Savage 》Once Upon A Time

Autorstwa lovethebreeze

123K 3.7K 1.5K

I love being a pirate. I'm not going to lie. I love the life, the sea, the adventure. What I love the most is... Więcej

The Thing You Love Most
Snow Falls
The Price Of Gold
That Still Small Voice
The Shepherd
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Desperate Souls
7:15 A.M.
Skin Deep
What Happened To Frederick
Heart of Darkness
The Stable Boy
A Land Without Magic
Lady of the Lake Part 1
Lady of the Lake Part 2
The Doctor
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The Cricket Game
The Outsider
In the Name of the Brother
The Queen is Dead
The Miller's Daughter
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless, Brave, and True
The Evil Queen

An Apple Red As Blood

2.9K 96 40
Autorstwa lovethebreeze

I'm so happy that Mary Margaret got released. I went around town and yelled Mary Margaret's innocent! Take that you bloody fucks! You how many people complained to Emma about it? A lot. The only thing that Kathryn remembers is waking up in the alleyway, not knowing who took her. Until Sidney went to Emma's office and 'confessed.' The thing I don't understand is why he would do that. I know he didn't do it. Emma knows he didn't do it. The only one responsible is Regina.

Another thing I don't understand is why my dad won't let me hang around August. He seems like a decent guy to me. Which is why I chose not to tell him that I was hanging out with him in the morning before I went to get Henry.  A small smile came to my face when August stopped in front of the docks.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as I got off his motorcycle.

"Well, since you like the water and all things pirate. I figured we do something fun," He said as he walked over to his chest. A small chuckle escaped me when he pulled out two pool noodles. "Like a sword fight."

I grabbed one and swung it around. "Why the pool noodles?"

"Because I'm trying not to get killed by a sixteen year old," He joked.

"Fair enough." I held the pool noodle up high. "Hope you're ready you're ready to lose, old man."

"I'm eighteen years older than you."

I smirked. "Exactly. Old." August shook his head in amusement before he tried to swing at me. I ducked before I swung around and hit the noodle on his back. "Yeah, be glad these aren't real swords. You'd be dead by now."

August nodded. "But I'm not."

I smiled again as I bounced on the balls of my feet. "Ready for round 2?"

"Yeah." I got into my fighting position. "Ladies first."

"You did go first."

August gave me an offended look before I ran at him. I swung the noodle towards his chest, but he blocked it. He tries to hit back. I jumped back and attacked again, but he was ready this time. August tried swung left and right. I kept moving back and blocking each hits. He held the noodle up high, so I took that as a chance to drop to my knees and crawl underneath his legs. When I was at the other side, I turned around and kicked his back. I quickly got up as August staggered forward. I used the noodle to hit his hand. I brought my leg up again and kicked the end of his noodle. It flew up in the air. I quickly used the noodle in my hand to sweep August off his feet. He fell on his back and I looked up to grab his pool noodle. I pointed both ends near his neck.

"I win," I smirked.

"How did you learn to do that?" He asked.

"I blame the movies." I really don't. It all just bloody came to me like on instinct. I lowered the 'weapons' and handed his back. "Not only that. You got no skill."

"Or maybe the pirate life isn't for me."

Yeah, that's it. I chuckled again before I held my hand down to help him up. He gladly took it, but he started to groan and clutched on to his leg. "Are you ok?"

He nodded as he walked over to his bike. "Yeah, just a bad knee that's all."

He lifted up his jeans a bit an my eyes widen. Bad knee? Bad knee? His knee is made up of freaking wood.

"Bloody hell," I mumbled. "That doesn't look good."

"You can see this?" August breathed.

I gestured towards his wooden leg. "That's kinda hard to miss."

He quickly stood up, but groaned. "Jax, I need you to take me to my apartment before you go."

I gave him a confused look as he attached his helmet. "How? I don't exactly gave a license."

He tossed me his keys. "Now you do."

Fairytale World

The things I do for these people. Snow looked over at King George's castle with her little telescope. I'm surprise Snow's been able to gather Red - with her Grandmother - and the dwarves.

"If we're going to get him out, we're going to have to get over that wall," she started as she handed me my telescope back. "There's a soldier on every parapet."

"We're going to need some air support," Granny pointed out.

Grumpy came over and held up his crossbow. "Air? I know just the person who can help us, someone who owes me a favor."

