Just Say You Love Me! (Yander...

By KimberlyWrites55

25.2K 311 131

This is just a short compilation of short yandere vocaloid x reader stories that I'm trying out! Please leave... More

Miku Hatsune x Reader
Luka Megurine x Reader
Len Kagamine x Reader
Mayu x Reader
Rin Kagamine x Reader
Meiko x Reader
Gakupo Kamui x Reader
Oliver x Reader
Author's Note Thingy
Fukase x Reader
Gumi Megpoid x Reader
Lily x Reader
Utatane Piko x Reader
Sukone Tei x Reader
VY2 Yuma x Reader
Miku Zatsune x Reader
Another Author Note Thingy
Yuzuki Yukari x Reader
Juon Kiku x Reader
Dell Honne x Reader
SeeU x Reader
Another, quick, Author's Note!
Cyber Diva x Reader
Notice! (It's a Good Thing!)
New Story Is Up! And also, interesting news!

Kaito Shion x Reader

1.6K 30 26
By KimberlyWrites55

"What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to eat anything?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to...watch TV?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want a drink?"

"I don't know."

You sighed as you let your head flop off the edge of your bed, looking at Kaito who was laying out on the couch that would soon become a futon in the night. His own head was flopped upside down like yours, his hair barely brushing the floor as his blue eyes leveled on you and you stared back at him. It was like that for a moment or two until you widened your eyes which caused you both to crack up in peals of laughter. You nearly fell off the bed with your laughter as you snorted and Kaito seemed to lose his shit at the snort causing more peals of laughter that bordered on hysteric. 

"You both are howling like hyenas. What the hell is so funny?" Your mother questioned from the doorway which set off more laughter that was killing your stomach and if you'd sounded like a dying animal before from the intensity of laughing it was worse as you hyperventilated to get air to your aching lungs and sides.

"Nothing!" Kaito eventually gasped making you giggle hysterically with snorts as you held your stomach. He had tears dripping to the floor from the laughing and it made his blue eyes sparkle like sapphires and you grinned when your mother threw her hands  up and sighed walking away.

"Dinner in ten!" Your mother shouted as she walked off down the hall with soft humps of her socked feet against the wood floor board. You looked at Kaito when you both broke into giggles, Kaito's eyes sparkling and you felt your heart tighten near painfully in your chest at the sight of his smiling face.

"Your mom is amazing!" Kaito got out in chuckles as you sat up right, the blood rushing to your head making your vision spin and feel vaguely nauseous. You never really liked hanging upside down but it was funner with Kaito or another of your friends which made it more fun to do but even now it was fun.

"I don't know. Mom never really cares if I come and go. It's a bit sad really." You say with a shrug as Kaito got a sympathetic look on his face and reached out touching the back of your hot hand with the cool finger tips of his.

"It's okay though, you got me!" Kaito assured you making a smile form that you were reluctant to let happen but it did on it's own and it felt right. And then, maybe that's the reason why you let the kiss happen.

The kiss was a soft and subtle thing, just a brush of lips against yours that was anxious and short, but there and warm. It was natural and right it felt, as you sat there perfectly still like any sudden movement might shatter this strange illusion like feeling. You did, however, lean forward when he pulled back to apologize and you could see it in his sorrowful blue eyes that turned shocked when you leaned in again. You didn't know when someone stopped but when it did you leaned back, face a red that probably matched Kaito's, and pressed the back of your hand against your lips.

"Dinner!" Your mom bellowed up the stairs loudly, shocking you both and you jumped up with Kaito scrambling to his feet with you. You blushed hard as you looked down but deep inside you felt satisfaction and you could tell, with a little shy look, that Kaito was feeling the same.

"Dinner?" Kaito asked shyly and you laughed then before you could help yourself and fidgeted nodding softly.



"(Your name)! You look so hyped lately!" Your friend marveled as off the right of her Miku nodded, teal eyes glittering at you softly in agreement as she smiled.

"Well thank you!" You beamed happily at your friends as you blushed and you looked at your phone, at the time, and jumped off the bathroom sink. It was cliche that you all sat in the bathroom like some click in high school as they smiled at you, happy for you. Even if you didn't tell them who you were seeing, they accepted it and remained happy for you even. "We should get to class."

