Luka Megurine x Reader

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You woke up slowly, your head throbbing softly with a thick, hazy after effect of drugs that were flowing through your veins making your blood feel thick and heavy and even as you opened your eyes which felt heavy as all hell you felt tempted to go back to sleep. 

You wanted a sweet dream, one where you could be who you wanted, do what you wanted and be with who your heart longed for but you felt a charge moving through your hazy state and you blink softly struggling to lift your head. 

Why was this so hard? You could just barely remember what happened. You shut your eyes again when you heard a soft click and- thankfully because of your current state- you were able to sleep but still, the distinct feeling that something was just wrong wouldn't leave but you couldn't care as sleep grabbed you from behind swiftly. 


"Come on you can't be serious!" Gumi laughed out, her face just lighting up with laughter in such a way it got your heart skipping and stuttering. Gumi was pretty despite you being a (girl/boy) it didn't seem to matter to you. Gumi had captivated you from the moment she entered your class and you wanted to spend every moment with her, it got so addictive just being near her that you ended up forgetting all about one girl...

"I'm being serious!" You pushed your thoughts down laughing along with the green haired Vocaloid and she grinned at you. 

"I don't believe you. I don't think anyone can be tricked into a bath by a CAT!" She laughed out again as she smirked widely and you felt your heart skipping and stuttering once more. You liked Gumi so much that you were a bit afraid to say anything but just being friends with her was enough for you. At least for now it was and besides you were always going to be friends right?

"It's true though!" You insisted as your lips turned up into a larger grin and you noticed a small group of your friends and a couple other Vocaloids. It was Kaito, Len and Rin, Miku and Luka. You felt a little sharp pang of guilt when you saw Luka, your grin wavering gently once. Yes she was the one girl you forgot all about when you met Gumi and you felt bad you haven't talked to her in such a long time. 

"Hey, (Your Name)!" Miku cheerfully said as she sat down next to you and you saw Gumi shuffle a bit closer to you making your heart go completely crazy in your chest. 

"Hey Miku." You reply smiling at her, loving just how damn sweet the girl was despite how she scarfed down leeks like there was no tomorrow. 

You felt a hand covering your hand and you noticed how Luka looked at both you and Gumi's hand and you pulled your hand away in your lap and you looked down at the ground. The conversation slowly picked up between everyone and you kept looking down putting in a comment here and there when the bell ran and everyone got up. You felt Gumi take your hand again making you blush gently as you looked down at the smaller girl. 

"Hey, can we go talk before going to class?" Gumi asked quietly making you curious but you nodded. You walked away with Gumi feeling a sharp look cut through you like glass and you had to admit you felt an itching feeling to get away from the look and you rushed a bit to get inside and once you got there Gumi had a sot blush on her face as her green eyes bore into your own making you blush gently. 

"So what do you want to talk about?" You ask tilting your head as you looked down at her and she smiled softly at you. 

"I like you. And so I was wondering before anything becomes official...Would you go on a date with me?" She asked smiling bright at you and you felt like screaming, jumping up and down then do a serious of hand springs and cartwheels with the amount of happiness that was pumping through your system at that moment.

Just Say You Love Me! (Yandere Vocaloids x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt