The Fire Angel (ATLA Fanfic)

Darkninja7 tarafından

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Water.... Earth... Fire... Air A long time ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. The skies were fi... Daha Fazla

Book 1 - The Beginning
Training 101
Following Orders
Grandpa Ping
Visited By Royalty
The Prince and Angel
Goodbye or See you Later?
You've still got a friend in me!
General for the Crew?
Shadow Snake
Packing up!
The Open Ocean
Beneath the Scars
Time, friend or foe?
Lillian AN
Shattered Glass
Sibling Salute!
The Thorn in my side
The Avatar
The Harbor
Island of Kyoshi
Blast from the Past.
The Necklace
Winter Solstice Part 1
The Winter Solstice Part 2
The Scroll
Crystal Nightmare Part 1
Crystal Nightmare Part 2
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
Why Me?
Lillian Alone
The Siege of the North
Book 2
The Path of three flames
Royal Pain
Iroh & Lilly's Journey
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Desert
New Beginning
The Freedom Fighter's
Walls, Walls and Tea!
The tales of Lillian in Ba sing Sai
Authors Note
Lake Laogai Part 1
Lake Laogai Part 2
The Earth King
The Jasmine Dragon
Author Note
The Crossroads of Destiny
Book 3 - Operation "Extinguish Fire"
The Awakening
Arty stuff
The Headband
The Beach Part 1
The Beach - Part 2
I Got Tagged
Lillian's healing.
Rise again
Nightmares & Daydreams
Day of Black sun: Part 1: The Invasion Part 1
Day of black sun: Part 1 The Invasion Part 2
The day of black sun Part 2: The eclipse.
A Crazy Escape
The Western Air Temple
The Firebending Master's Part 1
The Firebending Master's Part 2
The Boiling Rock: Part 1
Manly Arts... (Special chapter)
The Southern Raiders
Why didn't We Listen?
The Sky Temple Part 1: You're Dead!
The Sky Temple: Part 2 What you didn't know
Hidden in Plain Sight
The Ember Island Players
Sozin's comet Part 1
Sozins comet Part 2
Sozin's comet Part 3
The Prophecy (Teaser for Part 4)
Sozin's Comet Part 4
Dying in Agony
A Time for Peace
The Sequel is OUT

The Boiling Rock: Part 2

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Darkninja7 tarafından

Lillian ran through the prison cells in search of Sokka. Her skin was ice cold and her voice had gone dry. The vision of all the decaying bodies flooded her mind over and over and the stench lingered to her forcing her to gag. Lillian jumped over each flight of stairs trying to get to the upper levels, "Hey! Whats the hurry?" A Guard asked taking hold of Lillian's shoulder's as she gasped, "I need to get fresh air, please move!" Lillian huffed shoving the guard out the way, "Wait! The Warden wants all the new recruits! You have to come with us!" The guard grasped Lillian's wrist, "What? NO! Leave me alone!" Lillian's terrified voice echoed through the cells. Lillian pulled her wrist free and then ran right into the chest of another guard, "Seize her! I think she is the traitor!" Yelled another guard, "SOKKA!" Lillian yelled as she head butted the guard behind her and flipped forward onto her hands kicking white flames up behind her, "What fire is this!" The captain growled entering the room with another 10 guards, "Never mind! We don't have time for this! Someone opened all the prison cells and now their is a Riot in the yard! We will deal with her later, put her in a cell!"