We heard a twig snap. We all turned around and aimed our weapons at our intruder, who turns out to be Red.

She held her hands up. "Don't shoot. It's only me."

I rolled my eyes as I shed my sword. I pointed at the blood dripping down her chin. "Love, you've got someone on your chin."

She wiped her mouth. "Sorry."

I smirked. "Don't be." I knew I liked her for a reason.

"What were you able to find out?" Snow asked in a hurry.

"Your Prince is still alive," Red said, but she didn't seem to excited about it.

"Then, why don't you look happy?"

"Because I also heard word the Queen is here." Of course, she would be.

"She knew I'd come for him."

I shook my head. "That's it. Snow stays here while the rest of us rescue Charming." I looked at everyone and didn't give them time to answer. "No arguments, great. We'll meet back here at midnight. If I don't see any of was nice knowing you all."

I went to walk, but Snow held me back. "I'm still going, Cas."

I let out a fake chuckle. "You're kidding me right? Let's pretend that all of this isn't a trap and just walk in the castle and take Charming."

"I know it's a trap, but I can't stop. Not now." She looked towards the rest of us. "And I'll understand if any of you want to turn back." Then we all started shouting at her.


"Not a chance!"

"No way in bloody hell!"

Snow looked around the group in pure happiness. She should be, we're all here to help her. She's helped us. We would lay our lives for her.

"Oh. Well, then there's no time to waste," She said.

The group headed towards the castle. Snow was about to walk too, but Red called her back. "Why is the Queen doing this?"

"I destroyed her happiness. And now, she wants to destroy mine."


We waited far away from the castle line waiting for Red's signal. This is it, we're saving that stupid prince. We heard Red's howl in the distance.

"Thank you, Red," Snow said under her breath. She didn't look back at the dwarves. "Do it." Bashful lit up his torch before passing the fire to Doc. Doc lit his arrow and shot it towards the sky. Hopefully the Blue Fairy got the signal. "Move out."

I gripped my sword as we marched towards the castle. Once we got there, Granny, Doc, and Sneezy got their crossbows ready. I counted to three before I motioned them to shoot. They raised their bows up before they shot fire over the castle walls. Snow wasted no time to grab the rope before scaling up it. I tugged on the rope a bit before I started climbing.

She made it over the wall first. I was a few feet away from the ledge when I heard a few clinks and clanks. I pushed myself over and dropped down. One of the guards was coming after Snow, but I quickly ran behind him. I took my sword out and pulled the guard's cloak back. It choked him a bit before I pulled him back. I wrapped my free arm around him before I brought my sword out and slit his throat.

"Another reason to not wear a cape that long," I said.

Snow chuckle before her eyes widen. "Cas, behind you!"

I quickly spun around and knelt down as I ram my blade through the guard's chest. I knelt back up and kicked him over the edge of the wall. We heard someone else yell. I looked to see another guard running at us with his sword up. Snow and I got ready to fight, but we heard a thud. The guard dropped down and we see the pickax penetrates his back. We looked up to see Grumpy one the other side, panting. He came over and pulled his pickax out of the soldier.

I gave Grumpy a look of approval as Snow and I ran past him. We ran down the stairs, the other six dwarves behind us, and made it out of the small tower.

"So, what's our plan of attack?" I whispered.

Snow smirked at me and took held up her sword. "Attack." Then she ran out and charged at one of the guards. "Aaah!"

Ok, that's one. The people started to scream while the dwarves and I ran out. I ran at one of the guards before I slid from his swing. I spun around and cut his feet off. The guy screamed as I got up and ram my blade through his heart. I heard someone scream behind me and I quickly ducked before the next guard could cut my head off. I got up and kicked the guy in the chest. He fell back into a fruit cart. I pulled my sword out and sliced his chest.

I felt someone grab me from my neck. I grunted before I moved my body forward and flipped the guy. He got up and was about to attack me again, but the wind was in my favor because his cape flew towards me. I grabbed the end before I put it over the guards head and twisted it. I grabbed my sword and stabbed him in the stomach before I knocked him down. Another reason why you don't wear long capes.

The dwarves and I caught up with Snow and was about to run, but more guards filled up the courtyard. Oh, great. We were about to run the other way, but the knocked out guards started to get up. This is what happens when we don't kill them.

