cameron dallas little sister...

By RidinOnJerry

11.7M 230K 122K

Highest Rank: #19 First Book: Badly Written!! Read at your own risk LOL! Kaye is Cameron Dallas little sister... More

Cameron Dallas Little Sister • Magcon Fanfic
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Chapter 33 •
• Chapter 34 •
• Chapter 35 •
• Chapter 36 •
• Chapter 37 •
• Chapter 38 •
• Chapter 39 •
• Chapter 40 •
• Chapter 41 •
• Chapter 42 •
• Chapter 43 •
• Chapter 44 •
• Chapter 45 •
• Chapter 46 •
• Chapter 47 •
• Chapter 48 •
• Chapter 49 •
• Chapter 50 •
• Chapter 51 •
• Chapter 52 •
• Chapter 53 •
• Chapter 54 •
• Chapter 55 •
• Chapter 56 •
• Chapter 57 •
• Chapter 58 •
• Chapter 59 •
• Chapter 60 •
• Chapter 62 •
• Chapter 63 •
• Chapter 64 •
• Chapter 65 •
• Chapter 66 •
• Chapter 67 •
• Chapter 68 •
• Chapter 69 •
• Chapter 70 •
• Chapter 71 •
• Chapter 72 •
• Chapter 73 •
• Chapter 74 •
• Chapter 75 •
• Chapter 76 •
• Chapter 77 •
• Chapter 78 •
• Chapter 79 •
• Chapter 80 •
• Chapter 81 •
• Chapter 82 •
• Chapter 83 •
• Chapter 84 •
• Chapter 85 •
• Chapter 86 •
• Chapter 87 •
• Chapter 88 •
• Chapter 89 •
• Chapter 90 •
• Chapter 91 •
• Chapter 92 •
• Chapter 93 •
• Chapter 94 •
Where We Stand

• Chapter 61 •

107K 2.2K 2.5K
By RidinOnJerry

One week later

• Kaye POV •

"I'm gonna cry." I frowned. Matthew sighed and kissed me. "I don't want to leave, but you start school next week and so do I." He said.

"What's going to happen to us?"

I asked my voice cracking.

"I have to let you go Kaye." He sighed. "You can't be serious." My eyes started to water.

He took my hand and I let the tears fall.

"I don't want to be the reason you're holding back on someone you catch feelings for when I'm not here. Long distance is hard." He said.

"But I won't catch feelings for someone else, I love you to much Matthew." I said.

"When you come back to me or when I come back to you and we didn't find other loves, we can be together." He said.

"Promise?" I asked. "Promise." He smirked.

"Now come on, it's your last day and I'm not spending it moping around." I said.

He chuckled and we got up.

We walked downstairs and everyone looked at us.

"Aw." Cameron frowned. "What?" I asked. "I'm gonna miss telling you guys to stop touching each other." He smiled.

I glared and he chuckled. He went up to Matthew and gave him a bro hug.

"Despite the things you said, you really were good to my sister and I really appreciate that, you were there for were before you even liked her, thanks Matt." He said.

"Aw!" I smiled, hugging him.

"Ew." He said pushing my head away from him.

"Fine." I mumbled. "MATTHEW DONT LEAVE ME BAE!" Carter yelled jumping on Matthew.

They had their five minute bromance until I butted in.

"Carter, I love you, but I wish you were sucking Madison's face off, Instead of hogging my boyfriend." I said.

"Bye Matty boo." Carter smirked, glancing at me. "Hey. Only I can call him that." I said.

"Sorry sweet cheeks." He chuckled. "Hey. Only I can call her that." Hayes said. "Shut up poo bear." He smirked.

"Only I can call him that." Me and Nash said. I looked at Nash. "Kaye that was mine first." He said.

"It's mine now Nashty boy." I smirked.

"That's my name in your phone isn't it?" He asked. "Yep." I laughed. He chuckled.

"What am I?" Madison asked. "Babycakes." I said. She flipped her hair smirking at everyone.

"What's mine?" Carter asked. "Ching chong." I said and everyone started laughing

(AN: no racism :/ )

"Your name in my phone is asshole." He said. "If the shoe fits." I shrugged.

"I bet I have the best name." Cameron smirked.

"Yours is cam." I said.

