For the Better

By inactiveuser

4.9K 36 12

Elise was a normal 16 year old living in the middle of nowhere. But soon, her life gets turned upside down wh... More

For the Better
Now, why did this happen to me?
Phone Calls and mad Best Friends
The bestest fan
Backstories and Movie Night
on the road
Time to go out!
a Black Jack birthday
New experiences...
Concert time!!!!!
Oh no...
Just a rant from Challen, please read.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Skyping hurts
Life's a Bitch
Happy times!
Well, Dang.
Mr. Perverted Little Creeper Man
Insert Chapter Name Here
Pranks and Latin Yelling
The Affects of Multiple Calls
The Long-Awaited Concert
My Gay New Friend
Author's Note

Mickey D's

116 0 0
By inactiveuser

A/N so Lauren, Alexa and the rest of the boys arent in this chapter :( sorry. AND SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT I HAVE A TERRIBLE BLOCK WHEN IT COMES TO THIS STORY!!!! Any ways, here ya go! Oh, i made a Twitter finally! So follow me @INRanger4412 for updates on both stories and anything else that pops into my head! Bye!

            “I. SO. TIRED.” I groaned when I finally made it to Niall’s apartment.

            “How? Normally, I’m just hungry after a performance.”

            “Yeah, but you didn’t perform in heels.” I yelled while flopping down on his bed.

            “And I am so glad I didn’t.” He chuckled and flopped down next to me. We sat there staring at the ceiling in silence. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, it was sweet and peaceful. After about five minutes of silence, I got bored.

            “Hey Niall, you wanna help me make a Twitter?” I rolled over on my side and asked him.

            “Yeah buddy!” he grinned. I ran over to Liam’s apartment and got my computer and ran back.

            “Okay, what should my name be?” I asked.

            “Uhm, how about this?” he typed in Elise_Richards_95. Yay! It was available! After setting up my twitter account, Niall pulled out his phone and typed something before shoving his phone back in his pocket. My computer beeped and saw that I had my first notification!

            NiallOfficial: Go follow Elise at @Elise_Richards_95 she finally made a Twitter!

            I climbed up to about 2,000 followers ten seconds after that tweet was sent out. Holy damn. I have no words for that…

            @Real_Liam_Payne is now following you!

            @Harry_Styles is now following you!

            @zaynmalik is now following you!

            @Louis_Tomlinson is now following you!

            And cue the notifications… wow… I was up to five hundred thousand followers when Niall cleared his throat.

            “I think it’s time to go to bed. Twitter will be there in the morning.” He teased. I stuck my tongue out at him before crawling into bed next to him. Surprisingly, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

            “Elise *poke* wake *poke* up *poke*.” Who is doing this to me? I NEEDS MY SLEEP! I groggily opened my eyes and saw a pair of sapphire eyes looking back at me.

            “What?” I slurred.

            “Wanna go get breakfast?” Niall asked.

            “Yeah sure, just let me get ready.” I crawled out of Niall’s arms and went back over to Liam’s apartment to shower. I showered and took my contacts out, my eyes pretty much thanking me for letting them rest. I put my glasses on and dried my hair before putting on a pair of Nike shorts and a shirt that says BAZINGA! on it. Oh, how I love Big Bang Theory. I brushed my teeth and didn’t even bother with makeup before slipping on black Toms and meeting Niall out in the hall. We intertwined our fingers and walked into the elevator.

            “Hey, what time is it?” I asked.

            “Around five.” He answered after looking at his watch.


            “Yeah.” He chuckled.

            “You’re lucky I love you.” I mock glared at him.

            “I love you too.” He smiled and pecked me on the lips before the elevator doors slid open. Niall pulled me out of the elevator and out of the lobby, where barely anyone was walking the streets of London. One word can describe this. Weird. Abso-frickin-lutely unnatural.

            “Where to?” he asked, giving my hand a light squeeze.

            “Someplace open.” I said. We stopped in our tracks and looked around, getting yelled at in the process by the very few people out and in a hurry.

            “McDonalds ok?” he asked. My stomach growling gave him his answer. We both laughed it off and he pulled me to the nearest McDonalds.

            “Hello, what may I get for you?” a very tired looking employee asked us.

            “I’ll have two Egg McMuffins and a large drink please.” Niall ordered his food and began to take out his wallet when I stopped him.

            “No. I got it.” I smiled up at him. He shook his head and I snached his wallet from his hands and shoved it in the elastic of my shorts before handing the cashier the money. She handed us our cups and I walked over to the drink machine. I pressed the cup against the little lever thing to make Coke come out, but nothing happened. I tried again. Nothing. This is getting a bit frustrating. I pressed harder and a huge thing of Coke just attacked my cup, making me jump and scream a little.

            “Devil Coke machine.” I muttered. I filled my cup up and placed a lid on it while the lady called us to get our food, seeing as we were the only ones in the restaurant. I grabbed the two bags and walked over to a table and Niall sat across from me.

            “I could have paid for that.” He held out his hand. I placed his wallet in it and smiled at him.

            “Well, you didn’t. So suck it up and enjoy your food.” I chuckled. He smiled at me and dug in, where as I tried to look civil and eat like a normal person. Screw normal. I finished both of my Egg McMuffins and almost downed my coke before Niall even got to his third pancake. I leaned back and chuckled silently at the sight of him trying to stuff an entire pancake in his mouth. Well, he did it. He looked at me with a triumphant look on his face, and then proceeded to eat the rest of his food. I started laughing, and then the sound of a camera went off. I stopped and looked at Niall who was typing something into his phone.

            “What’s up?” I asked. He didn’t say anything, just showed me the picture of me laughing that he saved as his wallpaper.

            “Wow. I look like I’m having a serious spazz attack!” I laughed.

            “No, you look happy, and that’s how I always want you to be.” he smiled his adorable smile at me. I smiled back and lent across the table and kissed him full on the lips. Snap. I pulled back and looked out the window to see full on paparazzi mob with some fan girls here and there. Great.

            “Dammit.” He cursed and grabbed my hand. “You ready?” he asked. I nodded and we ran out of the McDonalds and straight past the photographers. I made the mistake of looking over my shoulder and saw around 3-4 hundred people running after us. Which almost made me trip and slow down.

            “Niall? Is it true that Elise is pregnant with your child?” One reporter screamed louder than the girls.

            “Dumbass Mofo’s.” I muttered and sprinted harder, successfully pulling him along with me. One more block to go! When I thought I couldn’t run any faster or any harder, we ran into the lobby. The doors closed behind us, closing us off from our pursuers.

            “Coach Anna should be so proud of me right now.” I said when air finally decided to go back into my lungs. We walked into the elevator and Niall almost collapsed on the floor.

            “Woah there, you alright?” I asked wile putting an arm around his body for support.

            “Yeah.” He took a deep breath, “Just never had to run that fast before.” I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him. We arrived on our floor and I basically had to drag Niall into his apartment. He fell on the couch and I went into his room and got my computer. After logging on to Twitter, a smile creeped its way onto my face about what I was writing.

            Elise_Richards_95: Successfully made it out of Micky D’s alive! Can’t say the same for @NiallOfficial tho, poor lad can't handle a run ;)

            “Very funny!” Niall yelled sarcastically from the living room.

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