Accept Me •Chanbaek

By xxuxuxaox

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[UNEDITED] - wrote this when I was stupid so... One mistake. A nine month consequence. *Mpreg* Highest Rankin... More

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By xxuxuxaox

Baekhyun POV

I stared at the card my doctor had given me. It said "Abortion Clinic" and had a number on the bottom.

Dr. Re had called and told me that if I waited that I'd be able to see the baby on the ultrasound screen thing.

I didn't want to wait. I just wanted to get everything over with. I didn't want this baby. This baby was nerve meant to happen.

I pulled my phone out and dialed the number on the card.

"Abortion Clinic, Hanna speaking, how may help you?" A cheerful voice said. How could someone be so cheerful in an abortion clinic?

"Yes...I'd like to get an abortion" I said, leaning my head against the wall. I was in my room, sitting in the corner of my room with a blanket wrapped around me.

"How far along are you?" The girl asked, I heard some paper ruffling and assume she was writing things down "the computers are down to talk slow. Give me your information. K?"

"Okay...I'm 12 weeks" I started. I continued at a slow paste, hoping to get this over with before someone walks into my room.

"Okay. You can come next month on the 6th. K?"

"Okay, thanks."

The 5th is my supposed doctors appointment. But it doesn't matter.

I put my phone down and ripped the card until it was in small pieces and then I kicked them all under my closet door.

A sudden knock at my door made me flinch. I was about to say "go away" but instead the door opened and Hyuna slipped in.

She closed the door and walked over to my desk and sat down on the chair backwards.

She rested her arms on the top of the chair and clasped her hands together.

"Talk or I'll punch you" she said bluntly.

I glared at her and crossed my arms. I switched to English "i...I don't know..Korean."

"Yeah? Okay so talk" she cracked her knuckles "or your face will meet my fist."

I frowned and threw my arms up before slapping them onto my thigh "what do you want me to say?"

"What are you hiding? Just so you know when I was emptying the bathroom trash something fell out and rolled out of the toilet paper. It was a pregnancy test and I'm pretty sure mom got her tubes tied and I haven't add any sexual intercourse ever since....since Minsoo died."

I bit the insides of my jaw and stared at her. I knew I could trust her, she's my sister, but I could bring myself to tell her.

So what could I use as an excuse?

Hyuna sighed and rolled her eyes before standing up "Baekhyun, you promised. You were the first person, besides my ex, who I told about Minsoo so you should tell me why I found a pregnancy test in the trash."

She had a point. I remember how happy she was as we walked to the cafe where she would tell me. She was smiling the whole way and I couldn't help but wonder why she was so happy that day.

I remember when she grabbed my hands and jumped up and down as she said the two the words. "I'm pregnant" she had said. She said it with such enthusiasm and confidence.

She had taken my to he second ultrasound when her ex couldn't go. And then I remember the day she texted me about the gender and sent me the pictures.

She always kept me updated on my nephew and then I remember sitting in the waiting room. I was so excited I could barely stay still. But then I saw nurses and doctors run past me. I got worried but I was still a tad bit excited.

I wanted to meet my nephew so bad but then we got the news and my heart broke. I'm pretty sure Hyuna and her ex were more broken than me.

She blames herself for Minsoo's death because the doctors had said to stop pushing but she couldn't and the baby suffocated.

She's tried to get over it but ever time she says his name I see a flicker of pain in her eyes.

I still couldn't tell her. I didn't want to because I didn't want to believe it either but it was so real.

And why tell her when the abortion date has already been set up?

I looked at my hands and shook my head "leave me alone."

Hyuna sighed and walked towards me. I thought she was going to punch me in the shoulder like she usually does when I don't tell her something but instead she hugged me.

I didn't hug her back and just stood there like an idiot.

"Why can't you just tell me? I won't tell anybody. Siblings Promise."

I sighed and gently shoved her away.

While I had the motivation, I took a deep breath "I'm... pregnant" the words slipped out of my mouth in a quiet, breathy whisper. The words seemed to unreal at first but as they fell out of my mouth I realized that it was true.

And that I finally admitted it.

Hyuna stared at me for a moment before bringing me into another hug. This time it was tighter and this time I hugged her back.

"It's weird" I mumbled, my words muffled by her shoulder.

She chuckled "Baekie it's not weird, my friend is a guy he has 3 kids, all of which he gave birth to."

I thought 'wow' but didn't say it.

"Do you know who the dad is? How many weeks are you?" She asked as soon as we broke the hug again. I nodded and pressed my lips together, she looked happy.

I think....I think she thinks I'm keeping it.

I don't want to make her sad again. Babies are a sensitive topic for her and if I just go ahead blurt out that I was having an abortion then I don't know...she would definitely punch me then.


"I'm 12 weeks...and...Park Chanyeol is the dad" I whispered. She knew him because I would always complain and cry about how he always bullied me. I would come home with black eyes and stuff and she would get mad. Just like today.

My jaw was still swollen, thank God he didn't give me a black eye.

"Oh Baekhyun, why" she asked, giving me a disappointed look.

"I didn't mean to. It was at a party" I mumbled.

She sighed "well have you told him?"

"Are you kidding? You must be kidding." I gave her an incredulous look.

"Well Baekhyun you'll have to tell him."

I shook my head and crossed my arms "no I won't."


I glanced at her and then looked at my feet "because I'm not keeping it" I whispered.

She let go of my shoulders and her arms fell to her side. Hyuna just stared at me with a blank expression.

I knew I either just made her mad or sad. Or both.

"I can't have a baby" I said "I'm only 16! I haven't even graduated yet!"

"And who's fault is that?" She snapped. Her whole attitude had changed.

"It's your fault Baekhyun!" She jabbed her finger into my chest.

"Yeah well I'm fixing my mistake" I snapped back.

"KILLING IT IS NOT FIXING IT" She yelled, tears brimming her eyes "why would you want to kill something so helpless?!"

I stayed quiet for a while before swallowing and saying "because it's my decision."

"It's a very stupid decision" she said "that baby didn't choose to be made, it's your fault that it was and you need to take the responsibility. Yeah your 16 but you should know that you are killing a living thing. You are murdering something that can't even breathe by itself yet."

"It's not all my fault" I whispered, getting upset.

"Yeah well think about that when you walk into the Abortion Clinic and murder the helpless baby."

With that she wiped her tears and stormed out of my room, slamming my door and making me wince.

I blinked and sat on the bed as tears threatened to shed.

I pulled my blanket around my shoulders and and curled into a ball.

My decision still didn't change. I couldn't have this baby. I didn't want this baby.

I'm sorry, Hyuna. But this was just the way it was going to go.

Tears T^T
Will Baekie ever change his mind?
Will he ever tell Hyuna?

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