Chapter 8

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Ms. Garrett's POV

I sat at my desk, absently tapping my pencil on the wood and staring at the clock. Ten more minutes and my last class will be scurrying through those doors. Jessica will be walking through those doors.

She has been a constant flow through my mind, since the first time I saw her. I tried everything to push her into the deepest depths of my brain, but I'll see a flash of green and will be reminded of her eyes. It's that simple. I've finally just given up and accepted the fact, that Jessica has made a permanent home at the front of my mind and will be living there from now on. I know it's wrong, but as long as I keep it to myself, it's not hurting anyone. Right?

The bell rang, forcing me out of my thoughts and back to the kids, scrambling to get to the door.

"Don't forget your assignment, due on Monday!" I yelled out.

There were groans and mutters, but mostly they agreed, before running out and into the hall.

I stood outside my door and waited for my last students of the day. I searched through the crowd of people, until my eyes finally landed on Jessica. I immediately felt warm as I unabashedly stared at her. She looked happy. She was talking to the girl that sits next to her in my class and their arms were linked. I felt a small surge of jealousy run through me and I wasn't sure if it was because Stephanie was touching her, or, if it's because she can and I can't.

I huffed and forced those feelings away as they approached me. They unlinked their arms and Stephanie went into the classroom first.

Jessica stopped and faced me, then said, "Good afternoon, Ms. Garrett."

I smiled. This is the first time she has spoken to me directly, other than to ask a question, or answer one of mine in class.

"Good afternoon, Jessica. How has your day been?" I asked.

I'm not sure why I asked that. Oh yeah, I do, because I don't want her to move away from me just yet.

She scrunched her nose, then said, "Well, it has been exhausting, to be honest. My chem partner tried to convince me that blowing up our project would be poetic. I'm pretty sure I failed my math test and I'm nervous about having some friends over later. How was your day?"

I was secretly taken aback. The normally withdrawn girl, actually seemed to open up a little and I felt lucky.

I tilted my head in thought, then said, "I may have you beat. It has been exhausting as well. My first class misread my instructions for their homework yesterday and not a single one of them did it right. I forgot my coffee this morning and was forced to drink the sludge in the teachers lounge and secretly, I did not finish grading everyone's papers last night, so this will be an easy class today."

I cannot believe I told her all of that. It's not professional and I feel as if I've dipped my toe in forbidden waters, but I also found it surprising, how easy it was to speak to her. It felt like a normal conversation between friends; not pleasantries between a teacher and her student.

Jessica didn't seem surprised at all. She just regarded my words, then said with a smile, "Nah, nope. I still win the award on most exhausting day, because it's not over yet."

I arched my brow and narrowed my eyes, then said, "How do you know my day isn't over after this? I may be required to attend my judgmental parents wedding anniversary, with my stuffy and extremely annoying boyfriend this evening."

I widened my eyes and put my hand over my mouth. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Jessica just nodded slowly, not seeming to mind the word vomit of personal information, then said, "Although I don't envy you, at least you don't have to entertain a group of teenagers, that you don't really know, in the sacred space of your normally peaceful and empty home. Nice try, though. I still win."

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