Say You Won't Let Go ➵ Camren

By Karegui

108K 4K 2.1K

Lauren Jauregui is a part of the girl group, The Holy Trinity, alongside her best friends Normani Kordei and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 20

4.1K 121 103
By Karegui

"So, how do you feel about this one?"

Camila walked around the kitchen island in thought. It was a beautiful kitchen, as beautiful as the ten other kitchens they have seen all morning.

"How do I feel," she pondered. "I feel like it doesn't matter what I say, Lo. You're buying a house. You should be the one to like it."

The realtor chuckled and Lauren let out a groan. She hasn't asked Camila to move in, but she asked the smaller girl to go with her to look at some houses. She has been dropping hints, without actually saying move in. She was terrified of taking that big of step with her girlfriend but more scared that Camila wouldn't want to.

"Babe, please – can you don't know, be helpful."

Camila laughed at how stressed Lauren sounded. "Alright, alright. I think this house is too big for just you." Lauren rolled her eyes. "Apollo will get lost, you won't find him for days. He'll die of starvation and then I'm going to have to break up with you for murdering the love of my life. I don't want to have to break up you," she pouted, "I kinda like you."

"That's not even helpful," Lauren grumbled.

"It's too white. Too shiny and brand-new. It doesn't suit you," Camila added, "Better?"

Lauren shrugged, "So, it's a no."

Camila laughed, "If you like it, then it's a yes."

The singer threw her hands up and turned to the realtor, "Where's the next house, Emily?"

"Oh! Can the next house be on the beach! Lo, I would visit you all the time if you lived on a beach," Camila smiled. "Aw, can you imagine Apollo falling around in the sand," her smiled grew even more.

Lauren stared at her lovingly. She cringed when Camila said she would visit her, but nonetheless the younger girl's excitement gave her butterflies.

The singer turned to her realtor, "Got any beachfront properties?"

Emily nodded, "There's a house a couple blocks from here. Maybe a four-minute drive. It's smaller than what you've been looking at."

"She needs smaller," Camila interjected. "Babe, I really don't know why you're looking at such huge houses."

Lauren sighed, "Come on, Camz. Emily text me the address. I'll meet you there, we might take a little long," she said pulling Camila out of the house, "My girlfriend drives slow."

The brunette's eyes nearly popped out of her head. Lauren has helped get over her fear of driving, but she actually hasn't driven on the road yet.

After failing her written exam a few times, she finally got her permit. She learned how to simply sit in the driver's seat without panicking, then she learned how to turn the car on without panicking. It was a true testament to Lauren's newfound patience.

Eventually, Camila was driving in very slow circles in an empty parking lot. She was proud of herself for getting that far but she wasn't sure if she was ready to take on an actual street, with other cars.

"No way, babe," she protested standing outside of Lauren's car.

"Look Camz, the next house is a few blocks away, a couple of turns. You got this, there's practically no one on the street," Lauren tried convincing her.

Camila hummed in thought, "I'll be safe?"

"I'd never let anything happen to you. You've driven my car, you know it has autobraking and blind spot detection. You'll be safe, baby. I know you can do this, you're ready."

It look like Camila was having an inner battle with herself, searching for what she should do. "Okay," she decided.

Lauren quickly got into the passenger seat before her girlfriend could change her mind. She put the address into the car's GPS while Camila got herself situated.

"Don't worry about this," she said pointing to the GPS, "I'll tell you where to go. Just focus on the road," she leaned over and gave Camila's cheek a kiss, "You're gonna be fine, baby."

The shorter girl didn't reply, she just nodded and very slowly started to make her way out of the driveway. Lauren told her to make a left, she did and suddenly she was on the street. She desperately wished she at some of her gummies.

She was cruising down the block, going about 15mph. Lauren was proud she made it this far, even if it was going to take them thirty minutes to get to a house 4 blocks away.