The, there came the buzzing noise. We looked up to see Blue Fairy and her little pixies flying towards us. Something went flying by us and I see this puff of smoke once it hits ground. The guards that were up fell down in a peaceful sleep. The buzzing continued as more fairies continued to throw more fairy dust at them. Good thing it's not pixie dust.

With all the guards knocked out, Snow and I ran towards the cells.



I tried to not drop August all the way to his apartment. "Man, never mind about being old. Maybe you should cut back on the cheeseburgers."

We made it to his door. He took my arm off him as he got his keys out. "Or maybe you should try weight lifting," He joked.

I closed the door behind us as he walked towards the couch. "Very funny." August sighed as he pulled up his sleeve. My eyes widen when I see his arm made up of wood, too. Has it always been like that? "What the hell happened to you?"

"It's a long and very complicated story, Jax. One I know you'll get once you remember."

I gave him a confused look. "Remember? Remember, what?"

August held his gaze with me for a while then sighed. "Henry's story book. Your name isn't Jax Gold, it's Cassandra Jones."

Is he serious? "August, those are just stories."

"Then explain to me what you just did back at the docks. About that one sword that you hide under your bed. Out of everything out of your dad's antique shop, you kept that."

"Because I really like it. And that's the last time I tell you something personal."

He came over and grabbed my hand. He held it up and showed me the rings that I have, the one I never took off and the ones Regina got me for my birthday. "What about these?"

"You never heard of accessorizing?"

"Not from you. And you always have these rings on." I tried to pull my hand away, but he held on tighter. "Let me add the fact that you can see my arm and leg. You want to say the stories are fake, but you're believing them. So, I'm guessing something must have happened to cause this."

"Let go of my you insolent twit!"

He ignored me. "Did you see magic? Are you experiencing memories that aren't yours or something?" I didn't say anything. "You have."

Neither of us said anything after that. The one time I don't listen to my dad and he's right. August must be crazy. I'm not a fairytale character. This is the real world. Why would he think I'm a character in Henry's book?

We heard the door knock. August slowly took his hand off me and went towards the door. He opened the door and Henry barges in.

"August, please. I need your help. Emma wants to leave," He rushed out. He noticed I was in the room. "Jax, what are you doing here?"

I glanced at August before I shook my head. "August and I were just having a nice conversation." I crossed my arms. "What's this about Emma wanting to leave?"

"Emma wants to leave Storybrooke."

"What?" August and I asked in disbelief. Emma wants to leave. Why? She seemed so happy here. Henry's been so happy since she got here.

Henry ran towards me and held my waist. He looked at August. "Y - You were going to make her believe. You have to."

I sighed. "Henry -"

He looked up at me with those big puppy eyes. "She needs to believe, Jax. It's the only way you're going to get your memories back."

"Yeah, Jax. It's the only way you're going to get your memories," August said. I glared at him, not helping. "Just not with me. I'm sorry, Henry. I...I failed."

"Failed?" What does he mean by that?

"I tried to show her. At first it was my legs, and take a look..." August held my gaze as he showed Henry his wooden arm. "At the unvarnished truth."

"It's wood."

"I still don't understand how Emma didn't see it," I piped up. "That thing is pretty noticeable if you ask me."

Henry beamed up at me. "You can see it, too?"

"His wooden arm. He showed me before he showed me his bloodied leg."

"So, all of this...I was right. The curse - it's real!"

August smiled at him as he put his sleeve down. "You're a smart kid."

"And you're Pinocchio."

I rolled my eyes. "No, he's not. His nose would have been long with all his lies."

"Yeah, but in the story he became a real boy." Henry furrowed his eyebrows before looking back at August. "So, how are you turning back to wood?" He can't be serious. August isn't Pinocchio.

"I'm changing back because... I haven't exactly been a good boy," August said. I snort. That's what she said. "And...well...if the curse doesn't break...this doesn't stop.

"So, we show Emma that you're turning back into the puppet you were, and then she has to believe. And, when she does, she could break the curse."

"I tried that. She doesn't want to see, so she doesn't." August pointed at me. "And this one sees it, she just doesn't want to believe it. If there's more I could do, I would have. But I can't. I - I'm getting tired. It's hard to ride and it's hard to walk. Soon, it's going to be hard to breathe."

"So, we have to do something fast." Um, no we don't.

