The Gray Brothers: The Beginn...

Von angel48183

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Every story has a beginning before it has an ending. Growing up kitty-corner from three hot brothers, Patty n... Mehr

The Grays
Nathaniel Gray aka Nate
Jonas Gray
Cayson Gray
Life is crazy then there's Lucille
Car problems
Late night chats
Life is full of lemons
Conspiracy theories
To homecoming or not to homecoming, that is the question
Apple orchard fun
Halloween, trick or treating, and scary movies
After party issues
Happy 18 birthday, Patty!
First date
I had a good time
Lucille is at it again
Dating a Gray boy
'Tis the season
'Tis the season, part 2
Guess whose birthday it is?
Hot and heavy
My Girl: A Valentine's Day Chapter
I swear Lucille is crazy
Myrtle Beach for Spring Break? Sure, why not?
And the countdown begins
Finals and Graduation: The End of One Era and the Start of Another
Wedding Daze
The wedding night
Welcome home, Mrs. Gray
Settling into married life
Time to take a break and have fun
Here comes Nashville, aka Nash
Damn, Son. Did You Forget Your Raincoat?
New neighbors
No more!
12 years later: We're Having Company
Here comes the Gray Brothers
Mrs. George and Maggie

Party issues

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Von angel48183


After Halloween, I kept my distance from the Gray boys. It seemed like I had nothing but issues every time I was around them. Plus, I wanted to focus on school and work.

Liz had other ideas like the party she decided that we should attend on Friday night. I didn't know about her plan and thought I was staying the night and having a girl's night with junk food, movies, and gossip.

She had other ideas. Why was this a terrible idea?


As we walked to someone's house, I knew this idea was terrible.

"Come on, Patty!"

I dawdled with my arms crossed. "Liz, why are we attending a party? If our parents find out...."

She stopped and turned to me. "They won't find out. Live a little, Patty."

My stomach churned. I didn't like this idea. I wasn't the girl to sneak behind her parents' back, cause trouble, or be irresponsible. I followed the rules.

Liz opposed the rules, which made her a rule breaker. We were complete opposites, and how we were best friends was beyond me.

I took a deep breath and followed her to a house. You could hear the blaring music five houses down the street. We found people hanging outside as people entered while people left. They all had a cup in their hand, which I'm sure had alcohol.

We walked in, and a few people greeted Liz, handing her a cup. She smiled, took it, and drank from it like it was water. They gave me a cup, but I declined it because they could slip a drug into it.

I saw people from school I didn't know well and tried to stick close to Liz, but she disappeared into the house, leaving me to fend for myself. Great.

I walked around the party as people talked and danced. Some were playing drinking games or making out. Gross. It's a typical teenage party.

I found myself in the kitchen and noticed a punch bowl. At least they have punch that you can drink. Not thinking, I picked up a glass and filled it to the brim. I took a sip. What the heck was in this punch?

I winced and stuck out my tongue but figured it was an off-brand. I shrugged and drank the punch. After the second cup or fourth, I developed an insane amount of courage and ended up dancing.

After taking a break from busting a move, I stumbled around and came across a phone. Oh, goody. I'll call Nate and give him a piece of my mind. Why not? Someone should tell him off for playing head games.

I picked up the receiver and tried to focus on the numbers. Two phones make it challenging. Who has two phones side by side? Isn't one enough? Eh, they must have teens in the house.

After I hit the last number, it rang. It rang twice until someone answered. Hello?

I had a challenging time deciphering who it was, so I guessed. "Nate?"

No, it's Jonas.

"Oh, hey, Jonas!"

Patty? Where are you? Why is there loud music?

I swayed back and forth. "I'm at a party. Where I am is none of your business because I'm not sure where I am." I slurred my words.

Tell me the address, and I'll come to get you.

"Nope. I want to speak to Nate. Then I'll never bother you again."

Are you drunk?

"Nah, I drank some punch which doesn't make you drunk. Now get Nate." I swayed back and forth and placed a hand on the wall, trying to steady myself.

A deep voice answered, Patty?



"I have a bone to pick with you, mister hot and cold, who refuses to kiss me because he's dumb."

Are you drunk?

"Nope. I had punch."

Where are you?

"That's not why I'm calling you. You don't have to worry about me anymore. You made yourself loud and clear. You don't want me, which is fine because I won't bother you even though I like you. I've moved on from you." I tried to steady myself.

I'm coming to get you.

"Nope, there's no need. You don't care about me, and that's fine because I have a house full of people who care."

Patty, I'm getting dressed and coming to get you. Now tell me where you are.

"You're sexy when you growl." I giggled.

Nate sighed.

"But I'm good. I must go because I need more punch. Ta ta." I dropped the receiver and staggered away as he yelled my name into the receiver. Someone walked by and hung up the phone.

I walked over to the punch bowl and refilled my cup. This punch is outstanding.

I didn't have a care in the world and drank and stumbled around the party. It felt good to tell Nate off because I didn't need him or anyone and was my own person.

As I made my way around, unexpected guests arrived.



"All right, split up and find her," I told Jonas and Cayson.

My brothers nodded, and we searched the house for Patty. I found Patty staggering and swaying as she tried to walk, and I walked over and spun her.

"Nate! What are you doing here?" Patty tried to keep her balance.

"I'm taking you home."

"But I'm staying with Liz, who's making out with a boy." Patty giggled.

"Not tonight, you're not. I'm taking you to my house."

"Stop!" Patty held out her hand and placed it on my chest. "Are you trying to seduce me? Because it won't work. You won't even kiss me."

"You know why I won't kiss you."

"Yep, because I'm Patty, Danny's kid sister and the neighborhood good girl who gets harassed by her crush. Then her neighbor plays her." Patty giggled.

"I already told you why."

"But that's not the real reason. But it's all good." Patty flailed her arms. "I'm used to playing second fiddle to other girls, and I'm not the girl whom guys pick, right? I'm too nice."

I stood there as she continued her drunken rant.

"But let me tell you something. I'm a nice girl who's one of a kind." Patty turned and walked away from me, dropping my cup into a garbage can. "Patty has left the building!"

Jonas and Cayson found me.

I said, "I found Patty."

"And?" Jonas asked me.

"She's drunk." I sighed.

Liz walked up to us. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We should ask you the same thing," I said.

"Patty and I came to a party."

"Oh, yeah? Because coming to a party with your best friend means ditching them, and then they get drunk off their ass."

"But she didn't take a drink from anyone."

"Well, she got it from somewhere. So, I'll take care of her. It would be best if you rethought your friendship with her." I walked away with Jonas and Cayson following me.



The Gray boys found me halfway down the street as I stumbled while walking home. My stomach churned as the world spun. I stumbled onto the grass and heaved.

Someone pulled my hair away from my face as they rubbed my back. I fell onto my knees and heaved until I emptied my stomach's contents.

I sat down. Jonas handed Nate a napkin to clean off my face. I stared at Nate as he wiped off my mouth and chin. After he finished cleaning my face, he helped me up. I looked at him until I passed out in his arms. I didn't realize how tired I was.

He picked me up bridal style, carried me to his car, set me in the back seat, and closed the door. I'm never drinking again.


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