Heart of Gold (Anthony Rizzo)

By Pentaholic2011

61.5K 867 28

Anthony Rizzo is new to Chicago and is ready to start his Major League Baseball career. Isabella Wilson is l... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven

Forty Eight

1K 13 0
By Pentaholic2011


"Where are we going" I whine.

"I'm not telling you" Anthony sing songs.

"Can we at least loosen the blindfold, it's itchy" I pout poking at it.

"Nicholas... itch your sister eyes" Anthony says and I let out a huff.

"I can't even see my baby right now, that's not even fair" I defend. I know she's back there, I put her in the car, but she was really cute and I like looking at her.

"You will see her soon enough, now quit your wining" he shuns.

"I feel like we've been driving forever" I sigh.

"Well we're here" he announces and I smile.

"Yay" I claim reaching for my blind fold but he stops me.

"You have to keep it on" he claims.

"Have we learned nothing from me walking to the car? I cannot walk with this thing on" I remind him.

"Nicky is gonna help you" he explains.

"Great... what could possibly go wrong" I mumble.

After a few close calls we get inside a building. The warm air hits my face and I let out a sigh, it felt so good.

After a few turns I get stopped. I hear a door close behind me and Nicky's little hand slips in mine.

"Take it off" he instructs. I take off the blind fold and I find myself in a empty room. All there was is a dress bag, a mirror and a chair, and a some other little things in a table. The blinds were open and showed snow falling lightly outside. The city in the background peacefully existing.

"What is this" I ask.

"It's your wedding day" he claims and I cock my head to the side.

"No it's not" I insist.

"Yes it is. Here" he says giving me a paper.

"Dear Isabella,
Yes, it is your wedding day. If you're up to it I had a surprise wedding planned out to the last detail. Tell my wing man I do if you're ready to get married and tell him I don't if you're not ready.

Love, Anthony.

PS I will defiantly cry if you say no."

"So... what do you say" Nicky asks.

"I do" I smile.

"Okay" he yells running out of the room.

"Wait! What am I supposed to... do" I sigh as the door closes behind him.

I turn to the dress and I couldn't help it. I unzip it and take out the robe that I'm assuming is for hair and make up. I take the dress out and let out a gasp. Holy shit.. this dress is breath taking.

"Wow" I whisper.

"He did pretty good didn't he" a voice asks. I look up and see Ciara standing in the door. Her long black hair curled and pinned up. She wore a pretty long red dress and her make up was done nice. She looked amazing.

"Anthony picked this out" I ask a bit shocked.

"I helped a little but this one was all him" she says.

"He really planned a whole wedding for today" I ask and she nods.

"Every last detail" she says.

"So what happens next" I wonder.

"I'm going to do your hair and make up. Nothing crazy, Anthony said not to go over board because you don't need it so I'm going to try my best to stay subtle. Then we're going to get you dressed and ready to go" she says.

"Okay... lets do this" I smile.

She sits me in the chair in front of the mirror and starts on my hair. She straightens it before putting them in loose curls and pinning a few back.

"I can't believe I'm getting married today, I don't even have vows ready" I remember.

"You'll be fine. There's forty people here and they've all heard you say something worse than what you could say out there today" she insists.

"Tell me about the wedding" I say dreamily.

"I can't say much. Just that you're going to love it all. And keeping nicholas' mouth shut was impossible" she laughs.

"I can only imagine. Is Anthony nervous" I ask.

"He's a mess but Jon is trying to calm him down. He just wants to make you happy" she explains.

"He could take me to Vegas to get married and I would be happy" I defend.

"I know, but he wants you to have the best ya ever" she insists.

She finishes my hair and make up and I slip into the dress. I throw on a pair of heels and turn to the mirror. She puts the vail on and I smile big.

"You are so fucking pretty" she claims and I laugh.

"Thank you. I can't believe this is happening" I sigh. After everything that's happened finally some good comes my way.

"Lets get you down there shall we" she says and I nod.

"Lets do this" I exclaim.

We get down the church and I stand behind the doors. A few of my friends from either school or the organization stood there in beautiful brightly colored dresses. Ciara hands me my bouquet which was a bunch of flowers of different colors.

"Is this a rainbow wedding" I piece together.

"Yeah" Ciara tells me.

"Oh that's so cool" I admit. I really want to cry but I can't, not yet.

The parties walk in and I wait for the music to start. I stand there and realize that I have no one to walk me down the isle.