"There's nothing to do. And with what little time I have left, I want to spend it with my father."


Ok, that's it, I'm done. I grabbed Henry by his hand. "This is ridiculous. I've known Marco my whole life and he never mentioned having a son. You're not Pinocchio, you're August." I glared at him. "You better stay away from us. I won't be afraid to kick your ass. Come on, Henry."

Henry tried to pull my hand as we walked out. "No, we can't go. We have to get Emma. She can save him. What about Operation Cobra?"

I nodded. "Trust me, Operation Cobra is still on. Just not with him."

Fairytale World

The next guard yelled as I dropped his dying body to the ground. I told the dwarves to cover ground while we ran inside the cellar. I took the keys from the guard and threw them at her.

"You've got five minutes, love," I said. "Get your prince and hurry out before King George sends more of his men on us."

She nodded before she pulled me into a hug. "Thank you, Cas."

I patted her back. "Any time."

She smiled at me before running towards his cell. I hid behind the walls and checked to make sure there were no signs. Nothing. The third time I looked back, I gasped. There stood Pan's shadow looming over me. He didn't say anything and just looked at me.

"What do you want?" I sneered. "Like I told Felix, that clotpole and shove any attempts to get me back up his ass. I'm not going, he needs to learn that."

"I've been given strict orders," He said.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Orders?" I shook my head. "Don't listen to him. Just head back to Neverland and tell him I'm dead. Easier for the both of us."

"He's not a fool. He has eyes and ear everywhere."

"To hell with him. I'm not going back and that's final."

Suddenly the shadow zoomed past me. I spun around when I heard some yelling. I gripped my sword as I watch the shadow take the shadow from the guard. He crushed it between his hands as the body dropped. I could have gotten him if he didn't distract me.

Shadow flew right near my face. "Like I said. Orders."

He looked behind me before he fazed through the roof. I spun around to see Snow running back. She gestured towards the dead guard on the ground.

"No time to explain," I said. I expected to see Charming with her, I gave her a confused look when I didn't see him. "Where is he?"

"It was a trap. She has him," She panted.



This has got to be the most idiotic thing Snow has ever come up with. I get if it's to save her Prince Charming, but facing the Queen on her own is dangerous. Not to mention stupid.

She placed her weapons on the table. "Stop trying to talk me out of this. The castle is secure. I'm going."

"Keep the little knife between your tuffets," Grumpy told her. I know, she needs to at least keep her knife.

"I promised I would come alone and unarmed. It's a parley. There are rules."

I glared at her. "And you think the Queen is going to play by them. She has magic as a weapon. She could wield it at anytime. got no magic. She can barbecue you the moment you guys seal any kind of deal."

"Even an Evil Queen would honor the rules.

Red shook her head. "You're too noble for your own good."

Snow slammed her knife on the table. "I'm not. But, enough of you have risked your lives because of something that's between the Queen and me. I will not let anyone else get hurt because of me."

"Except you."

"Thank you for your concern, but this ends today."

Snow tuned to leave, but the dwarves were blocking her path. When she spun around to go the other way, I blocked her.

"We can't let you go," Grumpy said.

"I'm not asking." She looked around the group. "Thank you for your support. I love each and everyone of you, but this is something I have to do...alone." She looked at me. She gave me a sad smile before she pulled something from her pocket. "I can't thank you enough, Cas, for all you've done."

She handed me a small piece of paper. I took it from her and looked at it. It was a flyer for this tavern a few hours walk from here. "What's this?" I asked.

"It's where your father is. The Blue Fairy might have mentioned it to me while we came back. I figured if one of us is going to have a happy ending, it's going to be you. I never could have asked for a better friend than you."

She gave my arms one more squeeze before she walked out. I looked at the flyer before looking at her retreating figure.

"I  don't like this," Red said. "I don't trust that Queen."

"That makes two of us," I added before I placed the paper in my pocket. I looked at Grumpy. "Let me know what happens."

I started walking away from them. "Wait, so you're just going to leave?" Red asked.

"Once a pirate, always a pirate," Granny sneered at me. "They don't think about anyone but themselves."

"Granny!" Red snapped. "Cas, are you really going to let Snow take on the Queen on her own?"

I nodded. "Yes." I spun around and looked at them. "And while she's doing that, I'm going after the prince." It's time I put Snow's happiness before my own. "It's time for a little jail break, don't you think?"



