Redemption [3]

By Vampirediaries1996

196K 3.1K 760

Who would have thought our favorite Bass would find herself in the middle of one of the toughest love triangl... More

The Start of Something New
Back to Reality
Telling The Truth
The Spectator
Chuck and Dan Are Friends
A Not So Welcoming Shower
The Beginning of Love
Aftermath of the Crash
New Years Second Chances
The Dark Truth
Wedding Drama
Runaway Bride
Georgina Scheming Again
Picnic Dates and Plans
Valentine's Day Sucks
Forgive But Never Forget
A Party or a Wake?
KiKi Fashion or Just Kinky
Who's Your Mother?
What Happened in Portugal?
I am Not Your Father
What is Real and What is Fake?
What Have you Done Lola?
Family Business
Old Friendship
Being a Boss
Rekindling of Lost Love
Moving Forward
Girl Talk
Horse Shows and Drama
Getting Real
Cotillion Scandal
Phillips for Sale
Microfilms and Fashion
What Are We Thankful For?
What Do We Do Now?
Break From It All
Bart or Bastard
Goodbyes Are Never Easy
Bart's Truth
Three Words, Eight Letters
It's Just The Beginning
New Life
Merry Life
Let's Start with Forever
Falling For You Forever
The Future is Ours

Lola on a Mission

3.5K 62 1
By Vampirediaries1996

Things are about to get interesting for Ella and Nate. Stay tuned to see what rocks their boat.

"Ella, right there. That's perfect." I strike another pose and walk towards the camera as the fan blows my hair back. "Ella, this is gorgeous! Yes, that's it! Excellent."

"I think we got it!" Gina called. I join her and the photographer to look over some of the pictures.

"Ella, this one is perfect for the cover of Vogue!"

"Maria, you seriously are marvelous behind that camera." I gush at how Mario makes me look so elegant with one click of his camera.

"Ella, someone named Lola says she's a friend of yours." I look at Gina wondering why Lola would be at my shoot of all places.

"Um, yeah um. Gina let her through. It will only be a minute and then we can move to the next outfit." Lola looks out of place as she enters to shoot location. "Lola, what are you doing here? How did you even know I was here?"

"Sorry, for crashing your shoot but I really needed to you and Gossip Girl said you were here and..."

"Lola, just get to the point. I'm working and I need to change for the next picture."

"Okay, here it is. I believe Serena is Gossip Girl."

"And why would you think that?"

"Because ever since the fashion show and I was deemed a new it girl I got an audition for this huge star director and when I got there I was told my audition was canceled and that Gossip Girl sent out a blast making me out to be a diva and saying that directors have way too much power and..."

"Why does this make you think Serena is Gossip Girl?"

"Because she was the only one I voiced concerned over the director I was auditioning for. I didn't say anything other than him being really hard on his actresses."

"I mean are you've never said a bad thing about directors at Julliard? Serena can't be the only person. She would never do what Gossip Girl does to everyone. She out of everyone wants to get rid of her once and for all."

"I know it seems impossible but if you are free tonight I would love it if you could join me for this thing where I will prove to you that Serena is Gossip Girl."

"I'm sorry I can't. I've already been invited to Blair's salon."

"That's perfect I was going to that too. It's where I will show everyone that Serena is Gossip Girl."

"Lola, Blair and Dan's party is hardly the place for this. They've been working so hard to make their relationship they don't need you trying to accuse Serena of being Gossip Girl."

"But I'm not accusing, I'm telling the truth. You'll see tonight." Lola rushes over to do god knows what. That girl seriously takes things out of proportion just like most van der Woodsen/ Rhodes women do.

Arriving at the salon I was surprised to see so many literary geniuses in one place. Blair and Dan certainly know how to make a guest list.

"Ella, thank god you're here." Blair hugs me and then I switch to Dan who looks relaxed for such a stressful night.

"I wouldn't miss your coming out party."

"You're the only person we've invited from our circle of friends." Dan states.

"Wait, not even Nate? Or Serena?"

"We wanted this night to be about us as a couple if we brought them in it would ruin everything." Blair states. I understand Dan not wanting them, but she should have at least told them her reasoning because when they find out later they had a party and didn't invite them they will be crushed.

"B, you two have really outdone yourselves. Is that April Bloomfield?"

"Indeed, she's making some amazing pub food. Some of your favorites." Dan states. I instantly rush for some of her appetizers savoring each last drop.

"Here, here! Sorry, I'm late." I stop stuffing my mouth to see Serena walk in through the door. The look of complete horror is written all over Blair and Dan's faces.

"How can you be late to an event you didn't even know was happening?"

"So, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"In the madness of planning this soiree, B must have forgotten to invite me. But it's okay, don't stop because of me. I'll just make myself at home." Blair looks like she's about to give up all hope.

"The first course is a lovely combination of..." Lola's name can be heard from all throughout the room.

"Wait you invited Lola and Ella and not me?" Serena sounds pissed. Lola quickly said yes just as Blair said no and took her seat next to Serena's. Blair freaks out and takes Dan away to discuss things and I just make another round of food.

