Adopted A Fangirl

By bubblegumlou_

48.5K 1.5K 300

Mariah is a huge Directioner she gets adopted after being in an awful orphanage by none other then one of the... More

Adopted A Fangirl
Dreams do come true....right!
Bye old hello new
-not and update-
Crush On the New Girl
Niall Talks
The Truth will Set You Free...
What does it look like I want
Today is the day!
Talks & Change
The Kiss
Christmas EVE
New Years
Memories Flood In
Gettin Better
Hi Boo
Valentines Day
Fun Fun Fun
Playlist Live Day 1
Last Day of Playlist
Scars and Love
Ashton and Mariah time
Drunk Harry?
No place like home
Fakes Fans are As Rude As Harry
Boys gotta go home
Two Cliffords One Big House
Masrahton is Real
Incecure and Protection
Vegas and Acacia?
Billboard Awards
Mariah's alone and Interview
Movie With Friends
More Then You Know
Harry's Girl?
Teenage Runaway
-not an update-
Just Great Isn't It
Caught Up In The Lie
Life Is Weird

Boys Come Home and Marashton

639 23 3
By bubblegumlou_

Mariah's POV

It's like 5 in the afternoon and I am taking all the color out of hair so that I will be back to my natural looking blonde hair, then I will have a blue streak in the fount.

It was like 10 when my hair was finished and I was tired so I went to bed, knowing when I woke up we were going to get the boys from the airport!

I woke up and put on grey sweat pants, a batman tee, and my black vans. We took a car to the airport and waited for the boys.

Ashton's POV

"Where is she"? I asked getting very impatient.

"Calm down, if you wanna be so Clingy to her why don't you just ask her out"? Calum laughed.

"Because I can't, I have to wait until she knows what's going on with Harry, dammit where is she"!? I yelled very upset I mean I haven't seen Mariah in two weeks.

"There they are"! Luke yelled and Mariah ran up to me and we hugged, she gives the best hugs. She had her ear up to my chest which means she was listening to my heart. I didn't want to let her go, one day I plan to ask her out but I will give her time. She let go and went to hug the others.

We got back to the house and me and Mariah went up in her room, while everyone else feel a sleep.

I plopped on her bed and she laid on top of me with her head my chest.

"Your heartbeat.....its nice"! Mariah giggled.

"I've never been told that".

"Well it's nice"!

"Thank you, I guess"! I smiled and started to play with her hair.

"Why are you playing with my hair"? She giggled.

"Because it's pretty"! I laughed she is so cute it scares me, I love when we just hang out like this.

"Mimi you know your so fucking beautiful it hurts me"!

"Well your a loser"! She laughed and I fake pouted.

Mariah's POV

When me and Ashton just lay in bed like this it makes me so happy!

"I'm gonna sing to you"! He smiled and I just looked confused. He started singing and I knew the song right away it was my favorite song Lost Boy. I just laid there and felt the vibrations on his chest, it was a kind of safety feeling! I cut off his singing to talk.

"It's really thundery outside and rainy outside Ashton i'm scared"! I fake pouted and he held me tight.

"I'll protect you"!

"Ashton I can't say it enough how much I just want to be able to kiss you whenever I want"! I pouted.

"We all know Harry doesn't deserve a second chance especially with his new girlfriend, just go out with me Mariah please"!

"Maybe I will"!

"Is that a yes"?

"Yes Ashton I will be your girlfriend"! He gave me a kiss and I kissed back.

"You are the best at cuddles"! I smiled.

"I know I am"! He giggled with success.

"It's like noon why is everyone still a sleep"? I shook my head.

"I mean this is Michael and Luke we are talking about no clue why Calum is a sleep". We just laid there just humming different songs when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in"! I yelled and walked in Michael.

"Hey just came to make sure you guys aren't dead"!

"Well we aren't idiot"? I stated sort of asking tone.

"Well I just wanted to know what you doing"?

"Um well just laying in bed with my boyfriend". I ment to say boyfriend I wanted to lay it slowly.

"Did you just say boyfriend"?

"Yup"! I said popping the p!

"Well damn you could of asked".

"You said you approved of him".

"Yeah but it's weird my best friend and my sister! Ashton hurt her and you will be out of the band cause you'll be dead"!

"I know"! Ashton stated.

"Good, but just know the boys are going to mess with you two"!

"We kinda guess that, now go back to sleep"! I stated and he left.

"Wanna go make lunch"?

"Hell yeah I am starving"! He answered and we got up and walked down to the kitchen.

"Cheese Toasties"? I asked he nodded, he grabbed the bread and the cheese and I turned on the toaster and put the cheese on the bread. The house son smelled like cheese and toast and of course Luke and Calum can downstairs.

"Cheese Toasties"? they asked in unison and we nodded. We handed them a plate with the cheese covered toast goodness to each of them and then took mine and Ashton's up to his room.

After we finished eating Ashton was giving me kissed all over my face.

"You know I hate you you fucking dork"!

"Yeah but I'm your dork so it's worth it". He laughed giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'll be right back, keep my spot warm"! He got up and walked out of the room. I took this time to tell Louis that me and Ashton are dating.

M: Louis guess who got a boyfriend?

L: YOU?! WHO?!

M: Ashton who else!

L: Well yay! This should keep your mind off of Harry and his new "girlfriend"

M: I know right, well I have to go! love ya

I locked my phone and Ashton came back in the room.

"So what do you want to do mimi"? Ashton asked as I put my head on his chest.

"It's so muggy outside let's just watch TV all day"! He smiled and we went down to the living room because the TV in huge in there. I laid on top of him and we turned on the TV and watched some random movie, we soon feel asleep.


So um MARASHTON! Yes they are together but that doesn't mean Marry drama is over! I AM SO EXCITED!

Mariah Xx

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