cameron dallas little sister...

By RidinOnJerry

11.7M 230K 122K

Highest Rank: #19 First Book: Badly Written!! Read at your own risk LOL! Kaye is Cameron Dallas little sister... More

Cameron Dallas Little Sister • Magcon Fanfic
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Chapter 33 •
• Chapter 34 •
• Chapter 35 •
• Chapter 36 •
• Chapter 37 •
• Chapter 38 •
• Chapter 39 •
• Chapter 40 •
• Chapter 41 •
• Chapter 42 •
• Chapter 43 •
• Chapter 44 •
• Chapter 45 •
• Chapter 46 •
• Chapter 47 •
• Chapter 48 •
• Chapter 49 •
• Chapter 50 •
• Chapter 51 •
• Chapter 52 •
• Chapter 53 •
• Chapter 54 •
• Chapter 55 •
• Chapter 56 •
• Chapter 57 •
• Chapter 58 •
• Chapter 59 •
• Chapter 60 •
• Chapter 61 •
• Chapter 62 •
• Chapter 63 •
• Chapter 64 •
• Chapter 65 •
• Chapter 66 •
• Chapter 67 •
• Chapter 68 •
• Chapter 69 •
• Chapter 70 •
• Chapter 71 •
• Chapter 72 •
• Chapter 73 •
• Chapter 74 •
• Chapter 75 •
• Chapter 77 •
• Chapter 78 •
• Chapter 79 •
• Chapter 80 •
• Chapter 81 •
• Chapter 82 •
• Chapter 83 •
• Chapter 84 •
• Chapter 85 •
• Chapter 86 •
• Chapter 87 •
• Chapter 88 •
• Chapter 89 •
• Chapter 90 •
• Chapter 91 •
• Chapter 92 •
• Chapter 93 •
• Chapter 94 •
Where We Stand

• Chapter 76 •

94.7K 2.2K 1.6K
By RidinOnJerry

• Hayes POV •

The night was going really well, until Kaye got upset. She went to the bathroom and we all looked at each other.

"What happened? She was just fine a second ago." Casey said. "I'll go see." I said. "She went into the girls bathroom, let on of the girls check on her." Jordan said.

"She needs me." I said. I went to the girls bathroom and she was drying her tears.

I opened my arms and she hugged me. "I screwed up Hayes." She cried. "How? What happened?" I asked. She gave me her phone and I looked to see text messages.

I guess Matthew wanted to meet his fans, so he was going to have a meet up tonight, but he promised Kaye he was going to be with her tonight and Kaye got mad so Kaye being Kaye, started going off.

It got really bad and Matthew just called everything off and it's basically Kaye's fault on why his fans are upset.

"I don't know why, but his fans make me so jealous, I just feel like they're more his than he is mine." She cried.

It was Kaye's fault, but I understood where she was coming from.

I texted Matthew off of her phone

To Matty Boo: This is Hayes. look man, she feels terrible about this. don't call the meet and greet off, it'll just make it worse.

From Matty Boo: I already did. I feel like I can never win with Kaye, I put her before my fans. I love my fans and I want to show them that, but Kaye just always gets upset about it. I don't know what to do anymore

To Matty boo: Do it tomorrow, Kaye won't care because she feels bad, she really does Matt

From Matty boo: Make sure she's not hard on herself about this, thanks man. tell her I love her.

I put her phone in my pocket and she looked at me. "He's gonna do it tomorrow, but he said he loves you." I said.

"I don't see how he does, all I do is bitch about everything lately." She sighed, "how could he not love you?" I chuckled.

Kaye and Matthew had a relationship that was meant to be, no matter what happens they'll never get over each other.

"I love you." She said. "I know." I smirked and she laughed. We walked back out and went to the table.

"Jordan said she wasn't feeling good, so she went back to the hotel." Mikayla said. "Oh, okay." I said a little upset.

"Can we go get cake. It's Mikayla's birthday." Madison said. "You're just using me for a reason to get cake." Mikayla said.

"Well duh." Madison joked. "Come on, let's go get cake." I said. I put my arm around Kaye and Mikayla.

"I got bitches and hoes, bitches and hoes." I rapped.

They stopped walking and they looked at me. "You're about to have a black eye." Kaye said. "And a broken arm." Mikayla asked.

I laughed nervously and took my arms off of them.

