white boys (river phoenix)

By venusinphoenix

195K 6.2K 5.4K

cover by @pacifyherafi / nicole "Sure, maybe the urban Boston wouldn't be completely socially aware, but they... More

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Halloween Special

1K 36 4
By venusinphoenix

in this one shot, river and robin are dating and all the characters that are together are still together, the plot is still the same (except riv & robin are dating) blah blah blah etc etc.

Robin stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the fake blood that was dripping down her chin. She pushed in her fangs which were dipped in fake blood, and her hair was wild and curly. She wore a black corset that was tight against her chest and hugged her waist, and was lacy and had strings at the side. She wore skillets that were barely visible underneath her corset, and fake blood dripped down the side of her legs into her black leather platform boots. It was safe to say she looked slightly more than PG-13.

She sighed, using her fingers to tease through her hair once more. Then, the doorbell rang from downstairs, and Robin ran out of her room and down the stairs to get it before her parents, dressed as Sandy and Zuko, could embarrass her in front of all her friends and... her boyfriend? It wasn't official, but Robin was sure things would progress from where they were at. And she wasn't really sure there was much more left to do than let it run its course.

     She skid in front of the door just before her parents could and turned her head, pursing her lips at them and gesturing for them to get out of the way so their friends wouldn't see her mother in hot pants. When they picked up and fake sulked away, Robin put on a happy face and opened the door. When she swung it open, she was met with an assortment of characters.

     Elizabeth was supposed to be some kind of zombified angel, Feldman was Freddy Kreuger, Heather was Allison from The Breakfast Club, so basically just herself, Corey Haim was the Tin Man, and River was a scarecrow. Robin watched with a faltering smile on his face while Corey, despite the fact his hand was around Elizabeth's waist, stared wide-gaped. M&Ms fell in a disarray onto the staircase from his mouth, and Robin made a face, while his turned bright red and he raised his brows and stammered,

"Wow, Robin, you look..."

"Hot!" Feldman blurted, never mind the fact that he was practically Heather's boyfriend now.

River was smiling at her, his eyes never wandering, glistening as they stared into hers instead, and entranced he said,

"Purple really brings out your eyes."

She was wearing purple eyeshadow. She smiled shyly at him and looked behind her, then taking a step out of the door, closing it behind her.

"I feel like I overdressed," Robin criticized herself.

"More like underdressed," Corey interjected.

"Shut up Corey!" Feldman slapped Corey on the arm. "Let us enjoy this while it lasts please."

Robin crinkled up her nose and River wrapped a protective arm around her waist, pulling her in towards him as they walked out into the dark streets which were filling gradually with trick or treaters.

"You guys are weird," Elizabeth squeaked.

"River's awful quiet," Feldman commented. "Welp, I guess it's nothing he hasn't seen before," Feldman said when no one replied to him.

Robin blinked slowly, not really knowing how to react to that. River's nostrils flared,

"You shut up, Feldman, or my fist won't be something you haven't seen in contact with your nose."

"So are you and Robin like a thing, you're always together," Elizabeth mentioned, smacking her gum. "And if you are, how come we've never seen you guys kiss?"

"Babe, you can't ask her things like that. Robin's saving herself until eternity to make things official," Corey murmured to Elizabeth, making a joke as if he were being dead serious, dead as the prowling night sky.

"Really?" Heather raised her brows, a malcontent smile on her face. "Have you told little miss thing here about your conquest for Aman-"

Feldman stepped on Heather's foot, silencing her and making her wince instead of continue. She snarled at him, but luckily Elizabeth didn't seem to be paying attention, whilst Corey's cheeks burned ultra red.

      "Okay, no more chit chat. Let's go trick or treating already," Robin diverted their attention to something else.

     They'd been out for about a half hour and their bags were growing heavy, so they decided to go over to Elizabeth's house since her parents were at their own adult Halloween social gathering. The house was dark inside, and Elizabeth didn't turn on the lights, she just led everyone into her bedroom on the second floor.

    She had left the windows open so it was cold and gusts of chilly October air were streaming in. But her room otherwise felt warm and welcoming, and she had fairy lights that added an eerie golden red glow to her room. She smiled as she began to walk backwards and face everyone else.

     "Sooo, you guys up for a little game?" she asked once everyone had gotten into the room, sitting down on her bed. In front of her on the floor was a small cardboard box that held something in it, though Robin couldn't read the print in the dark.

