Lost Love | Klaus Mikaelson |

Oleh Kaelyn_Fray

214K 3.2K 803

Alessia Salvatore is Stefan's twin sister. She was left behind and forgotten about by her brothers who were u... Lebih Banyak

Masquerade - Edited
Rose - Edited
Katerina - Edited
The Last Dance - Edited
Klaus - Edited
The Last Day
The Sun Also Rises
As I Lay Dying
The Birthday
The Hybrid
End Of The Affair
Disturbing Behavior
Ghost World
Ordinary People
The New Deal
Bringing Out The Dead
Dangerous Liaisons
All My Children
The Murder of One
Heart of Darkness

The Recking

6.2K 107 34
Oleh Kaelyn_Fray

The drive back to Mystic Falls was a long ride but made especially longer for Alessia. Every hour or so her brothers neck would be snapped by Rebekah or Klaus so he would go back into unconsciousness. Hearing his neck snap made Alessia feel unforgettable since he was her twin and all, she was connected to him.

Klaus could sense that Stefan had been hiding something from both him and Rebekah, the answers would be back in Mystic Falls. Where Elena was live and well. It's no word of a lie that Alessia hated her brother's girlfriend but if she died she knew it would break both her brother's hearts.

She didn't want to be the one to pick up the pieces since there's no say to what they may do. Klaus was still too blind to see that Alessia knew all along about the truth. She was good at keeping secrets from people since she learnt from the best all those years ago.

Alessia knew he couldn't compel it out of her, he wouldn't do that to her. Break her trust and faith in him. Just in case she takes vervain each day to protect herself.

"Where would the scooby gang be?" A voice broke her from her train of thought. She looked up and over to Klaus seeing he was asking her a question. Alessia was toying whether or not to tell him where the others were or not. But she made her mind up.

"Their at the school for senior prank night" Alessia answered truthfully telling him where the others are. She decided to put her brother first before others, she knew if they didn't give him answers sooner or later he would do worse than breaking Stefan's nec over and over.

Since Alessia have seen it first hand of what happens when people break's Klaus's trust. "Of course" He marvelled smirking a little. They were in Klaus's car now on the way to the school whilst Rebekah was in the moving truck waiting for Stefan to come back to consciousness.

It weren't too long until Klaus pulled up outside of the school parking in an empty parking space. She looked around seeing cars that belonged to students who were inside setting up pranks.

She had heard it was a tradition for the students who were heading to the senior year to set up pranks ready for the teachers in the morning. Now it is like the teachers don't bother to go in and bust the students anymore. They just let them get on with it, meaning the school will be empty soon enough.

"Lets go love" He told her getting out of the car, she soon followed after him. Alessia knew her ways around the school hallways as did Klaus.

"I still find it creepy how you pretend to be my history teacher that one time" She mused in laughing reminding him about.

"I did wonder why you was staring at me, I thought maybe Alaric had a crush on me" She added on sending him a wink, she could see he just was smirking.

"I've already claimed you" He pointed out taking hold her hand and pulling her towards him before placing a kiss on her lips softly. A grin appeared on the blondes lips as she kissed him back, placing her spare hand of the back of his head. Deepening the kiss. Enjoying the moment.

Until he pulled away clearing his throat "We We need to get down to business" He motioned to the door that leads further up into the main school buildings. where the others were, the was no more delaying the inedible.

Reclaiming herself she looked back to him. "Right" She spoke quietly knowing that everything would change in a few minutes. Klaus turned around and headed to the doors whilst Alessia followed on behind him.

It weren't too long until Klaus stopped in his tracks looking like he had sensed or heard something from further up in the school. "I'll go this way and you follow into there?" He told her soon dispering in a flash, using her vampire speed Alessia ran off in the direction that he told her.

"There's my girl" She heard Klaus speak through in a corridor. Alessia barged through the doors at the right moment standing in the way Elena was about to escape from.

