The Love We Share

By MelleD

33.5K 616 84

When you are running away from something, there is only so much time until it catches up to you. I just hope... More

The Love We Share
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 23

751 30 5
By MelleD

A/N: Hey guys! I've been gone for a while, I'm sorry, life can sometimes get the better of you. I actually hadn't even logged on to Wattpad in months and the other day I decided to check up on the stories that I'm reading. When I saw my page I started squealing like a little girl! 

Thank you so much guys! Many of you have voted and many others have started to read my story. Thank you for not giving up on me! 

Vote, Comment, Follow (Fan)! Enjoy!~

Chapter 23 (Tory’s POV)

                I watched him as he disappeared in his car, leaving me behind with his sister and boyfriend, feeling a pain in my chest. It felt as if I was watching half of me run away, which made no sense. I felt like we just belonged together, and knowing that I’ve only known him for a few months and dated him for less, scares me. What if he turns out to be just like Jake? I fall hard and fast for him, only to have my heart destroyed and my child have to see the aftermath.

                I turned back and looked at them both to find them staring at me. “Take me home,” I said. Not bothering to say anything else. Meredith nodded and led the way to their car. Blake walked slightly behind us and I kept catching him looking at out surroundings, as if he expected something to come out and attack us at any moment. As I turned to look at Meredith, I noticed she was actually doing the same thing. Maybe he left because something serious was happening. What kind of things is Vincent involved in that they were so watchful for danger?

                With all these thoughts running through my mind, the trip home went by in a blur. I found myself opening my apartment and stepping in, leaving Blake and Meredith in the car, knowing they were still watching me. I found Paul playing one of his games, which he has officially set up in my living room since he is almost always there, and since Don seems to always know when he plays without him, this seemed like the best solution for both of them. Don was snoring lightly next to Paul, as Paul was shouting loudly at the game. “What the hell! You have got to be kidding me!” he screamed.

                “If you talk any louder, you’ll wake him up,” I said lightly.

                He jumped in the air dropping the game controller and turned around in a blur to face me. I blinked my eyes trying to follow his movement. “Are you trying to kill me?” he demanded.

                “How is coming home going to kill you?” I asked a little annoyed by the question.

                “Make a little noise next time!” he looked at me curiously but shook his head dismissing it.

                “I’m sorry,” I said feeling the confusion coming back to me.

                “What’s the matter? And how did you get home? Vincent gave you a ride?”

                “Meredith did.”

                “What?” he looked at me like I had grown another head. “Where was Vincent then?”

                “He left.”

                “He left? To where?”

                “I don’t know.” I went and picked up Don and carried him to our room and tucked him in. I turned off the light and left the door slightly ajar in case he woke up and I wasn’t there. “I was going to ask you, do you know where he went?” I asked Paul as I entered the living room again, sitting down across from him.

                “How would I know?” He asked suspiciously.

                I shrugged, “Doesn’t hurt to ask.” I sighed and turned to the paused game.

                “Are you worried about him?” I nodded in response. “You shouldn’t be he can take care of himself. Now the fact that he left you, that is surprising.”

                I looked at him curiously. “And why is that?”

                “Well you know, you’re his …uh… girlfriend. He wouldn’t have just left you.”

                “Well he did,” I said letting the frustration leak into my voice.

                “I sure he had a good reason,” he said trying to reassure me. “I should head home now it’s getting late. I promise you, there is definitely a good reason for him to leave you. He will tell you soon enough…I hope.” I gave me one last smile before turning and leaving me there seated and still very much confused.


                “Mommy! Mommy!”

                “Huh? What?” I mumbled opening my eyes to see Don standing directly in front of me. “What happened baby?” I asked still groggy.

                “Why are you asleep on the sofa?”

                “What?” I sat up and looked around me. I was still in the living room. I must have fallen asleep here last night.

                “You didn’t go to bed last night!” He exclaimed.

                “I’m sorry baby. I was just tired.”

                “Okay. But are you okay?”

                “I’m fine,” I assured him.

                “Is Paul coming over today too? You have a date tonight too right?”

                “Uh, I don’t know.”

                “But you were excited mommy!  You have a date with Coach so you have to make me breakfast and get ready.”

                “Uh…” I mumbled.

                “Of course she has a date today!” I screamed in a panic and grabbed Don and put him behind him, shielding him. I looked at the person who spoke, to find Paul kneeled over laughing.

                “That is not funny! And how did you get in?” I demanded.

                “You…forgot…to…lock…the…door,” he said in between laughs. I grabbed a cushion and threw it at him as hard as I could. It only made him laugh even harder making Don join him. I stood there shocked as they both laughed at my reaction.  “That was the funniest thing ever,” he said after he caught his breath, “and great pay back if I do say so myself.” Don laughed and ran to Paul and gave him a high five. I grabbed another cushion and threw it at them before running to the bathroom for cover.

                “We’ll get you later mommy!” I heard Don’s muffled scream. I laugh as I turn on the water to shower. I took my time in the bathroom, when I finally walked out the boys were again playing one of their games.

                “Make breakfast!” I screamed as I ran to the room.

                “Already done!” Paul responded.

                I put on the first pair of sweats I saw and a big t shirt before walking back out and heading to the kitchen. On the counter top I found a plate with so much food that it threatened to overflow. It had scrambled eggs, bacon, waffles and sausages. “This looks delicious,” I mumbled under my breath. I grabbed the plate and carried it to the kitchen and sat on the opposite couch from Paul and Don.

                “Let me get you the coffee,” Don said as he got up and ran in the direction I had come from.