Lillian stood surrounded, "You have NO idea who your dealing with! Get back!" Lillian hissed. Two guards rushed forward at Lillian but she flipped backwards and balanced on the railing. There was a moment where everyone froze before Lillian rushed past on the railing towards the last 4 flight of stairs. The riot had gotten out of control, there was fire everywhere. Lillian ran into the crowd tossing off her helmet and armor, "Lillian!" Sokka called from the other side of the yard. Lillian noticed the slight worry in his face, "Behind You!" Lillian turned to find the group of guards behind her, "It's the Tenshi Princess! Sound the HORN!" The captain yelled. Lillian sprinted towards Sokka, "I hope you guys have a plan! Because I have a problem!" Lillian yelled. Sokka nodded as Lillian skidded to a stop causing a large dust cloud to rise, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Zuko's voice growled as he grabbed Lillian's shoulder. Pure anger and worry covered his face, "I- I i...."Lillian felt the sting at her eyes at the thought of all those corpses, "We need to get out of here, please Zuko..." Lillian whispered falling into Zuko's chest lightly sniffing. Zuko stood stiffly and looked over at Sokka who had worry in his eyes, "Lillian, this is Suki, she's a kyoshi warrior. I met her a while ago, she's a good friend." Sokka said gesturing to another girl with short brown hair and blue eyes. Hakoda stepped forward and placed his hand on Lillian, "Good to see you Lillian." Zuko felt Lillian stand straight and nod, "You too Hakoda. So, whats the plan?"Lillian whispered. Suki stared out at the men fighting, "We get out of here using the gondola, its risky, but it's our only way." Sokka said. Lillian nodded, "We will need a hostage." Sokka added, "The warden will cut the lines hostage or not." Lillian groaned remembering Mai's uncle, "Not if the warden is the hostage!" Sokka beamed. Lillian had a deadpan expression when Chit Sang, another prisoner stepped out and pointed out that Suki was taking care of it... Lillian and the boys rushed to Suki as she held the warden, "Sorry Warden, your my prisoner now." Suki smirked, "That's some girl." Hakoda said breathlessly. Sokka puffed out his chest proudly at his girlfriend, "Tell me about it!" Zuko took hold of Lillian's hand and gave it a light squeeze, "Lets get out of here." Lillian nodded. There was a sudden Loud Horn that caused everyone to fall over in shock and pain, "What is that!?" Chit Sang asked covering his ears. Zuko held Lillian's head to his chest, "Whatever it is, lets not stay to find out." Hakodo said urging everyone to get up and move along. The group made their way to the gondola, "Everyone get inside! He's coming!" Yelled some guards in fear.  Lillian ran along watching all the guards take cover and not even stop them. Zuko paused for a moment as everyone stopped beside him, "Mai is here." Zuko said seriously. Sokka's eyes widened, "which means..." Lillian growled, "Azula and Ty Lee." Zuko nodded. As if the mention of her name was a portal, Azula, Ty lee and Mai strolled up behind them, "Sorry, but None of you will be leaving here unchained and unscorched." Azula said inspecting her nails. Lillian growled and stepped forward, "I owe you a world of hurt." Lillian ignited her fists. Suki stood beside Lillian, "This is a rematch I've been waiting for." Suki said cracking her knuckles. Azula smirked at Suki, "Ty Lee, she's yours. Mai, you take the water tribe boy and I'll take our princess." Azula smiled. Lillian growled causing flames to escape from her mouth,

Suki and Ty Lee ran towards together and engaged into a heated hand to hand combat. Every time Ty Lee tried to chi block Suki she was able to block her attack and throw her off. Lillian stood still before Azula but Mai seemed a bit distant, as if she didn't want to fight.
Azula sent a large ball of blue fire at Lillian which Zuko blocked, "oh, hello Zuzu, I see your back with your traitor girlfriend." Azula teased. Lillian and Zuko both blushed before Lillian sent a ball of white fire at Azula. Lillian and Zuko stood back to back, "What's Mai's deal? She won't attack?" Lillian hissed to Zuko who suddenly looked to the floor, "uh, I have no idea. " Zuko blushed. Lillian raised her brow, "okay?" A blue flame rushed passed Lillian, "Come on, the fire nation Princess against the great Sky Princess, who will win?" Azula cackled. Sokka led his father, Chit sang and the Warden to the gondola, "We need to get out of here!" Sokka called from inside the gondola. Two guards rushed out, "Princess! You must retreat inside, The Crimson Slayer is coming!" yelled a guard. Lillian and Zuko exchanged looks, "What are you talking about?" Azula demanded, before the guard could answer Mai rushed past taking hold of Azula and Ty Lee, "You all need to get out of here!" Mai called to Lillian and the other's, "What's going on?" Suki questioned. Zuko shrugged his shoulder's and pulled Suki and Lillian along, "Let's just get out of here...." Zuko hissed.

Lillian walked slowly behind as Zuko and Suki took off to the gondola. As Lillian dragged her feet she suddenly felt the hair on the back of her neck rise, "I have a bad feeling..." Lillian mumbled to herself. Lillian rushed to the gondola and shut the door. She pulled the lever and then melt the bars off, "LILLIAN! What are you doing!?" Sokka cried in a panic. Zuko gripped the metal railings, "Your girlfriend is crazy!" Chit Sang growled at Zuko. Lillian looked over her shoulder and her crimson eyes met Sokka's. Sokka stared at Lillian and then nodded silently, she had given him the same look at the North pole. Danger was coming and they had to get out of there before it arrived, "keep going! Lillian knows what she is doing. We need to-


"What's happening!!! Why is it rocking so much!!!"

Lillian spun to face the gondola and remained in a firm stance.

The sound of large wings flapping filled the dead silence air. The steam thickened around Lillian causing the heat to become more intense. 

"Do you know how long I've waited for this moment..." a deep male voice said.

