Dusk Till Dawn - Ziam

By kimtsmile

35.6K 1.7K 1.4K

It's been five years since the year of hell, as Zayn would call it. Five years since Zayn and Liam were force... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Change of plans
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty ; Epilogue
Final Author's Note
Hello, again
After the fact - Additional Ending
Zayn and Liam's Wedding

Chapter Six

1.4K 71 37
By kimtsmile

"I'm starting to think that Zayn doesn't care for him as much as he used to" Liam frowned as he overheard his family talking in the dining room. He stayed in the hallway so he could hear what else they would say.

"You can't say that when the poor guy has also been through so much, they both have. How do you expect him to put aside his own health to help Liam recover in the fullest" He heard his sister, Ruth tell his mother.

"You don't honestly believe that do you?" His mother replied.

"Mom, you can't honestly be serious. Zayn has Paranoid Schizophrenia, you can't go around saying that Zayn's health isn't important. Besides, what's your deal with Zayn? Do you forget that you and our family weren't the only ones suffering while Liam was missing? He felt the heartbreak too, and also, you used to love Zayn so much and would go to him for comfort. What changed?"

"Everything changed, your brother changed, Zayn changed, this family changed, nothing stayed the same. Did they honestly believe that going back to normal as if nothing even happened was going to be the best thing? Hell they got married as soon as Liam graduated."

"They've been married for four and a half years, mom! Stop trying to make decisions in their relationship, you might be Liam's mother but you stopped having the right to decide for him the second him and Zayn said 'I do' in front of their friends and family."

Karen stared at her daughter who got up from her seat, "Now I suggest you let Liam make decisions for himself, if he wants to go with Zayn and be with him, then hell he can do so. You'll always be his mom, but stop treating him like a kid. I'm sure the only reason Zayn told you to take Liam was because you basically threatened him before leaving, and yes he told me because you and dad seem to be the only ones that don't like Zayn apparently. Your daughters love him and have been in touch with him so much, he texts us everyday giving us an update on Liam. Bet he doesn't do that with you, wanna know why? Because he can tell you don't like him."

Karen stayed quiet and looked away from Ruth and looked at her hands on the table instead.

"Your son is in love with him, mom. I think it's time you do some growing up. I'm sorry for saying all of this and for hurting you if I did, but someone had to say it. Isn't that right, Liam?"

Liam's eyes went wide and he slowly peeked into the dining room, his parents and Ruth looking at him. He slowly entered the dining room avoiding his mother's glance. He sighed and sat down where Ruth had previously been sitting.

"I need to confess something." He sighed, finally meeting his parent's eyes. Ruth gently rubbing his shoulders, he took a deep breath before speaking.

"I actually haven't been going to see my therapist. I haven't been going for the past two years. I pay her to say that I am going and to not tell anyone about it. I don't know why she said what she did, it's not true. Zayn helps me more than anyone and he's the one that has always been there for me. I might not tell him everything or how I'm truly feeling but I don't need to because he takes care of me no matter what."


He shook his head at his mother before continuing, "The one hour I'm meant to be at the therapist, I walk to the nearest park and just sit there thinking and wishing that I could change everything that happened to us all. I write in a journal and keep it hidden, even from Zayn. The only one who knows I don't go with her is Niall, which is why he was listed as the one person to obtain information. He's the one that goes once a month to give Dr.Villa the payment to not say anything."

"Liam, how could you do that? Knowing well that you need to be going to therapy to get better and recover" His mother said, looking at her son disappointed.

"I'm sorry"

After a few minutes of silence, his mother spoke up, "I may not have the right to make decisions over your life anymore, but I'm going to one last time."

"What do you mean?" Liam asked, his voice soft.

"We're sending you to Traverse City, Michigan. To the hospital Zayn was at while you were missing. It helped him, I'm sure it will help you as well"

"Mom-" Ruth started, but their mother shook her head.

"He's going and that's final"

Liam could only stare at his mother, speechless. He couldn't believe they were genuinely sending him overseas to a mental institution. He looked up at his sister, who only smiled at him sadly.

