Melodramatic Fools • BJA

By ponderingdirnt

25.8K 863 325

The day I met him was when I was visiting my mother in prison, he was walking through the hall with the shack... More

I Walk alone I walk alone
Im All Busted Up
Am I Just Paranoid Or Am I Just Stoned?
Give Me A Long Kiss Goodnight
To This Day Im Asking Why I Still Think About You
Now I Cannot speak I lost my voice
Starry Nights City Lights
I Found My Place In Nowhere
Its Comedy And Tradgedy
Low And Behold Its The Judges Daughter
Sleezing My Backyard
She, She Screams In Silence
Im On A Role No Self Control
Hey Mr Where Ye Headin?
Ive Got Nothing To Do
So I Sit Here Patiently
Call Me Irresponsible
Emergency Evacuation Protest
It Says Home Is Where Your Heart Is
Here The Sound Of The Falling Rain
I See You, Down In The Front Line
When We Were Forever Young
You Pushed Me Once Too Far Again
All The Time, Every Time I Need It.
What Makes Me Feel So Much Pain
But Makes Me Go So Insane
Ive Been Waiting A Long Time
Hey! Your Giving Me A Heart Attack!
Youe Giving Me A Cardiac Arrest
You Could Be With Me Wasting Your Time
I Lock Myself Inside My Room
At The End Of Another Lost Highway
Say Hello From Your Window
My Heart Is In Panic
She Is My Drama Queen
So I Can Rest My Head
Im The Son Of Rage And Love
A Sullen Riot

Juliets Trying To Find Out What She Wants

1.3K 30 26
By ponderingdirnt

  17    -SAGE BRENNER-    17

"You leaving again at the fuckin asscrack of dawn?" Gavin asked sitting up in his bed so he was facing me.i

"I didn't sleep at all I feel like hell." I said bluntly.

"So why don't you just call your mom and tell her you can't make it today. Then call Tod and tell him you can't stop throwing up and you'll work an extra three hours on Friday." He said


"I can't Friday."

"Why not."

"Because... I'll tell him I'll be there on Monday. Today's Wednesday and then I won't be able to come in tomorrow because he won't let me if I've been "throwing up." I said making air quotes with my hands.

"Ok so do that." He said. He got up and opened a drawer in his desk and dropped a pill in my hand...

"The fuck is this?" I asked.

"It'll help you sleep asshole." He said and gave me a cup of water to swallow the pill. It was quite effective because within 25 minutes I was fucking out cold.

         —TIME SKIPPY—

I woke up completely refreshed and then remembered... Mom.. I shot up and ran downstairs to the phone. I grabbed it and started dialing and Gavin came in.

"She knows." He said, I started dialing Tod.

"He knows." He said.

"But you did have a phone call from someone named Billie?" He said in a question. I froze

"Oh he's just an old friend." I said.

He nodded and walked into the living room.

I called the prison and asked for Billie Joe. He came to the phone almost right away. Sorta as if he was waiting for my call.

"Hey Princess." He said. I could feel myself blushing goddamnit.

"What do you need?" I asked into the phone trying to make myself sound annoyed with him. For some reason I did this with any boy who showed interest in me. I was just a wicked bitch until they got on my good side.

Billie hasn't gotten close yet. We'll see how our date goes then maybe he will be on the good side.

"They're letting me out earlier than Friday because I did some community work and shit like that. So I'll come get you later at lets make it 8:30 tonight." He said.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6. How did that even happen that doesn't... what the fuck.

"Y-Yeah that's fine!" I said to eagerly into the phone. I told him my house address not Gavin's and grabbed my stuff.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked.

"Tod needs help it's a work emergency." I said as I left his room.

"At a record store?!" He yelled down to me.

"I'll call you later!" I shouted and shut the front door. I walked back to my house and got in the shower. I put some actual effort into my outfit. Not because I like him... but because I can look nice if I want to.

I picked out black skinny jeans, my black vans and a black shirt with the faded Ferrari logo on it and to top it all off I tied my black and blue flannel around waist. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and put on some black stud earrings.

