Chapter 27

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Still Jessica's POV

The weekend is finally here and we're getting ready to meet with the realtor. Kaycee was a lot more excited to go this time than last and I can only hope we find something today. I'm anxious to have a place to call our own.

The drive was longer than we expected to the first house and our realtor was way too antsy when we pulled up. Kaycee said it's because he stands to make a decent amount of commission, should we choose one of the houses today, because not a single one of them was less than a million dollars. I wonder if he'll help sell my home as well.

I liked this house, but Kaycee was not too keen. She wouldn't give me an exact reason, but I suspect she didn't get that, "homey feeling," as she called it.

The next one was a 20 minute drive from where we were and again, Kaycee hated it. It wasn't until we got to the fourth house, that Kaycee's eyes lit up. It was nothing less than a mansion, but it seemed lived in and had a warm feeling to it when we walked through the front door.

I'll admit, I didn't even look at the house really; I just watched her. The genuine smile never left her face and her eyes were so gorgeously bright, that it made my heart explode with happiness. I pretended to be interested in everything she pointed out with excitement, but I could barely take my eyes off of her. She looked beautiful and I saw my entire future flash in front of me. Our wedding in the courtyard, our children playing in the pool and splashing Steph as she laughs, Aime throwing a ball for her golden retriever. It was all there and it was everything I didn't know I wanted.

"We'll take it." I blurted out, interrupting the realtor up talking the neighborhood.

Kaycee turned to look at me and I swear, pure love was dripping from her smile. "You like it?" She asked.

"I love it." I smiled back.

Kaycee walked over to me and gave me a hug, then surprised me, by lifting me up and spinning me around, making us both laugh. She put me back down, then softly kissed my lips and whispered, "And I love you."

The realtor looked away awkwardly and said he would have the paperwork drawn up right away, then said to contact him after we have a loan secured. I told him that wouldn't be necessary and we will be buying it outright. This shocked him and he gave me a disbelieving look, but I wasn't offended. I know I look young. He probably thought I was fucking with him.

On the drive home, I made a decision that would be considered crazy, but if I'm a lesbian; I'm going to make stereotypical lesbian decisions dammit.

"On Monday, could you take the day off? I would like to add you to my accounts and we need to visit a few people." I hummed, never taking my eyes off of the road.

Kaycee looked like she was chewing her lip. "Why?"

I shrugged, "Why not? Besides, our new home will need furnished and decorated, bills will need to be paid, etc. I don't want to keep anything separate from you anyway. All the way, right?"

Kaycee just blinked for a moment, then finally said, "I'll make the call and take Monday off. All the way."


I woke Sunday morning to the amazing smell of breakfast, so I rolled out of bed and used the restroom, then cleaned my teeth. When I stepped into the kitchen, my mouth dropped. I was positive that drool fell out of my mouth and it was not because of the feast of food sitting on the island. My Kaycee was leaning against the counter and sipping coffee completely naked. I don't think I've ever seen anything more beautiful.

Her eyes were dancing as she asked over her coffee cup, "Hungry?"

I couldn't even speak. I ran my tongue over the back of my teeth, then nodded enthusiastically and hoped she knew I didn't mean for food.

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