Chapter 31

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                   ~First and Last~

There's something to be said about our best laid plans.
We push and we pull. We do what we can.

The choices lay in front of us. It's up to us which path we choose.
The first was that of safety; I chose the door that led to you.

Back and forth, we fought and fell. We lost and then we won.
The world may not approve, but who are they to judge?

At the end of the day, it's what we do with our decisions.
I'm not sorry. You're not running. We may be free, but we're not finished.

Whatever you want.
Whatever you need.
Whatever the game,
I'll play it for keeps.

Take my hand, darling. Let me prove my worth.
There's a future waiting to make up for the past.
With a ring, with a promise. With a life you deserve.
You made me your first. Now, let me make you my last.

Kaycee's POV

One year, 4 months, 2 weeks and 5 days.

That's how long it took to heal, propose properly and sort out the mess of our lives, so I could stand here today, at the end of an aisle and wait for my beautiful Jessica to join me.

I wonder if she's nervous and having second thoughts. I'm not. It feels like I've waited my whole life to get here and I don't mind waiting another 10 minutes to make her mine forever.

I thought back to the beginning and how excited I was to finally make my teaching dream come true. Maybe I was being naive and put all of my eggs in one basket, so to speak. I never would have guessed it and I certainly didn't see this coming. Jessica took my life, the security and the comfort of it, then turned it all upside down. I wouldn't take it back if I could, she made my life infinitely better, just by breathing.

After I was released from the hospital, Stephanie moved in with us and Aime finally got her golden retriever puppy. She named him, "Connor." It made Jess laugh when Aime told her the puppies name and Jess had to explain to me that it's do with that movie, "The Terminator." Ha ha.

The fame was a hard thing to get used to and even now, we still struggle with it. The first few months, we gave interview after interview and even made a couple of televised appearances. Sometimes, we had to take a step back and hole up for a while to get our bearings again. It was all so overwhelming.

However, we did manage to use it in our favour.

We decided to get the upper hand when it came to Jessica's uncle and when he showed up again with the same demands; we fought back. We exposed him for the greedy, vindictive and disgusting piece of shit that he will always be and we did it on national television. Now, the world knows who he is and what he has done, so he can't show his face without being recognized and ridiculed.

He's currently suing us for defamation, but honestly, he'll never win.

We never sold Jessica's childhood home. She decided to have it remodeled and recently hired a full staff of therapists, that will provide counseling services for those struggling with depression; free of charge. Jess even managed to partner with a local pharmacy and with a doctor's prescription and provided voucher; they can receive their anti-depressants for free as well. I have never been more proud of her.


The music started up and I shook myself out of the last year of our lives and my eyes landed on that perfect, sweet, intelligent and incredibly sexy girl, that I will soon call my wife.

She walked slowly with her eyes focused on mine, almost as if she didn't want to lose a second of this moment and I couldn't help the barrage of feelings that flowed through me.

I love her. Oh my God, I love her so much and there are no words that could ever truly express the way I feel about her; so I will show her. For the rest of my life and probably in the next if I am so lucky, I will prove to her that she is my queen. That she will always be first. That she will never be alone. That she is the most important person to have ever existed on this earth.

I said this much and more in my vows.

She promised the same.

With Stephanie and Aime by our sides, we made the ultimate commitment. Unbreakable by our standards and that of the law, we took our first steps toward a life that other's could only dream of.

I am no longer Kaycee Garrett, but instead, Kaycee Prescott.

I fell in love with my student and I married her.

My goals have changed and my dreams have shifted.

I no longer dream of being a teacher; I now dream of being a mother.

Author's gibberish:
I know...I know..I rushed this story. I got bored with it and it's painfully obvious. Please don't hate me or let this deter you from reading my next student/teacher story, or other stories. It was brought to my attention that I tend to go too fast in my writing, so I will keep that in mind before I start the next one.
I really appreciate all of your votes and comments, they have meant the world to me and I hope I've brought even the smallest of smiles to your lips with this story.

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