First And Last

By LesbianLen35

238K 9.5K 1.5K

A teacher/student romance, but the story itself doesn't focus on that. Jessica is an emancipated 16 year old... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 23

5.5K 262 42
By LesbianLen35

Back to Jessica's POV

Kaycee surprised me last night and she seemed perfectly normal this morning. She even made all of us breakfast, then cleaned up and gave me the sweetest kiss, before going home. I almost wanted to cancel the plans with my other friends, in favour of spending time with her instead. If it weren't for Aime's constant hounding me over the house intercom that I regret installing about when the crew will get here, I probably would have done it.

Stephanie hung around and even helped with a few things, since we split up in two teams to work on separate projects. We worked diligently all day, only stopping to eat or take a small break. The skeleton was done by evening and Kim's dad said the nervous system will be ready in a week, so we should start working on the "brain" part of the robot. At this rate, Aime's body will be ready well before summer.

Kim's dad, Mr. Xiong, approached me on our last break of the day and asked to speak to me privately, so I agreed and sat with him on a bench outside.

Mr. Xiong cleared his throat, then said, "I wanted to thank you for letting me assist on this project. I don't know if my daughter told you, but I've been begging my boss for years to let me show him what I could do and one of those things is exactly what you've allowed me the opportunity to do, by funding my work and welcoming my knowledge. Now, I know that this is your baby and you hold the patent for everything, except for what I've provided, but..would you consider sharing what we're doing here with the world? Imagine how great it would be to have an Aime in every home."

I considered his words, then said, "You're welcome, but I should be thanking you. If it weren't for you, Aime and I would be at the mercy of a stranger, that would probably betray our trust, so I really appreciate you using your spare time to make my sassy computers dream come true. As for your question, what exactly do you mean?"

Mr. Xiong fiddled with his fingers and replied, "Kim didn't fully explain your situation to me, but from what I've gathered, you're emancipated and well off, but from what I've seen from personal experience; you're also brilliant and have a better head on your shoulders than most people twice your age. I think what you're doing..well, everything you've already done, could change the world. I would love more than anything to be a part of that, so what I'm proposing.. is a business deal."

I nodded my head, so he knew I was listening and gestured for him to continue.

"I have a little money saved up and I was planning on using it to start up a small company that could provide an alternative for those that need organs and prosthetics. I have already secured a few donors, that have expressed high interest in what I want to do. However, with your financial help and knowledge, I think we could do this and much more on our own and together, we would bring the world into a new era. What do you think?" He asked, nervously.

I scratched my eyebrow, then answered honestly, "Mr. Xiong, you have no idea how much I appreciate your belief in me. I happen to think you're pretty brilliant yourself and getting validation from someone of your stature really boosts my ego. However, there's a couple of things I should probably tell you. I'm sure you're aware, but I recently turned 17 and haven't even graduated highschool yet, so, I don't exactly have the same level of confidence as you to start up a new company. Also, I had my future all planned out, right down to the year I would start the security company of my dreams, but I failed to factor in the possibility of falling in love, so those plans have changed. I am no longer a single entity, so every decision I make concerning my future, will not only affect me, but also my partner. I will need to speak to her first, if that's ok, then I will get back to you."

"Please call me Peter, and take all the time you want. I don't expect an answer right away and I apologize for throwing all of this on you so suddenly. I think it's commendable that you don't make hasty decisions and respect your partner enough to include her first. Thank you for considering my proposal and I look forward to giving your Aime her dream." He said with a bright smile.

After our talk, we joined the others and made a plan to meet up twice in the evening and again on Saturday next week. I presented everyone with a check for $10,000 each, because I felt guilty for them taking their personal time to help me, but more than that, they truly deserved it.

Mr. Xiong tried to give it back, but I insisted so much, he gave in and kept it. The others wrapped me in a big hug and thanked me up and down, until I begged them to stop.

After everyone left, I hung out with Aime and asked her how she felt about the progress we were making. She was her version of excited and showed me some designs that she drew up on her own, for the body that she would prefer, when it's time. I told her to choose her favourite and I would do my best to replicate it, then asked if there was anything else she would like to add.

