Marvel Imagines

De YeahItsMeSoph

446K 7.9K 2.5K

~The Marvel Avengers Characters~ It will be (Y/N) and a character below: Captain America (Steve Rogers) The W... Mais

The Avengers
The Avengers
The Avengers


8.3K 166 85
De YeahItsMeSoph

You sit in Tony's lab reading through a file on a HYDRA base that you knew the Avengers would soon go to. You looked at the pictures of wear it is and you think of how Steve's friend Bucky survived in there.

You didn't realize anyone came in until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your torso and squeeze you.

Your eyes widened in fear and you screamed.
You swung your elbow into the intruders face and they let go. You quickly grabbed the pocket knife in your pants pocket and held it to their throat.

"Mother fucking hell (Y/N)!" The intruder gasped out.

"Oh my god babe! I'm so sorry Tony!" You put the knife onto the table and helped him up.

"Well I know to never walk up behind you and hug you and try to be a nice boyfriend." He rubbed his throat.

"I'm sorry! You scared me!"

"I didn't try to scare you!"

"But you did!"

He sighed. "I'm sorry.... what are you looking at?" He raised his brow.

"Oh, just the file of the HYDRA base you guys are going to go to soon."

His mouth shaped an O. "Nice."

You stood there for a couple seconds until a look of remembrance shines in his eyes. "I have to show you something (Y/N)!" He grabbed your hand gently and lead you to his armor room. "C'mon!"

You followed him and you stopped in the middle of the room full of his Iron Man suits.

Even though you are dating the amazing Iron Man you still are stunned by them.

"Darling, close your eyes."

"Tony, that's dumb."

"Close them please."


He huffs and comes over to you and stands behind you. His body pressed against you as he places his hands over your eyes.

"FRIDAY open up the door." You hear him speak.

"Alright Sir." FRIDAY spoke out. You hear a door open. You get a bit exited wondering what he got you.

"Alright on three I'm going to let you open your eyes, ok?" He whispered into your ear. You nodded eagerly.



"Thr-" You tore his hands away from your eyes.

"ee..." he finished. And then you let out a gasp.

"Tony?! Is this for me?!" You practically scream.

"Yes! I built room in the front for you boobs." He winks at you chuckling.

You gawk over the Iron Man- or should you say Iron Woman suit. It was the exact colors as his.

"Oh my god Tony." You rush to him and hug him. You push up onto your tip toes and plant a loving kiss onto his lips.

"I like the way you thank me." He smirks. You just roll your eyes.

"I want to test this out!"


"Woah..." You breathe out as you and Tony fly through the air together.

"I know..." He spoke to you through the com.

You fly close to him just incase you messed something up and needed help.

"You are doing well for your first time, (Y/N)."

"Well I watch and learn from the best."

You hear a light laugh.


You look over at him. You guys just made it back to the tower. You land with the help of Tony of course.

"I need you to listen to me carefully."

You look up at him as you lift your helmet mask up.

"Yes, of course."

He grabbed your hands in his and sighed.

"You know you can't have this forever."

You frowned. "What do you mean."

His eyes saddened. "The Avengers and I have caused so much destruction throughout the world. And I think we should put our weapons away."

You frowned.

"Yes, Steve's shield. Clint's bow and arrows. Natasha's electric sticks. Yours and my suits."

You put your hand onto his cheek. You smiled a small smile up at him. "Whatever you think we should do, I'll go along with it."

He smiled and kissed you. "Thank you, (Y/N). Thank you so much."


"That fucking bastard!"

"Tony calm down, please, for me." You try to reason with him.

"He has started our own little Civil War!" Tony roared and threw his computer.

You flinched at his anger. "Tony... stop."

He turned to you. "No! You don't understand! He's trying to protect this jerk that...that... he killed my parents (Y/N)!"

Your eyes soften. You opened your arms. You see right in front of you, that one of most strongest super heroes, just broke in front of you. He sobbed. And walked into your arms. He cried onto your shoulder. "Shhh..." You hummed. "It's ok Tony. I'm with you with whatever you do." He nodded.


"What's the plan Stark?" Natasha spoke to Tony.

"We fight." He spoke. You stood next to Tony in your suit.

You saw that Steve and his team started walking towards you. And you guys started walking as well. Then they broke out into a sprint.

"They aren't stopping!" Peter spoke.

"And neither are we." Tony spat out glaring at Steve.

Tony blasted up into the air as your team sprinted off. You saw Rhodey do the same. You took a breath and blasted into the air.

Tony and Steve fought each other. You where scared for both of their safety.

He told you to fight against Sam. "(Y/N). Let's stop, you know Cap is right and Tony is wrong."

You blasted at him and he fell. "No. I love Tony and I'll stay by his side." You grunted out as he sent an electric disk at you and you fell. You blast back up from the ground.

Sam flew off after Rhodey as he chased Steve and Bucky in the quinjet.

You chased after Sam.

You could hear Rhodey yell to Vision. "Get bird boy off of me Vision! Now!"

Tony was yards away from you and a few yards above you chasing the Quinjet too.

You looked down and saw a yellow beam streaking up at you. "Tony!" You screamed as it struck you in the chest. It completely broke your suit. "FRIDAY! Help me, turn on!"

You where thousands of yards up in the air. "Help me Tony!" You scream.

You were falling, falling fast towards the ground. "T...Ton....y..." Your eyes rolled to the back of your head.

Tony saw you falling and he blasted down after you. "Give me back my (Y/N)!" His face was full of fear and anger.

"No (Y/N)!"

You struck the ground with a boom. Tony landed next to you and ran to you. He dropped to his knees.

"FRIDAY, check (Y/N)'s vitals."

FRIDAY responded with,

"No heart beat, sir."

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