Chapter 26

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Jessica's POV

I really like Kaycee's brother and sister. Elise is super sweet and I can tell that Jason is incredibly protective of his sister, because of the way he watches us closely when Kaycee and I interact with each other. He insisted that we all sit down together, so they could get to know me, but I knew I was going to get the third degree. I just hoped I could give him peace of mind.

I made tea for us and we sat in the living room, then Jason was the first to speak. Oh, here we go.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Jason asked me.

"A little over six months." I answered.

"Do you go to university?" He asked.

"Not yet." I replied.

"So you work instead? You would have to, because this house is yours, I presume?" He continued.

"I don't work and the house is mine. It's my childhood home, actually." I said.

"How can you afford to live here then? Is my sister financially supporting you?" He asked.

Kaycee spoke up, "Jason, stop being nosy."

He looked at Kaycee and said, "I'm not being nosy. I'm getting to know the girl that has your heart."

Kaycee shook her head. "There's getting to know her, then there's interrogating her."

Jason ignored his sister, then said, "You didn't answer my questions."

I arched my brow, then said, "I have my own money. Your sister doesn't support me financially, but if she did, it's her money; she can do what she wants with it."

Jason sat back, then narrowed his eyes at me. "How old are you?"

"Jason, no.." Kaycee growled.

Elise spoke up this time and it was directed at me, "Yeah, I was kind of wondering the same thing. You look pretty young."

I chewed on the inside of my lip and looked at Kaycee in question. She rubbed her temples, then answered for me. "She's 17."

"What?!" Jason yelled.

"Holy shit!" Elise called out.

The four of us sat in silence for what seemed like forever, until Jason spoke in a hushed voice, "I'm not going to like the answer to the question of where you met, am I?

Elise looked at us confused for a moment, then all of a sudden, realization dawned on her and she gasped. "No, fucking way!"

Kaycee moved closer to me and took my hand, then said to her siblings, "I know what you're thinking, but it's not like that. We didn't plan this, it just happened. I understand the risk, but we've been very careful and honestly, we're worth it. I can't..I can't live without her."

Jason closed his eyes, then opened them and took a deep breath before addressing me, "Look, I could tell from our earlier conversation that you are extremely intelligent, but you are very young...too young. Both of my sisters mean more to me than anything in the world and it's my responsibility that they don't get hurt. I know Kaycee better than she knows herself. I've seen her in relationships before, but I've never seen her like this.... So desperately in love. It's in her eyes. She has never looked at anyone the way she looks at you. I'm terrified of the consequences she will have to face if you betray her. I need to know who you are. I need to know that you are not using my sister. I need to know that you love her. I need to know what your intentions are and I'm sorry, but I can't support this, if I know she isn't safe."

Kaycee was about to speak, but I cut her off, "It's ok, baby." Then, I bore my eyes into Jason's and said in a gravely serious tone, "I understand that you're trying to protect your sister and your loyalty to her is commendable, but you do not need to worry anymore. I have her. I will protect her. I will take care of her. I will give her everything her heart desires and she will want for nothing. I will never hurt or betray her, because I do love her..more than anything or anyone. There is nothing more important to me than your sister. I would spend my fortune down to the last dime and die to defend her. She is my first and my last, there will never be another. I swear to you."

Kaycee put a hand over her mouth and turned her head to blink away tears. Jason sat in his seat stunned and Elise copied her brother.

Jason finally spoke, "How do I know you're telling the truth? You may believe all of that, but you're a kid. What will happen when your parents find out? The school? You may suffer a broken heart, but my sister will suffer much worse."

I flinched at his words and Kaycee said with a raised voice, "Enough! Stop attacking her! This is just as much my decision and she may be a kid to you, but she is not to me. Hell, she's more of an adult than I am most of the time!"

Jason sighed, "That doesn't make it any less illegal, nor does it pacify my concerns about what will happen when your teenage girlfriend gets bored or pissed off at you and turns you in. How much do you know about her? How much can you really know about anyone in just 6 months? How do you know you can trust her?"

Frustrated, I stood up and left to fetch some files from the office and when I came back, I dropped them on the table in front of Jason.

"You want to know me? You need peace of mind? I don't need to explain myself to you, but if you are truly that insecure, then please, have a look at the details of my private life. My mother's death certificate. My father's death certificate. The documents from my emancipation. My investments. Every single bank account. My whole life, from birth to now. Go ahead, take a look, it's all there. I have nothing to hide from you and certainly not from my girlfriend." I seethed.

Kaycee stood and put her arms around me, then said, "You don't have to prove anything to anyone. I trust you. Don't do this."

Elise stood as well and said, "Come on brother, look at them. Our sister is finally happy and who cares about the age difference? I don't know if you've been listening, but Jessica doesn't exactly speak like a teenager, nor does she act like one. Stop being a dick and try being supportive."

Kaycee let go of me to hug Elise. "Thank you, baby sister."

Elise hugged her back, then said, "You're welcome. I expect the same support if I find my one as well though."

Kaycee laughed, then said, "As long as he's good to you."

Jason watched his sisters interacting with a sweet look on his face, then he turned to me. "I apologize. Not just for interrogating you, but also because of everything you said. It couldn't have been easy to take care of yourself at such a young age and I respect you for it. I'm glad you found each other and I only wish good things for the both of you. Take care of my sister and if you hurt her..."

"I won't." I promised.

Our conversation lightened from there and we told Kaycee's siblings about our plans to move, along with everything else going on in our lives. We made dinner plans for a couple of weeks from now, when they could both come back into town.

After they left, Kaycee pulled me into a hug and said, "I'm sorry about Jason, he has always been so protective. You should have seen the grilling he gave Mark. Yours was mild compared to his, but he still shouldn't have pushed you like that."

I shook my head. "It's ok. I wish I had a brother like that. I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother or sister. You're pretty lucky."

Kaycee kissed my temple, then said, "We can share mine. They're crazy, but I can tell they like you. They will adjust to our relationship and probably bug you, just as much as they bug me. You'll see."

I laughed, then adjusted myself, so I could look in her eyes, "I love you, Kaycee."

She reached up and touched my eyebrow, then slid her hand down to cup my cheek, then said, "I love you. Forever."

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