Experiment Zero

Galing kay dangeroustoken

3.4M 145K 50.7K

There's more out there than you think. Ashley Cartwright works on a secluded island for her father as a... Higit pa

1. New Arrival
2. Confrontation
3. Into the Lion Den
4. Man Child
5. Patient Zero
6. Eat My Dust
7. Woah, Superman
8. Anger On A New Level
9. A Goodbye Gone Wrong
10. Sleepover
Character Interveiw
11. Midnight Scare
12. Queen Of Tasers
13. Caught Sylvia-Handed
15. Crashing The Party
16. A Water Bottle, Anyone?
17. Explanations And Spilt Coffee
18. Fartherly Issues
19. Anger That's Not My Own
20. A Syringe Too Many
21. A Very Stupid Plan
22. A Hindrance And A Tragic Departure
23. A Strange Stranger
24. Sleeping Assassin
25. Sudden Escape
Bonus Character Interview
26. The Wildside
27. Merchant Sons and Fainting
28. Darklings, Death, and Drinks
29. Lager
30. Highclere, The Furnace House
31. Queen of Whips
32. A Dark Lightling
33. Dark Pasts and Zero's Confession
34. Interruptions and Staring Contests
35. Peter And The Big Reveal
36. The Big Reveal Continues....And Oh Yeah There's Peter
200k Views Lager's POV
37. And The Plot Developes
Halloween Bonus!
38. My Annoying Shadow
39. Let's Make A Trade
Christmas With A Cripple
Christmas Bonus
40. The Ultimate Showdown
41. The Core
42. A Resolution?
43. Goodbye For Now
Q And A
Bonus Character Interview 2
Bonus Character Interview 3
Epilogue/ Different Character P.O.V.

14. I Hate Dresses

73K 3.1K 937
Galing kay dangeroustoken

      It's been a full forty eight hours since the beach incident.

      When I found Zero and Sylvia in the jungle, it took almost a full half-minute before I could even think straight.

 Zero, with his perfect hearing, hadn't even noticed me until I was right there, watching the scene unfold. 

When he finally saw me his eyes widened. He opened his mouth, to call out to me maybe, but I wasn't looking at him. I was looking at Sylvia, who relaxed against the tree, sparing glances between Zero and I like it was a tennis match. When our eyes connected, she smirked.

     I had been teetering on the edge for a while, but that little grin of hers very well sent me over it. 

    I turned on me heel and immediately took off back towards the beach. 

I don't know what hurt me more, the fact that Zero could have easily gone after me, or the fact that that he didn't. 

When I made it back to the beach and met up with Shy, Jack, and Peter who gathered around me in a very worried manner, I vaguely remember pointing int he direction of where I found Zero. Peter went with the guards to go fetch him, while Shy and Jack walked me home, not questioning my frantic state and letting me breathe.

When we arrived at my house the sun was just starting to set and my dad met me at the door. I thanked Shy and Jack for walking me home, and soon after they both left after saying goodbye.

My dad stood there awkwardly for a few minutes, looking like he wanted to question me, but anxious that I might still be mad. At the moment I wasn't angry at all, just really really tired.

That night I caught a cold. Who would've thought that swimming in the ocean than running through the jungle would leave your body vulnerable to colds?

My dad called in sick for me, saying I would take the next two days off of work and stay home and recover. I'm very grateful for that, because I don't know how I would react if I saw Sylvia again.

     Shy and Jack came to visit me, and even Peter stopped in a few times. Jack brought some soup, which he says is his great Scottish grandmother's recipe. We all played some boardgames throughout the two days when they'd visit. 

They told me how Zero was doing. Apparently he's been throwing a few temper tantrums, refusing to comply or leave his cell for his morning physical training. 

"Mrs. Clark's starting to get angry," Shy said during one of the visits while we were sitting in the living room playing Uno, "Zero eats but won't cooperate with anyone. He keeps calling out for 'Ashie'."

That certainly left a tight knot in my chest, but whenever the word Zero comes into my mind, the image of him with Sylvia pops up too and I feel even more sick. 

The second night of my cold, and the last one, I was laying in bed when all of a sudden I heard Zero's voice in my head. 

Ashie, He said as I let out a yep and nearly rolled off the bed.