     "Not truth or dare," Heather groaned, pinching her eyes shut.

     "Nooo, silly. Ouija," her face lit up as she swiped the cardboard box from off the floor and held it up.

     "I'm Jewish," Corey blurted.

     "So?" Elizabeth asked, making a face.

     "So I shouldn't be summoning the devil," Corey whined, his voice becoming more high pitched than it already was.

     "First of all, that's not even what a ouija board is for and I'm pretty sure summoning the devil doesn't work like that. You're not gonna go to hell, Corey."

"I've seen The Exorcist," Corey barked back.

"It's Halloween! Loosen up a bit," Elizabeth complained. When Corey still looked stoic, Elizabeth turned on the charm, biting her finger and gazing up childishly into his eyes. "Pleeeease?" she cooed.

"Ugh," Corey rolled his eyes. "Fine. But only because it's Halloween. Jesus Christ, I am so sorry."

"Shut up, Corey. You guys in?"

River and Robin shared a glance and River pulled Robin closer towards him by the waist so he could tell her something. "I won't do it if you won't."

She looked him in his eyes and smiled gently,

"Let's just play. What could go wrong?"

Not long after, they were sitting in a circle cross legged on Elizabeth's floor, and all their hands were on the planchette.

"Okay, rules. No one leaves the circle. I'm the only one who can ask questions. You can't take your hands off the planchette until we say goodbye. Last, no making fun of the spirits. You'll get a lot more than what you bargained for."

"Let's start," River smiled, seeming almost as excited as Elizabeth.

Robin gulped, but River rubbed his thumb finger against the back of her hand, calming her down.

"Okay. Are there any spirits present in this home?"

All of them held their breaths as the planchette moved up towards "YES."

"Okay, whoever's moving it, I'll kick your ass," Feldman threatened.

"You scared?" Heather teased, smirking at him.

"Of Elizabeth who's obviously moving it?" Feldman shot back. "Sure."

"Shh! You're gonna make it mad," Elizabeth scolded.

Feldman rolled his eyes, and shortly after, suddenly, the planchette swiped across the board rapidly, spelling out a word.


"Elizabeth, you're a bitch," Feldman scoffed.

"That wasn't me, I swear!" she cried.

"I don't believe in this crap. This hullabaloo. This abomination. What do you want, you so called 'spirit'?" Feldman asked, putting air quotes in the air.

It swung across the board again, landing on letters and moving quickly to the next letter without hesitation:


Heather gulped,

"This isn't funny anymore."

It was silent. Elizabeth tilted her head next to Heather and gasped when she noticed the empty space where Feldman had once been,

"Where's Feldman?"


Heather shrieked and out of nowhere yelled,

"Where did you take my boyfriend?!"

As the planchette swiped across the board, Elizabeth shouted,

"No, you can't ask it any questions, you just made things worse!"

It answered Heather anyway, and spelled out:


"I'm scared," Corey yelped, and Robin chewed at her fingernails.

"Guys, stop playing tricks on us. This isn't funny," River grit his teeth.

"I'm not! I'm not, I swear!" Elizabeth cried.

"Sure you are, you're the one who came up with the idea in the first place," Corey frowned.

"No, I wouldn't take it this far!"

In the midst of Corey and Elizabeth's bickering, Robin interjected loudly,

"Guys— guys! Just stop. If there is a spirit in here and if it's not a good one, this is exactly what it wants to happen. It wants to split us apart. So stop arguing. Elizabeth, ask the next question. Something that'll help us."

"O-okay," Elizabeth stuttered, regaining her focus. She blinked a couple times before answering the question. "What do you want?"


"What?" Heather mumbled.

Elizabeth's eyes went wide as she looked at something in front of her where her closer was. Heather got the same look in her eyes as well, and they both raised their hands, fingers pointing shakily towards the closet door. And Corey too, except he didn't point, he just stared open mouthed. Elizabeth's eyes were watering and her hand was covering her mouth.

Elizabeth whimpered,

"D-do you s-see that?"

"See what?" Robin asked, and she and River both turned their heads in unison to see what she was talking about.

Suddenly, the open windows in Elizabeth's room slammed shut, the noise echoing around the room. The fairy lights shuddered for a moment before completely shutting off, making the room pitch black. And lastly, her door closed shut.

