Melodramatic Fools • BJA

By ponderingdirnt

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The day I met him was when I was visiting my mother in prison, he was walking through the hall with the shack... More

I Walk alone I walk alone
Juliets Trying To Find Out What She Wants
Am I Just Paranoid Or Am I Just Stoned?
Give Me A Long Kiss Goodnight
To This Day Im Asking Why I Still Think About You
Now I Cannot speak I lost my voice
Starry Nights City Lights
I Found My Place In Nowhere
Its Comedy And Tradgedy
Low And Behold Its The Judges Daughter
Sleezing My Backyard
She, She Screams In Silence
Im On A Role No Self Control
Hey Mr Where Ye Headin?
Ive Got Nothing To Do
So I Sit Here Patiently
Call Me Irresponsible
Emergency Evacuation Protest
It Says Home Is Where Your Heart Is
Here The Sound Of The Falling Rain
I See You, Down In The Front Line
When We Were Forever Young
You Pushed Me Once Too Far Again
All The Time, Every Time I Need It.
What Makes Me Feel So Much Pain
But Makes Me Go So Insane
Ive Been Waiting A Long Time
Hey! Your Giving Me A Heart Attack!
Youe Giving Me A Cardiac Arrest
You Could Be With Me Wasting Your Time
I Lock Myself Inside My Room
At The End Of Another Lost Highway
Say Hello From Your Window
My Heart Is In Panic
She Is My Drama Queen
So I Can Rest My Head
Im The Son Of Rage And Love
A Sullen Riot

Im All Busted Up

1.2K 29 34
By ponderingdirnt

17   -SAGE BRENNER- 17

I woke up at 5 to the sun going through Gavin's fucking window that I forgot to close...idiot. I decided to just get up and start getting ready to head out. I have to go see Mom today.

I showered, brushed my brown hair and picked out a outfit. Jeans, a old Sex Pistols shirt and my red converse.

He was fucking out so I just left a note on his drawing pad.

"Went to go see mom. I'll probably be be back tonight."

I went downstairs and made a bowl of Froot Loops and headed out the door. I walked to the prison because it didn't take very long.

I got there at about 6-6:15 and headed in.

"Hey Jim id like to see Mom." I said to the familiar guard that was now one of my good friends.

"Go ahead she's in her cell, guards will be standing outside if you need anything." He said, I nodded and walked to cell block 10.

The guards let me in almost immediately.

"Hey Mom." I said

"Oh hi baby." She said and hugged me.

We talked for a little while and then they took us to the "activity room." Pretty much just had magazines and a some board games just you know so the prisoners could have some social time.

It was required.

I walked with her down to the room but we crossed paths with this one boy. He was walking the opposite way and had shackles connected to his wrist that went down to his feet so he couldn't get away.

He had bright blue hair and green eyes, I made eye contact with him and he smirked at me and for some reason it sent a rush of chills down my spine.

But I didn't get the woah that's a crazy person, it was a different feeling. I just brushed it off and continued following Mom.

A couple minutes later and green eyes came my way while Mom was talking to one of her friends.

"Hey there Sage." He said as he plopped down in the seat next to me.

"Your manners are spectacular." I said being sarcastic.

"I know right the best." He said giving it right back.

"So what are you in for blue boy." I asked.

"Oh Y'know a couple killings here and there... no no no I'm just kidding I'm in here for drugs as is just about everyone else, including your sweet mommy dearest, I know she didn't kill anyone." He said competently taking me away.

"Oh my goodness we were talking about manners all this time and I didn't even introduce myself." He said and paused. He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it.

"Billie Joe Armstrong at your service." He said and winked. What the fuck is happening to me right now. I just got so tense.

"Well what do you want?" I asked.

"Well you see I get out this hell hole Friday. I want a date with you. Y'know maybe as sorta a congratulations on not killing yourself while in prison kinda think y'know." He said and smiled quite cutely.

Mom came over and started talking.

"I see you met Billie Joe, he's no harm, he's a sweet boy." She said and went back to her friends.

"She's right I am a sweet boy... just don't get on my bad side." He said and made a halo over his head with his hands.

"Y'Know what Armstrong you got yourself a date. However just letting y'know now." I paused and leaned in close to his ear.

"If you hurt me or my mom in anyway shape or form I will beat the shit out of you." I paused again and pulled him closer to me.

"And do not test me." I said and let him go. I think he knew I wasn't fucking around.

"I get it princess." He said and ran a hand through his blue hair. It kind of turned me on and I hated it.

"Don't call me Princess." I said.
He pretended to be offended and then relaxed back into himself.

"I know you like it." He said and got close to my ear now just copying me.

"Don't you Princess." He said as his lips barely grazed my jawline.

"Okay round up." The guard said signaling that activity time was over.

"I'll see you at 8 this Friday." He said and started to get up.

"What do you drive?" I asked

"I don't." He simply responded and walked back towards his guard.

"Okay mom I gotta get to work, I'll come see you later today I love you." I said as I gave her a hug. She gets out in a month... one more month.

20 minutes later.

I got to the record store and Tod seemed to be pretty irritated. I walked towards him and said sorry I was late and a that happy bullshit.

"That's the 3rd time this week Brenner." He said In obvious disappointment. I felt bad.

"I know I'm sorry. Preps tried to beat the shit out of me again, I went to see Mom I'm sorry." I said hanging my head.

"Those fucking kids again. I should do something." He said shuffling through the CD's

"No don't worry about it Tod it's fine." I said

"You never wear long sleeves, what's going on?" He asked. I sighed and lifted up my sleeve up to my shoulder so he could see the ace bandage.

"Those fuckers cut you?" He asked

"Yeah one of them." I responded.

"Please don't say anything Tod I'm trusting you. It's okay." I said

He sighed and nodded then went back to shuffling the CD's around.

About 3 hours went by and I went home so I could grab a pair of clothes for tomorrow and went back to Gavin's.

I slept like shit.

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