Don't talk to me, I think frantically, wondering how this telepathic speaking words and wonder if I can get a message across. Please don't talk to me right now.

I can't face you, is what I really mean to say, but the I don't hear his voice in my head again after that.

I wouldn't say I'm angry at Zero, now that may change once I know all the details, but mostly at the moment I'm angry with myself. I'm ashamed that I wasn't with him, and couldn't protect him from being dragged off my Sylvia, that snake. 

Now at the back of my mind I'm a little irritated that it didn't look like he tried to fight her off at all, when he obviously could have overpowered her, but I have no right to be upset about that. It's not like I have any claim over him. There is the connection, but like I've told myself many times before, Zero made that out of necessity. 

The next morning I blink awake, tired from staying up late after hearing Zero's voice in my head. 

    I groan when there's a knock on the door, rolling over onto my stomach. Another knock, and then I hear the door open.

Sighing and wondering who decided to let themselves in, because there's no way my dad would knock on the front door, I stumble to my feet and out into the living room, where Peter stands. He takes in my horrible state, chuckling, and I feel like strangling him.

"You realize it's almost noon, right?" He asks.

     In response I close my eyes and stumble to the couch, plopping down and burying my head in my arms. 

     "C'mon Ashley, it's time to wake up." He says. 

I know he's right, I should get up and get dressed, I'm fully recovered from the cold now and back in tip-top shape, but at the same tine I'm tired

     "What do you want?" I say, my voice muffled by my arms.

 I suddenly yelp when I'm lifted up and set on my feet. I make a dive for the couch, but arms wrap around my waist, holding me in place.

 "The Braun party is today, if you haven't forgotten." 

 I have.

"And since you look unstable to go by yourself, I'll help escort you there, although I'll be on guard duty for most of the party."

 I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest. "Forget it, Peter. I'm not going." 

If I go to a party there's a large chance I could run into Sylvia, and I want to avoid that as much as possible.

I know I promised Mrs. Clark I'd go with Zero, but that was before she brought Sylvia back.Who knows? Maybe Mrs.Clark already assigned Sylvia to be his escort tonight instead of me. 

     "Oh yes you are." He says, spinning me around to face him. "Your dad ordered you a dress. It arrived this morning from the supply shipment."

      I groan even louder. My dad's taste is.......old fashioned. That's literally the best I can say about that. Let's not go to worst. 

The last time I went clothes shopping with him was back on the main land a few years ago. I had asked him to try picking out a cute top for me. Let's just say I never took him shopping again.

      "Peter, really, it's nice that you're doing this, but I think it'd be best if I stayed home."

       Peter starts walking into the kitchen, calling over his shoulder, "Shy will be here in fifteen minutes so you can both get dressed. I'm not taking no for an answer."

      "I do not like you one bit!" I shout, but feel a twinge of happiness.

       "You love me!" Is the only answer I get back.

       No sooner than Peter and I had eaten a really late lunch of sandwiches, peaches, and chips, did a knock on the door come. I get up, putting my plate in the sink on the way to the door.

 I open it to reveal Shy, two bags slung over her shoulder. She smiles nervously at me, holding out the bags like a peace offering.

     I take them, opening the door wider to let her in. She smiles, giving Peter a wave as we pass the kitchen and enter my room. I kick aside a piece of clothing, laying the bags down on my bed.

     "This one's mine," Shy says, un-zipping the first bag. Out comes a sleek, gold colored dress that almost looks like metal.

       "Oh, Shy! That looks gorgeous Go put it on, right now!" I say, rushing her into the bathroom. 

I sit on my bed while waiting for her to come out, tapping my leg impatiently until the bathroom door opens. 

     I get a better image of the dress now that it's on her, and she looks stunning. The dress compliments her light brown hair, making it look like it has strands of gold streaking through it. The dress is floor length and has no sleeves, swaying around her in elegant waves. I clap, my heart swelling for my friend. Somehow, this moment feels so precious, like the prom I never had since I've been home-schooled.

Okay, okay, maybe it wouldn't hurt to go to the party. I'll just have to have my Sylvia-radar on full power. 

      "Okay, time for you." She says, going to the second bag. She pulls out the dress I have dreaded seeing, but then I stop, my mouth falling open. My dad picked that?