                “There’s coffee?” I asked surprised.

                “Of course,” Paul said, “I know how you get without your coffee in the morning.”

                I hear Don approaching and look towards him. He is taking tiny steps to avoid spilling any of the contents of the mug.

                “Thank you baby,” I said as I grabbed the cup from him. He grinned and sat back down. “This is too much food!” I exclaim as I pick the fork back up.

                “Yea well whatever you don’t eat, we will,” Paul said winking at Don. Don responded by smiling even wider.

                I laugh as I continue to eat the delicious contents of the plate. I watched them play one of the many shooting games that Paul owns. Before I knew it, the plate was empty and I was leaning back and breathing heavily.

                Paul laughed as he noticed the state I was in. “So you were hungry right?”

                “I guess so,” I said blushing.

                “Good, ‘cause she didn’t even eat dinner last night, right Paul?” Don said.

                “No she didn’t, she just fell asleep.” Paul responded.

                “Okay, okay, I get it. I ate now. All is right with the world!” They both laughed and continued to play their game as I watched trying to catch my breath.

                After a few minutes Paul asked, “So are you going to start getting ready for your date?”

                “I don’t have a date,” I responded, still frustrated with the situation.

                “Yes you do,” he said, “he will be here in a little while.”

                “What?!” I asked jumping up from the couch.

                “He said he had some things to explain to you, so he would be here in,” he glanced down at his watch, “about 20 minutes.”

                “And you tell me this now?!” I ran to the kitchen to put the plate in the sink, and then ran just as fast to the room to get ready. In 15 minutes I ran out into the living room to get the opinion from the boys. “How does this look?” I asked them. I was wearing a pair of tights, a flowing tank top and a pair of combat boots. I did my make up as simply as I could, and left my hair straight.

                “You look beautiful mommy!” Don said.

                “You always say that!” I said.

                “Because you are,” Paul said winking at me.

                “So this is okay?”

                “Yes it is, nice and casual. I like it,” he responded. “And right on time. I hear his car outside.”

                I gasped and turned to walk to the door to hurry out. “Can I say hi to coach?” I hear Don’s tiny voice ask.

                I stop immediately and turn to him. “Oh honey not today. Next time I promise.”

                “You sure?” He asked uncertainly.

                “I’ll make sure you get to say hi to him,” Paul said as he ushered me out of the door.

                I stumbled out o the door to find Vincent getting out of his car. Perfect timing. I walk to the car as he gets to my side of the car. He opens the door for me without a word and I get in. He closes the door behind me and I watch him go around to the driver side and get in. When he is finally got in, he turns to me and quietly says, “hi.”

                “Hi,” I respond just as quietly.

                “I know your mad,” he starts, I scoff in response. “I know, I know. Just listen to me and let me explain.”

                “I’m listening,” I said impatiently.

                “There are things about me you do not know. And I will tell you everything in due time. But I can’t tell you right now, and I’m sorry. I just need you to trust me. I would never hurt you, all I want to do is protect you.”

                “Protect me from what?” I asked getting a little frightened.

                “From everything,” he chuckled. “But,” he said sobering up quickly, “I do have enemies. Nothing I want you to worry about, but I still need to be mindful of what could happen.”

                “So what happened yesterday that had you running away from me?” I asked him.

                “Let me tell you now, very few things will ever make me run away from you,” he said in a husky voice. He leaned towards me and captured my lips before I could think to pull away. His lips were soft yet firm and drove me crazy from just the minimum contact. But I needed more contact, and he seemed to feel the same way as he licked my lips for entrance, which I gladly gave. Our tongues danced and fought for dominance. He easily won, not that I was trying very hard. This man had the ability to drive me crazy with a simple kiss. It was even worse than how it was with Jake; I didn’t even think that was possible. The random thought of Jake that came to mind made me realize what he was trying to do. I pulled back and pushed him lightly back to his seat. I sighed and he pouted at me, making me laugh. But again I knew these techniques of distraction already.

                “What happened yesterday?” I asked again.

                He sighed, “Nothing important I promise.”

                “Then why was it one of the few things that made you run from me?”

                “Uh…” he said as I stumped him with the question. “Just please, trust me.”

                “Why should I?”

                “Because you are the most important thing in my life,” he whispered.

                “You barely know me,” I whispered back.

                “I want to know everything about you, if you let me.” His eyes were burning with passion as he looked at me.

                I couldn’t make myself look away from those eyes. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. “Okay,” I said as I leaned back.

                “Thank you,” he said. “Now let’s go.”

                 “Where are we going?” I asked.

                “It’s a surprise,” he said winking at me.


                Vincent ended taking me to a simple dinner and a movie, saying that even though we were far from normal, it would be fun to be normal for once. The dinner was great and we spent the time talking and laughing. It surprised me, you would think we would run out of things to talk about.

                We went to the only movie theater in town. I don’t remember the movie we went to see. For the first half of the movie, I kept sneaking glances at him, trying not to get caught. He has such a handsome face. I was trying my best to be sneaky, but midway through the movie, he turned at the same time. I quickly turned away. I stared at the screen trying to play it cool as I felt his stare. I peak over at him in time to see his hand reach over and lightly grab my face and turn it to him. His eyes were smoldering as he looked at me. He leaned towards me and kissed me. The movie was no longer important, he was.

                The lights turned on suddenly and I pulled away from him. He chuckled and looked around. “Guess the movie is over,” he said.

                I blushed and nodded. He reached his hand out and I placed my hand in his as he helped me up. We walked in silence back to the car, but with bright smiles on our faces. This man seems to be able to make any situation a happy one. 

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