"Alright~" Your friend sighed turning to pick up her bag and looked at Miku who sighed and followed in pursuit. None of you wanted to go to school but it was reasonable in the end as you all were tired from the late night studying over the phone and doing late homework. Late for you, anyhow.

"I wish we could ditch today!" Miku sighed as you left the bathroom together, you mushed in the middle between her and your friend when you noticed Kaito down th  e hall. "But since we can't then how bout we walk to class toge-"

"Actually, I need to talk to Kaito. I'll see you in a few minutes." You said squinting when you noticed Rin and Meiko by his sides, flirting obviously and jealousy twitched making you feel sick. You stared and then started walking when your friends shrugged then walked to class but oyu marched to Kaito, especially when you felt eyes on you. He looked at you then with disinterest and you stared at him, face burning.

"The fuck is this?" You demanded as Kaito simply raised a brow at you and Meiko, along with Rin, cast curious looks at each other then you.

"What do you mean?" He asked as you felt anger surging with jealousy, making you sick, face red as you fought the urge to gasp and then bawl. You were never good with your temper.

"Us! I thought we were together!" You got out in a tight voice, eyes burning but dry. "I thought after this weekend we-"

"That's what you get for thinking." Was all Kaito said as he tilted his head looking at you then smiled. "It'll be alright. Just go on, it wasn't anything serious anyways! Just a kiss!"

"But...you...I..." You stuttered as tears then started welling, your chest hot and tight as you fought to urge, again, to gulp a lungful of air and sob. Kaito then bent so his face was just inches in front of yours, pity in his crystal clear blue eyes and you hated it.

"I never said we were going out, did I? I never asked you out, did I?" Kaito asked quietly so only you could hear but with eyes on you the humiliation was too much and your hand was flying up and slapping his cheek with a crisp sound. Gasps rise up in your chest and you backed up as he straightened up, cheek turning red already.

"Fuck you!" You gritted out as you turned, tears running down your cheeks, and ran off. All those eyes, all the ranging looks of pity to outrage, it was all too much and you felt their stares burning into you like knives. You could only run as you decided, spur of the moment, you would do exactly what Miku wanted. You were going to ditch.


"Hey, (Your name)." You looked up somberly, sitting on the swing at the park which was both the most cliche to run to cry and the most cliche scene to be found ditching school but it's where you went.

"What do you want, Rin?" You got out dully as she sat in the swing next to you, the chains squeaking loudly and she tapped her hands on her thighs as she shivered. Though it was early November it was slowly, but steadily, getting cold and right now it must have dropped again but you couldn't feel it.

"I just wanted to tell you I talked to Kaito. I'm not hanging around him anymore and I don't think Meiko is either." Rin got out as her breath came out in a just barely visible puff of air as you stared at each other and her blue eyes showed her sincere truth. You smiled a half smile your mother once told you made you look like your father. But it made Rin bust out her vibrant smile and she reached out touching your shudderingly cold hand and she squeezed it. "He loves you, (You Name). Maybe too much. But you're pictures are all over his room, of you and him, just you, you with friends. Its kinda creepy but he loves you."

You snorted. "Yeah, okay."

"Come on!" Rin jumped up suddenly, her eyes bright and earnest, shining a cobalt blue you honestly adored. You slowly stood, body stiff and you were then wracked with shudders then as you took her hand and you then began letting her tug you.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked as a shudder wracked over you, doubting Kaito loved you still, but Rin smiled.

"His house! We can talk to his parental guardian and go wait in his room!" Rin babbled cheerfully as she squeezed your hand. "Plus, I think you need to see his room. Really, (Your Name). It's not...right. It's sweet he loves you but it's going to....too far."

"Should I say something? I mean we already kissed this weekend, I thought we would be going out and it'd be natural but he's-"

"Playing hard to get!" Rin finished for you making your eyes widen softly and she smiled, tapped her temple, as her smile turned to a grin. "I got you, girl. I know what you mean."