There was a gust of wind and the steam disappeared. Lillian saw that the wheel of the gondola was bent over the wire so that it couldn't move. Lillian closed her eyes and listened. She heard the small waves at the bottom of the boiling lake, the distant cries of the dolphincrabs and the sound of fire approaching her. Lillian's eyes shot open and flipped over the large green flame that came from her attacker, "Lillian!" Zuko's voice called from the gondola, "I'm okay! Just don't do anything stupid!" Lillian called back.

"You will not leave here alive..." The voice growled. Lillian stood tall, "Who are you?" Lillian asked calmly. A large figure landed with a hard thud behind Lillian. The man was large, his arms hung at his sides as he stepped towards her. His wings looked dead, as if he was molting, "My name will never meet your tongue, only my cursed name... The Crimson slayer." The man stood now fully before Lillian. he was three heads taller than her but his age seemed in his 30's. Lillian's eyes widened, "It's you.... your the one who-

(Just picture this guy on muscle juice please)

The slayer grabbed Lillian tightly at her throat, "Yes child, I slayed our brother's and sisters for all the sins they have committed against the Fire Lord..." The slayer growled. Lillian felt her head grow fuzzy, "I carry the blood of thousands on my hands, they have been covered in many shades of red but the one they have never felt was the crimson blood of our dear Princess." Hissed the slayer as his grip tightened. Lillian's hands rested at her sides as she tried to breath, "Lillian!" Zuko and Sokka's voice cried.

"You will never have the satisfaction!" Lillian growled as she swung her legs up and wrapped them around his neck clenching her muscles as tight as she could. Then, her large white wings tore from her back and she pulled the Slayer into the air with her legs around his neck and his hand at her throat. Lillian breathed fire out her mouth and burnt the Slayer's hand. He released her throat with a painful howl. Lillian hovered above the slayer, "You will pay for everything you've done!" Lillian yelled. There was silence as the slayer stood with his back to Lillian.

Meanwhile on the gondola... Sokka was pacing up and down trying to figure out how to get the gondola to move, "Wait if we use it as a tight rope?" Suki asked, "It's up hill from here, we'll need to go one at a time and if big muscle man over there sees us, I bet his going to come after us and we can't risk that!" Sokka said with his hand on his chest. Zuko watched nervously at Lillian and the slayer, "Why isn't she attacking him?" Chit sang asked Zuko gesturing to Lillian. Zuko watched Lillian's patient and calm movements, this wasn;t like her... she would always take things head on..."She's afraid...." Zuko whispered shock.

Lillian'shands ignited with white flames as the slayer stalked towards her, "Let's seewhat the mighty princess can do..." The slayer teased as he swung his large fistat Lillian's head. Lillian ducked and stepped forward striking the slayer as hard as she could under his chin causing him to stumble back, "Lucky shot..." 

The battle between Lillian and the slayer became heated. Scorch marks decorated the walls of the prison and Lillian's body. The slayer remained untouched, "Your weak princess...How you destroyed Lex is beyond me..." The slayer growled. Lillian's eyes widened at the name. There were nights that his painful cries filled her ears. Lillian was lifted by her throat once again and flung across to the side of the dome against the large spike rocks that surrounded the prison. Lillian hissed in pain, 'I need to get us out of here....' Lillian thought to herself as the slayer rushed towards her. Before his fists could lay a hand on her body there was a loud *clang* and the slayer lowered his head in paid and placed both his hands behind his head, "That's from the water Tribe!!!" Sokka's voice echoed across the boiling lake, "Idiot!" Lillian growled. But whether Lillian accepted it or not, she needed those brief seconds to find her bearings. Lillian pulled herself from the mountain and flew to the gondola, she unbent the wheel and hovered before the group, "Zuko, I need your help." Lillian said quickly watching the slayer as he searched for her. Sokka nodded at Zuko as he climbed out of the gondola and took hold of Lillian's waist, "Sokka, when I give the signal, hit him between his shoulders as hard as you can with your boomerang. It will cause his wings to retract and he will fall into the boiling lake." Lillian ordered. Sokka nodded his head, "You git it, where will we find you?" Sokka asked worried realizing that if this doesn't work his friends may be left behind, "We'll meet you at the air temple." Lillian replied taking off with Zuko to the shore of the boiling rock.

Lillian stood beside Zuko shaking, "Listen carefully, I need you to raise the lava from beneath the volcano." Lillian whispered. Zuko raised his brow, "what are you planning? His a fire bender he'll just use it against you!" Zuko hissed pulling Lillian closer, "Not if i extract the heat and turn it to earth. It's a long shot but it's all we've got." Lillian said calmly, Zuko shook his head, "Why are you holding back? You can take him!" Zuko whispered as Lillian stepped away, "His not like anyone I have ever fought Zuko... His wings are molting which means that his dangerous... Remember Uncle always taught us to observe our opponents and then strike with as little energy as possible." Lillian snapped causing Zuko to look away, "Just raise the lava please... and no matter what...Where I'm falling with him or not... You bend that lava around us." Lillian said as a tear slipped down her cheek. Zuko reached out his hand but Lillian was already flying towards the slayer.

