Young Justice One Shots ✔

By flamingogoing

455K 9.1K 4.9K

(REQUESTS ARE VERY MUCH CLOSED!!) Ever wondered what it'd be like for a superhero to fall head over heels for... More

♡)Cookies||Kid Flash
♡)Mole||Red Arrow
♡)Villain||Red Robin||Part 1
♡)Pick Up Lines||Impulse
♡)Villain||Red Robin||Part 2
♡/☁)This Isn't the End||Impulse
♡)Día de Los Muertos||Blue Beetle
♡)Last Name||Kid Flash
♡)If I Could Tell Her||Robin
☁/☾)Satisfied||Nightwing||Part 1
♡)Only Us||Beast Boy
♡)Clings and Cuddles||Red Robin
♡/☾)Helpless||Nightwing||Part 2
♡)Scarab||Blue Beetle
♡)A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into||Blue Beetle||Part 1
♡/☾)Red String||Kid Flash||Valentine's!
♡/☾)Soulmate Countdown||Impulse||Valentines!
♡)Kiss the Girl||Red Robin||Valentine's!
♡)Voices in My Head||Blue Beetle||Part 2
♡)Think About You||Robin
♡)YouTube||Beast Boy
♡)Someone You Like||Superboy
♡)Nothing Like Us||Red Arrow
☁)The Bet||Robin||Part 1
♡/☆)Truth or Dare||Impulse/Blue Beetle
♡)The Bet||Robin||Part 2
♡)Post-it Notes||Red Robin
☁)Another Time, Another Chance||Nightwing||Part 1
♡)Another Time, Another Chance||Nightwing||Part 2
☁)Just a Dream||Kid Flash
♡)Not Evil||Icicle Jr.
☆)Just Something to Keep You Guys Entertained
♡)Blind Sight||Robin
☁)First Burn||Nightwing
☆)If You Went Grocery Shopping With Young Justice
♡/☁)Cracks||Beast Boy||Part 1
♡)It's Not Like I Like You||Impulse
☁)Curse of a Mirror||Blue Beetle||Part 1
♡)Cracks||Beast Boy||Part 2
♡)Curse of a Mirror||Blue Beetle||Part 2
♡/☆)If Kid Flash/Wally Was Your Boyfriend
♡)Symbiosi||Aqualad||Part 1
☆)Texting... with Young Justice Season 1
♡/☾)A Not-So Cinderella Story||Superboy
♡/☁/☾)Life and Death||Red Robin
♡)Symbiosi||Aqualad||Part 2
☆)The Show||Young Justice||Christmas!
☁)Let Go||Robin
♡)Confessed, No Regrets||Aqualad
♡)Scared||Beast Boy
☆)A Young Justice and Avengers Crossover
♡)Rewrite The Stars||Blue Beetle
♡)Sunrises||Blue Beetle
♡)Like You||El Dorado
REQUESTS ARE OPEN (along with some sad news)
☁)What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger||Nightwing
♡/☆)Fessing to the Family||Red Robin||Batfam!
♡)A Little Jealousy||Nightwing
♡)Pregnant||Young Justice||All Males! Part 1
♡)Pregnant||Beast Boy||Part 2 + I'm Sorry :,)

♡)Good For You||Robin

10K 152 128
By flamingogoing

Reader: Speedster, Kid Flash's Sister.

Summary: Robin breaks up with (Y/N) for Zatanna, thinking he knows what's best for himself. He soon finds that Zatanna only likes him for his outward appearances, realizing his horrible mistake.

KeyThis is you singing. 
           This is Artemis singing.
This is Wally singing.

           This is Wally and Artemis singing.

           This is you and Artemis singing.

            This is Robin singing.
           This is you, Wally, and Artemis singing.
          (N/N): Nickname


"Wait... you mean... you're breaking up with me?!", you asked, not believing it.

"Yeah.", Robin sighed.

"F-For Zatanna?", you asked again.

"Yes...", he said.

"Was I just your practice girl? Was I just your crash-test dummy this whole entire time so you could practice your moves and go after the big fish!", you breathed out, processing all this information.

"Did you even care for me? Did you ever even like me? Was everything you ever said real? Or... was it all acting?!", you said.

"Zatanna is really cool, ok? She's really nice and pretty!", Robin said.