I feel a tug on my dress and look down to see Nicholas in a suit and a blue tie, blue was his favorite color anyway.

"May i" he asks reaching his hand up. I take his hand in mine and it made me smile bigger than I thought was possible.

"Of course" I nod.

"You look like a princess" he claims.

"Thank you. You like a handsome little gentleman" I admit.

"Anthony hooked me up" he claims and I laugh.

"I guess he did" I agree.

The doors open and everyone stands. Nicky and I walk down the isle. I see Anthony in a sharp blue blazer smiling big. When I get closer I see him crying and it make my heart skip a little.

I turn to Nicky and kiss his forehead. He goes to stand behind Anthony and I laugh. Of course that's his best man.

I turn to Anthony and catch him wiping away a tear.

"What" he sniffles.

"You're the best" I say and he smiles.

"I try" he shrugs.

We get to the vows and he looks straight through me. I felt weightless as everyone else disappears and it was just him and I standing there. It was all so surreal to me and I can't imagine it getting any better.

"You first" he says and I laugh.

"Okay. I guess I just wanted to say that you are the most amazing soul. I mean, what you're doing for me is so incredible. This whole thing... I have no words to describe how I'm feeling. Looking around, I see how truly blessed I am. I've been through so much crap and I can happily stand up here today in front of everyone and look at you and say it was so worth it.

When I found out I was sick I already knew my fate. But what I couldn't wrap my head around was that I couldn't have this. This is so much more than us getting married. It represents our relationship that has had its fair share of ups and downs. But I know I would love at the bottom just as much as I love you at the top. Those hard times weren't that hard with you around. You always found a way to put a smile on my face, whether you were hanging out with Nicky when his heart hurt or you would give me a flower you picked from my garden. You picked me up every time life knocked me down and I'm so happy that after today I can call you my husband.

This whole thing, after we all we've been through, it's so special. We've shared a lot and now I can do the rest as a married woman" I smile.

"Not too long ago we sat on the couch and I listened to you describe your dream wedding. I didn't know it at the time, but it was more than just a dream, it was a fantasy. As far as you knew you weren't going to make it much longer and you wanted more than anything to get married. If I I would have known why you you had such a great idea for us to get married I would have done this sooner.

You also claimed that I will forget my vows because I insisted I memorized them and it's scary how well you know me. But you also said that I'll realize that words won't describe how I would feel right now and like every time before and after that moment, you we were right.

Because I had this all planned out and it just doesn't feel like it's enough. I feel like it doesn't describe where we have been or where we're going.

So I'm just going to say this. I refuse to walk this earth without you. Today and every day of my life I am reminded how truly lucky I am. I'm excited to get home because home is wherever you are. I know that whatever happen on the field I'm forgiven as soon as I walk into your arms. Your soul has been my favorite place to to be, always free and imaginative. I've seen the side of you that no one else has and that's the greatest feeling in the world. I love that no matter what you're going through you're the sweetest person in the world and it's so hard to watch you go through these things but I'm happy it's me you confided in" he says. I wipe away a tear because I tried to hold them back but it was of no use.

"And can I have Nicky up here" he continues. Nick appears from behind him just smiling away. He doesn't understand what we're saying or what's going on, he's just happy to be here. Anthony catches a baseball Jon tossed him and he bends down so he can see eye to eye with Nick. "I also wanted to take the time to worship the best wingman in history. There's two people up here in relationships because of you and that's pretty cool.

Nicholas, you are the coolest little dude I have ever met. I knew that when you first started talking to me you were going to be my best friend. I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life. No one makes me laugh as much or as hard as you, it's amazing really. And you are the strongest man I have ever met too. You never let your heart get the best of you. You were so brave and so bold, it was inspiring to not only me but everyone who heard your story.

I can't imagine my life without you and your sister. But without you there is no Isabella and I. Although you hang that over my head more times than not I'm very appreciative you're such a cool cute and let me date your sister. And while I'm marrying your sister today you're also a part of the family, so I would love of you changed your last name to Rizzo too" Anthony says and Nicholas' eyes light up.

"Do you really mean that" he asks.

"Of course Nicky" he smiles.

"Yes" the boy yells and Anthony hands him the ball. He kisses his head and Nick goes to Anthony's dad and sits in his lips. 

The sermon goes on and we finally get to the good part. We say our vows and put the rings on each other before saying i do.

"Anthony, you may kiss your bride" the priest announces. Anthony moves my vail and stares at my lips. He pulls me close and finally everything in my life was right.

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