I am and He is Sam Lee Garcia...

By CountingBackwards

14.8K 396 213

If you are, by any chance, named Sam Lee Garcia Concepcion. Then, Join Sam and Sam, two different people, who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28

Chapter 27

176 5 4
By CountingBackwards

Another point of view shift. Sorry guys~

Sam-the-girl's POV

The introductory dance was disastrous. I nearly tripped seven times as I struggled to get a hold of the peacock dress the contest staff has given me. The contest main theme is apparently about soaring high like a bird. And the manager decided to dress us like birds as an introductory dance constume.

I hadn't tried this dress before. Or I did. But I didn't exactly walk on it that much. That dress was huge. Real colored feathers make up the billowing puffy dress and the upper part has dozen glitters and there's a big peacock wing attached to my back. I couldn't look more ridiculous.

The chicken was worse, though. It isn't a gross costume, but the white feathers just didn't compliment the girl's dark brown skin.

Basically we're a bunch of birds going around the stage. I would've died of embarassment. But I would see all the other contestants are with me so maybe I can stop being so whiny.

"I am Lys Martina and I believe in the saying..." The fifteenth contestant is now introducing herself. I am next. And I have no freaking clue how to settle my fraying nerves. I take a look at Lys. The black-haired girl Luis used to date. She seemed so confident. So sure of what she is doing. Completely the opposite of what I feel. I'd ask her, why she's oozing with self confidence. But it doesn't work out that way. Cause I have no freaking way to do so.

She is walking back to her spot beside me now. Few feet away from her and I know I have to walk right at the center for the stage now. Taking a deep, settling breath I took a step. And another and another. Until I'm in front of the mike stand.

"My name is Sam Lee Concepcion. I prepared a saying for you to ponder," I stopped. I forgot the quotation. What was it again? The dead air lasted for a minute. And then another. The audience is now starting to get bored. WHAT THE FREAKING HELL WAS THAT QUOTE AGAIN?!

I can hear the other contestants snigger from behind me. Risking it all, I look at Sam. His face is contorted with worry and as soon as he saw me look back he started mouthing the words.

Sam is smart. No, not only that. He's wise and intelligent and everything you could associate with being good with brains. But apparently he isn't good with mouthing words. I can't decipher his lip movements. That, maybe is entirely y fault as I'm focusing on all the wrong things about his lips.

Shaking my head, I look back at the audience. They're awkwardly shifting in their seats, waiting for my quote. With one deep breath I said the best quote I can come up with.

"Cheating is wrong."

I can't help the giggle that escaped my mouth. I wasn't exactly thinking. Just went with whatever is on my mind. But still I can't help but ask myself 'where did I get that?'

I'm such a moron.

The next thing I knew the crowd started giggling too. Probably following my example. I bit my lip to avoid any other chuckles to get out. Then someone laughed, and all of them started laughing too. A hearty, good-natured laugh. It's not insulting at all. They seriously think I'm just being intentionally funny.

Being funny maybe. It's not intentional. But I have no plans on changing their views.

Bowing, I went back to my spot. I was met by glares, amused smiles and grins by my co-dudes. I all gave them a sweet smile in return.

Soon the introductions are done and we are now being surfed to the first part of the contest.

Talent Portion.

The backstage is an unending stream of people shouting, walking, talking around. All of them cluttered on the cramped space the school has provided. Each of the contestant's relatives and hired whatevers are over their bets; finishing their make-ups, saying their last minute reminders, pep talks and other stuff.

It's a mess. And if you don't focus on one thing you'd just make your brain burst from trying to understand everything.

"Five minutes and the first person is up!" announces Aria and then she shuffles back to the staff room. They fix the lights and control the decoration there.

On this part, Sam and I are the seventh performer. Most of the contestants went solo but there are others who have teamed/grouped up, too.

Most of us will sing, some will dance. Others have crazy talents that by just looking at them right now makes me even more nervous.

"Where is Hope?" I asked Aunt Filarme. She and her friend, Jessa is the one grooming us. They're our managers, they say.

"Hope and Chance is at the audience with Bert, honey," she replied, combing my hair. I volunteered to do it myself but she insisted that it's her responsibility. She makes it sound more than welcome though.

Sam lifts his guitar, slightly waving it infront of him. I get what he is trying to say, and so I smiled at Aunt Filarme and said, "Can we practice for the last time?"

"Oh! Of course, of course!" she exclaims, giving my hair a last stroke. Then she turned to the other cluttered things near us, cleaning them.

I started to play the piano. It was an agreement. The intro will be played by the piano and the guitar will join it on the first verse.

It is a good thing I have something else to do rather than watch the mess that is surrounding me. I did expect the scene. But that doesn't necessarily mean I have an idea how badly it would affect my nervous self. Playing the piano is a distraction. Moreover, it calms me knowing that I am in my territory, somehow.

He. Me. Us. He. He. Me. Us. End.

I repeat the sequence in my head. For assurance. I wouldn't want a repeat of what happened awhile ago, there's a bigger probability that I wouldn't be lucky this time.

"Feryll Granis, enter the stage in ten seconds."

Feryll Granis, a petite, pretty girl that is the school council's secretary and second in overall junior honor rolls. I sat, watching her pull the garter on her fancy green dress. I know she's going to dance. Aria had repeatedly complimented her 'exemplary performance' all throughout our sessions.

I don't think Aria is being unfair though. Feryll is talented and smart. She has a good sense of humor and unique attitude. She's pretty too. I mean, isn't that the things needed to win a beauty contest?

It's clear, that if Aria if a judge it's no contest; Feryll will win and I will be most probably at the bottom.

She danced. An interpretative one. I don't know how describing it could do her justice, so let's just say that that might just be the perfect way to start the contest.