"S, I had no idea Blair didn't invite you until I arrived just moments before you."

"No worries, E. I can understand why she wouldn't want me at her and Dan's coming out party."

"If you understand why did you come?" I was confused why she would put herself in such an awkward situation if she didn't need to.

"Let's talk it over drinks." Serena and I head over to the drink table and begin making our way to the assorted drinks.

"I heard your photoshoot for Vogue went well today." How did she hear about that?

"Uh, yeah. It went great the photographer got some amazing shots and Gina was pleased with the outcome. How did you hear about my photoshoot? Normally no one finds out until after the pictures are edited and ready for print."

"Oh, you know someone must have told me and I can't remember who and..."

"Isn't this exciting..." Lola joins us and I can already feel the dislike from Serena. She doesn't hide her disdain for others. "Dan making his big book announcement tonight?"

"Dan's announcing his book?" I asked confused.

"Oh, that's right you don't' have Gossip Girl. Well, she reported about Dan making this announcement at this party. Hey, wasn't it Gossip Girl who first broke the news about Inside?" Now her question is directed at Serena. Lola is still fishing to prove that she is right about Serena being Gossip Girl. I just wish she wouldn't do it like this. At Blair and Dan's party is not the right place or time for this nonsense.

"I think so."

"Do you think she'll break the news about the sequel tonight, or will someone else beat her to the punch? I mean there are a lot of media types here." Serena won't even look up from assembling her drink. "Of course, maybe Gossip Girl is here, too. In which case, she doesn't have to worry."

"Gossip Girl doesn't need to travel to get her news. She's got sources everywhere."

"Really, even at a party like this? I mean look around. Who would be sending Gossip Girl tips? Well, all I'm saying is that this book party is a pretty big deal I think Gossip Girl would have to post about it to stay relevant." Damn Lola is not letting this go.

"Look, I understand Gossip Girl's probably pretty fascinating to a newcomer like you, but to me, she's just not. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go rejoin the other guests."

"Lola, what do you think you're doing?"

"Ella, I know you don't believe me right now, but I know Serena is Gossip Girl. She wouldn't get as made over it like this if she wasn't."

"I know how much you want to be right, but doing this at Blair and Dan's party isn't right."

"I know but this is the only way to know the truth. I have to know..." Everyone in the room goes silent and we search to see what caused the change in tone. Standing at the loft entrance is Nate and Chuck. They both look confused as to why they are here and Blair looks furious.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm not sure. Nate invited me. What are we doing here?"

"Well, Lola invited us." Lola practically skips to greet my boyfriend and I wonder why she would invite Nate and not tell me when she tried to invite me.

"Where do you get off inviting people to my salon? Explain yourself."

"Yes, Lola, I think an explanation's in order." Nate spots me and he leaves Lola to greet me. "Hey, I didn't know you would be here." He gives me a brief kiss.

"Blair invited me this morning and it didn't say anything about a plus one so I just assumed either she just wanted me."

"No, I totally understand. I just well..."

"Nate, you have to listen to me." Lola barges in and she's really starting to piss me off.

"Why didn't you tell me you invited Nate to the salon you weren't invited yourself?" I demand from Lola.

"Uh, well..."

"Did you know Ella was going to be here?" Nate asks.

"I know you two think I've completely lost it. But I am about to prove to you once and for all that Serena is Gossip Girl."

"She's been hounding Serena with questions the moment she's gotten here and won't take no for answer."

"But what if you're wrong?"

"I'm not. Serena crashed this party because she heard that Dan was gonna announce the topic of his second book, and I promise you that 30 seconds later, it's gonna be all over Gossip Girl."

"Lola, like you told Serena there's a lot of media people at this party and everyone here has a phone." I point out the truth and I know she doesn't like that we're disagreeing with her but this idea that Serena is Gossip Girl is absurd.

"Fine, I have a better idea."

"Wait, Lola." Nate tries to stop her but damn she's persistent.

"No, I'll show you both. Trust me." She runs off to god knows where.

"Nate, she's gone insane. She is determined to ruin this night for Blair and Dan if that means she gets to be right."

"I don't know what's gotten into her and all we can do is damage control for whatever she causes." Nate kisses my forehead and we make our way to two empty seats and hope for the best.

"Dan, why are we discussing British literary figures when we have New York's most celebrated author in our midst? An author with an announcement, perhaps?"

"Good evening, everyone. Sorry, I'm late." Of course, she must be here.

"I need a drink." I say as I down my glass and Nate pulls me closer to him.

"Oh, Diana just the person I was hoping to see." When did Serena become friends with Diana?

"What is she doing here?" I ask Nate not understanding why she would be at this salon.

"I have no idea. She hasn't talked to me much since the fashion show. But you have nothing to worry about."

"You're right. We should just enjoy our night with some great food and good conversations." Everyone's phones go off and I know it's a blast from Gossip Girl.

"The nurse recognized you." Serena's voice could be heard on everyone's phone. I peered over Nate's shoulder and saw her speaking with Diana. "You saved Chuck and Ella's lives. And you did that because..."