"Thank god!" You gasped happily with a real smile and Rin laughed as you lightly jogged into place by her side and walked, hand in hand, to Kaito's house. It was lucky, stupid lucky, he lived just up the street from the park and you, for a moment, felt like part of a shitty story line that would turn bad but who cared! You'd talk to Kaito, ask him out, see if he shoots you down or not and live with it! Time to be bold!

"You're so cute!" Rin giggled as she squeezed your hand as you both looked across the street, not a lot of activity was going on so you ran across, giggling like seven year old's. You ran up the street with Rin, her ahead of you now as you approached Kaito's house.

You were laughing, clinging to her hand, her smiling back at you, that you didn't have time ot warn her about the steel bat that came slamming into her temple. It glinted in the light and your eyes widened as blood rolled down the side of her face, eyes once big and bright as cobalt blue gems, were now a dull blue that nearly looked like a shade of steel blue, her smile gone with a look of shock as the bat came down again on the top of her head and she went down, hand sliding from yours, blood gushing out to wet her soft blonde hair a crimson red as  her body slumped into the ground.

Those eyes still wide, shock evident on her face, even as she laid there like a bleeding, twisted doll who refused to breath you felt a calm inside of you. Like the glass like smoothness of a lake, no surface or bottom, just reflective and straight as a mirror, no motion, no scream, no panic. You did take in a shuddering breath as you eyes, wide, looked up at the metal bat that was stained with just a line and few drops of blood, nothing like in the horror movies or anime, not soaked in blood, just lightly stained. You followed the bat up an arm and into dead, void eyes of Kaito Shion. Your friend. The person you thought you liked more than anyone.

"Kaito!" You breathed his name like it was both a blessing and a curse, your eyes refusing to go down or refuse to not be wide. Betraying the panic that was slowly stirring underneath that blade sheen of calm inside of you, like a shark swimming surely but surely and before you know it the fin of that panic was scratching the top of your flat calm and broke the surface. You gasped wildly as you spun on your heel, sprinting down the hill making the mistake of every horror movie girl and looked over your shoulder. Kaito was staring at you with wide, dead blue eyes as an excited smile curled over his lips and as you ran down the bottom of the street, to the cross walk, he began sprinting, his long legs giving him momentum.

You were so focused on getting away, certain you could, that when you slammed your foot flat on the corner of the side walk, thrusting yourself forward, life seemed to take on a slow motion. The first snow flake, you noticed, of the winter season fluttered down in front of a wild lock of your hair waved like a slow banner and the honking horn a white noise that when you turned your head, headlights blinding, you took one last look behind you. Kaito looked not horrified, not scared, but pleased as he reached the corner of the street. He looked as excited as a hunter getting it's prey into a corner and life sped up.

The car slammed into your side sending you flying through the air and it was so shocking that you didn't feel your head crack against the street or the blood that came with it. The conversation then, shouting, was muffled with your heartbeat thudding hard in your ears but when feet came into the view and way of the headlights and you looked up, Kaito's wide, excited smile, was still in place as darkness grabbed you with tight, eager fingers and yet you shoved it down, gritting your teeth.

"She's okay!" Kaito got out in a muffled way, like your head was under water and you could just barely make it out, knowing he wasn't talking about you. You still felt the need to get away that, despite the blood that rolled down your face, down the middle, you began to crawl gasping loud not that you could hear it. Run! Run! Help me! You longed to scream and you thought you were getting away but reality sank in painfully, life no longer muffled and the man of the car shouting and telling you not to move when arms circled your waist lifting you up and you wanted to scream more.

"I got you, it's okay." He murmured in your ear as he picked you up, slowly, hands tight on your waist and keeping you from moving too much as you squirmed tiredly, weakly. "It's okay. Shhh, (Your name). Let's get you home."


When you opened your eyes anew, everything was dark and yet bright at the same time with low light. The world was spinning slowly and you had to clench your eyes tight and fight off nausea at the spinning that continued to do it even when your eyes shut and your clenched your jaw tight.

'Stop it stop it stop it.'  You thought rapidly as the spinning to a crescendo and you nearly vomited. It was then, when it slowed gradually, your body heaving like water sloshing and the spinning slowed enough so it was rapid but you could open your eyes slowly, the world sort of seesawing gently, like water lapping at your feet. You could see but it was causing a little headache to do so. At least, that's what you thought until your raised a hand touching the side of your head when it all came rushing in and you gasped at the rush.

