Change (Harry Styles)

By abbieandharry

2.6K 241 44

When Abbie's dream comes true••it all changes quick, it is a search, it is a struggle and it is painful but i... More

Change (Harry Styles)
Dont look...
Three words
The answer is all that matters
I forgot
The drive
Airport chaos
Black out
Its my fault
We need to find them
The search
Found or nah
Check now you little shit ball
Wedding plans
Saved by the bell
Why would you do this to me
How it happened!
Good times
My girls
The trick
Today is the day
The wedding
It was so cute
the court case
the party
Cutting the cake
Louis and the mystery girl
Klub ice...
Authors note...
Movie marathon
New Nanny...


37 5 0
By abbieandharry

Abbie's POV...

The wedding is in under 24 hours!!! These are my last few hours if being Abbie Ainsworth because I will soon be Mrs Abbie Styles!!!

I told the girls to come over before we go shopping, we need to discuss all the make-up and hair and all that stuff! we have got the flowers, venue, entertainment, decor and we have a photographer! My mum is making the food Harry said, I can't wait to see her again, and I just can't wait to have my Dad walk me down the isle!!! I am so excited!

The girls have come, and they have all brought £100 each for their dress, shoes and accessories! I said that I will but anything else that they want, because we HAVE to go to Primark! Who wouldn't!

We were all hugging, and I said that i would toast a bagel for them all and put Nutella all over it, we all love chocolate!! even if we put on a few pounds, who gives a shit!

We set off to Liverpool 1 to get the dresses! we went to the Bridal gown shop first to get my dress because I am the star of the show here! I tried in numerous amounts of dresses but none of them were special, until I tried in a strapless lace one with a diamond belt and a flowy back!

It was the one! Harry will love it so much, I know he will, I think he will anyway!

Once I bought that it was £1000, which for a wedding dress, it is a decent price! we went to John Lewis for bridesmaids dresses! the theme is purple, so we were searching a searching and searching for the one dress that would be nice for them... and then Tamsyn was a saviour!

"Guysssss!" she shouted across the shop like a loon!

"What the fuck Tam, shhhhhh!" i said to her is a whisper.

"I have found a dress! it is so nice and it has bling on it, like your dress! It is perfy!" she said to all of us.

"Lets have a look then, come on" we all said in unison.

And let me tell you... It was gorgeous!! Ted Baker is a life saver! Then we bought 4 of them... we got an 8 for Liv because of all if those snails in Pariś!! we also got black suade shoes, and they were from Primark, we spent over £800 all together! lets call that our hen night!

Such a good day, now I need to sleep, because tomorrow.... I will be Abbie Styles!

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