Chapter 1

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Ms. Garrett's POV

I have been waiting for this my whole life: sweet validation. Proof that I could be what I wanted to be and do it my way. My parents wanted me to be a doctor, lawyer, or anything that would ensure a future of wealth and stability. I chose teaching. As cliche as it may sound, I wanted to make a difference, somehow be the voice of the future through the youth I wished to inspire.

It was my first day. I've been looking forward to this all summer. I wrote my name on the chalkboard and paced until I heard the first bell ring. Soon enough, my very first students started trickling into the classroom. I waited for the second bell, then closed the door, signaling the beginning of my teaching career.

"Good morning class, I'm Ms. Garrett and welcome to Creative Writing! I would like to know a little bit about you, so when your name is called, please stand and tell me the most interesting thing about yourself."

One by one, they stood and did as I asked. Some were confident, some were shy, while others were simply funny. Things were looking great so far.

I started each class the same way and gave my students their first assignment: write a short poem or story about the person that is most important to you right now, due by the end of class. I chose this as a way to look inside their young brains and see how passionate they are, but also, to see if they may need help in certain areas.

Before I knew it, the last class of the day began filling their seats. This entire day blew by and I was almost sad that it was ending. I sat in my desk until the second bell rang and got up to close the door. When I looked up, there was a girl running down the hall, waving and yelling not to close the door yet. I waited for her, because come on, I'm not a complete bitch, it's everyone's first day. She finally made it and hunched herself over, panting with her head down, clearly out of breath. I could barely hear her mumbling an apology through her huffing, so I allowed her time to catch her breath, so I could put on the "stern teacher face" and warn her not to be late to my class again.

She finally straightened her stance, then looked me in the eyes and holy fucking shit; I looked back at the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. I stood there like a complete moron and let myself get lost in her crystal green eyes. What the fuck is wrong with me? Snap out of it, Kaycee! My trance was broken by the clearing of someone's throat and it took me a couple of seconds to realize it was the girl, trying to get my attention.

"Um, I understand this is your first day and you may have had trouble finding your classes, so I will let this slide today. Now, please find a desk and don't be late to my class again." Ugh, that came out a lot bitchier than I intended.

She put her head down and whispered, "Yes ma'am," then walked quickly to an open desk and slid into the seat, barely making a sound. I felt guilty and kicked myself internally, before slowly letting out a breath, then walking into the classroom. I closed the door, stood at the front of the room and gave the same speech that I had given the rest of my classes. I was interested in every student and what they had to say, but I'll admit, when it was her turn, I perked up and listened intently.

"My name is Jessica Prescott and I guess the most interesting thing about me is, well, I don't know. I've never thought of myself as particularly interesting. I'm sorry."

Huh. Okay.

I walked up and down the aisles, helping those that asked and made sure everyone was working on their first assignment. When I got to Jessica, she seemed completely wrapped up in what she was writing, so I passed her and moved on to the boy sitting next to her.

"Can I help you with something, Derrick?" He took his time looking up at me, from my legs, to my breasts, then finally to my face.

"Why, yes Ms. Garrett, I can't seem to think of a word that rhymes with pussy."

Oh, here we go. Laughter roared all around me. I knew this kid was going to be a problem when he stood up and proclaimed his "super sized member" to be the most interesting thing about him. I was warned by another teacher at lunch, that my lucky streak with fairly tame students would run out and there will be at least one I'll want to throw out the window. Well, here he is, in all his douchey glory.

"I don't appreciate that type of language in my class, Mr. Wheeler. Pull this again and you'll see yourself in detention for 2 weeks."
I gave him the "test me" look and held his gaze for as long as I possibly could without wanting to throw up. I scanned the room, making eye contact with every single student; well, except for one.
"That goes for all of you. I will not tolerate foul language or disruptive behaviour in my class. You are nearly adults and I expect you to act like it, now get back to work."

I'm 2 for 2 in bitchiness today. Eh.

I sat at my desk and pretended to read through the assignments of previous classes, but really, I was watching her. She was quiet, withdrawn even, she didn't speak to anyone around her and she only looked at me when I addressed the class. A huge part of me was just plain curious, I wanted to know what was going on in her head. Another part of me (the shameful part), felt something that I have yet to experience in all of my 23 years; pure want. Some asshole part of me, that I apparently have no control of, is begging me to talk to her, touch her, make her notice me. Oh God, I sound like a creeper. That girl is likely 16 or 17 and here I am, drooling over her like she's the last Pringle. This is sick and it's time to shut this shit down. She's a child Kaycee, you cannot feel this way, you will not feel this way. You have a nice, incredibly attractive boyfriend, that's probably thinking of you right now.

The bell rang, instantly making me feel sad and relieved. I watched Jessica gather her things and slowly make her way to the door. She seemed relieved as well and I couldn't help but wonder why I am so mesmerized by her. She's beautiful of course; with her light, wavy brown hair, unusually green eyes, flawless bronze skin and perfect body, but there was something else about her..I couldn't quite figure it out. Maybe it's the way she carries herself, I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter anyway. She is my teenaged student and I'm her very adult teacher. As soon as she was out of my line of sight, I exhaled slowly and closed my eyes. My first day did not go as planned.

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