"Not so fast" She commented snarkily knowing Klaus had a lot to say. "You are supposed to be dead. What are we going to do about that?" He was pissed off to say the least that the doppelganger should be long gone.

He grabbed Elena from the door, dragging her through the school corridors whilst the doppelganger kept telling him to let her go. He was having none of it.

"You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing." Klaus commented releasing where he'd been going wrong all summer.

Elena looked to Alessia for a moment in desperation but she just stayed silent. "If you're going to kill me, just do it!" The doppelganger spat to him to get it over with.

"Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." Klaus answered coldly as he pulled her Elena into the gym, where students were all setting up pranks.

Alessia already knew what he was going to do to get rid of all the students since he couldn't do anything with all of them where.

"Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home." Klaus announced putting on a bad fake American accent which made Alessia giggle a little.

He saw two students and headed straight to them. "You two. I remember you." He admitted speaking in his normal voice to the two students.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" The girl was confused of why a stranger was stopping them and why he had Elena in his grasp.

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met." Alessia knew he must of used them in his master plan back at the decade dance when he was in Alaric's body.

"Lift your foot up, please, Dana." He compelled the girl and seconds later she did as he asked. He then turned to the boy. "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?" He then compelled the boy giving him his orders.

Making both Alessia and Elena gasp, it was Alessia who first spoke up. "Klaus you can't they're only kids" She pleaded in hope he wouldn't let them die.

"Don't worry love I know what him doing" He answered smirking a little, she just shook her head knowing his ways of torturing people.

"Don't, Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody." Elena added pleading as well but he gave her a different answer than he did with Alessia.

"You see of course I do, since all my problems comes down with you being alive" He answered back coldly.


Alessia grew tired of standing and waiting around for Rebekah and the rest of scooby gang to arrive.

She took a seat on the the school standings whilst waiting. Knowing that Klaus had some plan already thought about and up his sleeve. She knew him very well, to know that he had everything thought out and every possibility in a situation like this. Especially to have a back up plan.

Alessia watched as Dana, the girl Klaus had compelled was struggling to standing up on one foot.

"Keep it up" Klaus called to Dana making Alessia shake her head in disbelief almost what he's compelling the two students to do. She saw that Elena was waiting around, kept asking Klaus questions.

"Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?" She asked both Klaus and Alessia, knowing that she would know where he is. Alessia knew he would soon be coming around and on his way to the school

"Stefan's on a timeout." Klaus answered truthfully but not saying anything else. The doors of the gym opened and in come Bonnie and Matt. "

Bonnie, get out of here!" Elena yelled alarming her two friends, before they could escape Klaus had rushed over to Bonnie. "Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started." All this time spent waiting and it was for the witch.

Since Gloria was dead he was in need of a witch and Bennett witch was his next best thing.

"Ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." He turned to both of the two students compelling them to stay where they are, he then turned back to Bonnie. "I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?" He asked.

"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me." The Bennett witch spoke protecting her friends. "Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix."

In came Rebkah dragging in Tyer, Alessia stood up from the stand and appeared beside Klaus's side. Almost guessing what he and Rebekah had planned. "Get off of me!" Tyler yelled struggling to get out of Rebkah;s grasp.

"Hush now." The original vampire spoke like Tyler was a dog. "I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning...She can be quite mean." Klaus introduced Rebekah to the others causing Elena to look shocked.

"Don't be an ass." The two siblings fought almost before Rebekah threw Tyler into Klaus's arms.

"Leave him alone!" Elena was the first to react and speak up.

"I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually."

Alessia already knew what he was going to do, turn Tyler into a hybrid. As Klaus told them of how his hybrid attempts have failed there was looks of worry fill the faces of the Elena, Tyler, Bonnie and Matt.

Klaus bit into his wrist and forced Tyler to drink his blood. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake...You better hurry." Without saying anything more Klaus twisted Tyler's neck killing him making the others look shocked.

Whilst Klaus was standing there smiling. Alessia knew if anyone to find a way around it, it would be Bonnie and the others. Since they'd found a solution for everything before.