A few miles away, Zayn and Chris were getting ready to head to the airport. Zayn felt bad that he wouldn't be able to say goodbye to Liam but the less Liam knew the better. He would go and come as fast as possible, he just needed answers.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Harry asked as Zayn finished packing his suitcase, he turned to look at Harry in the doorway.

"I'm positive. Sitting here doing nothing is going to do absolutely nothing to help Liam, but if I can go and figure out how Ruby got our address, maybe I can find out if whoever gave it to her is a danger to Liam and I. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. You packed your medication right?"

Zayn nodded and grabbed his suitcase, making his way towards the door, to go downstairs, where Chris was waiting for him. Harry followed behind, since he was the one to drive them to the airport.

Zayn locked the door behind them before getting into Harry's car.

"Zayn, I'll let you know how Liam is doing, okay?" Harry said as he drove down the road. Zayn smiled at him, nodding once before looking out the window. Chris and Harry exchanged a glance before glancing over at Zayn.

"I'm fine, stop acting like I'm going to go crazy any minute." Zayn said, not turning to look at either of them.

40 minutes later, they were boarding their plane, Zayn by the window and Chris in the middle seat.

"This seems too familiar, sitting in the window seat of a plane on my way to Michigan to go to a mental institution that I didn't like that much."

Chris looked at him before taking Zayn's hand in his, squeezing it gently.

"This time you don't have to go through it alone. You've got me, alright?"

Zayn smiled softly at him and mouthed a thank you.

Everyone he grew up with were his best friends, but ever since meeting Chris back in high school, they've had a special bond that he didn't have with any of his other best friends. It was probably because Chris knew how it felt to lose someone you love,. He had lost his parents, and two years after they graduated high school, Chris was engaged to a girl he met in Ireland one time he went to visit Niall.

Sadly, she passed away in her sleep a month before their wedding. It was said she died of natural causes, meaning there was really nothing they could have done to prevent it, because she was generally healthy overall, it was just a very unexpected death. He hasn't been with anyone since, and he's been very strong about it. Sure it still hurts that she's gone but he tells everyone she't at peace and he knows she would want him to move on and be strong enough for himself. Of course, Zayn got Liam back, but for a really long time he felt as though Liam had died and he didn't get the chance to say goodbye or tell him how much he loved him, just how Chris really didn't get the chance to do.

He didn't imagine that, that night would be his last with her and didn't think a simply goodnight wouldn't be enough. Diane, was her name.

The plane took off, and shortly after, Zayn fell asleep. When he would wake up they would either be more than half way there or hopefully about to land. He wasn't sure if he was ready but it was now or never, and honestly he didn't want to lose Liam to someone he didn't know, that knew a lot about them, as it seemed.


Okay, I had a lot of free time today and couldn't resist updating even though I said I would only be updating on Fridays.

So take this as a bonus chapter and gift from me to you.

I will give a shout out though, despite it not being Friday.

Today's shout out goes to: @zenmahleek Thank you for being supportive and for commenting! ♥️

Also! Remember I have a little contest going on:

Basically, a new  character is going to be introduced soon, but I would love it if you  guys helped out with that. Meaning, you have the opportunity to help me  create a new character for the story.

All you have to do is message me with details of the character you've created, for example;
-Their name and gender
-Physical characteristics (you may include a picture if you'd like)
-A short background story on them
-How you think they should be a part of the story (even though I've already have some ideas but would love to hear yours)

And that's it, anything else you may want to add is absolutely okay with me as well.

I'm giving you all around two  weeks, so on November 3rd, I will be announcing which character I've  chosen (if people actually submitted ideas of course, if no one did then  there's no use of announcing it) and who created them.

I just think it's a fun  idea, and get you guys involved in the story, you know? So if you want  to help out, I'm more than happy to see what you can come up with! That  is all!

Thank you and hope you guys actually participate, I would appreciate it so much.

Love you!

Georgina xx

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