Bitten Mate (Editing)

By HeatherMoulding

25.2K 253 22

This story is under going editing so please bare with me that some of the story may be repeated, any part tit... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Cast Out
Head Over Heels In Love... Literally
Winter Illness
What expected can't hurt. What hurt wasn't expected!
Dante's Life Just Got Better
Uninvited Visitors
Tears and Bad Memories
Don't Leave Your Pack Without An Alpha Jace
You're Mine Adelina Part 2
"You're Not Worth It!"
Important notice!

You're Mine Adelina Part 1

630 7 3
By HeatherMoulding

Feeling the familiar transition of his wolf taking over Jace welcomed it with open arms before running the few miles to the pack house, passing a small herd of trees Jace was unaware of who was in there on guard for Dante. Arriving at the pack house Jace shouted out orders to his people inside “Lock the children and pregnant woman in the safe room, I want first aiders to be ready for the injured and the teenage wolves who have had training guard the doors make sure no one but our wolves get in!” and with that final order he turned and sprang into action heading for where the fight was in full swing.

Staring down at Adelina, Dante wondered why the gods never made her his mate after all in his mind they were a perfect couple. Gently he stroked her cheek in admiration as she lay unconscious on a bed in a tent. Happiness was flowing from his body in waves of joy, his finger trailed down her body and over the bump of hers that carried his pups not Jaces. Chuckling Dante sat down rubbing her bump relishing in his victory. Jace didn’t know that this was happening reports from the bloodlust pack he had joined told him he was in the middle of fighting… completely distracted and unaware his precious mate had been taken. Chuckling he whispered “Adelina my dear come on wake up” he shook her gently as a small moan of pain escaped her lips. Adelina sat up her hands now in fists rubbing at her eyes as if she was a five year old waking up from nap time.

Sliding into the clearing Jace stumbled in shock, the sight of blood and many injured and dead wolves and humans was a sight he didn’t expect to see so soon. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he charged at the nearest wolf that was being cornered by three hunters, with a sickening crack the first one fell down dead causing the other two hunters to lose concentration ending up with them losing their lives. Looking around yet again after nodding at the wolf he helped he knew his pack had no chance against all off these hunters and bloodlusts but it would make his mother proud if he killed as many as he could. So, with that he rushed back into the fight with his mother and Adelina on his mind.

Sudden pain jolted through Adelinas body from her overly sized bump causing her to whimper loudly, panting she calmed herself down lifting her head to gaze into a pair off worried eyes that certainly didn’t belong to her mate Jace. Scrambling back Adelina fell back first onto the floor causing another painful jolt to go through her body. Dante hurried and picked her up the small cry of pain worrying him, he knew something was wrong he could feel her pain. “Adelina dear tell me where it hurts I promise I won’t hurt you?” He whispered quietly trying not to scare her in anyway. A small whimper escapes her lips again as she lowers a hand to rest on her bump “The babies… something’s wrong with the babies Dante,” whimpered Adelina paling. Dante grimaced “Adelina tell me are they coming?” he spluttered out and with the nod of Adelinas head he paled too.

Growls sounded all around Jace as he flung himself from wolf to hunter in a hurry to dispatch and kill as many as he could in a rush to get into his endangered mate. Letting his anger overtake himself he swiped at a small wolf catching the side of its face and snapping its neck by the force of the swipe. Looking around he saw a few off his pack members dead or seriously injured but there was to many hunters and bloodlusts “FALL BACK GET THE INJURED TO SAFETY!” he roared flinging himself at a hunter that was just about to kill a young fighter. Blood flew over his face as the hunters head rolled away before landing at the feet off another hunter.  Jace gave out a warning growl to the hunter who just paled and threw up. Leaving him alone Jace jumped over his head to hold the hunters and bloodlusts back while his pack members got the remaining injured members to in the house.

Dante watched anxiously as Adelina withered in pain only wearing a long blue shirt that belonged to him, his mind was ticking away as paranoia overtook his body in frenzy.  Panic filled his mind as he paced around muttering nonsense to himself while shaking slightly. Jealously suddenly fled through his body mixing together with his anger causing a small fire to ignite that was going to bring Jace burning down to the ground on his knees. Chuckling to himself he turned towards Adelina possessiveness and evil smirk on his face as he gazed down at her now shaking and pale body, his mind too clouded for him to notice the major pain she is in. He turned to face the corner off the wall where his second in command also his best friend was stood there. A small smile covered his face as he flash backed to the days where they both brought Adelina pain.

Adelina whimpered as she watched the now completely insane Dante, he stood in the corner now talking to the wall as if someone was stood there. “She’s all mine I was successful in taking her away,” Dante said a look off pure evil glinting in his eyes as he giggled -yes giggled- to whoever he was talking to in the corner not that Adelina could see them of course. Letting out a small cry of pain she tried to contact Jace successfully getting through to him “Jace help me. Dante took me, he has gone crazy,” She spluttered out to him throwing fear and worry into his head along with the words.  Dante turned to face her anger radiating off his body as he stepped closer to her as Adelina let out a whimper of pain causing his features to change and soften. “Shush angel it’s okay,” he hushed gently massaging her bump in a way of trying to comfort her. Adelina flinched slightly as a worried reply of Jace entered her head “Baby what else is wrong I can feel your pain,” his voice was coated with fear and that drowned the anger he was feeling underneath. “The babies are coming,” she answered.

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