A car was coming up on the left side of them and Camila quickly pulled over. She took a couple of breaths while Lauren asked if she wanted her to drive instead. After regaining her composure, Camila told her no.

She wanted to drive there, to prove to herself that she could it. And she did. They arrived at the next house in one piece and the pride that flowed through the younger Cuban was like no other. She never felt as good about herself as she did right there.

They pulled into the driveway and parked behind Emily's car. The second the car was off Lauren grabbed Camila and pulled her into a proud kiss.

"I told you, you could do it."

Camila giggled. "Thank you," she said shyly.

"That was all you, babe."

"Yeah, but you always believe in me," she looked away, "I'm so grateful for you."

"Yeah, I know the feeling," Lauren stared at her with nothing but adoration. "You're pretty amazing, Camila. I'll always be here to let you know that."

Camila smiled exiting the car. She walked over to Emily who was standing by the garage in front of a gate with a key, "I like this one already. It's not a huge unnecessary mansion," she glared over at Lauren.

"What? I just thought big houses are nice!" The singer put her hands up in defense.

Ignoring her girlfriend, "This is the only entrance," she asked.

Emily nodded, "Yes. This gate goes around the whole house, this is the only way to enter. And along with the tall fence, there are trees all around the property, so your privacy is truly intact here."

"I like that," Camila said walking through the gate and looking at the front of the house.

She had to admit, it was the nicest one they have seen so far. It was smaller and not too modern. She liked modern but not something that feels cold.

It was a white brick house and outside had a small fountain on the side. She looked around and noticed all the trees that were around the house.

She really liked the privacy it gave the house. She knew that after being on the road with people always all over Lauren that her girlfriend would love to come to a home where she didn't have to worry about people hanging around trying to take a picture.

The white brick from outside was also inside the house, giving it a rustic look. The walls were a mixture of the brick and just plain white walls. The floors were a dark brown almost black color. Camila loved that the furniture were bright colors to offset the black and white inside.

"Take pictures. I left my phone in the car," Lauren told Camila who instantly pulled out her phone.

"This house comes fully furnished," Emily said when she noticed Camila staring at the couches. "So here, is the living room. Wall mounted tv, fireplace."

They walked through glass double doors into a dining room, off of the dining room was another smaller family room type area and passed that was a kitchen. From the kitchen, you could see outside to a tennis court on the side of the house.

"Oh shit!" Lauren exclaimed, "Just wait, I'm gonna be the next Serena Williams. Ayyyyy," she said swatting the air like she was actually playing tennis.

Emily laughed, "Yeah. Though the house is significantly smaller than the other houses we've seen, there's a lot of property surrounding it."

She left the kitchen and went outside. They walked to the back of the house and was met with a very large patio. To the side of that was a swimming pool and jacuzzi. What caught Camila's eye the most was the most perfect view of the beach she had.

"There are stairs right over there," Emily pointed, "That takes you to the beach. It's private and a part of the property," she added.

"So, if Lo buys this house, the beach is hers?" Camila asked eagerly.

Lauren laughed, "Not the whole beach, just whatever is within the property lines."

"Wow," the brunette marveled.

"If you want we could see the bedrooms now," Emily said. "There's one on the first floor and four upstairs." She pointed to a balcony on the second floor, "That's the master bedrooms."

"Lo, you could put an easel out there and paint," Camila smiled.

"I could that," Lauren chuckled.

"The smallest bedroom was actually turned into a library, but you could always change it back," Emily added.

Camila's head whipped towards the realtor, "A library? Like its filled with books...right now?" Emily nodded and Camila took off running.

"You don't even know where it's at, babe," Lauren shouted but Camila didn't bother waiting.

"You guys are almost disgustingly cute," Emily laughed making Lauren smile. "She's very oblivious to the fact that you want to live with her."

Lauren blushed, "I thought I was being pretty obvious about it, but she's completely missing it."

"Well, she seems to really like this house, you should just ask her," Emily said. "The bedroom on the first floor is large enough for you to build the in-home studio you were asking about."

