The Secret Life Of The Americ...

By magicofessence

319K 2.9K 1.7K

This is season six of The Secret Life Of The American Teenager. RANKED #18 in NON-FICTION RANKED #73 in FAN... More

Episode 1: after graduation part 1
Episode 2: after graduation part 2
Episode 3: facing reality
Episode 4: the queen of broken hearts
Episode 5: confused
Episode 6: what if i'm weak?
Episode 7: Love Bites
Episode 8: the reunion part 1
Episode 9: the reunion part 2
Episode 10: reunion from hell part 1
Episode 11: reunion from hell part 2
Episode 12: the truth is out
Episode 13: family first
Episode 14: facing the enemy
Episode 15: choices
Episode 16: the reason why
Episode 17: the secret letter
Episode 18: i hate it when you see me cry
Episode 19: a mother's love
Episode 20: trying to say it in the nicest way
Episode 21: the perks of being a student
Episode 22: breaking up. making up?
Episode 23: i am, and i was (MID-SEASON FINALE)
Author's note and announcement
The Secret Life Of The American Teenager season 6 part 1, playlist.
Questions And Answers: season 6 part 1
Author's note: no season 7, but yes, the rest of season 6.
Episode 24: the hospital
Episode 25: what now?...
Episode 26: uncovered part 1
Episode 27: uncovered part 2
Episode 28: the past is in the past
Episode 29: nothing to lose part 1
Episode 30: nothing to lose part 2
Episode 31: the S word
Questions to my readers
Episode 32: just breathe
Episode 33: the sound of silence part 1
Episode 34: the sound of silence part 2
Episode 35: i told you so
Episode 36: fading away
Interview with the author
Episode 37: a grave from the heart
Episode 38: i wish i didn't know now what i didn't know then.
Episode 39: oceans
Episode 40: twenty hours of sleep part 1
Author's Thank You Note
Episode 41: twenty hours of sleep part 2
Episode 42: breathe into me PART 1
Episode 43: breathe into me PART 2
Author's note RATE ME
Episode 44: a life unlived part 1
Preeclampsia & Eclampsia explained
Announcement :)
Episode 45: a life unlived part 2
Episode 46: yesterday's tomorrow
Episode 47: before the dawn part 1
Author's note: why do i take so long to write
Author's note
Author's note: the loss of one of my influences
Episode 48: before the dawn part 2
Episode 49: helpless but reckless
Episode 50: (anniversary episode) together forever
Episode 51: unexpected life
Episode 53: doctors DO(n't) lie
author's note please read this.
Episode 54: sorrowful moments of love, hate, heartbreak
Episode 55: the decision that will stay with us for the rest of our lives
Episode 56: the morning after
Episode 57: shattered but not broken, yet
Episode 58: I'm her home
Author's note: new change, a new ep, the sequel & writing a book since 2015
Author's note: starting the sequel!
The Secret Life Of The American Teenager, season 6, part 2 playlist

Episode 52: Fearing... Brayleigh

1.6K 22 8
By magicofessence

Doctor Worthly silently opened room 233's door. Amy and Ricky were just about to eat breakfast until they saw what was in front of them, or who was. Their baby. Doctor Worhtly strolled a little incubator in the room with a beautiful baby inside it. "Here she is." He said, smiling. He strolled her to the left of Amy's bed side. A huge weight lifted of her shoulders. Just the thought of knowing their baby was save with them was something she was looking forward to.

"I will leave her with you. But be aware, do not pick her up, she's still fragile. She needs to grow strong first. And stay in the incubator for as long as she needs."

Amy nodded but kept her eyes at her little bundle of joy. Doctor Worthly left the room without saying a word. Ricky stood up and made his way to Amy's side, to give her the support she needed. She was sobbing, but this time out of happiness. And so was he.

"She's so beautiful." He said, holding onto Amy's hand very tightly. Amy nodded in disbelief. She couldn't believe her baby was here, in her room. Even though they couldn't touch her, or hold her. They could see her and look after her. And that was something they both were looking forward to.

Amy wiped her wet tears away. She pinched Ricky's hand and held his hand very tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at how her hand shaked uncontrollably. She nodded and swallowed carefully. "I am okay. I just can't believe she's here with us." He nodded at her response. "I know. It's hard to believe. After everything that has happened I'm happy she's here, save." She turned her head towards Ricky. Her eyes were soaked in tears. "Do you think she'll be alright?" Ricky's heart shattered to see her this upset. The truth was that he didn't know if Brayleigh would be alright and healthy. But he couldn't show his fear to her. She deserved to be at peace for once so he nodded instead. Letting her know their baby will be okay. Amy sat upright, settling herself so she could have a better view at their sleeping baby. "Careful." He said, helping her up. "You know, today the hurt in my stomach isn't as painful anymore." She said, smiling.