"What the fuck!" You gasped when the throbs of being hit by a car rushed in but there was other throbs that hurt. Especially your right knee, pain rolling down to your ankle that throbbed with a vicious fire and you couldn't help but whimper. You looked down, lifting your head hesitantly, looking down at your leg feeling disgusted. Your ankle was swollen, black and blue with deep purples, your calf was spattered with dark bruises and your knee was the size of an orange tinted deep purples and blues so dark they looked black. That didn't happen in the car accident. You felt a bubble of laughter try to come out. It was like that online comic on Lezhin you'd red, Killing Stalking.

The urge to laugh got worse and you had to clench your hands and bte your lip. Shock. You were in shock and yet you wanted to move but with a movement of your left foot something softly clinked and you looked down. You were chained to a heavy, oak desk, that would crush you if you wanted to be stupid and try to yank your ankle away hard enough. And then where would that get you? Nowhere!

"Shit." You hissed then looked up only to freeze as your eyes widened and looked at the wall in front of you and your brows came together with a sense of dread. Everything was bright in the dark room, in your eyes anyways, as your lip trembled. All over this wall, in front of you, was pictures of you. All you. Different scenes, different outfits, different people or alone, all at different points in time that you nearly couldn't grasp it was you but that hair color, it's yours, that eye color and shape, that was yours. It's you.

"I see your awake~" You tensed so much that you seemed frozen, a mannequin. A horror struck mannequin that could only look up when Kaito strolled in sighing as he sat on his bed, right in front of you, forcing you to look up at this familiar yet so unfamiliar figure. "You got hit by that car pretty hard, are you okay?"

"I need to go home." You said in a tight voice as you pushed your self up on your good knee while your right leg shrieked at the movement, tears forming on your lashes as you remembered Rin. Sweet, b right, glowing Rin with her bad spoiled tendencies but a big sweetheart at heart, laying cold and dead in front of you before the car wreck. Yours 'I need to go home' were the cliche words in all yandere fics you read, horror stories, kidnapping stories, horror webcomics. When did those words, one point you snickered at, seem so right at this moment.

"Don't cry!" Kaito crooned softly reaching out before you flinch back, tears rolling down one of your right cheek as he stopped the tears on your left eye, rubbing them away and he smiled softly. "You've always been so beautiful, (Your name). Always so stunning, so attractive. Fluorescent. You were like a glowing spot, a God/Goddess on land around plan, ordinary demigods. You were just that for me. My savior, my best friend, my love."

"Kaito!" YOu whimpered as the tears on your left side, despite him reaching out to wipe them away, rolled down as your lower lip trembled. He was crazy and yet it was so sad. His wide, dull blue eyes looking at you so lovingly. Sure, your mom always told you to be careful with boys, that they were dangerous, but you never imagined this dangerous.

"I am sorry about your legs." He finally said after a moment of silence and you couldn't understand. The only pain you felt was your right leg but it'd heal. That is until you looked down at your left ankle at the deep, blood crusted X on your Achilles that was red and raw and yet strangely didn't hurt. But what did was the fear, cutting like the knife that must have sliced through your Achilles like butter. "I just didn't want you to run away from me, I wanted you right here, with me. My own God/Goddess."

"I need to leave." You got out weakly as you looked at him and he got this dark, angry look on his face as he leaned close, making you flinch.

"No. And anyhow, how will you walk? You can't! You can't leave me now!" Kaito hissed as he squinted, those dead eyes so close and so terrifying.

"What about school? My mom?" You whispered then feeling horror rising. And fear. ALl you could imagine was Kaito hurting them the way he hurt Rin.

"I won't hurt them." Kaito murmured as he leaned close, lips hovering in front of yours when his smiled. "Stay with me, be my lover, my master, my God/Goddess. My king/Queen. My only one, only pure enough to be within my sight."

You were forced into a corner, a deal you didn't hear was a deal, something you didn't want to make a deal on. But between you, a near nobody special, and your precocious friends? Your mother? The decision wasn't hard and yet,when you answered, it was like sealing your own dark fate.

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