What am I ? {book 3 of Rejec...

By livecam123

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Dianna was raised as an only child, her parents were much to overprotected of her. They called her there mira... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter Twenty-two
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter twenty five

Chapter six

152 11 0
By livecam123

Zane knew trying to win his mate by the human way was going to be difficult but she was worth it. Her friend told him she had classes this morning but he knew it wasn't smart to approach her so soon after what happened in the store this morning . Maybe tomorrow would be a better time .

It was time that he went home and tell both his parents the good news . Zane was so happy that he found her it's been centuries since he first started his search but it was still so frustrating that he had her so close and yet he couldn't have her .

He watched from a distance as she walked out her apartment building .he watched until she was safe inside .then he finally left and went back home .

He walked in the house and saw his mother in the living room.

She turned her head and watched him with shock exasperation.

"why didn't you leave ?" Zane mother asked.

"can you call father then I'll tell both of you the same time."

seconds after his father walked down the stairs .

"you called?" he asked

"yes Dad and I'm proud to say that I have found my mate ,"

his mother jumped up in joy and gave him a huge .

his father gave him a hug also .

"Congratulation," his father said.

"where is she?" his mother asked with joy in her eyes .

"she is at school." He said.

"she is where? you allow her to go? She no longer needs to go to school since she is never going to work. Her job is to stand by your side as a queen." His father said angry.

"my mate does not know about our world ,"

"So she is a human?" my mother asked .

"no but I don't know what she is ?" he said embarrass he doesn't even know what kind of super natural creature his mate was .

"what do you mean?" his father asked.

"I could feel her wolf but there where something else in her that made my wolf on edge,"

"you could feel something else ?"his father asked putting his hand on his chin .

"she is a half bread ," his mother said.

"what ? wasn't all of them whipped out?" I asked .

"around fifty years ago up north a packed was attacked by half breads. Half breads are strong creatures that have the ability of both species. the pack only survived because the vampires helped them." His father said.

"why would vampires help werewolves ?" Zane asked shocked .

"the vampire king of that state was mated to the alpha wolf mate."

"what? How could both of them be mated to her.?"

"half breads have two different creatures inside them and if one of their mates are pure wolf or vampire there other side has a different mate ."

"So you're trying to tell me I'm not the only mate of my mate."

"No." his mother said.

My wolf got angry .

"she's mine and no one else ." I growled out .

"I understand son how you feel but your only choice is to find out who is her other mate and kill him before he can claim her ."

"okay father."

"Harry can you please stop listening in like a child and just come down ." his father said to his younger brother.

Harry walked down the stairs .

"life really hates you bro first you took forever to find her and when you finally find her you have to kill her other mate ."

Zane growled at his younger brother to shut up.

"it would be better for you if she haven't met her other mate yet."

"How?" Zane asked

"they wouldn't have any connection yet so she would be bought down if he dies ."

"but if they don't meet how would he know who her other mate is?"

"true." My father said.

"all you can do is keep all other supernatural creatures away from her and if one incite of getting to her is overuse he is her other mate ."

"maybe that could work ." Zane said .

Zane looked at his watch .

"she would be leaving class now I would like to watch her to make sure she is safe ," Zane said walking out.

"I'm coming it's been a while since I leave this house." Harry said .

"because you have been too busy sweating with your mate ." Zane said with pure jealousy in his voice he wished he could be doing the same with his instead of stroking her.

"lets go then if your coming," he said changing the topic before his brother could answer.

he drove his car to a close location to her college that he knew she had to pass. only five minute after she walked pass. Zane  eyes brighten up as he watch his mate walk pass . his eyes brighten and his heart began to beat fast and he wanted nothing else but to hold her in his arms . His brother watched his face then look at the position he was looking .

"is she your mate? he pointed at the person he was looking at.

Zane was too distracted by his mates beauty to even hear his brother speaking.

"If she is she is  beautiful ." he said .

"i didn't come here for you to ignore me." Harry said frustrated of asking his older brother  questions while he wasn't answering .

Harry waved his hand in front of Zane and that was what broke him from the spell his mate put on him.

"your not going to get anywhere if you just stock her ," he said .

"I know but i'm giving her time ." 

"time from what?"

"this morning ."

"what did you do ? don't tell me you behaved like you ."

"what do you mean by behaving like me ?"

"you demand everyone to do what  you want."

"I don't." he said in defense .

"you do ."

"i demand you to stop lying on me ."

"you just did it."

"oh i see but it's not my fault people are not listening to what i'm saying ."

"that your problem she is not going to always do what you want ."

"she is my mate and she will always want to please me ."

his brother laugh at what he said.

"okay if you think so ."

"you need to go and talk to her apologize for your behavior before she meets her other mate and it's to late."

"okay i'll do that tomorrow ."

"i mean now."

"okay ,"he said moving himself from the place he was hiding . she was walking and ear plugs where in her ears. he didn't know how humans could  have so much noise in there ears but it didn't affect his mate  . 

he gave her a pat on the shoulder and she turned around . 

her eyes widen when she saw me . she turned around and began to walk faster .

i began to walk faster too and stopped her by holding her shoulder . she took out her ear plugs .

"what are you doing here?"

"nothing i just saw you and wanted to apologize about this morning ."

"what you mean apologize you tried to force me to go with you . can you please let me go you creep ."

"i thought you were someone else." Zane said without thinking .

"who did you think i was." she asked.

"my my sister." he said stammering  .


"so everything is fine between us?"

"yea ,"

"so can i ask you out on a date?"


"what you mean no you said we where fine," Zane said getting angry 

"so you never heard of  being sarcastic ," she said annoyed .

"stay far away from me before i file a restriction."

"your mine and your coming with me ." Zane said grabbing here hand roughly to him .

Dianna didn't know what got over her but she felt strength come over her and with that strength she pushed  Zane and he went flying at least ten feet away  . that gave her the time to run.

"are you serious?" Harry asked when Zane when he return.

   "you demanded her again ?"

"cut it ." Zane said.

"i'm not going to .do you think i want the crown ? No. i want to be free with my mate and your messing everything up . if your not mated your not going to get the crown and it's going to be force down to me. you need to get  your anger under control and go get your mate before it's to late."  

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