Lillian rammed into the slayer's ribs as she appeared out of the steam. Lillian shot long arcs of fire at him causing him to hover back towards the Gondola, "That's more like it Princess, fight back. Show me the anger of those murdered below the volcano!" The slayer yelled. Sokka's eyes widened and Zuko gritted his teeth, "That's why she's holding back!" Hakoda said as he stood beside Sokka, "Her emotions are too over whelming, she's worried she kills him!" Sokka said holding his boomerang tighter. Lillian fly around in a circle and formed a fire octopus in the air using each fire arm as a long and deadly whip. Lillian cracked the whips at the slayers torso causing him to move even further back, "NOW SOKKA!" Lillian cried as she used 4 whips to toss him back. Sokka didn't hesitate as he threw the boomerang right between The slayers shoulder's. Lillian flew up above him and then dove down into his back with her fists engulfed in flames. The slayers wings retracted and he fell, "ZUKO!" Lillian called flying down as the lava surfaced. Lillian helped Zuko bend the lava up to form a lava cave. Lillian hovered stretching her arms out and then bring it in towards her. 



Lillian closed her eyes as she absorbed all the heat from the lava and caused it to become hard. Once the slayer landed in the middle of the lava Zuko sealed him inside and took the stance he had watched Lillian do that day by the river. Breathing in and out absorbing the heat as well. The power of the heat was overwhelming and felt as if he was redirecting lightning with all the energy inside of him. When Lillian opened her eyes she shot a strong stream of fire at the cave sealing the earth even more. The slayers roars of anger could be heard but Lillian wasn't prepared to wait and find out what he was saying. Lillian swooped down and picked up Zuko and flew to the gondola. Zuko climbed in the gondola and pulled Lillian with him, "let's make this thing move faster." Zuko smirked at Lillian who just huffed and retracted her wings. Lillian and Zuko stood at the back of the gondola and shot out both their fists heat blazing flames that pushed the gondola off the rail at the end of the wire, "Lets get out of here!" Sokka cried as he grabbed Suki and pulled her to safety. Lillian stared at the earth prison in thought. Zuko placed his arm around Lillian's waist and pulled her towards the large war balloon that Azula had arrived in, "Let's go Lilly." Zuko said softly.

When everyone arrived back at the temple, Katara was surprised to see her father and Suki after all this time. Lillian smiled at the reunion, "I don't believe it! A fire nation prison? Can't wait to hear all about it. Haru and The duke cheered. Sokka smirked at Lillian, "Go ahead master story teller." Lillian grinned. Sokka led the group away as they gathered food and got ready for the story yet Zuko and Lillian stayed behind. 

Zuko gave Lillian a small warm smile, "You okay?" Lillian looked at his arms that hung loosely at his side, "Lilly?" Zuko stepped forward and wiped away a small tear that rolled down her cheek, "he... murdered them.... all of them..." Lillian gasped as reality caught up with her. Zuko wrapped his arms around Lillian, "shhh, it's okay... he's gone, I wont let him hurt you." Zuko comforted Lillian but deep down he knew... He was only just a fire bender.

Lillian took a step back, "We need to go to the sky temple, all of us... Aang will be safe there and I will be able to get some information on The Crimson Slayer." Lillian said with no emotion. Zuko pulled Lillian back into his arms and stared deeply into her crimson eyes and cupped her face, "I'll stand by you each step of the way, I'll fight by your side each day... If you'll let me, you know you can't do everything alone." Zuko whispered. Lillian leaned into his palm and nodded, Lillian lifted her eyes and stared into his calm golden eyes. Zuko felt Lillian lean closer and couldn't help himself either. Lillian felt Zuko's hand pull her face closer as she felt his breath tickle her lips. Lillian lifted to her toes and gently placed her lips on Zuko's slightly dry lips. The kiss was soft yet hungry but Lillian pulled away and rested her head on his chest....

"I missed this...." Lillian mumbled into his chest.

"I missed you...." Zuko replied as he rested his chin on Lillian's head and closed his eyes as he inhaled her scent and then kissed the crown of her head.



Sooooo Sorry it took a while to update,

Thank you koulakoukoulamention a user

for helping me with THE CRIMSON SLAYER

Please vote, comment and let me know what you guys think.

Lillian and Zuko with be together officially soon.  After a stressful fight, your heart just wants what it wants!

Darkninja out....

Okumaya devam et

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