For the Better

By inactiveuser

4.9K 36 12

Elise was a normal 16 year old living in the middle of nowhere. But soon, her life gets turned upside down wh... More

For the Better
Now, why did this happen to me?
Phone Calls and mad Best Friends
The bestest fan
Backstories and Movie Night
on the road
Time to go out!
a Black Jack birthday
New experiences...
Concert time!!!!!
Oh no...
Just a rant from Challen, please read.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Skyping hurts
Life's a Bitch
Happy times!
Well, Dang.
Mr. Perverted Little Creeper Man
Insert Chapter Name Here
Pranks and Latin Yelling
The Long-Awaited Concert
My Gay New Friend
Mickey D's
Author's Note

The Affects of Multiple Calls

117 0 1
By inactiveuser

A/N i feel so bad about not uploading for who knows how long! And also about the crappy chapter but i hope you find it acceptable anyways!!!!!! WHY IS IT SO HARD TO FIND A THEATRE PROGRAM OR CLASS IN ALABAMA?! I'LL TELL YOU WHY. BECAUSE NOTHING FREAKING HAPPENS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, enough of my problems!


“Okay, let’s try That’s What You Get one more time, then we are done!” Jeff clapped his hands together proudly before the music started again. We did our performance and went backstage to retrieve water bottles. My phone started vibrating in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see that Mom was calling.

            “Hey mom!” I beamed, loud enough for the girls to hear.

            “Hi Momma J!” they yelled into the phone before walking away. I heard my mom’s laughter from the other end and put the phone back up to my ear.

            “Elise you’ll never guess what happened!” She said excitedly.

            “Okay, uhm, J-Lo realized that she’s too old to dirty dance so she stopped doing it at performances? Did the gas prices lower? Did they put a Love’s in Hoover? Ooh! Did Jamie realize that her constant coloring made her resemble an orangutan so she decided to show people what she really looks like?” i joked.

            “Elise, I’m being serious!” She laughed.

            “Okay, I’m sorry. What is it?”

            “Mac had the last of his surgeries yesterday and is being realeased next week!” She squealed. I felt tears of joy welling up in my eyes and I started jumping up and down in place, earning some weird glances from random people I didn’t know.

            “Holy crap that’s so freaking amazing!” i yelled. Yes, I yelled throughout backstage. Which made Daddy Direction start walking over to me.

            “And there’s more!” She squealed.

            “What? How!”

            “You know how it’s his birthday next Sunday?” She asked. Holy fudge I forgot.

            “Oh gosh I forgot!” I groaned while face palming myself.

            “Who are you talking to?” Liam asked while putting a hand on my shoulder.

            “Who’s that?” Mom asked. I told her it was Liam and she said a very loud hello.

            “Mom says hi, very loudly.” I wince, which caused Liam to chuckle.

            “Anyways, we are throwing Mac a suprise party and I know it would mean alot for you and the girls to come.” My jaw dropped and i stood there like an idiot.

            “You have no idea how much I want to, but I don’t know if I can.” I said into the phone. “You know what, I’ll see what I can do and get back to you alright?”

            “Okay. I love you and have fun!” Mom called before hanging up. I couldnt help the grin on my face and i turned to Liam.

            “Liam, he gets to go home! Do you know how amazing this is? He gets to leave the hospital next week! All of his surgeries are done!” I squealed and continued my jumping. At that moment, i didnt care how awful I looked. I didnt care how bad I smelt. And I didnt care that I had just spent 12 hours here. All that mattered was that Mac was going to be okay, and nothing was going to bring me down from my happy high.

            “Elise, that’s fantastic!” Liam cheered before pulling me into a tight hug.

            “What is?” Niall, Harry, Louis and Zayn walked up to us. I told them the story, the grin never leaving my face. I gave each of them a hug and Niall kissed me on the forehead before snaking his arm around my waist.

            “Do Lauren and Alexa know?” Harry asked.

            “Oh crap, they dont. Unless my mom told them before me.” I muttered before calling Lauren.

            “What?” She yawned.

            “Did you hear about Mac?” i asked.

            “Yeah, Natalie called me.” She said. So I hear from my mom while Mac’s sister calls Lauren? I feel loved.

            “Okay, just wanted to make sure.” I said. The call ended and I was about to put the phone up but it started buzzing again. I looked at the caller ID, but it showed some number that I didnt know.

            “Hello?” I asked.

            “If you have a thing going on with Mac that I don’t know about, you might want to tell me now before I tell the press about how you’re cheating on your celebrity boyfriend.” A nasaly voice growled.

            “Oh my gosh, you are probably the most stupid person I have ever met!” I yell into the receiver. “How did you get my number anyways?”

            “I have my ways.” I could tell that she was smirking. Bastard.

            “So, what I’m getting out of this call, you think I’m having an affair with Mac? If I wasn’t surrounded with people I didn’t know then you would be hearing a very extended vocabulary list right now.” I laughed bitterly. The boy’s shared a look before pulling me into their dressing room.

            “Dodging the question, are we?” She asked.