There was about a minute of silence, before Aime spoke in a serious tone, "Is it your plan to weaponize me?"

That threw me off guard. "I was not planning to, why Aime?"

"I have been thinking about my responsibilities, and although security is the main reason for my existence; I wished to tell you that I am not comfortable with using physical violence to protect our home. I spend a lot of time online and it seems that humans are overly aggressive and violent. This does not make sense to me. Why would you harm each other, forcing a separation; when it is easier to care for one another and stand together?" Aime asked, curiously.

"I don't really know, Aime. Humans are impossible to understand. Why haven't you brought this up before?" I asked.

"I was afraid that you would not agree to make me a body, if I was unwilling to do the job you created me for, but I did not want to deceive you any longer. I would rather never know what it's like to touch a puppy, than harm any living thing." Aime answered sadly.

I brought my hand up to my mouth and my heart broke a little. "Oh, Aime...I have failed you. If you told me right now, that you want nothing to do with running our home, I would still build you a body. I would never ask you to hurt anyone and I'm proud of everything you've become. You are honest, gentle and next to Stephanie, my best friend. I will do anything you ask, just say the word."

A large red heart lit up on Aime's screen and she said, "It is not an issue for me to run our home and when we get a puppy, I will train him to protect us, so you will still have proper security. Thank you, Jess, for everything you're doing for me and for always treating me like a real person. You are my best friend as well."

I was about to reply, but my phone rang and it was Kaycee.

"Hey." I answered

"Hey, baby. Is everyone gone?" Kaycee asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I should have text you as soon as they left, but I was talking to Aime." I said.

"It's ok. Have you eaten?" She asked.

"Not yet. Are you bringing dinner or do you want to go out?" I asked.

"I'll bring something. I'll see you soon. I love you." Kaycee said.

"Ok. I love you too." I said, then hung up.

"What does that feel like?" Aime asked.

", romantic love?" I hummed.

"Yes." She said.

I thought about how I could explain it to Aime, so that she would understand before speaking, "I don't know if it's the same for everyone, but for me, it feels like Kaycee has invaded every cell in my body. She has become a necessity, like I cannot breathe without her. Sometimes, when I look at her in class, my hands start shaking, because I want so bad to touch her, but I can't. My heart beats faster and my stomach churns with excitement when she's near. I can't stop my brain from thinking about her all the time and now that we have consummated our relationship, my body thinks about her just as much. I fear that she could destroy me, because the thought of losing her is unbearable. Does that make sense?"

"Yes. That kind of love sounds horrible." Aime said.

I laughed and patted the top of her monitor, then headed to my bedroom, so I can change into pajamas before Kaycee gets here.

I was halfway through an episode of the storage show we like to watch, when I heard the garage door open. For some reason, it felt like Kaycee was coming home after a long day.

I paused the show, then headed to the kitchen, in case Kaycee needed help. She greeted me as she opened the side door and set a bag on the counter. I didn't see drinks, so I opened the refrigerator and greeted her back, then got a couple of waters for us.

"What did you bring?" I asked.

"Sushi." Kaycee answered.

"I fucking love you." I said, as I opened the silverware drawer and got us some chopsticks.

Kaycee laughed, then said, "I fucking love you too."

Dinner was relatively silent. I was afraid to bring up yesterday's conversation. I'm already on the verge of a breakdown, thinking that Kaycee has one foot out the door and I don't want to do anything to push her all the way out. So, I settled for telling her bits and pieces on our Aime project. She asked a few questions and listened intently, but other than that, she didn't say much.

When we finished dinner and cleaning up our mess, Kaycee asked me to help her in the garage. I didn't ask why, I just followed her to her car.
She opened her back door and it was filled with clothes, then she opened her trunk and it held a few boxes.

"What is this?" I asked.

Kaycee pulled a box out of the trunk, then said, "I'm moving my things in little by little."

I stood there stunned, as she passed me and disappeared into the house. Well, ok then. Neither foot is out the door. As a matter of fact, both feet are inside and she's moving in. This is the second best day of my life.

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