The three others were standing looking at Tyler lying dead on floor. Whilst Alessia, Klaus and Rebekah were sitting in the stands waiting for him to come back around so they could see what would happen.

"He killed him." Matt said still in shock. "He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire." Elena reassured him but knowing that it hadn't worked before. "And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition."

Klaus began to say as the three of them got off the stands and walked back over to the others. "Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping." He counted before grabbing hold of Elena's arm looking at her.

Whilst Alessia stood in the back wondering where Stefan was and Damon too. Since she knew Damon was never too far from Elena and her troubles. Bonnie and Matt an off in search of a cure.

"So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier." Rebekah spoke up making Elena jump, she was examining Elena to see if the differences. "Tatia" Alessia spoke knowing it was the name of the original doppelganger having been told the stories from both Klaus and the other original siblings.

"Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?" Klaus was starting to get a little irritated knowing it was best to keep Rebekah away from Elena but it seemed like he had Rebekah on hybrid duty.

Rebekah just gave Elena a fake smile before grabbing hold of Tyler's arm dragging him behind her and left the gym. Alessia smirked a little knowing that she had someone else on 'we hate Elena' team. More so when Rebekah learns Stefan was or is with Elena.

"Just ignore her. Petty little thing." He whispered to her making her feel a little bit irritated of how close he was holding the doppelganger.

"Klaus can let her go now" She reminded him motioning to him a little making him notice who she wasn't liking it. He nodded his head a little and did as she said, letting the doppelganger go. Although keeping his eyes set on her incase Elena was to run off.


Alessia was starting to become worried knowing Rebekah would have told Stefan of Klaus's master plan and how he was holding Elena hostage. He should be here by now.

They were waiting around for him and the others to come back. With opening of the gym door they looked to see Stefan coming in.

Alessia quickly got up from beside Klaus and ran to her brother almost. "Stefan" She spoke with relief, hugging him knowing of how he'd been knocked out and stabbed for last day or so. She was worried for his safety. "Stefan..."

She heard Elena say but he didn't bother to look at her, as he broke their hug he went straight to klaus.

"Klaus." He didn't bother to look up at first, Alessia knew he was pissed off for Stefan betraying him.

"Come to save your damsel, mate?" Klaus commented not wanting to here Stefan's fake loyalty. "I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty." He was still trying to protect Elena.

"Well, you broke that pledge once already." Klaus answered back. "Elena means nothing to me anymore. And whatever you ask of me...I will do." She was curious to see what he would do.

"Fair enough. Let's drink on it. " Klaus got off the stand and walked towards Dana and Chad who was still on the ground waiting. "Kill them. What are you waiting for? Kill them." He ordered making Elena look shocked.

"No! Stefan, don't. He's not going to hurt me. He already said..." Elena still believed he was innocent. Klaus turned to Alessia giving her look like he wanted her keep the doppelganger quiet.

Without saying anything Alessia slapped Elena hard enough to make her fall on the ground. "Been wanting to that for a long time bitch" She smirked cunningly to Elena, Stefan rushed over to her.

Klaus stood in front of Alessia protecting her as Stefan was vamping out. The original grabbed Stefan by the throat looking him in the eyes.

"She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up." He wasn't dumb. "Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!" She knew he wouldn't do that. Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this..." He was starting to compel him.

"Stop fighting." She could see Stefan was trying hard to fight against Klaus's compulsion. "Don't do this, don't do this." Her brother spat to him.

"I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it." Klaus told him.

"Don't...Don't..." Stefan begged but it was too late. "You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey." Klaus compelled him,

Alessia watched as her brothers face turned differently.

"No. Stefan!" The doppelganger begged. "Klaus" Alessia spoke but it was too late he's made up his mind. "Now kill them. Ripper." It was too late to do anything, in a flash Stefan rushed over to Dana killing her by drinking her blood.

After Stefan killed Dana he moved onto Chad. "It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species has become such a broody lot." Klaus admired speaking to Elena whilst she watched her brother.