About an hour passed so now I was just waiting for the blue haired boy to knock on my door.

And he did at exactly 8:30

I let him in and he looked actually pretty fucking hot. He had a shirt that said 22 Rowdies, jeans that had small rips in them. And obviously very old black high top converse. His blue hair looked messy but classy.

"Ready to go?" He asked and held out an arm

"Yeah." I said and wrapped my arm around his.

We walked to a familiar pizza joint downtown.

"You like pizza?" He asked. I lolled at him like he was an idiot and he looked confused.

"Yes of course I like pizza." I said and gave him a a smile. We walked in and sat at a booth. He gave me a smile and he seemed ok.

"So Billie Joe tell me about yourself." I said and bit off a breadstick.

"Well I was in their for drugs and paranoia I think it was cause y'know apparently that's illegal but anyways I play guitar, write songs I do have a band but I haven't been able to y'know see them." He paused

"Do you know Mike Dirnt?" He asked. I thought for second and then nodded.

"He's in my science class." I said.

"He's my best friend. He used to come see me everyday." He looked away as if he was trying not to freak.



"You Okay?"

"Yeah just thinking about those guys, Mike and John. Anyways what about you?" He asked. I usually hate telling people my story but with him it wasn't that bad.

"So my mom got taken away from me at 10, I've been living by myself and with my friend Gavin since then. I don't know my dad I don't want to know him. According to my mom he was an abusive piece of shit. I don't have any siblings and I work at a music store." I said

"Well if anyone tries to hurt you or your Mom I'll kill them." He said smiling. He was kidding but I knew he would do something.
Why did I trust him so much? I've never felt like this before.

We finished our pizza and went back outside.

"Where to now... princess?" He said and wrapped an arm around my waist bringing me closer to him.

"Follow me." I said.


We went down a road and it took a little while but I came here all the time. Winds-low Bridge.

"Right here." I said
and pointed to the bridge. It had lots of lights on it so you could see. I led him to the side of the bridge to where you crawl on the side of it.

"Be careful Billie Joe it's slippery." I said as I crossed over and sat on the edge. My legs dangled off the side. I looked over and he was standing on the slipperiest part.

"Billie your scaring me please don't fall." I said looking at him. He smiled at me and stood on foot and started jumping.

"Billie stop it!" I yelled and covered my eyes. He stopped and walked over to me. He sat beside me and looked down.

"I like this place." He said and picked up a rock from the side of the bridge and chucked it. It hit the water and he chuckled.

"So why were you really put in jail?" I asked.

"I told you... drugs." He said. I felt like their was something else besides that.

"I know there's something else." I said looking at him. He kept his head down.

"I um I did kill someone I strangled him but it wasn't my fault I wasn't in control it was a heroin induced murder I didn't know what was going on." He said and looked up at me.

I scooted closer to him so we were touching and looked him in his green eyes.

"I'm not scared of you."

"Why not?" He asked

I was about to jump the gun.

"Cause you wouldn't hurt me." I said.

"Y-you don't know that." He said getting closer to my face. I felt so vulnerable.

I grabbed his hand and held it to my throat. He flinched and breathed heavily I kept the eye contact with him. He didn't hurt me. He didn't do anything.


I let his hand go and he dropped it down to his lap.

"See you wouldn't hurt me." I said and put my head on his shoulder. I liked him I really fucking liked him and it confused the hell out of me.

A couple minutes later and we were on our way back to my house.


I really liked Sage she was hot as hell, liked the same music and the best part is she's not scared of me.

We were walking on a trail when we heard a crackle come from the outlines of the trail in the woods. Sage darted her head towards the noise and looked a little freaked out.

She grabbed my hand and I squeezed hers.

"It's ok, I'll protect you." I said. She cleared her throat and smiled.


We got off of the trail and I heard a familiar voice.


I pulled Billie Joe back onto the trail and next to a fence. I tripped on the fucking root and pressed up against his body.

He looked down to meet my eyes and smirked that sexy smirk.

(A/N: cringeee!!!)

"Don't make a sound." I said. He looked very confused

"Where do you think Brenner could be hiding? I told V id get that necklace for her." Bret said.

