I'm back and badass!

By writer593

160K 4.8K 597

A girl called Isabella Heart, was bullied for being fat, a nerd, a freak, and a goody too shoes. When she can... More

chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 12.
Authors note.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Authors note.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Authors note.
Chapter 21
Author note.
Chapter 22
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Authors note.
Chapter 25.
Authors note.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Authors note.
Chapter 29.
Authors note.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32.
Authors note
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Authors note.

Chapter 11.

4.5K 147 2
By writer593

"I'm sorry you had to witness that." I apologised to Rose. "Its fine. Was that your ex?" She asked, confused. "Yeh. We broke up because she didn't trust me and thought i was cheating on her when she was the cheater. Its alright now though." I replied with a hurt expression on my face. "Oh, Okay. Are you a lesbian or bi sexual?" She asked timidly. I chuckled, and said, "I'm bi sexual. I've dated 3 guys and 2 girls. What about you, are you straight?" "Yeh. I've never had a boyfriend though." she said disappointed. "Oh, why?" I asked curiously. "Oh, I guess i never had enough time, because i have a job which helps pay rent for my adopted family." She says, feeling a bit awkward.

After that, I seen that we had made it to our gate, which leads to the mansion. "Why are we here?" She asks, confused. "Just wait." I reply, while going to the gate, and pressing a button on my phone for the gate to open. A man, who is our security, comes up and says, "Hello again Miss Heart. Who is this with you?" "Oh, hi Fredrick. This is my long lost sister." He looks shocked, and then apologises.

"We have to go now Fredrick. It was good to see you again." We drive up the long driveway, while Rose is surprisingly quiet, just looking out of the window in awe. Aha. That's cute.

We make it to the mansion, and I park. I step out of the car, and walk over to Roses side of the car, and open the door for her. She steps out cautiously. "Welcome home." After that, I shout, "Mam! Dad! Max" Jay!" Not 2 minutes later, they are all running out of the house, worried as to why i am shouting. Max runs up to me and asks of im alright, while i just chuckle and say im fine.

When mam, dad, and jay are outside, they see Rose, and look gobsmacked, except Mam, me and Max. "Is that really my little princess?" My dad asks barely above a whisper. He quickly runs to Rose, and engulfs her in a big bear hug. "Aha. Dad, let her breath, we just got her back.".

Dad looks at me confused, because i haven't laughed in ages, and I'm guessing he mam hasn't told him that me and max know about Rose yet, Oops.

"To explain all of your questions. Yes, i know that me, Max and Rose are triplets. I found out first period. I am fine with it. And, finally, I get why you didn't tell us, mam already explained it." He looks completely confused, and shocked at this, because again, i am never understanding since 2 years ago.

After a few minutes, Dad gets out of his trance, and I give a quick summary of what happened to dad and Jay. After this, Jay runs and hugs Rose, while silently crying. "I've got another sister. Can you be nice, because Izzy isn't normally. I think you've changed her because she is actually smiling and laughing. aha."

I roll my eyes at this, and then quickly say, "I will be 1 minute, I've got to get something from my garage, and out of my car. Mam, will you get that 'thing' from inside the house."

She looks confused, but then figures it out and quickly walks inside to get the mac book (apple laptop) for Rose, while i get her new car, and iPhone 7.

I quickly run into my phone, get the phone, charger and earphones, then run into my garage, and get the keys for the black Porsche, and drive it outside.

Before i'm out, i shout, "Max, cover Roses eyes for a minute will ya?" He quickly covers her eyes, while id rive out of my garage with the car.

I park the car in front of us all, and put a big ribbon on the bonnet. Then mam, comes running outside, with the mac book, she hands me it.

"Okay, turn her around, and then let go on the count of 3."





She looks at the car first, then at me, with her eyes, bulging out of her eyes. I walk up to her, pull her into a hug, and then say, "Welcome to the family, sis. Just so you know, this is only a small part of my gifts for you. Think of it as a 'I'm sorry for missing so much gift'"

Everyone except Rose, "aww's" at this because i am never sweet. She starts to cry, and mumbles things like,

"I cant except these."

"This is too much."

I chuckle, put the mac book, keys and iPhone 7 in her hands, and then say, "You deserve this, more then any of us. Please take them. For me?" She nods her head weakly, and then I say great.

After that, we all began to walk into the house. Rose, once again looks around in awe and admiration. "Welcome to your new house.", Me and max say at the same time. I look at mam and dad, to see them hugging each other sideways, while looking at us with pride, honour, looking as proud as ever.


We all showed her the house. I showed her my garage, and she looked like a kid in a toy shop. We found out that she is a mechanic, and loves to take apart cars, and re fix them. She also likes to help make cars more advanced and upgrade them.

Once again, i shocked everyone when I let her into my garage, because I don't let anyone touch my cars, because they are my babies. I guess having another sister, is really turning me soft, only in front of my family of course. I cant let people see me vulnerable EVER again.

After we showed her all of the floors, (except my floor), the basement, (which has an indoor pool by the way), the back yard and everyone else's garages, we all sat in the main room.

"I will show you my floor, later. I've got something I wanna give you up there with you." I said. "OK."

1040 words.

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