"Oh, so after everything we've been through, you've always liked Zatanna? You just used me to get her jealous, huh!", you said.

"No! Yes-N- I don't know!", Robin shouted.

"So, everything we've been through was all fake to you!", you yelled, tears forming in your eyes.

"Maybe it was!!", he yelled back.

"Well, I actually cared about you! And then you suddenly go and dump me for Zatanna! Do you actually think I'm fine about this!?", you screeched.

"(Y/N), STOP IT!! You don't know what's good for me!! I want Zatanna! I do! I made my decision!! ", Robin yelled.

You stopped and stared at him.

"Good for you...?", you chuckled as tears trickled down your cheeks.

"Good for you?!", you laughed as tears came like a waterfall.

"Y'know what? I don't anymore....!", you sniffed, wiping away your tears.

"So you found a place where the grass is greener!", you started to sing.

"And you jumped the fence to the other side!", you sang, waving your hand around.

"Is it good? Is she giving you a world I could never provide?!", you sang, tears threatening to fall again.

"Well I hope your proud of your big decision!", you sang, walking over to Robin.

"Yeah, I hope it's all that you want and more!", you sang, shoving Robin slightly, making him stumble backwards.

"Now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before!", you sang, jabbing your finger on his chest.

"And you say what you need to say, so that you get to walk away! It would kill you to have to stay trapped when you got something new! Well, I'm sorry you had it rough! And I'm sorry I'm not enough! Thank goodness she rescued you!", you sang, chuckling to yourself at the same time.

"So you got what you always wanted! So you got your dream come true! Good for you! Good for you, you, you!", you sang, punching his arm. "Got a taste of a life so perfect, so you did what you had to do! Good for you! Good for you!", you finished.

You smiled at him through the tears.

"Good for you.", you sniffed and walked away.


Robin stood there, stunned. He had no idea you would feel that way. He felt a little bit guilty, but he only cared for Zatanna. Right?

Suddenly, Artemis stormed into the room.

"I can't believe you.", she hissed, venom laced in her voice.

"You were so desperate. You said if you couldn't have her, you would die.", she continued, glaring at Robin, "You begged me to help you. You were so happy together. Or so I thought."

Robin frowned at Artemis, "She'll move on."

"Easier said then done.", Artemis growled.

"Does it cross your mind to be slightly sorry?", Artemis started to sing, "Do you even care that you might be wrong?", Artemis sang.

"Was it fun? Well, I hope you had a blast while you dragged me along!", Artemis sang, shoving Robin, making him fall to the floor.

Suddenly, Wally showed up. An angry look on his face.

"I can't believe you broke up with my sister!", Wally yelled.

"She was broken when I saw her! I can't believe I let her date a playboy like you!", Wally screamed.

"You said you liked her. You begged me to help you. You were my best friend, and (Y/N) had a crush on you. So I let you have her. But, now I regret it.", Wally growled.

"And you say what you need to say! And you play who you need to play! And if somebody's in your way, crush them and leave them behind!", Wally sang.

"Well I guess if I'm not of use! Go ahead, you can cut me loose! Go ahead now, I won't mind!", Wally and Artemis sang together, tears forming in their eyes.

You entered the room with red, puffy eyes.

"I'll shut my mouth and I'll let you go. Is that good for you? Would that be good for you, you, you?", you sang, walking towards Robin.

He takes a step backwards and bumps into Artemis.

"I'll just sit back while you run the show! Is that good for you? Would that be good for you, you, you?", you and Artemis sang together.

Robin takes another step backwards in the other direction and bumps into Wally.

"I'll shut my mouth and I'll let you go...", you, Artemis, and Wally began to sing together.

"All I need is some time to think! But the boat is about to sink!", Robin began to sing, dropping on his knees.

"Is that good for you?...", you, Artemis, and Wally continued to sing.

"Can't erase what I wrote in link!", Robin sang, covering his ears.

"Would that be good for you, you, you?!", you all except Robin sang.

"Tell me how could I change the story?", Robin sang, tears flowing freely.

"I'll just sit back while you run the show!...", you sang with Artemis and Wally again.

"All the words that I can't take back!Like a train coming off the track! 'Cause the rails and my bones all crack!, Robin sang.

"Is that good for you? Good for you?!", you sang again with your brother and your best friend.