He stopped and looked at me, while we all laughed our heads off.

"Kayeee! Why can I have something else!" He whined. "I put a cute emoji!" I laughed.

He frowned and I hugged him.

I showed him my phone and he smiled and kissed my forehead.

It was 'My best friend'

"Alright, me and Matt will be back later." I said. Everyone said bye and we walked out the door.

He grabbed my hand and I smiled, as we continued walking.

"It does not look pretty out here." I said looking at the sky. Matthew shrugged, "I kind of like it."

It started to sprinkle and I frowned. We stopped and Matthew looked at me.

"I don't want you getting sick." He said. "But it's your last day, I don't want to be stuck in the house." I said.

"It's perfect just being with you." He said giving me a cheesy smile.

I nodded and that's when it started raining. We started running and Matthew slipped and fell, pulling me down with him.

I landed on top of him and I laughed at him. "You tripped!" I laughed in his face.

"You fell with me." He chuckled. I kissed him and got up. We decided to walk fast.

We got in the house and we went upstairs and got dried off.

I took my clothes off and I saw Matthew peek. "Stop." I said. He chuckled and looked away.

I put his American eagle boxer shorts on and his grey Hollister sweater on.

"Matty baby!" I yelled. He chuckled and finished getting dressed. "I will fight you." I said, once he drunk some of my sprite that was on my dresser.

He moved the things on the floor and I raised an eyebrow. "Come at me." He said. "You first." I said.

He started walking towards me and kicked him. I knew I wasn't going to win, but I still tried fighting him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and spun my around.

I laughed and he stopped. He picked me up and threw me on the bed.

I got up and he got up. I tackled him and pinned him down.

I smiled looking down at him.

I smirked and kissed him. He put his hands on my hips and we continued kissing.

I kissed his neck and he let out a little moan, causing me to let out a small laugh.

We continued kissing and his hands moved down to my butt. He's never done that before, but I didn't care.

"Hey can I-" Madison started to say but saw us. I got off of Matthew and laughed nervously.

"Use a condom." She smirked. "Suck my ass." I said. "Looks like Mathew already did." She said before running downstairs.

Mathew chuckled and shrugged.

It started thundering and I gave him a worried look. He took my hand and we went downstairs.

"Matthew I'll cut your hands off." Cameron said. "Why?" Matthew chuckled.

"Don't touch her ass." He said. "It's just so nice." I flipped my hair. "Kalyn!" He yelled surprised I just said that.

"I'm kidding Cameron." I laughed.

He doesn't care about me and Matthew as much as he used too, he just doesn't want us trying things.

We walked in the kitchen and Matthew made hot chocolate.

"Let's make cookies!" I said. He chuckled and I got the cookie dough out.

I took his lap top and put it on record.

"Alright, let's make these cookies." I clapped my hands together.

I started rolling the dough and Matthew tried and I started laughing.

"It's so big!" I yelled. "Maybe I wanted a big ass cookie!" He laughed.

I put it down and started eating some. "Kaye." Matthew said. "Try some." I said shoving it in his mouth.

"You can't just shove things in my mouth." He said.

"I just did homie." I smirked. He laughed and finished making the cookies.

We sat down waiting for the cookies to be done and Taylor came in. "Aw are you making me cookies?" He asked.

"No." We said. "To bad." He smirked opening the oven. He picked one up and put the whole thing in his mouth.

He stated prancing around, saying 'hot' with his mouth opened.

"Well of course it's hot, you just took it out of the oven." I laughed. He drunk some water and walked out.

"He's so stupid." Matthew said.


Me and Matthew were cuddled into each other, laying on the couch.

"Matthew Hun, I have to get you to the airport." My mom said, walking into the living room.

"Yes ma'am." Matthew nodded.

Everyone started giving him hugs and my eyes started to water.

"No." He shook his head, hugging me.

"Don't go Matty." I said. "You know I wouldn't if I didn't have to." He sighed.

We got in the car and I laid my head on his shoulder. Mom and Nila got in the car and we drove to the airport.

We walked him inside and I wrapped my arms around him. "Don't forget about me." I told him.

"I could never forget about my first love."


Summers officially over, which means this book is over ):

Lmao just kidding!

80 votes


For the next chapter!

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