Accept Me •Chanbaek

By xxuxuxaox

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[UNEDITED] - wrote this when I was stupid so... One mistake. A nine month consequence. *Mpreg* Highest Rankin... More

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By xxuxuxaox

Chanyeol POV

"He has to be lying" Sehun said, shaking his head "there's no way in Hell Jongin got someone pregnant without us knowing."

I stared at my hands in confusion. How could he not tell us he got someone pregnant and then his baby died. How could he live without telling anyone that? I started to feel bad, he was probably in pain and yet Sehun and I didn't even notice.

"He couldn't have gotten someone pregnant here" I said "it must of been someone outside of school."

"That one guy?"


"You remember? We were outside when we saw Jongin walk up to that short dude in the parking lot last night."

"Oh yeah, it could of been him. But that means he's been in a relationship longer than we've thought" I frowned "he's been lying to us."

"He's probably just lying in order to get you to feel bad" Sehun rolled his eyes.

I frowned "...Sehun-ah...I don't think Jongin would lie about something like that."

"Well we'll have to see for ourselves" Sehun stood up from the bleachers. They were currently hanging in the gym since the game would start in a few hours. Jongin had came in late (the players were suppose to stay after school) he had come in a few minutes late only though. He had came in with the short boy and was now on the court practicing. The short boy was sitting on the lower right-hand corner of the bleachers with a phone in his hand.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Get up" was all he said before he started walking towards the short boy. I sighed and glanced at Jongin who was talking to our coach now before getting up and following the blonde.

"Yo" Sehun said once he got close of to the boy. He looked up from his phone, his big doe eyes looking at us questioningly. He didn't really look like Jongin's type. But then again, we didn't even know his type.

"Are you dating Kim Jongin?" Sehun asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just answer the question."

"Sehun stop being hostile" I snapped.

He rolled his eyes before asking again "are you dating Jongin?"

"Who are you?"

Sehun rolled his eyes "pardon me for being rude, I'm Oh Sehun this is the captain of the basketball team, Park Chanyeol and both of us want to know if you're dating our dear friend Jongin."

The boy squinted "he told me about you two, you're the one who's being a selfish douchebag?" He nodded at me "and you're the one who can't live your own life and has anger issues?" He nodded at Sehun.

"I don't fucking have anger issues" Sehun snapped "I just want to know if your dating him and if he somehow got you pregnant."

I rolled my eyes "Sehun your asking personal questions."

"Do I care?" Sehun asked me before looking back at the boy who was now frowning.

"Why do you want to know?" He seemed irritated now.

"Sehun, Chanyeol what are you doing?" Jongin appeared beside us. I was still kind of pissed that he had punched me earlier. Though I did understand his reason, he was mad that I was being the way I was.

"We're trying to be nice" Sehun said "unlike you, you've lied to us."

"I haven't lied to anybody" he said with eye roll.

"You never told us you had a boyfriend and you never told us you were going to be a dad. Or was that lie?" Sehun cocked an eyebrow. Sehun was my best friend but he could be a bit too much at times. He could he a huge asshole is what I'm trying to say.

Jongin glanced at the short boy who was glaring at Sehun who was smirking at Jongin. I felt out of place, which was a new feeling.

"Sehun your going to far into my personal business" he snapped "I suggest you back off."

"Back off?" Sehun laughed "this is getting good, wow just imagine our schools peace maker will be on the headlines of gossip that you killed-"

Jongin jumped at him. I wasn't fast enough to block him so he collided with the blonde. The fell to the ground, Jongin on top of, punching the fuck out of him.

"JONGIN-AH!" his boyfriend yelled, jumping up "stop!"

I looked back at coach, he hadn't noticed anything yet. So I went into action and grabbed Jongin's shoulders. I used all my strength to pull him back in a sort of back hug, my arms across his chest and holding on his arms back from throwing anymore punches. Though Sehun deserved it, I didn't want Jongin being kicked off the team.

Sehun jumped up and advanced towards Jongin who was shaking with anger. I pushed him back "go. Leave, Sehun."

"I'm not leaving" he snapped.

"Sehun" I snarled "leave."

He scoffed "whatever, I already got what I want anyways. Expect to be interrogated by Dahyun, Jongin because I'm telling her everything."

With that he walked out of the gym.

Jongin shoved me off of him and stood up. His boyfriend grabbed his hands and started to examine his knuckles.

"I'm sorry, that was unintended" I said looking back at coach. I was surprised no one had saw what just happened. Then again they were too busy practicing, something I should be doing.

"Whatever" Jongin said "Soo-ah go into the locker room and get the first aid kit will you please?" The shorter nodded and started walking towards the locker room.


"Don't try to cover him" Jongin snapped "he needs help, anger management or something."

"I know....the reason he came over here was to figure out if the whole miscarriage thing was a lie or not. I tried to tell him that it wasn't but you know how he is."

Jongin scoffed "fucking asshole."

"Is he the one?" I asked, nodding in the direction the boy had just went "is he the one who had the miscarriage?"

Jongin nodded "his name is Kyungsoo and I'm not going to talk about it, not here. Not now."

"Well" I put my hand on his shoulder, I understood why he didn't want to talk. It was a serious topic and he had to focus on the game. "Whenever you do want to talk, I'm here and I definitely won't tell Sehun or Dahyun."

He nodded "you should go practice, then, I have my knuckles to tend to."

I nodded and patted his shoulder before walking onto the court, I watched Kyungsoo walk over to Jongin and started tending to his knuckles. They make a cute couple, and now that I look at him, Kyungsoo did look like Jongin's type.

I was pissed at Sehun. He shouldn't have done what he did. So he deserved what happened. Sehun needed help or someone to keep his anger under control, since he obviously couldn't do it himself. Just who? What was Sehun's type?

Come to think of it, I didn't even know if Sehun liked boys or girls. He has rejected every person that has ever had the guts to confess or even talk to him. So I was beginning to think Sehun didn't even have a type. Maybe he was asexual.

I guess I'd just have to buy him a bunny. Bunnies always keep people stress free.

Updated 3x HAA!!!
Now it's your turn :))))))))
I choose Instagram and Vegas.

Anyways, this chapter was longer than most of my other ones.
I hope you guys enjoyed.

Is Sehun asexual? Will Chanyeol be able to talk to Baekhyun before he leaves? Will Baekhyun change his mind?

Also you guys should totally read the above users (Baekyeols) fanfics!!! They are amazing and if you don't like the ones on her main account then you should check out her other account Uni_Versol that book on there is amazing as well ^•^

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