Lauren smiled, "This is actually a really beautiful home."

"Yeah, I would've shown you earlier but it didn't seem like what you wanted."

"It's her. I wasn't sure what she wanted in a house."

Emily laughed as they walked back into the house, "That's why people usually talk about these things beforehand. So, go talk to her. I'll be out front if you need me."

Lauren nodded and headed upstairs. She looked for Camila in all the rooms, but also took the time to look around the beautiful house some more. It had a loft like balcony inside that over looked the first floor main living room.

Finally, Lauren made it to the small library and found Camila looking at the built-in bookcases. She wrapped her arms around the younger girl from behind and rested her chin on Camila's shoulder.

"You like the house, Lo," Camila inquired.

"Do you?"

"It's the best one we've seen," she turned a pecked Lauren's cheek, "As a warning if you buy it, I will most likely only visit to come to the library. I'm gonna buy some of my favorites and put them in here."

"What if you don't visit?"

"Now would be a shitty time to break-up with me babe," Camila giggled turning around to face Lauren. "Why wouldn't I visit my girlfriend?"

"I mean like, what if you didn't have to visit me," Lauren asked but Camila just furrowed her eyebrows making the singer groan exaggeratedly. "Okay, so like you know how you how you're always over the apartment, and you only go home really to get clothes," she stopped rambling and took a breath. "I want you to move in with me-if you want! I mean...will you move in with me?"

Camila's eyes widened.

"I mean, we spend all the time together and I-I...when I come home from being away, I want to come home to you, here. If this is where you want to be, if not we could find somewhere else. I just want you with me, always." She buried her face into Camila's neck, not wanting to see her girlfriend's reaction.

There was a short silence and Lauren swears she could hear her own heart rapidly beating against her chest. She wasn't sure how she would deal with rejection from her girlfriend. Her worries washed away when Camila spoke up.

"This one," she said and Lauren pulled away to look at her. "This is the one, I absolutely love it and I'd love to live with you babe," she smiled and pulled her into a kiss.

Camila thought that after all the bullshit they been through, moving in together would probably be the easiest thing they could do. Lauren grinned widely which ended up breaking the kiss and she started laughing out of complete happiness and relief.

The brunette couldn't help but giggle, "Did you think I was gonna say no?"

"I don't know, babe! You could've!" Lauren picked Camila up and spun her around. "Okay, before I say I'm gonna buy the house, I should find out how much it is."

They left the library to find Emily. Camila nearly had a heart attack when she found out the house was nine million dollars. Lauren, on the other hand, was happy to find out it was five million under her budget.

"This is a part of the same gated community as the last we saw?" Camila wondered.

"Yeah," Emily nodded, "So it's the same great amenities. The 24-hour security, the spa and gym, on the opposite end is a bay where you can dock your yacht."

"I want to show my parents before putting in an offer," Lauren told her realtor as they all walked out of the home to their cars, "I'll schedule another appointment with you and come with them."

"Your mom loves it," Camila said and Lauren looked at her skeptically. "What? She was texting me," she shrugged and showed Lauren the texts.

Clara 🌻: Hey sweetie, do you know what time we are leaving to LA?

Camila🎀: Around 12. I'm with Lo, looking at houses. If you want, dj mani and drea are at the apartment getting ready, you could wait there. That way we could finish up here and go straight there.

Clara 🌻: alright. Has she found any good ones?

Camila🎀: the one we are at now is beautiful Clara! Look at the view  🌊🏖️🏖️

Clara 🌻: omg that's gorgeous!!


Clara 🌻: do i see a tennis court? Lauren is gonna hurt herself out there.

Camila🎀: trust me .. I kno

Clara 🌻: show me more!!


Clara 🌻: que lindo! 😍😍😍 u like it?

Camila🎀: i jus found a library, ofc I like it!!

Clara 🌻: has she like asked u something ...