     It's the exact same dress Shy is wearing, except in a silver color. The light bounces off the dress, making it sparkle and shine. I gasp, taking a hold of the fabric as I smile.

      "There is no way my dad picked this out."

      "It was kind of my idea." Shy admits sheepishly. "I'm not big for parties and I heard you aren't either, and I thought it would be cute to match.....I hope you don't mind."

     I shake my head, speechless, before running into the bathroom to try it on. I finish and walk out, going to stand by Shy in the mirror. We look like silver and gold, moonlight and sunlight. I smile, pulling Shy in for a hug, trying to express my gratitude by nearly squeezing the life out of her. 

     "Okay," Shy laughs once we break apart. "Time for makeup and hair."

      We take turns doing each others make up and hair. My hair is done up into an elaborate bun that took me by surprise when Shy finished. One loose tendril frames my face, making my features seem sharper.

     "Wow," I say, tilting my head to the left and right.  "I had no idea you could do something like this."

      She smiles, setting down the brush. "My aunt was a hair stylist. When I was born, I became her hair model."

      For Shy, I do what I like to call Angel hair. I make two braids, then clip them together at the back of her head, making it seem like a halo rests on top her hair. The rest of her hair I let fall down in loose waves. She smiles at her reflection, a tiny blush appearing when I tell her she looks gorgeous.

We chill out in my room for another hour, listening to music and singing along while dancing. I show her a few of my favorite books, and before we know it the time has flown by and it's time to do makeup.

     We both apply little makeup, going for the more natural look. I do put on mascara and lip gloss, liking the way the gloss gives me the extra gleam. We both stare at each other in the mirror again, two girls acting like we're going to our first dance. 

    "So," I say, bumping shoulders with Shy. "Going with anyone tonight?"

      "No, I thought you and I could just go as friends, if you don't mind."

      "Of course." I say, smiling, and then leading her out of the room. My eyes land on the three figures sitting in the living room. One of them is my dad, dressed nicely in a button up shirt and black pants. The second is Peter, wearing a more formal version of his uniform, without the gun or other accessories. The last one makes me smile, because it's the same guard I saw Shy giving glances at the beach a few days ago. His corn colored hair is neatly groomed back, and he's dressed the same as Peter.

     He seems to surprise her too, because she gasps, a small smile forming. They stand up, my dad's eyes widening when he looks at me. Peter smiles, going over to me and offering his arm. I laugh, taking it and watching the guard do the same to Shy.

     "Who's that?" I whisper, leaning in to Peter.

      "Derek." He whisper back, still smiling. "He's was quite taken by Shy. Hasn't stopped talking about her during breaks."

       I raise an eyebrow. Clearly, I missed something that went on at the beach. I only saw them looking at each other, but they must have talked if Derek is so infatuated to be here now. I send a little wink to Shy, making her go red to the tips of her hair.

      "Ready to go?" My dad says, clasping his hands together. He pulls open the front door and as Peter and I walk past he smiles at me, squeezing my shoulder. "You look so grown up, Ashley."

     I smile, stopping to give his a brief, but firm, hug. These moments only happen once, might as well enjoy them. We step out the door, and the Guard Cruiser sits in the driveway. I gulp, and Peter laughs at my expression.

      My dad decides to take the car, saying he'll meet us at the dock. Peter climbs into the drivers seat, me in the passengers, and then Shy and Derek in the back. Before I have any time to regret going, we are off, driving down the beach. We fall into  a parade of cars and Cruisers all heading for one destination: the dock.

      We park in the sand a few yards away, and I pause when I see the large party boat, people already starting to board.

Seeing it in front of me, all the worries start to come back, but I take a deep breath, clearing my head of them.

 As long as I steer clear of Sylvia I should be okay. I should stop running away and face it head on, maybe even ask Zero about what really happened and if maybe I was just seeing things wrong.

     "Maybe we can go party at home." Shy says, anxiety suddenly coating her features as she takes a step back.

     "Oh no you don't." I say, linking arms with her and dragging her onto the wooden planks towards the boat entrance. "You dragged me here, now there's no backing out."

     We step onto the boat, our escorts trailing behind us. The deck is filled with familiar looking scientists and various employees, tables piled with food and different colored lights. Steady music plays from speakers, and I almost believe this to be  a teen party you would go to on a weekend, not an adult celebration.