"I've gotta find a way to stop it, stop it, just let me out!!", Robin sang.

"So you got what you always wanted! So you got your dream come true! Good for you! Good for you, you, you! Got a taste of a life so perfect, now you say that you're someone new! Good for you! Good for you! Good for you! Good for you!", you sang together, circling around Robin.

"So you got what you always wanted!", you all finished.

You stared at Robin as he looked up at you.

"Go on. I won't mind.", you whispered, looking away. With that you raced out of the room, Wally following behind you.

Robin sighed and ruffled his hair. What had he done?


"Hey, Zatanna?", Robin suddenly spoke up.

"Yes, Robin?", Zatanna said, looking up from her phone.

"Why do you like me?", Robin asked.

"Um, that's obvious! You're cute!", Zatanna giggled.

"Ok... I'm cute, but what else?", Robin asked.

"Uh... y-you're smart... you're handsome... um...", Zatanna trailed off.

"That's it? Isn't there anything else?", Robin asked, stunned.

"W-What else... is there?", Zatanna sputtered.

At that moment, Robin remembered the moment he asked you that exact same question.


"Why do you like me?", Robin asked, curious.

You giggled, "I just love everything about you!"

Robin groaned and smiled, "Specifically."

You chuckled and ruffled his hair, "You're smart and courageous. You're always there for people. You're always so nice, because you don't want other people to go through the same pain as you did. And, I respect that. You're also SUPER flexible, it's scary! You're also a really good hacker, and you could also make a good leader for the team in the future. Batman underestimates you too much. You're also always there for me. My shoulder to cry on, my personal body pillow. You would even come to my house at 1 AM in the morning to comfort me if I had a nightmare. To top it off, your adorable use of words!", you softly said.

"What? I'm not cute to you?", Robin pouted at you.

You laughed, "No, it's not like that! I just think that your heart is more important than your looks."

Robin smiled at you and kissed your temple.

"I love you.", he whispered, "I love that you're always there for me. You know my past, and so your always there to comfort me when I feel broken about it. You're there for me when I doubt myself. You're the one who helps me stand on my two feet, continuing my life. When I feel like I'm nothing, when I think I let them see the worst of me, you're the one who comforts me, and you make me feel like I'm something special. Something precious. You're smart, brave, beautiful, strong, and so on. You're my everything, (Y/N). I love you so much."

You smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you, too."

~~End of Flashback~~

It was that moment Robin realized he made a big mistake. All this time he was comparing Zatanna to you, he actually wasn't. He was comparing YOU to Zatanna. He thought he loved Zatanna, but he actually didn't. He loved you.

"I-I made a mistake.", Robin whispered.

He stood up, startling Zatanna.

"R-Robin? Where are you going? W-What are you doing?", Zatanna asked, confused.

"I made a mistake, Zatanna.", Robin said simply and walked away, hoping to run into you.

He bumped into Artemis, making her turn around. Her eyes darkened when she saw Robin.

"Oh, it's Mr. Play-boy! Where are you going? Looking for your GIRLFRIEND?", Artemis snarled.

Robin gulped and looked down.

"I'm looking for (Y/N).", he quietly said.

Artemis's eyes narrowed, "Oh, so you wanna brag about how Zatanna is SUCH a GREAT girlfriend to (Y/N)'s FACE, right?!", she said sarcastically.

"N-No. I'm here to apologize.", Robin said.

Artemis glared at Robin, but eventually sighed.

"Fine. But if you make her cry AGAIN, I will KICK you where the sun don't shine.", she spat.

Robin shuddered and timidly nodded.

"She's in her room.", Artemis grumbled.

Robin sheepishly laughed and walked to your room.

He knocked on your door.

"I'M FINE, WALLY, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!", a voice shouted from the other side of the door.

"(Y/N)? It's... It's Robin.", Robin nervously said.

You stayed silent, not daring to make a sound. Why had Artemis let him come? He was the last person you wanted to see.

"Go away.", you grumbled.

"I'm not going away until you open this door! Please, (Y/N)!", Robin said desperately.

You sighed. Robin wasn't leaving anytime soon. He was stubborn. He would just keep on whining until you opened the door. You dragged yourself to the door and sloppily opened the door, plastering a fake smile on your face.