"Sage Brenner." Billie whispered.

"Shh." I said and pushed closer on him. My hands were now on his sides but you couldn't see because his jacket was covering it.

There was another voice.

Karson. Oh no.

"I swear to god I'll kill that chick. She broke my girls nose." The thing is he would do it. I felt Billie tense up.

Billie Joe grabbed my hand and started walking out of the trail.

"I don't want to." I said. He stopped and turned to me and put his hands on my waist.

"I will not let anybody hurt you." He said and put his head to mine and I felt safe.

We walked hand in hand and reached the road. We turned the opposite way of the three boys and we got away with it for a few seconds until.

"Brenner! I see you!" Bret yelled and started running towards us with Karson close behind.

We stopped and turned to face them. I held tight onto Billies hand.

"Who this guy?" Karson asked looking at Billie.

"He's just a friend." I said looking down.

"Yeah sure just a friend, careful man she'll come at you with her arms open." Bret said.

"Yeah and her legs." Karson said.

"Don't talk about her like that." Billie said not making eye contact with the boys.

"Why not I'm only telling the truth. She's a wicked whore." Karson said stepping closer.

Billies hand balled up and he took a step backwards.

"Dont." I said and pulled his hand back down to mine.

The boys started laughing.

"Fucking hoe." Bret said.

"So what's his name?" Karson asked.

"Billie Joe there dickhead what's yours." Billie spat, those started laughing.

"Billie Joe?! Oh my god is your mom a fucking red neck? Or is it your dad? What was his name Bobby Joe?" They laughed


I was starting to freak the fuck out inside, they called her a whore and a hoe and there talking about my parents what the fuck is wrong with these people?!

"Y'know I bet your moms begging to your daddy right now to give it to her." The boy with brown hair said.

"Seriously Karson stop." Sage said.

"She can't beg my dad." I said.

"Why not are her knees to weak to even be on her knees?" Karson said. I'm gonna beat the shit out of this kid.

"Cause he's dead."

Sage grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"Karson that's your signal to shut the fuck up." Sage said sighing.

"Oh burn in hell you stupid fucking cunt." Karson spat literally fucking spat on her shoe.

I couldn't do it anymore. I let go of Sage's hand and punched the kid in the jaw then in the stomach.

"Stop it!" Sage yelled and pulled me back. I looked at her but was soon torn away from feeling a fist come in contact with my eye.

"Oh shit." I said and wiped blood from my temple. He hit me once agin in the jaw.

"You fight worse than the slut." He said.

Hell no.

"You motherfucker!" I yelled and ran at him taking him down to the ground. I hit him in the face a couple times and then Sage pulled me off of him.

"Shut up!" Bret yelled. I heard sirens off in the distance. Sage looked at me and grabbed my hand.


And we ran back down the trail into another exit and into someone's house through a window.

"Gavin!" Sage yelled.

"What?" Gavin asked as he turned in his desk chair.

"Woah woah why is he here? I know that guy! Y-" she put a hand over his mouth.

"We don't have time for this Gavin, he's a friend. Get your fucking car!" She yelled.

"Yeah o-okay." Gavin said and ran down the stairs with the pair of us close behind.

We got to a garage that was connected to the house and saw an old 78 mustang. Cool.

"I'll get in the front Billie Joe in the back and Gavin sit beside me." She said

"Why don't I get to drive?" He argued.

"Because you drive like a pussy." She simply said and sat in the drivers seat and started the car.

We both did as we were told.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Gavin's moms old house, it's about thirty minutes from here and no one can track us down." She said.

(A/N: i know this is dramatic but hey it's ok.)



We got to an old house and I looked down. My 22 Rowdies shirt at blood spread across most of the letters.

The day I get out of jail I have the possibility of going back because of some fucking assholes who have no fucking respect for anyone.

I got out of the car and followed Gavin inside. He obviously didn't like me. I can see why, I killed somebody.

"You should go." Gavin said not making eye contact.

"No he shouldn't." Sage said as she filled up three glasses of water.

I didn't say a thing.

