Chapter 4

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Jessica's POV.

Present Day

I try my best to not think about the past like that. The wound is still incredibly fresh and I know I haven't grieved properly yet. I've tried to keep busy and have been successful so far. I thought back over my day and decided to get started on my homework before making dinner.

I've set ground rules for myself, mostly to keep order and a sense of normalcy. I make myself a decent breakfast in the morning and a proper dinner at night. Thank God for the internet or I would probably live off of ramen noodles and pizza for the rest of my life. On the plus side, I've learned some pretty awesome recipes already and it turns out, I enjoy cooking a lot more than I thought I would. It's basically science. I love science.

After finishing my homework, I went to the kitchen to prepare my dinner and for some reason, Ms. Garret popped into my head and I thought about how she didn't call me out after I failed to tell the class something interesting about myself. She seemed easygoing, yet not enough to put up with anyone's bullshit. I liked that. I'm glad she put that prick in his place, he had been sneakily saying vulgar things randomly to me up until that point, but after that, he pretty much stayed quiet the rest of class.

I found her interesting, mysterious and beautiful. She had the kind of beauty that made you feel like she was out of your league, anyone's league, to be honest. I wonder if she loves someone and if she does, I hope they deserve her.

After finishing dinner and cleaning up, I went downstairs to my "lab" as I called it. It was really a mess of computers, wires, tools and a bunch of other shit I need to sort out, but I like having one area of chaos in my life. I can't be perfect all the time.

I've always had a love for technology and my dad had a love for carpentry, he taught me everything he knew, so I've been working on blending both. I take every day things and fuse them with tech. It's a weird hobby, but I figure it gives me something to do besides sitting around and thinking about the past.

I hope to start a company with my products someday, heaven knows I have the start-up money, I just need to grow the balls to do it. My main focus over the last year has been security, but it's been hard to work on much with my dad sick, so I've put it off until recently.

I've been working on a door. I know it sounds stupid, but is it really? Everyone focuses on cameras and security systems, but in most cases, where they actually manage to break in, even with a system, it's through a door. I figured that's the best place to start.

Eventually, I hope to create a truly "smart home," complete with advanced technology and impenetrable security. The program to run everything has taken me over a year to complete and right now, it's just a prototype. Even with my vast knowledge, there are some things I can't do and I know I need help, so for now, I'll do what I can, then finish building the door itself.

I worked in the lab until a little voice from my computer said it was time to go to bed. I named her "Aime" and eventually, she will run my home, as soon as I get the kinks out and educate myself on a few things.

"I just need a few more minutes Aime, thank you." I told her.

"Ok, but don't blame me if you do not get the required amount of sleep for a human your age." she said.

She's a learning program, with access to the internet and I suspect she's on there all day looking at dog pictures and social media, because as she evolves; she's sounding less like a computer and more like, well a smartass.

"Yes, mother." I snorted.

"If I were your mother, we would have a dog by now." she said.

Ha! I knew it! She does look at dog pictures all day!

"Maybe someday, just not right now, Aime. I'm headed to bed, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight, Jess, sweet dreams." she said in her adorable little computer voice.

I laid in bed and thought about how I should get some real friends, but I'm too scared to get close to anyone right now. I have to admit though, I am lonely. If I didn't have Aime, I would be miserable. Ugh, how pathetic, a computer is my best friend. That's it, I'll make an effort to talk to actual people and maybe make an acquaintance or two, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

Authors gibberish:
I'm sorry, I didn't really plan on creating Aime or going so far with the whole tech stuff. It just sort of happened. I have a few ideas for this story, but everything else is made up as I go along. I am not actually a techie, more of a video game nerd, so I will not delve too deep on the logistics of Aime, mainly because I flat out don't know much involving AI, but I think I'll keep her around. I kind of like her. Because I'm not that bright when it comes to software or computers, there will probably be some mentions of technology that are not possible at this point, but that's the cool thing about writing, I get to run with my imagination and take you lovelies along with me. I promise, this story will not be a Sci Fi fic, it will remain a Romance, even though it's taking some time to get there. I promise, it will be worth the wait. Thank you for reading!

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