"JUMPING ON THREE!" I yelled jumping on Casey's back. "Fucking shit Hayes, you're heavy." She groaned.

"Well damn." I said. I smirked looking at Madison. "I'll cut your dick off, don't try anything on me." She said.

"You guys are mean." I said. "I'm not mean." Ally smiled. "That's why you're my fave." I smirked, putting an arm around her.

"That doesn't mean you can touch me." She said.

The girls laughed and I rolled my eyes.

We walked into to cupcake shop and got a dozen cupcakes.

"Happy birthday to me." Madison sang, eating her cupcake. We all looked at her. "What? Are you looking at." She snapped.

"Nothing." We said.

I walked the girls back to the hotel room, before going to Jordan's hotel room.

I knocked on the door and she answered.

"What?" She asked. "Are you okay? You said you weren't feeling well." I said. "Wow, you actually care?" She asked.

"Of course I care, I want to make sure yore okay. Do you need anything?" I asked. "Yeah, my boyfriend before he met Kaye." She said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked. "It means that ever since you met Kaye it's been all about her, I like Kaye I do. but whenever there is something wrong with her, you're always the first to make sure she's okay. Hayes, what about me? You used to always be there, but lately you're not." Her voice cracked and her eyes started to water.

"I just miss you, I miss you a lot. I miss you always worrying about me when I'm not with you, I miss you sending me cute texts out of the blue, I miss you Hayes." She cried.

I went to hug her, but she stopped me.

"I can't do this, we need to take a break Hayes." She sighed. "W-what." My voice cracked. "I'm sorry, I have to go." She said closing the door.

She opened it back up and kissed me, "When the old Hayes comes back, tell him his girlfriend needs him." She said and closed the door back.

I walked down the hotel room and I tried not to cry, I didn't want to. I love Jordan and I don't want to take a break.

I went back to the hotel room and knocked on the door. I heard Kaye's laugh and she opened the door.

Her smile faded when she saw me. She stepped out closing the door. She didn't say anything, she just wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me.

I wrapped my arms around her torso and rested my head on her shoulder. "We're done Kaye." My voice cracked, "Me and Jordan aren't together."

"Oh my gosh Hayes, I'm so sorry." She said and rubbed circles in my back. I shed a few tears, but I wasn't crying.

I pulled away and she wiped my tears. "Come on." She said. She took my hand and took me down to the pool.

"It's closed." I chuckled. She shrugged and opened the door. We went over to the pool and dipped our feet in.

I told her what happened and she felt bad.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault." She sighed. "No it's not, I should have made time for her." I sighed. She leaned her head on me and I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Promise to never leave me." I said. She looked up at me. "What?" She asked. "I make a lot of stupid decisions and I say a lot of stupid things, please don't leave." I said.

"I won't leave you, if you don't leave me." She smiled. "Promise." I smiled and kissed her cheek. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

She stood up and I did too. "Jump." She said. "You jump." I smirked. She grabbed my hand and jumped, pulling me in.

"Not cool!" I yelled. She laughed and we heard someone. We looked over to see a worker.

"Please come with me." She said. We got out of the pool and followed her. She took us to a manager, who took us to her office.

"I feel like I'm in school and I just got sent to the principles office." I chuckled. "I know right." She laughed.

The manager told us how it's not safe to be swimming when there isn't anyone around.

We left and went back to the hotel room. She swiped the room key and we walked in.

"Why are y'all wet?" Madison asked. "We went swimming." I said. We got changed and Kaye went to sleep early.

• Kaye POV •

Matthew wasn't texting me back and I got really upset about it.

To Matty Boo: please text me back, I'm so sorry.

To Matty Boo: Matthew!

To Matty Boo: Text back if you love me :/

I laid on my bed, waiting for him to text back.

I threw my phone across the room and started crying. I laid down, covering myself with the blanket.

"Kaye?" I heard. "Please go away." I cried. "Kaye." Hayes said. "I said go!" I yelled at him.

I stood up and pushed him out of the room and closed the door. I leaned against the door and sat on the floor.

I soon got up and put on Matthews sweater. I laid back down and my door opened. I didn't bother saying anything.

The other side of the bed sunk down and the person pulled me into their chest.

I noticed it was Matthew. "I love you so much baby." He said and kissed my forehead. I didn't say anything, I just cuddled into him and went to sleep.


Yo girls back! Lol sorry I was busy

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For the next chapter!

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