Accept Me •Chanbaek

By xxuxuxaox

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[UNEDITED] - wrote this when I was stupid so... One mistake. A nine month consequence. *Mpreg* Highest Rankin... More

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By xxuxuxaox

Baekhyun POV

I stood in front of the mirror in my room, my eyes were red all over from crying all night. I looked utterly exhausted and not at all ready for school.

Hyuna had convinced my dad to let me stay just 2 more days so she could buy us both plane tickets to back Seoul. She was going to allow me to live there with her and I'd go to school there. She had a two bedroom apartment that she was soon going to move out of since she got a promotion.

I pulled on Chanyeol's hoodie and didn't bother to fix my face. I shoved my feet into some Timberlands and walked downstairs. I stopped on the porch when I realized my car was gone.

"He got it towed" Hyuna appeared making "tsk tsk" sounds "I can't believe he's acting like this, but it's whatever we don't need him, I'll take you to school today."

I sighed and nodded and followed her out to the car. The car ride was quiet until we got to the school. Before I got it she grabbed my hand and cupped it with both of her's.

"Don't be too sad, Baekie, you'll be okay in the end, everything's going to be fine."

"Thanks, Hyuna" I said before getting out and walking towards the school. I kept the hood on my head and walked at a slow speed. There were girls standing in a circle and when they saw me, started whispering to one another.

" 'Scuse me huns" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked over and saw Dahyun pushing through the group and making her way to me.

"How are you today?" She asked but then noticed my face "oh dear! What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I said, my voice failed me and cracked.

"There's something, are you not feeling well? You should take a relaxing bath when you go home today."

"I feel fine, Dahyun-ah."

"Then what's wrong?"

As if I'm telling the biggest gossiper in school. Dahyun was nice but she couldn't keep a secret even if her life depended on it.

"I'm honest, it's nothing. Just....just allergies."

"Ooh I hate allergies, anyways, I have a little gift for your baby" she smiled "I don't know the gender, but here you are" she handed my a white box with a pink and blue ribbon.

"Thanks?" I said, unsure of what to say. This was the first gift I have ever gotten from a girl. Even though it's not exactly mine. It's the their's.

I opened it to see a yellow pacifier, a small yellow bear with a ribbon, small yellow sockies (booties but I call them sockies), and a rattle. I smiled.

"Thank you, Dahyun, you didn't have to do this."

"It wasn't a problem, I was at the mall and was walking past the baby store."

"I'm sure they'll like it." I regretted saying what I said just as fast as it came out.

"They'll?" She asked, tilting her head "OMG! You're having twins? Triplets?"

"Ahh Dahyun-ah please don't say anything to anyone" I pleaded.

"...I'll try. Can you tell me the genders?"

Well since I blurted out everything else "boys."

"That's so cute" she balled her fists up "any name ideas?"

"Not yet, but Luhan and my sister are helping."

"Have you told Chanyeol?"

"No, and I'm not going to."

" you have ultrasound pictures?"


"Can I have one?!"

I wasn't going to give anybody else one so why not? I stopped in front of my locker and searched through my backpack until I found the binder the pictures were located in. I had 8 pictures in all. I picked one and handed it to her.

"Thank you so much, Baekhyunie, I'll talk to you later" she patted my head before walking away.

I put the gift she gave me into my locker before closing it and heading towards my first period class. I crossed paths with Oh Sehun when I was just a few feet from the classroom. He scoffed and roughly shouldered past me, whispering the word "fag" as he walked on down the hall.

You'd be surprised but that word doesn't really phase me. I've been called it too many times for it leave any more marks.

I sat down at my desk and lied my head on my desk, since I was here early, we still had about twenty minutes before class started. So I decided to use that time wisely and sleep.

Luhan would wake me up since we share this class.

I'm sorry for not updating.
I've been super stressed lately :')

2020 EDIT: That also applies now lol I've been sleeping and eating so much omg it's so unhealthy

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