To say I was pissed off is an understatement. Actually, pissed off is the word. Emma was going to leave town and take Henry with her. If I didn't like her that much, I would have punched her in the nose. Henry wanted to talk to her at her apartment, to hell with that. She'd probably kidnap him and take him again. I don't care if she wanted to talk to him. I'm his babysitter and I need to make sure he's safe.

I started pounding on her door. She has a lot of explaining to do. I counted to two before I started pounding on it again. When she opened it, she gave me a little smile. You know what, forget what I said. I punched Emma right on the nose. She groaned as Henry and I walked into the apartment.

"Ow! What was that for?" She asked as she held her nose.

I pointed at her. "Don't play that clueless bullshit with me. Why would you take Henry away?"

"Jax, I -" she wiped the blood off. "Ow, that's some punch."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere. Again, why would you take Henry away? Storybrooke is your guys home, you just can't leave!"

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to Henry about," She said.

"About what?" He asked.

"You were right. I can't take you out of Storybrooke. But I can't stay either."

I threw my hands up in frustration. "Why not? Things got more interesting when you got here."

"I'm sorry, guys. I have to go." No, no, no. I could see the look in Emma's eyes. She doesn't want to leave her son.

"Go? You mean leave Storybrooke," Henry said.

Emma nodded. "Yeah. I spoke to Regina, and we made a deal."

 I crossed my arms. "Well, that's your first mistake. Regina can make deals, but she'll find any possible loophole to get what she wants."

"No she isn't. We both agree that I could see Henry, just...not everyday."

"Are you really going to trust the wanker who tried to frame Mary Margaret?"

"I have to. It's my only choice." She looked at Henry. "It's what's best for you, Henry. Every time I fight her, someone else gets hurt."

Henry shook his head. "No. No. No! You're just scared. This happens to all heroes. It's just the low moment before you fight back." Enough of the stories, Henry!

Emma knelt down and grabbed his arms. "Henry! This isn't a story," she cried. "This is reality. And things have to change. You can't skip school. You can't run away, can't believe in curses."

"We might as well be cursed if you're leaving!" I yelled. "Emma, Regina isn't going to stop. She's still going to terrorize everyone here and the only one brave enough to face her is you."

Emma bit her lip before she grabbed my arm. "Please take care of Henry while I'm gone."

I yanked my hair. "Stop saying things like that! You're not leaving! belong here. What happened to all of us being family? Or was that another lie?"

"Jax, you know I love all of you. But this is what's for the best. All Regina does is fight me for Henry. I used my superpower and she's not lying. I can come and visit him. I'll make sure to visit you, too. We could all have a nice day together and visit the docks, go to the park. Anything you guys want."

All that anger I had disappeared. I felt my eyes tear up as me and Henry wrapped Emma up in a hug. She can't go. She just can't.

"Where did you get that?" Henry asked. I followed his line of vision to see a danish on the table.

"Regina gave it to me," Emma said as Henry walks over to it. Ahh, Regina might be evil, but she can cook.



"What's wrong with apples?" I asked.

Henry shook his head. "You can't eat that. It's poison."

Emma and I gave him a look. "What?" Why would it be poisoned?

"Don't you see? The deal - it was all a trick to get you to eat that, to get rid of the Savior."

"Henry, come on. Why would she do that when I just told her I was gonna go?"

"Because as long as you're alive, you're a threat to the curse."

I shook my head. "Henry, enough about the curse. "

"But it's the truth! And her leaving isn't gonna change that."

"I'll prove it to you," Emma said. She went to grab the pastry, but Henry took it before she had the chance. "Henry...What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry it had to come to this. You may not believe in the curse...or in me. But I believe in you."

Henry didn't take his gaze off us as he took a big bite out of the pastry. "Is it good, Munchkin?" I asked.

"You wanna have some ice cream with that?" Emma added. "And then we can go back to talking about..."

She trailed off when Henry's eyes rolled to the back of his head. My eyes widen as Henry collapsed to the floor.


I went over and knelt next to him. I placed my hand next to his neck. I looked back at Emma.

"Call 911!"


A/N: One more chapter till season 1 is over. And you know what that means, Hook and Cas will reunite in a few more chapters. You know how many times I wanted to add the musical flashbacks to the chapters?...A lot. Lol.

*Not edited*

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