Same Mistakes (A Harry Styles...

By for3v3ryoung

244K 2.2K 186

Brianna has grown sick and tired of her father's constant abuse. When the beating suddenly become more then s... More

Same Mistakes (A Harry Styles Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 6

8.7K 86 4
By for3v3ryoung

Chapter 6:

Brianna's POV:

"You don't deserve to be my daughter," my father spat at me.

I glanced at the crowd which was now growing larger by the second. The crowd was only cheering my father on, not a single person attempted to stop him. My head was spinning in fear and my body was shaking uncontrollably.

"In fact, you don't even deserve to be alive!" he sneered, his face mere inches from my own.

My breathing quickened as my heart beat faster and faster. This couldn't be happening. My father had never blown up like this in public before. What was going on?

He stood his full height, making me feel tiny. A pure evil grin was plastered across his stubbled face.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" people egged on.

Were they insane? Could they not see I was no match for him? They can't be serious.

He took a small step forward, causing me to cower against a tree.

"No! Don't do this! You can't. Please, please..." All the pleading in the world wasn't going to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

His fingers crept up to my face, slowly gliding against my sweat-covered skin. I drew in a sharp breath and closed my eyes, trying desperately to make everything disappear.

His fingers crawled through my hair, tugging frighteningly gently at the ends. Finally his hands made their way to my neck, where they remained. Slowly his grip tightened.

"Ple...don..sto..." I couldn't get anything out. I watched in horror as my airways were cut off and the breath got stuck in my throat. His face was becoming blurry and dark. My head flooded with thousands of thoughts.

Lifting me in the air, he started shaking my nearly-limp body violently...

"Hello? Miss?" I suddenly snapped out of my nightmare to see the bus driver shaking me awake.

"Oh...uh sorry," I managed to mumble, shaking my head to clear away the horrible dream.

"I'm sorry, but you have to get off the bus now. You might want to get that checked out," she said, pointing to my bruised face.

I nodded and thanked her before grabbing my bags and stepping off the bus into an entirely unfamiliar city. Where was I?

"Excuse me, sir. Where am I?" I asked to the first person I saw.

"Why, London of course!"

"Oh. Thank you!" I could tell he thought I was crazy by the funny look he gave me as he walked away.

Wait...did he just say London? While I was sleeping I travelled to the other side of the United Kingdom! At least I wouldn't have to worry about my dad anymore.

I took a good look at everything around me. Where was I going to start? It all seemed so huge.

Clutching my suitcases containing everything I owned, I began to walk the streets of my new hometown.

Suddenly I was knocked to the ground and found myself staring at the sky. Pain exploded throughout my entire body as a result of my fathers last spaz.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" came a distant male voice.

"Uh yeah, I think..."

"Here, let me help you. I'm Harry by the way." He reached out his hand and I took it, pulling myself back to a standing position.

Harry...that name sounded awfully familiar, but I couldn't seem to put my finger on it.


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