Chapter 22

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Stephanie's POV

[Ahhh, I switched it up on you.]

Something is up with my best friends.. They weren't exactly being distant or anything, just extremely cordial to each other. They seemed fine last night, so whatever happened, must have occurred this morning. They weren't sneaking peeks at each other during class and when Kaycee asked Jessica a question, she just answered politely and seriously.

When Kaycee picked me up after school, I decided to take advantage of talking to her alone before we got to Jessica's house.

I got into the passengers side, then waited until Kaycee pulled out of my driveway to grill her. "Ok, what's going on with you and Jess?" I asked.

"Nothing." Kaycee mumbled, never taking her eyes from the road.

I rubbed my eyes in frustration, then said, "Oh, come off it. You guys are my best friends, I know when something is wrong and you're going to tell me; because if you don't, I'll figure it out using unconventional methods and we both know you don't want that."

Kaycee sighed, then said, "Fine. I found out how much money Jess really has and I'm freaked the fuck out. I'm literally broke and she could afford to live for a hundred lifetimes. It's making me feel insignificant and worthless. How could I ever measure up, Steph? I want to take care of her, not the other way around."

Oh my God. These two and their ridiculous drama, I swear.

I shook my head, then said, "You're being stupid again."

Kaycee looked at me in shock, then turned her attention back to the road and mumbled something under her breath.

I moved to face her as best as I could, since I was restrained by the seat belt and continued, "Look, Kaycee, you've been with her for 6 months, but by the way you both act; it seems like you've been together for years. You guys are endgame and you know damn well, that you're going to get married and make beautiful babies. nothing and isn't worthy of a fight, so get over your insecurity and appreciate the fact that Jessica loves you and has the means to give you the life you've always dreamed of and would do it without a second thought."

Kaycee seemed to be thinking and whether she meant to, or not, she blurted out, "She's a billionaire, Steph."

I rolled my eyes, then said, "So what. I already know this and I don't think anything different of her. It doesn't change who she is and if she didn't say it, you probably would have never guessed otherwise. She's the same old Jess that gets excited over saving $5 on tokens and spends hours talking to a computer program. She's weird, funny, loyal and in love with your dumbass, so grow the fuck up and accept her for all that she is, because God knows, she's done as much and more for you."

Kaycee slowly nodded her head and her face lit up with realization as she spoke, "You're right, I am being stupid."

I sat back in my seat normally, then crossed my arms and said, "Fucking right, I'm right. I'm getting tired of being your relationship therapist, get your shit together and do right by her from now on."

Kaycee sighed sadly, then muttered, "I know. I will, I promise and I'm sorry that you get caught in the middle. I appreciate your advice and it hasn't gotten past me that you're always there to pick up the pieces I break. You're my best friend too, Steph. I won't let either of you down."

I felt guilty for coming down on her, so I put my hand on her shoulder, then said, "I know you won't. I'm sorry for being bitchy; it's just, you two are so obviously meant for each other, but you don't seem to see it. I want you both to be happy and you're happiest together, so I will do everything in my power to make sure you guys remain that way. Did she ask you to move in yet?"

Kaycee nodded, then said, "Yeah, this morning."

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Nothing solid yet. She gave me keys and the security code to her house, but she wants to buy a house together and I can't exactly afford it." She answered.

Now I understand the weird vibes they were giving off today...They never finished that conversation and the decision is in limbo. "You should talk about it later. Don't leave it too long." I said.

Kaycee laughed, then said, "Still being our relationship therapist. You can't help it, can you? Why are you planning on going in to business after highschool? You're giving up on your calling, my friend."

I hummed at her words, but I let them sink in before saying, "You certainly didn't waste your calling. We're not even in school, yet here you are, guiding me in the proper direction, regarding my education."

Kaycee pulled into Jessica's driveway, then said, "Aw. You say the sweetest things."

"Grow up." I snorted, then got out of the front seat and moved to the back as Jess made her way to the car.

I stayed quiet as Kaycee said, "Hello, my love," to Jessica after she closed the car door.

Jessica looked a little surprised, but leaned over and kissed Kaycee, then said, "Hi, baby."

"Gawwwww." I goaded and Jess flipped me off.

The arcade was a blast. Kaycee and I spent most of our tokens on a racing game, trying to beat the other, and Jessica, who is not competitive at all; just rolled her eyes at us, then distributed her discounted tokens evenly among Pac-man and like games. We met up after an hour to fill up on pizza together, then decided to play laser tag for a while. I should have known that Kaycee and Jessica would gang up on me, because most of my hits came from them. Bitches.

After the arcade, we were too tired to do anything else, so we agreed on going back to Jessica's and watching our series until we fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, on one end of the sofa, while Jess and Kaycee were curled up together on the other end. It made me smile, because even though I know they haven't resolved anything, they still seem to wind up in each others arms. They're so fucking adorable and blind as shit.

I wonder if a maid of honour can be shared...

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