"Really? That's amazing news!"

She nodded. "The painkillers are working and it's been a couple of days so I must be healing." He smiled and looked at his peacefully sleeping baby girl. "She looks just like you." He said. Amy turned her head to face Brayleigh. "Really?" She asked, in shock. He nodded. "Yeah." Amy's lips curved into a little smile.


"I can't wait until I can hold her." Amy said, smiling to her parents. "She is the cutest baby I have ever seen." George said, blinking a tear away. "I know, she is." Amy responded, swallowing back the tears. She didn't want to cry. She felt like she's been crying for a while and Amy was sick of crying or feeling vulnerable. Right now, she wanted to be with her family and look at Brayleigh until the early hours of the morning. "So, when can you hold her?" George asked. Amy shook her head and sighed heavily. "I really don't know. She's still weak and she was obviously born too early so she has to stay in there for at least 3 weeks, if I'm not mistaken?"

George frowned.

Anne sat down uneasily. Like she could read Amy's mind she suddenly said "Don't worry Amy. She'll be okay!." Amy looked at her mother, and while she was looking at her own mom. Just the way how she was sitting there at the end of her bed, holding her hand for support, it finally hit her how fragile the whole situation was. Without being able to control her emotions she started sobbing, uncontrollably.

"Amy, don't cry." Anne said, sitting closer to her daughter to comfort her for support. George sighed and looked away. It hurted him seeing her this upset. Nothing could make her smile. Even her baby's presence didn't seem to work. She was a mess. Because realization hit her. It hit her that her life WAS at stake. That Brayleigh's life WAS at stake. And that her condition almost took away 2 precious lives all at once.

"You don't need to act so strong, Amy." George suddenly said. "what do you mean?" She asked, wiping her tears away. "I know you don't cry in front of Ricky. You don't need to hide your fear, or emotions from him. He's Brayleigh's father. I'm sure he feels the same things you are feeling right now."

George stood up and held his daughter's hand. He looked over to his granddaughter. She had tubes all around her. Wires were connected to her. A wire made its way down her little nose, for breathing support. She was breathing very heavily, like the little girl was fighting for her life. Her little hands were the size of a walnut. She looked so fragile, innocent and pure. Her life didn't even begin and she was still fighting for it. This was one of the situations were everything turned out to be so unfair. It was unfair... So, so unfair.

"My biggest fear is that she won't be okay. That her life will be one big challenge to live and that she'll spend her entire childhood here in the hospital." Amy said, sobbing. "And I'm so scared she'll die because of it." 

"Why do you think that? She is a premature baby. A lot of premature babies are born, and are okay!" Anne said, rubbing her daughter's back in reversed motions. "Yes, I know that mom. But not a lot of babies are born okay when the mother had Eclampsia during pregnancy." Amy shook her head. "I had Eclampsia. SHE was affected because of this stupid illness no one seemed to know about."

Anne's look changed. "I think this whole situation is weird." She said, studying Brayleigh.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked.

"I don't know." 

Anne sighed and tried to think how to put her crazy thoughts into words without scaring her frightened looking daughter even further. She took a deep breath, knowing what she was about to say could be one of the things she could never take back. Something that would linger into Amy's mind. Did she want to say this out loud while her daughter was at such a fragile position? 

"Mom?" Amy asked, looking as frightened as ever. "What's going on?" 

Without thinking straight Anne blurted out the words she was afraid to say out loud. Afraid that her daughter would go paranoid after hearing this. And afraid it might be true. "To me It looks like someone didn't want Brayleigh to be born." 

"What do you mean?"

"For some reason it almost seems like someone was sabotaging... or trying to sabotage your pregnancy." Anne said, looking into her daughter's eyes filled with sadness.

Amy's eyes full of emotion now stared blankly back into her mother's nervous looking eyes. She swallowed back a thick lump down her throat. 

"Wait, what?..."

( be continued..)


Hey guys. I hope you liked episode 52. DRAMA IS ON... How did you like this episode? Comment down below. Are you curious if there's more to this story of Amy's troubled pregnancy?! Do you think Anne is being paranoid? If yes, why do you think that? Thank you for reading :) until the next episode!

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