Camila🎀: lol if this text was 5 minutes earlier you would've ruined it. obviously i said i'll move in 🤗

Clara 🌻: aye, shes been wanting to ask for a while now. only she would wait until shes shopping for homes to do it. Lol I'm happy for both of you. mija, im going to get my bag ready for the weekend.

Camila🎀: I'll see you later and show you more pics!!

"Unbelievable," Lauren muttered. "Well, I still gotta bring them here and show them."

"Just call me when you want to look at it again."

Lauren nodded and exchanged a goodbye hug. The couple settled in the car and were off to the apartment to meet up with everyone.

The Holy Trinity were going to sit down with their full management team and label heads at Epic's headquarters in LA, to discuss the plans for the album.

Camila was tagging along with Lauren, as well as Clara. For the big important meetings, the parents liked to be there just in case their kids needed it, so Dinah and Normani's moms would be going too.

"You excited to go to your first trip to LA?" Lauren asked as she drove.

"I'm freaking excited about so much, Lo." Camila wanted to kiss her girlfriend but didn't want to distract her.

"You won't always be in the house, by the way," Lauren said, "You could come on tour with me whenever you want."

Camila bit her lip, "I honestly can't wait babe."


The plane ride from Miami to LA was the longest of Camila's life. Five hours. Five hours of Dinah teasing her and her girlfriend. Five hours of the Clara and Andrea swooning over how Lauren treats her. She and Apollo were so happy when they landed.

They were met at LAX with two SUV's and one of them was already filled with Dinah's family. A few of her siblings and cousins came along with Milika. She happily climbed in that car while everyone else piled into the other.

"I want to take Camz to the boardwalk for a little bit," Lauren said as they drove to the hotel. "You wanna come? I texted Dinah, she said that it'll be perfect to tire down her family," she laughed.

"Of course I'm going, mija."

"Not us," Normani sighed. "We flew from Orlando to Miami to LA. We are freaking tired."

"We're taking Apollo, right?" Camila pouted.

Lauren gave her a quick peck, "Of course, mi amor."

The brunette rolled her eyes when she heard Clara let out an affectionate sigh. In no time, they dropped off the Kordei's and their bags at the hotel and were on their way to the boardwalk.

Camila happily stared out the window with Apollo asleep on her lap. She watched the buildings and people pass by as she felt her girlfriend place her head on her shoulder. She was happy. Happy to be in a new place and happy to be there with Lauren.

Arriving at the boardwalk, the Hansen children started running all over the place. Dinah and Milika scrambled to the gather them while Lauren stood there laughing them.

"We're gonna go that way," she shouted towards Dinah who just waved her off. Two bodyguards stood with the Polynesians and Max was with Lauren.

She stopped by a store on the boardwalk and bought some sunglasses and a snapback for herself. She didn't want people to notice her right away. She wanted to have fun without being a celebrity.

She stepped up to a game where she had to knock down milk bottles off the table. She got three tries and failed at all three turns. Clara mocked her saying that her softball experience was no help.

She looked over at her girlfriend who frowned adorably because she really wanted the stuffed unicorn from Despicable Me. Rolling her eyes she paid the guy for three for tries.

Lauren focused on the bottles and throw with all her might. She frowned when she only knocked down two bottles. It took her five tries before being able to win the unicorn.

Camila was like a little kid, she cheered and jumped up and down when Lauren was able to do it. Her excitement got their puppy all riled up and he started howling and barking.

The popstar kissed Camila handing her the toy, "You two are too much," she laughed.

"We are proud! We are your personal cheerleaders!!"

Wrapping an arm around Camila's shoulders and taking the leash from her hand, Lauren guided them around the boardwalk. They played a couple more games and Lauren won something for her mother and even a small toy for her puppy.

Her and Camila were playing against each other in a game where they had to shoot a water gun into the mouth of a clown and it would fill up a balloon. First to pop the balloon wins.

"I bet, I'll beat you," Camila teased.

