Chapter 16

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Still Jessica's POV

I ignored the 20 messages and missed calls from Kaycee and called in the next morning. I'm a coward, I know, but I just couldn't handle seeing her right now. My eyes were puffy and I looked like shit.

I spent the day working in my lab. The door was finished and I needed to start drawing up plans for the windows and front porch.

"What is wrong, Jess?" Aime said out of the blue.

I shouldn't be surprised, she has always been pretty observant. "I am ok, Aime. I ended things with the woman I was seeing and my heart hurts a bit."

"I am sorry, Jessica. I read that there is no bigger pain, than a broken heart. I wish I could help you." Aime said.

I sighed, then looked at one of her cameras and pretended it was her eyes. "I wish you had a body right now, Aime. I could use a hug from my best friend."

Aime was silent for a few seconds, then replied, "I wish I could hug you too. Here is a kitten."

The screen lit up with a fluffy, meowing, kitten and I couldn't help but laugh, as I wiped a tear from my eye. "Thanks Aime."

"You're welcome." Aime said.


My phone rang and this time it was Stephanie.

"Hey," I answered

"Hey. Are you ok? You never called yesterday and you weren't at school today. I called earlier, but you didn't answer." Stephanie said over the phone.

I closed my eyes, I can't believe I forgot to call her. "I'm really sorry, Steph. I got sidetracked yesterday and I just didn't feel well today."

There was a long pause before Stephanie spoke in a lower voice, "What is going on with you and Ms. Garrett?"

I clutched my heart that started racing, then answered in the calmest voice possible, "I don't know what you mean."

Stephanie scoffed, then said a bit louder, "Yeah right. I'm not blind, Jess. She was so angry yesterday, yet today, she was a complete mess. She didn't grade our quizzes and didn't bother teaching really, or give us homework. She looked like she had been crying all night and barely spoke in class. I could tell you were upset in her class yesterday, even before we got in trouble and you didn't bother coming to school today. So, I ask again, what is going on with you two?"

I had to come up with a believable lie, but in my panic, I could barely think. I blurted out, "Nothing is going on with us, I promise. Can we please drop it?"

"Not until you tell me what's going on." Stephanie simply answered.

I sighed, "Look, Steph. I shouldn't even say this, but even if there were something going on, there certainly isn't now, ok? Please don't say anything to anyone. We would both be in a world of trouble and I don't want to leave the school."

Stephanie hummed, then said, "We may not have known each other for a long time, but you're my closest friend. I am not a snitch and I would never betray you. Are you alright?"

I felt relief flood my body as I answered, "Thank you, Steph..and no, I don't feel alright. I've never dated anyone before, so these feelings are new. We were never intimate and it ended before we really began, but my heart is already invested. It hurts, Steph."

Stephanie sort of hummed with sadness, then said, "I'm so sorry. A broken heart is the worst fucking thing ever. I'll tell you what, give me your address and I will come over with chocolate and ice cream. It's not a cure, but it will help some."

"Yeah?" I asked

"Yes, I promise." Stephanie answered.

I gave her my address, then hung up the phone and cleaned up the small messes I made, while waiting for her. She showed up about 45 minutes later, holding up a bag filled with everything she promised.

We sat on my sofa and shared the ice cream and I told her everything, right down to my ending things. She just listened and didn't make a move to say anything, until I finished pouring my heart out.

"You love her." Stephanie muttered.

I choked on the ice cream in my mouth and Stephanie patted my back, until I quit coughing. "What? No, I don't. I can't this quick."

Stephanie made a tsk sound with her tongue, then said, "Love is a funny thing, my friend. You don't get to decide when, with whom, or how long it takes to fall; love decides for you."

I shook my head, then said, "No. I mean, I can't deny that there are strong feelings, but I don't think it's actual love just yet."

"Mmhmm. Ok. Well, maybe it's a good thing you stopped it. I'm sure nobody else knows, but if I noticed; it wouldn't take long for everyone else to as well." Stephanie hummed.

"Yeah..." I trailed.

Stephanie took a bite of ice cream, then said, "For what it's worth, I think you would have made a cute couple and honestly, you're crazy smart, it doesn't surprise me that when you finally decided to start dating, that you looked outside of the teenage dating pool. I'm just sorry that you're hurting from it. If you want, I'll kick her ass for you."

I snorted, then play punched her in the arm. "So, you're not weirded out that I may be gay?" I asked.

Stephanie shook her head, then answered, "Of course not. I wouldn't care if you were purple, you're my friend no matter what. Who you're attracted to doesn't define you as a person and I think you're a great person."

I blushed a little, then said, "Thanks Steph. You're a great person too. I'm glad we're friends."

"Me too, now stop with the mushy, eat this candy bar and turn on the vampire show." Stephanie said with a laugh as she shoved more chocolate in my face.

We finished off the rest of the snacks, then watched a few episodes of the latest vampire series, before calling it a night. Stephanie wound up staying the night and even though she stole the covers, I was still grateful she was there. I did feel a little better, but I was nervous about seeing Kaycee tomorrow. I wasn't sure how to act she my ex??

I don't know. Honestly, I'm still angry with her. I told myself that I was overreacting a few times, but when I think about it, she let her ex-boyfriend stay the night and didn't bother telling me. It's not like she didn't have the chance, which makes me think she was going to keep it a secret. Also, what was up with those flowers and the card she wouldn't let me read? She's hiding something and I won't be played the fool. I've been through too much.

No, I'm just going to get through this school year, then transfer next year. Yeah. Easy.

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