"Sage he's a psychopath! He killed someone!" He yelled.

"He didn't mean to! He didn't know what he was doing!" She yelled back.

Why on earth would she stick up for me? I'm a piece of shit.

"Listen man, I seriously am not gonna hurt anybody, I'm not taking any drugs I have no weapons except my fists and I really won't hurt anybody." I said.

He rolled his eyes and sat on the couch.

"Here Billie Joe." Sage said and handed me a water, she passed one to Gavin and then to herself. I took off my coat and hung it on the coat hanger by the door.

"C'mon lets go upstairs and get you cleaned up." Sage said motioning for me to come with her. I followed her up the stairs and into a bathroom.

"Gavin we're taking the guest room!" She yelled

"Fine. He can take the couch then!" He yelled back.

"Asshole." She muttered and sat me down on the closed toilet seat. She got a few things out of the cabinet and set them down in the counter.

"In advance this might sting." She said and dabbed some alcohol on a tissue and then to my temple. I hissed from the sudden pain.

She finished cleaning it and put a bandaid on it. She didn't put a band aid on my lip that would've looked weird. Stating the obvious here.

She put her hands on my knees and looked at the side of my head.

She was so beautiful, her lips were only inches from mine and all I wanted to do was kiss her. We made eye contact for a few seconds then she darted her attention to something else.

"Um did you get hit anywhere else? Or cut?" She asked.


"Yeah I got hit pretty hard in the chest." I said.

"Okay." She said

I took off my shirt and watched it fall to the tile floor. She looked down at the big cut on my rib cage then back up to my eyes.

"Um... this is pretty bad."

And this is pretty awkward.

"Yeah." I said. She cleaned it up and put quite a big bandaid on it.

"Look Billie Joe I'm so sorry about all this tonight, it wasn't supposed to happen, those guys follow me around everywhere."


"Yeah well not any fucking more, I do go to your school now and I'm not gonna let them hurt you." I said. She looked like she was gonna cry.

"I don't care if they hurt me, I don't want them to hurt you." She said and looked down at the floor and started to cry

I took my chance.

I brought her close to me and looked down at her. Her eyes were shiny from the tears and her cheeks are red.

We both leaned in and then heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She pushed away and I grabbed my shirt off the floor quickly putting it back on.

She pretended to be looking at my lip again.

"Hey there's food in the fridge you guys want ham or turkey?" Gavin asked.

"Turkey." We both said at the same time.

He left and I grabbed the sides of her face and kissed her. Her soft lips came in perfect contact with my slightly chapped ones. It lasted for about 5 seconds then we both pulled away.



"Gavin he doesn't have to sleep on the couch it's fine." I said.

"No Sage I don't want him around you let alone sleeping in the same bed with you." He hissed.

"I don't care I'm 17 your not my dad I can so what I want Gavin." I spat.

"Fine then get killed." He said.

I was taken back by this, he really just said that.

"Fuck you Gavin Peters." I said and stormed upstairs and into the guest room. Billie was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands on his lap.

"M-maybe I should just go, I'm just causing problems between you and your friend. I don't want to mess things up, I'm sorry." He said and stood up.

"No Billie Joe please don't go." I said grabbing his arm. He looked confused by this.

"Why?" He asked

What was I gonna say? I could say the truth... that I liked him, a lot or I could say I don't want to be alone. Let's try one.

"I don't wanna be alone." I said, he sighed and looked down, goddamnit Sage wrong answer. He nodded and sat back down.

I sat down next to him and he put his arm around my shoulder.



He paused and took in a breath.

"I like you, a lot." He said and sighed after he let out his words. I smiled and felt a warm feeling.

"I like you a lot to." I said. Wow this is cringey but it's cute so...

He looked at me and pushed his lips against mine.


I kissed him back and put my hand on the back of his neck deepening the kiss.

He put him hand on my thigh and ran it up to my back. We stopped.

"We just met." We said at the same time. I wanted him so fucking bad though.

We laid down on the bed and I kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight Billie Joe."

"Goodnight Sage."

HEY MOTHERBITCHES! I hope you all liked this chapter

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