Chapter 5

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Back to Ms. Garrett

I slumped into my couch when I got home. My boyfriend, Mark, isn't here yet and I kind of regret asking him to come over tonight. I really just want to go over the assignments and have a nice glass of wine. I sighed as I got up and padded into my bedroom to get out of this bra and into some comfy sweats.

I heard a knock on the front door. Ugh, he's here already. When I opened the door, there was Mark, holding up a plastic bag and a bottle of wine.

"Hey baby, I got Chinese and figured you would need a little drinky after your first day." He said with a big grin.

He really does know me well, I shouldn't get so annoyed with him.
"Thanks babe, I'm starving!" I said before kissing him.

He came in and set everything down, while I gathered the plates and got him a beer. "Soooo, how was your first day?" He asked.

"It went well, I only had one troublemaker, but I don't think he'll be too much of a problem." I told him.

"Hmm, did you go all "teacher" on him then?" He said as he walked behind me and circled his arms around my waist.

I laughed, "Of course, but I think that particular class probably thinks I'm an uptight, bitch now."

He dropped his head and nuzzled into my neck, "I'm sure they don't love, how could anyone think my angel is a bitch?"

Damn him, he's so sweet. If he knew about the way I practically drooled over Jessica today, he would freak out. He doesn't even know that I'm bisexual and I doubt he ever will. I really am a bitch.

My parents are extremely religious and conservative, at least my mom is, I think my dad just goes along with whatever she says, but if they ever found out that I swing both ways, they would disown me. I had a girlfriend in high school and a "friend with benefits" at University that I managed to keep secret from them all this time. Mark is the same, but more dilute than them. He's only said he doesn't agree, but hasn't gone so far as to condemn homosexuality.

We sat and ate whilst Mark told me all about his coaching job at Roosevelt High School across town. He had a few more troubles than I did on his first day, but that is probably because of the difference in schools. He works at a truly public high school, where mine is more like a private school, but not as uppity or expensive. It's called Shoreline Magnet. We still have the same classes, but our school focuses on the kids' skills and talents. We have different wings dedicated to Writing, Technology, Art, Advanced Maths, etc. We even have a wing for our aspiring lawyers. It was my first choice when applying and I really got lucky.

We finished dinner and Mark decided to stay the night. So much for relaxing this evening. I settled at my desk, going over the assignments of the day, while Mark sat on the couch and watched television. My apartment is small, with only 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom, but the living room is decent sized, giving me enough room for furniture and a small office area. I'm glad these assignments are short, or I would be here all night. I finally got to Jessica's paper and my heart skipped a beat when I saw her name. I decided to take my time reading hers, maybe I'll learn a little bit about the mysterious girl.

By Jessica Prescott

I've learned to live with myself.
I have a routine, I have a plan.
I've learned to smile by myself.
It's been a while, but I will again.
I've learned to control myself.
It's better to stay within the lines.
I've learned to look at myself.
The mirror hasn't always been kind.
I've learned to speak for myself.
I have yet to find something to say.
I've learned to love myself.
Then maybe someday, someone will stay.

I read her poem 3 times. Something about it made my heart wrench. She seems so alone. If I were a person that actually cried, this would have done it and I can't help but want to know what's going on in her life.

I must have zoned out because Mark was shaking my shoulder. "Are you ready for bed, darling?"

"Sure, just let me finish up here." I finished up the rest of the assignments, then got ready for bed.

When I laid down, Mark leaned over and kissed me goodnight and tried to heat things up further. I knew where he was going with this, but I really wasn't in the mood tonight, so I told him as much. He huffed and rolled over, but didn't fuss too much. Thank God. I laid there and drifted off to sleep with images of Jessica running through my mind.

Authors gibberish:
I'm sorry this chapter is short and boring. I've been trying to introduce the characters, but it's taking forever.

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