            “I can tell you right now that Mac and I do not, or have never had a thing. Now get your Botox filled ass off the crazy train and quit trying to contact me.” I snarled. Out of habit I put the phone on speaker and started pacing back and forth in the front of the room.

            “Give me one reason why.”

            “Why don’t you get your rich daddy to go buy you some friends so you can have a life instead of ruining mine.”

            “At least I have a dad.” She said in a chirpy voice. I stopped pacing and put my hand over my mouth, tears pricking my eyes. Even she knew not to go there, and untill now she hasnt. She’s desperate. I refused to look at any of the boys, but when I turned to the wall I felt the phone being snatched from my grasp.

            “Listen Jamie, if you so much as tweet about her, we will have you arrested for something. Do you hear me? You have broken this girl for as long as she can remember and I will not stand for it anymore. Get over yourself and go back to the small amount of people who can stand you.” Niall yelled into the phone. I heard the call end and felt someone’s hand being put on my shoulder.

            “Thank you.” I murmered, looking towards the ground.

            “Elise, look at me.” Niall’s tone was softer now, as if he was talking to something delicate and fragile.

            “No.” I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head.

            “Why not?” He persisted. I clenched my hands into fists and opened my eyes.

            “Do you want to know why?! She freaking won, that’s why. That bitch has tried every possible way to break me and she did it. Do you know how it feels to be so powerless? You don’t, and it sucks. Everything you have worked for to just topple down at the will of some glorified bitch. It freaking feels like shit! She knows it, and she damn well knows how to use that against me.” I yelled. Tears fell from my eyes and the boys actually took a step back from me.

            “I’m sorry. I didnt mean to yell.” I croaked before leaving the room. I walked for who knows how long before I ran into Lauren and Alexa. When I saw the concerned look on their faces, I couldnt hold anything in anymore. They opened their arms and I bawled into their embrace.

            “Fecit. Tandem fregit me. (She did it. She finally broke me.)” I sobbed.

            “Quid? (What happened?)” Lauren asked.

            “Illa ... vocavit me. Interrogata an aliquid erat et arcu. Et non praecepi illi qui non crede Ego ei ad ... ut eius Botox implevit asinum off insanis comitatu ... amicorum eius quidam suus tata et sic habere vitam redimere. Illa ... traxit quod "Pater et non habeo" mihi lectus. (She... she called me. Asked if Mac and I had a thing. I told her we didn't and she didn't believe me! I told her to... to get her Botox filled ass off the crazy train... and to get her daddy to buy her some friends so she could have a life. She... she pulled the "I have a dad and you don't" card on me.)” I sobbed. Oh gosh, I was shaking hard now. Crew workers were walking by us and probably thinking ‘Who are these foreign girls and why are they here?’ Oh well.

            “Illa mori a molesta mortem! (She will die a painful death!) Alexa assured me, making sure to be dramatic and shake her fist in the air. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to stop blubbering and get over it like I do with most things she says. But there was a part of me that just wouldnt.

            “Do the boys know?” Lauren asked. I nodded.

            “Niall threatened her when she pulled the dad card.” I explained.

            “You know, we have to go back.” Alexa said.

            “To Hoover?” I asked in shock.

            “What? No to the dressing room! Trust me, Hoover can wait.” She grabbed my hand and Lauren took my other one before leading me back to the boys’ room. Damn it, I didn’t want to go back in there. Not after the little episode that just occured. I dug my heels into the floor, but it did nothing for slowing me down. Damn. Lauren reached for the doorhandle but stopped when we started to hear yelling.

            “Niall, we are just as mad as you are, but you can’t just start harrassing innocent furniture!” Liam’s voice boomed.

            “She’ll come back. It’s not like she’ll do anything drastic! Just calm down.” Harry yelled. Another crash. I let go of the girl’s hands and burst through the door.

            “What the hell happened in here?!” I yelled. Tables were everywhere and Niall looked murderous.

            “Ask your pissy boyfriend!” Zayn spat. That took me by suprise, seeing as Zayn was normally not the yelling type.

            “Someone tell me what’s going on before I steal the car and leave ya’lls sorry asses here!” I yelled with emphasized sass.

            “He’s pissed.” Harry explained.

            “Naw dip, Sherlock!” I said sarcastically. Shit, now I feel bad. “Sorry, that was rude.” I apologized.

            “It’s alright.” He replied.

            “Guys, let’s just go home before we start killing each other.” Alexa suggests. The boys nodded and followed her and Lauren out of the room. When Niall was about to walk out, I grabbed him by the arm and turned him to face me.

            “Care to tell me why your pissed off all of a sudden?” I looked up into his sad blue eyes and waited for an answer.

            “Just seeing someone like you being broken does something to a person.” He looked to the ground and held my hand. I grabbed his chin and pulled his face up enough so he could look at me.

            “Don’t be like that. Think of all the people who love you and who you make happy. I’m not so special, so you don’t have to act like I am. Let’s go home.” I said quietly. I walked past him and pulled him out the door before he whispered something in my ear.

            “You don’t know how special you are.”

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