"No. You did this to him." Elena spat to him. "I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table." She didn't know how longer her brother could keep it up, knowing if Klaus compelled him to be a ripper he'll be ater more blood.

Rebekah stormed in and marched over to Elena holding up a phone. "Where is it?! Where's my necklace?" Alessia knew which necklace she was referring to the one she 'lost', the one Stefan gave to Elena's.

"What are you talking about?" Klaus asked sounding irritated that Rebekah butted in. "She has my necklace. Look" Rebekah gave the phone to Klaus, Alessia and Stefan watched as he saw the picture of Elena and Stefan together where she was wearing the necklace.

"Well, well. More lies." She knew this wasn't going to be good. "Where...is it?" Rebkah yelled. "I don't have it anymore." The doppelganger answered back.

"You're lying!" Rebekah spat vampiring out and biting Elena's neck. It was Klaus who stopped her taking her aside.

"Knock it off!" He yelled angrily that she was ruining things. " Make her tell me where it is, Nik!" The blonde yelled. "Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest." Klaus looked to Elena for answers. "I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it."

She knew she was telling the truth as it was something Katherine would do. "Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?"

He put on the clock that's used in basketball games, he then goes over to stefan and compelled him. "Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to." He compelled making Alessia worried for her twin knowing he won't be able to control his thirst for much longer.

"No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!" Elena yelled but he took no notice of her. "No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine." He warned and then left with Rebekah leaving the three of them alone.

Time was running out it was getting nearer and nearer to Stefan having to feed on Elena. Stefan was pacing back and forth to try no to thinking about it. Caroline's dad! Stefan, he was able to resist compulsion. I don't know how, but he did it. Maybe it's possible." Elena proposed trying to thinking of possible solutions.

"Yeah, yeah. Maybe it's just mind control, right? Maybe it just takes some focus, a couple decades of training. No big deal." He continued to pace. "Stefan, you can control this. When that buzzer goes off, just...just drink from me."

Alessia looked to Elena in disbelief almost of how stupid she was thinking Stefan wouldn't hurt her too much.

"You don't get it. I can't stop, Elena! I'm a ripper! A ripper doesn't stop! I listen to the words that come out of your mouth, and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body. And when that clock ticks down...I'm going to have to feed on you. And you want to know what's worse? I'm not going to be able to stop."

It pained Alessia a little knowing how much it took him to stop last time. "It's not easy like that. The last time he turned it off it took years for me and Lexi to bring him out of it. We spent decades trying and it'll be only harder this time." Alessia admitted speaking up looking to Elena, Stefan agreed with his twin knowing what she was saying was truthfully.

Alessia may hate Elena but she cared for her brothers wellbeing and sanity most of all. "I don't believe that. You can fight it. You just have to want it bad enough." Elena was trying but it was no use.

"Why, because I love you?" He laughed almost. "Yeah! That's right, Stefan. Because you love me. You'll fight because after everything that we've been through, you owe me that!" Alessia scoffed at Elena's words making her vomit almost.

"You know what, you're right. You're right. I owe you everything. Because through all of this, you are the one thing that has kept me from giving up; from turning it all off. But I can't help what I am, Elena. The more blood that I get, the more I want, and if I get so much as near yours...You are dead." She looked up noticing the time was about to run out.

"Sixteen seconds" She warned saying the count down time. "Elena, you're going to have run." He warned. "But Klaus said that if I run..." Elena added. "I know what he said, but if you stay, it won't matter. Elena, please, please, please. Elena, there's no other way" He begged before continuing.

"Alessia" He looked to her for her hope knowing she wouldn't let Elena die like this. "There is another way, Stefan. It's for you to fight." Elena begged but knowing deep down it wouldn't The buzzer sounded, signifying that the time has run out.

"Stefan...I love you. Fight, Stefan. Don't give up." It was no use. "I can't hold it." Stefan yelled before vamping out he rushed to Elena but before he could get to her Alessia pushed him away against the other wall.