"Hello, Robin! Nice seeing you! Ok, bye!", you sweetly said, preparing to slam the door in his face, but he stuck his foot between the door frame and the door.

"Please, (N/N).", he begged.

You sighed and opened the door wider, not looking at him.

"I-I'm sorry, (Y/N)! I made a mistake!", he said.

"Oh, so now you realize you made a mistake.", you mumbled under your breath.

"I'm really, really sorry... please, (Y/N)!", he said.

You looked him in the eye, "No."

You were about to close the door, when suddenly-

"I never meant to make it such a mess.", he started to sing, making you stop.

"I never thought that it would go this far.", he softly sang.

"So I just stand here, sorry. Searching for something to say... something to say!", he sang, tears filling his eyes.

"Words fail. Words fail... there's nothing I can say...", he sang.

You looked at him. His eyes were full of regret, sadness, and...


"I guess I thought I could be part of this. I never had this kind of thing before.", he continued.

"I never had that perfect girl who somehow could see the good part of me!", he sang, caressing your cheek.

"I never had the dad who stuck it out. No corny jokes, or baseball gloves!", chuckling sadly at the end, "No mom who just was there 'cause mom was all that she had to be!", he sang.

By this time, Wally and Artemis were peeking around the corner. Wally was watching the scene with wide eyes. Artemis's hand was clapped over her mouth, eyes filling with tears.

You opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off.

"That's not a worthy explanation! I know there is none! Nothing can make sense of all these things I've done!", he sang, choking up.

"Words fail, words fail! There's nothing I can say. Except sometimes, you see everything you wanted and sometimes, you see everything you wish you had and it's right there, right there, right there in front of you!", he sang, tears flowing like a waterfall.

"And you want to believe it's true.", he sang, sniffing.

"So you... make it true.", he sang, smiling sadly at you, "And you think everybody wants it... and needs it... a little bit... too."

You stood there, stunned. You didn't know what to say. But you didn't have to. He continued to sing.

"This was just a sad invention. It wasn't real, I know.", he sang, wiping away the tears you didn't know were trickling your cheek.

"But we were happy. I guess I couldn't let that go. I guess I couldn't give that up. I guess I wanted to believe. 'Cause if I just believe. Then I don't have to see what's really there.", he sang. Your eyes widened as he hugged you, crying his heart out.

"No, I'd rather pretend I'm something better than these broken parts. Pretend I'm something other than this MESS that I am. 'Cause then I don't have to look at it, and NO ONE gets to look at it, no! No one can really see!~", he sang, grabbing your hands.

"'Cause I've learned to slam on the break! Before I even turn the key! Before I make the mistake! Before I leave with the worst of me! I never lead with the worst of me!", he sang, looking into your (E/C) eyes.

"I never let them see the worst of me!", he sang, crying even harder.

"'Cause what if everyone saw?", he sang softly, clutching his chest.

"What if everyone knew?", he sang quietly, closing his eyes tightly.

"Would they like what they saw?", he sang, silently sobbing.

"Or would they hate it too?", he whispered, making your eyes widen.

"Will I just keep on running away from what's true?", Robin sang.

"All I ever do is run.", he sang.

"So how do I step in... step into the sun? Step into the sun?", he finished, hugging you tightly again.

You silently let out a cry and hugged him back tightly. You both cried for what seemed like forever.

"I-I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so, so, so sorry. I made the biggest mistake of my life. I love YOU, and only YOU. I never loved Zatanna. All those words I said to you were true. I was just blinded by my own heart. You're the one who's there for me. You're the one who picks me up when I'm down. You're the one who comforts me when I feel as if I might break. So, please don't leave me, (Y/N). Please don't-", Robin sniffed.

"I forgive you, Robin. I'll never leave you, Baby bird.", you softly said, running your hand through his raven-black hair.

He pulled away and softly kissed you. You made a sound of content and closed your eyes, kissing back. It was a short, but sweet kiss. You smiled into the kiss as another tear slid down your cheek. But the tear was not because of sadness. No, it was....



Ok, this was WAY longer then usual. I hope you enjoyed it! I know I'm doing a LOT of Dick Grayson, but I just can't think of ANYTHING else! Please comment some requests! Should I do a BMC one? Y'know, Be More Chill? Should I do that? Anyways, thanks for reading! BAI~

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