Thirty minutes, almost everyone else is done but us. Apparently, we're the last one to perform. That sucks, cause we have to make an impression as talent portion's finale.

Forcing my knees to buckle up, I stood and followed En to the stage door. Eli, another contestant, is helping me carry the piano. The second they finished, Aria gave us the ten second warning. As if ten seconds is enough. I didn't think a year would be enough, anyway.





And then Sam went to the center of the stage. I almost lost my balance from the sudden jerk when Eli moved the piano forward. Disoriented, I still tried to stay upright while walking to the center.

There's so many people, they filled all the chairs provided. All my nervousness attacked me at once. I grabbed Sam's arm, closed my eyes and took deep, ragged breaths.

I can do this. I can do this. It's too late to back out. I have to do this.

"Oh my God, I can't do it," I whispered, my knees a centimeter from giving away. But I managed to gather enough courage to reach the stage and plop down to my seat right in front of the piano. Sam smiled, but at that moment I don't think any amount of smile will make me calm.

Sam starts to strum and five seconds through the intro I focus on the piano and played my part. The piano playing proved to be calming as some of my nervousness melted as soon as my fingers are waltzing over the piano keys.

"On our first date, I asked you to dance.

You turned bright red and started to laugh.

I stayed straight faced until you stopped."

Sam's voice was quite unlike Ron Pope's voice. There is a rougher edge and yet it fit the song perfectly. The room was quiet, captivated by the melody and the lyrics.

"On the riverbank there was no music to hear.

I pulled you in close, and whispered in your ear,

'I think I know a tune you'll like' "

I was looking at the keys I'm punching but I know Sam kept his eyes on me the entire time I was singing. Surprisingly, I had enough bravery to continue without choking. Or worse going out of tune.

"So I hummed something soft and sweet

The starts came out as we moved our feet

So won't you take my hand

Take my heart

Promise to never stop dancing once we start

Cause this is our song"

We both sang that part. His voice complimented my soft one and although we have different timbre it still sounded harmonious. Or so I guess, the crowd is still quiet. I'm just hoping that isn't a bad thing.

"The seasons changed as we fell in love

Learned your brothers' names and the warmth of your arms

Your mother seems to like my jokes"

I had just realized just how much this lines could apply to us. Not that I'm assuming, it's just that it seems so fitting. I mentally shake my head to get rid of ridiculous thoughts.

"Got up my nerve and asked your old man,

Said, 'Oh

This is love

May I have her hand'

He smiled and said, 'Son that'll be just fine'

So I took the ring that Grandma'd put aside

Dropped to one knee and looked in your eyes"

My ears could seriously hear the excited whimper Aunt Filarme is giving from the backstage. I can almost imagine his giddy state at the sight of his son singing for a crowd.

After his part we sang the chorus again, this time more lively than the first. And then slowly, gradually it starts to fade. As his strumming creates an aftersound after the last strum, I hit the last note.

There was a moment of silence. That few, solid moment when the sinking feeling in my stomach harshly pointed out that we sucked terribly. But it didn't last long as a second later the gym was riddled with applause. I didn't realize I had already went to the backstage by myself. It was an unconscious act, all I knew then was that I'm close to tears and shaking from adrenaline.

Filarme's hug greeted me. Along with jealous stares from other contestants. I took a deep breath and buried my face on her shoulders.

"Casual wear in fifteen minutes!" Aria announces again. Filarme frees me from her hug and beamed,

"You guys did great! Stellar!" I just grinned, still too happy to say anything.

"Group effort," Sam simply says and then went to the couch and sat. I could see he is happy too, although he tried to mask it with nonchalance.

"But you've got to change now," Jessa reminds us. "We only have fifteen minutes."

"Oh right!" Aunt Filarme exclaims. She ushers me inside a dressing room and tossed me the casual outfit I am supposed to wear.

Excess adrenaline made it hard for me to change, but I still managed to get it in me after six minutes. Jessa expertly applies make-up on me after changing. She moved so quick that I began to worry. She seems like she's just stuffing my face with powder and color minus the aesthetic.

Five minutes pass and I'm looking at my reflection, proud for once. Let's just say Jessa is no doubt a professional. Aria signals again, and at that point the modelling for casual wear started.


Next thing I knew I'm standing in front of the stage, along with all the other contestants, both hands clamped and sweating. Mild anxiety runs through my veins as at every drumroll the master of ceremony announces the names that will proceed to the next part of the program. The sound of a beating heart in a background didn't help either. I feel like the sound is just an echo of my own erratic heart beat.

"Sam Concepcion!"

I heard my name. But I had to mentally punch myself so I can remember that we're still on the boys category and it's not me they're calling for. Nonetheless, my nervousness lessened considerably. At least one of us is in.

Aunt Filarme, I notice at the corner of my eye, is jumping up and down at the mention of his son's name. She's like a toddler after eating a pastic bag full of sweets. Which totally suited her petite and proud-motherly figure.

"Sam Concepcion!"

I didn't move. I didn't want to. What if they're just repeating Sam-the-jerk's name? I stay at my place, staring at the wooden floor.

"Ms. Concepcion?" The master, Jayce, repeats, directly talking to me.

Taking cautious steps, I went to the other side of the stage. Where only five girls will stand after the elimination. Where I am supposed to go to according to Jayce.

Shit, I'm in.

Shaking my head, I grin at myself. It's wrong to curse especially when I feel so happy and fine and light headed and delighted and amused. And every other positive emotion anyone could think of.

Forcing myself to stop grinning like an idiot, I searched for Sam. As soon as I saw that he is also looking at me I unconciously started grinning again.

Gosh. I'm so weird.


Ha. I don't think anyone would still read this. -.-

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