Fervor Discourse (Male Robin...

By MadcapRiflette

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Set on Super Smash Bros 4. With the Arrival of two new Fire Emblem characters, the mansion has been more liv... More

A/n : What in the world?
Congrats, Prince
Christmas Special (REWRITE)
Christmas Aftermath
Small drawing
Fire Emblem Heroes Special
Title Change
Outdoor plan
Poll (Please Read)
The Outside
Lucas is Back! (Short)
FEH Book 3 Special
Byleth in Smash


724 24 1
By MadcapRiflette

Months passed as the new characters settled in Smash Mansion. It was quite rough at first, but they manage to pull through.

There were additional people, but the only ones who brought tears to (Name)'s eyes are Roy and Ness.

Then (Name)'s new games are nearing release, mostly everybody in the mansion-especially the children- are anticipating for the release date.

Crescent's Edge 2: The Ancient's tomb
Crescent's Edge 2.5 : Rise from Ashes

The game cover and trailer was enough to bring hype.

"Corrin and Lucario vs (Name) and Pikachu!"

Kamui nudged her male counterpart "You're up Corrin." She said as Corrin went up the stage.
"Fight well!" Roy cheered, hands cupped at the sides of his mouth.

Everyone else are cheering from the sidelines and from their seats

Lucario opened his eyes as he stopped meditating beside his meditating buddy, Greninja. And proceeded to walk to the arena.

"Pika!" Pikachu said as they tugged lightly on (Name)'s cloak. Said woman nodded once and followed the mouse Pokemon to the arena.

The arena was set in Final Destination, Each team stood on opposing sides, ready to charge at each other. Pikachu was on all fours, (Name) readied her scythe, Corrin prepared Yato and Lucario raised his paws/hands up.




Then the four all ran at each other. It was Pokemon vs Pokemon and (Name) vs Corrin.

Despite having to face a smaller female, Corrin still need to be wary and alert around the (h/c)-clad female.

In her games, she has slain dragons, but not just dragons. Dragon bones that are brought to life and for some reason can still fly and breathe fire without skin or organs.

There was a special button mash on Crescent's Edge where (Name) must slice the spine in half to defeat the dragon bones, and the prince was unsure if she'll do the same.

But that was only meant to kill something if needed, just..not right now.

He recklessly charged towards (Name) and did Dragon lunge on her, which caught her off guard. He kicked her away and used dragon fang shot on her, pushing her back and made her lose her footing, falling flat on the floor backwards.

Many people-or smashers- gasped since no one ever dared to catch her off guard before. Many of them leaned forward because when the cloaked female fell back, her hood fell off.

Unfortunately, her face was facing away from them so they only saw the back of her head, at least they now knew her hair color which is (h/c).

Even Corrin himself was shocked, since he had never ever knocked (Name) off her footing before, he saw the bottom of her chin, revealing that her skin tone must be (s/c).

"Go Corrin!" Kamui cheered aloud from her seat as Cloud, Mewtwo and Bayonetta clapped beside her.

"No way!" Toon Link exclaimed. Everyone watched in anticipation as the (Name) rose, in hopes that they can finally see what she looks like but her head glitched for a bit, only to stop to reveal that her hood is up, making most of the audience sigh in disappointment.

A text box appeared in front of the female as she looked at Corrin.

'Wow...Congratulations. You managed to sweep me off my feet..'

Corrin blushed a little as he read the text. "If you put it like that, many woul-"

He was cut off when in a blink off an eye, (Name) was now a few feet in front of him, her scythe was ready to swing at him as he yelped and rolled out of the way, avoiding the weapon's Crescent blade.

He staggered back a little when he regained his composure, watching carefully as his opponent stood her ground.

He let out a grunt as he ran towards her, his sword ready to be thrusted towards her mid section but the female countered it with an upward swing and a side kick to the hip.

The albino male went off balance as he landed on his side, his opponent ran past him to collect an ice item to freeze him.

With the item, she gently tapped it against Corrin's head as he was encased in ice, he stuggled to get out but the female pushed him off the edge off the arena, as Pikachu finished off Lucario.


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