     We wind our way through the crowd, greeting and being greeted by people. Shy has a permanent flush on her face, making me wonder if she's ever been to a party. We go below deck, where the real party is. The bar is down here, and every hand has a drink in it. Dancing has already commenced, and it shocks me how wild adults can really get.

     In a few seconds a glass is already in my hand, and I'm laughing with Shy on the dance floor as we both try some awkward dance moves.

 Peter and Derek join in, and the party officially begins for us. First I'm dancing with Peter, then Shy, then Derek. 

     When I can't dance any longer,  I pull Shy towards a evacuated couch and we plop down, Peter and Derek bringing paper plates piled with sweets. We laugh and shove chocolate at each others faces. Peter tries to get intimate with me by feeding me some chocolate, but I laugh, ruining the moment much to Peter's disappointment.

    I usually don't drink, which is why when I'm handed a glass of alcohol I stare at it for a few seconds. Back on the main land, I may be just barely underage in some places, but here on the island I don't think the same rules apply. I sip the glass, face turning sour at the taste, but continue drinking it anyway.

Because I usually don't drink, that one glass is enough to make my head start to feel dizzy. I knew I was a lightweight, but I didn't know it was this bad. 

 The lights spin, the music pounds, and then I'm holding my stomach as I groan. Drinking alcohol  was  a bad idea. Shy keeps me company while I sober up, Peter and Derek saying goodbye because unfortunately they have to be on security duty for a couple of hours tonight.

 Jack stops by and chats, already drunk, and we tease him, laughing when he trips over air.

     I look up, feeling my head start to clear now, and my eyes latch onto someone's across the room. He stands in the doorway, staring at me with those steel grey eyes. My throat dries, but then my head wanders over to the person beside him and rage seeps into my skin.

     Sylvia stands there, too close to him for comfort, with a shorter version of my dress on and her hair down in waves. 

I stare at the dress, irritation creeping beneath my skin. How did she know? There's no way this could be a coincidence.

     Argh! I hate dresses! Who needs them anyway?

      I shake my head, wondering if the alcohol is still in effect because I don't hate dresses, I just hate the one Sylvia's wearing. Shy follows my gaze and stands, pulling me towards the exit, and towards them.

     I wonder if they're a couple now. Sylvia is sure acting like it. I wonder if people even date on Dalton, the island Zero is from.

     I keep my eyes forward, ignoring Sylvia's sneer as we walk past. Zero opens his mouth, hand reaching out towards me, but I flinch, stumbling backwards before rushing out the door and up the stairs onto the deck

     "Are you okay?" Shy asks, not having to shout since its quieter out on the deck.

    Now that's she's asked, I realize I'm not okay. The world is spinning, the lights blinding, and my head pounding. It's almost like I can't breathe and I feel claustrophobic all of a sudden.

     "I-I need air." I gasp out. Shy's eyes widen, and she nods, knowing what I mean.

 She leads me around the side of the boat, towards the back where a mini, deserted deck rests. I collapse onto one of the cushioned chairs, immediately more calm. It was a huge mistake  to come here. What was I thinking?

     "Ashley...." Shy trails off, obviously worried for my well being.

     "I'm fine." I snap, then I sigh. "I'm sorry, I think I just need a moment alone right now."

      She nods, giving me one last concerned look, before leaving, her heels the only sound besides the waves. I take  a few deep breaths, putting my head in my hands. I wonder if anybody would notice if  I just left.

    A few minutes later I hear heels clicking against the floor as someone approaches.

    "Shy I think I'm ready to go-" I say, picking my head up from my hands only to see not Shy, but Sylvia.

    "Hello, Ashley." She purrs, smirking.

    Another reason for why I hate dresses, you can't fight someone easily while in one.

      Hello readers! Here's a early update, just like some of you requested. The true reason for why Ashley hates dresses has been revealed. Never have I ever been to a party on a boat, but I tried to describe what i think it'd be like to the best of my ability. Vote, comment, and if you're ever invited onto a party boat, don't pass that opportunity up! Unless there's people there you don't like, cough cough Sylvia. Hope you enjoyed it! This chapter is officially edited. Lots of love,


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