"I'm their mother."

"I think I'm going to be sick." I state quickly standing up and searching for my things.

"Hey, calm down this is..."

"Nate, did you not hear what that vile woman just said!" Serena, Lola, and Diana come out from the other side of the loft not knowing what to say. Diana takes hesitant steps towards Chuck and me.

"Is it true?"

"Yes, Charles it is." She tries to take a step closer to us but Chuck stops her.

"Just stay right there. You have been in New York for months, inviting my sister and me to parties. Hiring our friends. Hanging out in my apartment in your underwear banging my best friend. Did it not occur to you to mention this, that you were our mother!" I take Chuck's hand in mine and squeeze it tight.

"Please, Chuck and Ella. I can explain."

"I can't do this right now. Or ever. I can't" Chuck runs out but I'm not done with her yet.

"Did you once care that you were hurting us?"

"Ella, I never meant for any of this..."

"I understand screwing my boyfriend before we started dating, what I don't understand is why you would still try and get him in your bed last week! Just like I said to the last person who said she was our mother, you're not our mother. You're nothing to me, so stay the hell away from me and my family. Which includes Nate. You can leave now." I order and she doesn't hesitate before making her exit as quickly as she entered. Nate helps escort me back to where our coats are.

"I'm sorry for hurting Chuck and Ella. I'm not sorry that I hurt you."

"Well, at least one thing is true. You're just as attention seeking and manipulative as people said you are." I say through gritted teeth at Lola who looks mortified that Nate and I heard what she just said. "And just a piece of advice if you can't handle the pressure that comes with all eyes on you then get out. No one said you had to be here. You're no longer welcome at my apartment, my brother's hotel or anywhere else that Chuck and I may be at. Also, delete my number and if you don't I'm blocking yours anyway." Nate places my coat around my shoulders and doesn't say another word to Lola as we head out.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this again." Nate says as I lean my head on his shoulder in the car ride back to the Empire.

"I've been through it before just never this publically."

"I want you to know how much I love you and I'm sorry that Diana and I ever had..." I hold my hand up.

"Please don't say her name right now. I don't want to think about her for a long time."

Nate let have my alone time as I stood underneath the shower head as the hot water sprayed all over me. There's not an ounce of me that believes Diana is my mother, but a part of me fears that she is. After my long shower, I step out and dry off to hear Diana's voice coming from the living room. I'm pissed that security let her up and the fact that she's still standing there allowed to talk.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" I yell at her.

"I know you don't want to speak with me, Ella. But I need to tell you and Charles about myself."

"Please, Ella let her explain herself." Chuck comes out and holds my hand.

"Chuck, you were so trusting of Elizabeth last year and now again with her. I don't want you to end in disappointment."

"That's why I have you. You'll stand by my side through it all." I take my seat next to Chuck as Diana explains herself.

"I met your father when he was still with Elizabeth. I was very young and couldn't resist him. He was charming, handsome. It felt as if he had the whole world at his feet. I knew he was involved with someone else. You mean married."

"Yeah. We had an affair, and it only ended when I got pregnant."

"You kept not one but two babies. You must have wanted us." Chuck is so vulnerable right now as I seek answers from Diana.

"Why did you give us up?" I ask for him.

"I was a mess. Mixed up in the wrong things with the wrong people. Unfit to raise one child let alone twins. And then Elizabeth couldn't get pregnant. It seemed like a way to solve all our problems."

"So, you made a deal."

"After it was over I left town alone, and ashamed. But a few years later, when I heard that Elizabeth had died although I now know that wasn't the case, I came back."

"But Elizabeth couldn't do it."

"She left us just like you did. Seeing us as a problem and not a blessing." I state not holding anything back.

"Ella, I wanted to see you and Chuck desperately. But Bart thought it would be too confusing for you."

"Not any more confusing than the hookers and models that he paraded around his arm. We were told not to bring out father to parents day at school because he sent a wrong message to everyone else!"

"I know this is all confusing to you both."

"No, what's confusing is why everyone thinks we're something not worth having or wanting. That's what's confusing. Look at us. I'm one of the most successful models and businesswomen of this century. I have more money and success than most tycoons have by the time their fifty! And yet no fake mother ever wanted us and our father never saw us as more than failures."

"I wanted to come back to the city last fall. I was hoping to watch over the two of you. From a far."

"Nate's bed is not that far."

"I didn't intend for things to get as serious as they did with Nate. And then I thought if you two never found out the truth. What's the harm?"

"What does this all mean for us now that we know?" Chuck ask.

"That's for you both to decide. You know where to find me." She left without another word. How many bombshells can I go through with the identity of my real or even fake mother? If Diana is my mother it makes her sleeping with Nate so much worse. Now all I can think about is I'm one of those trashy reality mother-daughter duos who share the same taste in men, but in my case, it's the man. I can barely look at anyone right now I just want to distract myself from all of this mess. I wanted nothing more than to distance myself from everyone, but that won't solve anything. Instead, I decide I need to suck it up and face this mother of a news.

Val and Carter will make another appearance before this book is over.

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