Chapter 30

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Jessica's POV

I swear to God, if Kaycee doesn't shut off her fucking alarm..

"Miss. Prescott?" I heard an unfamiliar voice say over the incessant beeping.

I blinked my eyes open, but quickly shut them from the bright light in the room. "Who are you and where is Kaycee?" I groaned as my body awakened and the pain began to ache in my bones.

"My name is Becky and I'm one of your nurses. I'll let you come to properly, then, I will answer any questions you may have." The voice said.

I drifted in and out of conciousness for an undetermined amount of time and was pleasantly surprised to wake fully to Stephanie's smirking face hovering over mine.

"Oh good, you lived." She said with a mischievous smile.

"Your breath stinks." I huffed and tried to push her away, but my arms felt heavy.

"Like you have room to talk and stop trying to move or you'll rip your stitches." Stephanie huffed as she backed away a little.

"My stitches? Where is Kaycee..and oh my God, Aime!" I said in a panic as the traumatic events flashed through my mind.

Stephanie laid her hand on my arm and answered, "Kaycee is down the hall, she had another surgery today, but she's strong. She keeps asking to see you. Aime had a few surgeries herself and is currently in the safe hands of Kim's father. He promised a video chat when you're up for it."

"What happened?" I choked out as I thought about my Kaycee in pain down the hall.

"So much," Steph began, "John shot off every round in his gun at the three of you, but was too injured to aim properly. He was arrested, but you were hit in your shoulder and abdomen. Kaycee only got shot once, but her injury was the worst. Aime was hit in 4 different places, but none of her wounds were fatal. We thought we lost all 3 of you, but Aime managed to protect you well enough, even with her serious wounds. Kim's father showed up with proof of his part of the patent on Aime, so they let him take her. Your story is trending on everything. The whole world is talking about your love story and the brave robot. It's crazy. You're all famous."

"Wh..what?" I managed to squeak out.

"Yeah, Aime is a genius. She knew what she was doing when she uploaded the video to everything she could hack into. She may have sacrificed your privacy, but I think she saw the potential outcome and went for it. Kaycee was fired of course, but I don't think they're even going to arrest her. That particular branch of government is in a world of shit. So many people have been forced to retire and there are investigations left and right." Stephanie hummed.

I laid there and took in her words as they washed over me. It will be harder for my uncle to threaten us if we're in the limelight, but then again, Kaycee and I will not be able to pick up a gallon of milk without being recognized now. I'm not sure if that is any safer really.

Stephanie snapped me out of my thoughts, "Hey, stop overthinking it. I can see you beginning to panic. We'll go one step at a time, alright? First thing you and Kaycee need to do is get better, then, we'll figure out a plan to get out of here."


It was 2 days before I was allowed to see Kaycee. I nearly dropped to my knees at the sight of her. She was asleep, but her left leg was in a cast and the right side of her face had a large, fading bruise. She was still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I drug my I.V. stand close to hers, then pulled a chair next to the bed and laid my head on her chest, careful not to disturb the tube running into her arm. A feeling of home rushed through me as I let the steady beat of her heart, comfort the part of my soul that was aching without her.

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