"What are we betting, baby," Lauren smirked and Camila bit her lip shrugging. She scooted closer to her girlfriend, "If I win how about I just take you to the nearest restroom and how my way with you," she chuckled feeling Camila tense up.

"Babe, be a little more reasonable. Your mom is like right there and we have the dog and that's fucking public."

Lauren laughed, "Lap dance then. When we get back to the hotel."

Camila groaned, "When we get back home because your mom is staying in our room with us."

"Seriously though, you'd give me a lap dance?"

"No, because I'm not gonna lose," Camila grinned, "And I want a striptease. I want you getting naked and dancing, for me!" She teasingly gave Lauren's ear a nibble.

The popstar's mouth hung open, "You're not winning," she said as she settled back in front of her water gun.

The bell rung signaling the start of the race. Lauren aimed perfectly and her balloon started filling up quickly. Next thing she knew there was a loud pop and siren signaling a winner. She was happy until she looked up and noticed her balloon wasn't the one that popped.

Camila stared at her grinning, waiting for her girlfriend to realize she just lost. Lauren's face was enough for the brunette, she honestly was confused and didn't know how she lost.

They got up and walked towards Clara and Apollo. Camila whispered in Lauren's ear, "Can't wait to get home," and added a light smack on her ass.

Finally, Lauren snapped out of her state of shock and just had to laugh at herself, "Whatever babe. I gotta use the bathroom any of you fools gotta go?"

Both Clara and Camila shook their hands. The singer gave her girlfriend a kissed and ran into the restroom.

"I know, I've been harassing you two all day, but it's just because I've never seen Lauren this happy," Clara said.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy," Camila smiled off in the direction her girlfriend went. "I'm so damn lucky. She could've given up on me when I pushed her away countless times, but she didn't and I'm just...grateful. She's helped me overcome a bunch of things. Helped me talk about my mother's death openly and learn to drive...that's a work in progress but still.

"I'm also happy to have met you and Mike. With my mom not being around and my dad being an asshole, I never thought I'd get that family feeling again. Ally and Shawn's families – I don't know. I always felt like just a friend, no matter how hard they tried.

"But with you, like...the other day when I was in class and you called to see if I'd go shopping with you. Then you picked me up and we spent the evening together. I can see my mom doing things like that with me.

"Taylor calls when no one is home to help with homework and I don't mind staying on the phone with her for a couple of hours explaining American literature to her or even listening to her high school drama. My dad restricts my relationship with my sister.

"Clara, it's an amazing feeling to have people there, especially since for a really long time I've felt like I didn't have a real family. I hope that if things don't work out with me and Lo, I'd still be welcomed into your home and you'd still treat me like your own."

"Aye mija," Clara pulled Camila into a teary-eyed hug. She had no idea about Camila's family. She always just had a soft spot for the young Cuban. "I'm gonna be so upset if she messes this up," Clara joked.

Camila pulled away and they stood hand in hand smiling, "I didn't mean to make this so emotional."

"What you must've gone through is so hard, so you hold your head up mamita, always. You are strong and so beautiful. You'll always be welcomed in my home," Clara said pulled her into another tight hug as Lauren was walking back to them.

"Why are you groping my mom, Camz?"

The popstar's smirk faded when Camila pulled away from Clara with scowl. "I'm moving on from you to something better," the brunette joked.

Clara chuckled, "I'm leaving your father. Camila and I are moving here, to LA. I'm sorry you found out this way."

"Seriously, you two are fucking disgusting." Lauren pulled the two apart and wrapped her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders, "Stay away from my mom," she mumbled.

Camila laughed, "Hey Lolo, I wanna ride –"


"LAUREN!" Clara exclaimed making her daughter laugh loudly.

"The Ferris wheel, stupid."

"Oh, come on baby," Lauren pulled her to towards the ride with her mother complaining to Apollo about her daughter's vulgarity behind them.

Standing on line, Lauren knew that people were starting to recognize her. She saw them whisper to each other and point at her. She ignored it, but eventually people started taking pictures.