     "What the fuck?" River muttered to himself, playing with his lip.

     "Heather? Elizabeth? Corey?" Robin called out.

There was no answer, and they were all gone. The only people in the room were Robin, River, and the spirit.

     "Oh shit, oh shit, what the hell is going on? Robin?" River began to panic.

     "I-I dunno, I don't know where they went."

     "Say goodbye, god dammit, say goodbye!" River yelled, the veins in his neck showing.

     "No, we have to get Elizabeth and them back before we say goodbye. Otherwise... it could take them forever."

     "Shit. So what the hell do we do?"

     "What do you want from us?! What do we do to get our friends back?" Robin cried. The planchette didn't move, and she shouted directly at the board. "Answer me!"

     K I S S  H I M

     "What?" River murmured, making a face.

Robin furrowed her brows, about to ask another question, but the spirit was impatient.

     N O W

     "River?" Robin turned to face him, raising a brow.

     "I don't understand..."

     "Just come here," Robin said, and they leaned in towards each other.

    River's lips were trembling in fear, but Robin's were steady and calm. They leaned in closer, tilting their heads until their lips met, still unable to avoid fearful nose and chin bumping. River's free hand gently held on to Robin's jaw and they slowed their pace. But it wasn't long into the kiss that River noticed Robin shaking. He ignored it, and continued to kiss her, but stopped when she was still shaking.

     He pulled away to see her laughing, obviously trying to contain it. Rather than suspecting, he was fearsome, and stuttered,

      "R-Robin? You okay?"

She started to laugh harder and took both her hands off the board without saying goodbye, clutching them to her mouth. River slowly began to scoot away from her wide-eyed before jumping to his feet and running backwards, until he bumped into— Feldman?

     Feldman, who had been gone, was back, and this time holding a camera, guffawing obnoxiously as he filmed River slowly turning around and letting out a not so manly shriek. River shook his head and blinked slowly, making out Feldman's figure and long black hair in the dark.

     "Feldman?" he asked.

     "Happy Halloween!" Feldman shouted.

River was sent into a whirl of confusion when the lights came back on and everyone started to pop up out of nowhere again, everyone who River had thought was gone for good.

      "What the—" River started, before he gained his bearings. His nostrils flared and his face got red when he realized what was happening. "You're dead. Every single one of you."

     All of them were laughing and cheering and hubbubing. River looked towards Robin as if for some sort of confirmation that she wasn't in on it too, but she only laughed and started to clap.

     "I'm sorry baby. They kept bugging me telling us to kiss in front of them, and I finally gave in. Plus, they promised me twenty bucks," Robin pulled out a twenty dollar bill from inside her platform shoe and waved it about.

River was in shock to say the least, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. So he did both, laughing hysterically while tears rolled down his cheeks.

     They were still at Elizabeth's house an hour later once she put the ouija board back in her closet. All of them were either sitting on the floor or on her bed, sorting out their candy into piles or stacks and eating their own and each other's.

     "Hey, guys. We didn't say goodbye," Corey blurted out of nowhere.

     Feldman waved a dismissive hand in the air,

     "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Nothing's gonna happen, my man. Remember, it's all hullabaloo."

     "Yeah," River chuckled, shaking his head.

     They went on with their dealings when about ten minutes later, the sound of the closet creaking open disrupted all of them. It was louder than normal, and made all of them stop what they were doing. Elizabeth sucked her teeth, hustling up off of the floor towards the closet to close it, grumbling,

    "Stupid draft." But when she put her hand on the closet knob to close it, she tilted her head, confused. She then leaned in further into the closet, asking, "Who moved the ouija board?"

     The lights shut off once more, and all of them groaned, but not as loud as the unfamiliar, ghastly voice that spoke next,

     "I did."

HAHAHA okay yeah it is no longer Halloween nor is it spooky szn it's actually Christmas as we speak sooo this is pretty late! But I posted it finally and yeah... this was sort of an improv idea that I got literally the day of Halloween and I thought: who would I be to not write a Halloween edition one shot for White Boys?

Not myself. So I had to do it! I kinda wrote it fast so I'm sorry it's not Bram Stoker or Stephen King level horror LOL :// I love it though and I hope y'all love it too!

Merry Christmas! 🎄

- zuzu



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