizabeth have in common is our uncle Jack. Take a look at this photo again." Chuck pushes Nate's phone into his hand.

"Pay attention to the tattoo on the guy's arm." I instruct. Nate doesn't know where we're going with this, but he soon will.


"We know that tattoo." Chuck adds. I hold out the photo and hand it over to Nate so he can see what we're just now realizing.

"The man in that photo is not our dad, it's Jack." Nate looks over the photo of Jack, Chuck and I at the beach. Nate's eye light up seeing what we see.

"What if all this subterfuge over our mother's identity was actually disguising the real question? It's not who's our mom..."

"It's who's our dad." I finish.

"We think Jack Bass is our father." This day just keeps getting worse. How can we go from having a mother who slept with our best friend to now our estranged uncle is possibly our father.

Don't get too comfortable with Ella's happy ending. I'm not set in stone with who she's going to end up with. It's going to get interesting before this book ends.

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