"Come on" Alessia yelled warning Elena, grabbing hold of the doppelganger's hand. Forcing her to come with her.

The two began to make a run for it down the hallways. Knowing that Stefan would be on their trail, she knew Stefan was trying to do all he could forcing himself against the compulsion.

As they went through a door, closing it they were met by Klaus who appeared in front of them. "We've got to stop meeting like this." Klaus smirked looking at Elena grabbing hold her arm dragging her back through the school to were Stefan was.

As they walked in Stefan was stabbing himself in the stomach with a wooden stake to stop himself. "Stefan" Alessia gasped as she watched her twin stabbing himself.

"Now this is fascinating. I've never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl.Why don't you turn it off?" Klaus comments, with what he said at the end make Alessia gasp a little in shock.

"No!" He let go of Elena and went to sit on a nearby table. "Come on. Your humanity is killing you. All the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off." He spoke back. "No!" She could see Stefan was trying to fight against it. "Stefan..." Elena warned but Alessia knew it was too late.

"You're strong." Klaus answered walking to Stefan pulling the stake out of Stefan's stomach. "But you're not that strong. Turn. It. Off." He repeated again "No!" Stefan tried to push Klaus away but was soon pushed against the wall instead making Alessia jump a little. "Klaus don't" She begged trying to stop him but it was no use.

"TURN IT OFF!" Klaus compelled yelling at Stefan. She watched as her brothers face changed looking emotionless, more than normal.

"What did you do?" Elena asked worriedly. "I fixed him. But I think a test is in order, don't you?" Klaus answered looking to Stefan to see if it worked or not. "Ripper...Perhaps you'd like a drink.. from the doppelgänger's neck?"

In that moment Alessia knew the brother she cared about and loved was gone, the ripper was back. Stefan rushed over to Elena biting her neck, draining her of her blood. Elena's screams filled the room.

Elena lost a lot of blood it was soon found out that her blood is what was needed to make hyrbeinds. Since there was always a loop for everything. Elena was taken to the nearby hospital where was was treated as well as drained of blood. Enough for Klaus to have to use to make enough hybrids.

Alessia and Rebekah were sat in front of the hospital waiting for klaus to come back out. "So the doppelgänger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution." Rebekah was the first one to speak. "Seems so." Klaus answered bluntly.

"How did you know?" Alessia asked curiously. "Well, you know how much the original witch hated me. Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?" Only the three of them there new who the original witch was, knowing that she had made loopholes through the curse set on Klaus.

"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you." Rebekah commented. "Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail-safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead..." Klaus explained to them.

"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species." She continued for him getting the gist of it. "Leaving me alone for all time." He wasn't alone. "Your not alone, you have me. You have us" She proposed reminded him of what to have but Rebekah thought differently.

"Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids? You just don't want to be alone?" Rebekah answered what they both were thinking.

"What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid the hell out of this one-pony town. You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you get the truck? I'll get Elena." Klaus told them but they both knew he wasn't including them in the fist bit.

Alessia looked to Rebekah almost as a way of seeing what she was thinking. "No" The two blondes answered together. "I'm not going with you Nik" She admitted looking to him making him shocked.

"I've spent all summer with you and my brother on a failed werewolf and hybrid hunt" She answered before continuing. "You said you wanted to give things another go but this isn't it" She didn't want to spend her days on the road to turn hybrids. "You go and make hybrids and I'll stay back here" She concluded knowing it was best. "But this time you'll be the other coming back to me" She smiled hopefully.

"Also I need to stay and look after Stefan" She was still pissed at Klaus for compelling Stefan to turn it off knowing she hated the ripper side of him. Alessia waited to see if Klaus agreed with her and that he did.

"Okay love, if you think it's best" He agreed to her ideas. Klaus walked over to her kissing her softly before pulling her into a tight embrace knowing he would soon be leaving her again. He soon disappearing leaving Alessia and Rebekah to pick up the pieces.

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