Max, who has been following from a distance, stepped up to them. "Do you want to go?"

Lauren shook her head, "It's not a problem, yet. My girl wants to go on the Ferris wheel," she kissed Camila's forehead, "So, we are gonna get on the ride and have a good time. Try and get a car near here, also make sure Dinah is good."

Max nodded and pulled out his phone to talk to the other guards. The girls were finally able to step up to the ride for their turn. Lauren talked to the operator while Camila got seated.

"Hey man," the singer said, "Can you get me and my girlfriend straight to the top and leave us there for a few minutes. Then bring us straight down," she reached into her jean pocket and gave the guy a crisp hundred-dollar bill. He smiled graciously and nodded.

She turned to Camila and sat down next to her. "How you liking Cali thus far?"

Camila shrugged throwing her legs over Lauren's and wrapping herself in her arms. "The weather is lovely, but I love my Miami."

Lauren laughed, "Wait until you eat the food here." Instantly Camila's stomach growled. "I promise, we'll go eat after this."

"It's beautiful up here," Camila said when the ride stopped at the top.

The view was gorgeous. The sun was shining on the bright blue ocean and it made the waves sparkle. On the other side, you can see downtown LA's skyline and Hollywood hills.

"No," Lauren said, "This is okay, you're beautiful."

Camila blushed and buried her face into Lauren's chest. "Stooooppp," she groaned into her.

Lauren just laughed and held her girlfriend happily. She looked out onto the water and suddenly she was reminded of something. "Oh my god, babe. You remember the photoshoot I took you to the other day?"

Camila looked up at Lauren with a puzzled expression.

"The one you brought Shawn to? Because he was sad about being dumped?"

"Your album shoot?"

"Yes! Well, when the photographer was testing the film he took a few off-guard shots of Shawn and absolutely loved them. He asked to talk to him about sending the pictures to some agencies and magazines."

"What?! Really? My best friend, the model," she laughed. "I'll talk to him about it. That's so cool."

"Yeah," Lauren smiled at the brunette. She thought no one was as beautiful as Camila. Everything about her was perfect. She had that million-dollar smile on her face and her eyes were shining bright enough to light even the darkest of nights.

"You're staring, babe," Camila adoringly smiled at Lauren before putting her head back down on her chest.

"Um," Lauren cleared her throat as the Ferris wheel began to descend. "I don't express myself a lot. Usually when I mess up or when I think you need some reassurance. But I just want to take this moment to let you know that I'm captivated by you, I truly think you're one of kind. I'm very appreciative for you."

Camila looked up a little bit and kissed under Lauren's chin, making the singer giggle.

"You know that tickles, Camz. Stop it."

Camila smiled and nipped at her girlfriend's chin causing her to burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Seriously, I will break up with you," Lauren chuckled.

"Lies," Camila sat up, "Kiss me."

Lauren wasted no time pressing her lips against Camila's. She truly loved how soft they were. How they tasted and how much they belonged to her. The kiss got heated quickly and turned into a full make out session, only to end when the ride reached the bottom and people started cheering and whistling at them.

The popstar pulled away giving everyone a dopey grin. She waved at the people taking pictures and videos of her and Camila. When she looked at her girlfriend she saw how red she was and laughed.

"Come on, babe," she held her hand out to help her off the ride. "Let's get out of here," she said with a bright smiled.


A loud bang woke Camila up the next morning. Her eyes shot open and she tried to move but she quickly noticed her girlfriend's warm arms were wrapped around her.

"I'm sorry, mija. I didn't mean to wake you up," Clara apologized as she looked around the room for something. "Honestly, I don't know how you could sleep like that."

Lauren was sleeping with one arm wrapped around Camila's chest and the other was tightly around her waist. She felt the older girl's breath hit the back of her neck giving her slight chills.

"You get used to it," Camila said with a hoarse chuckle, her morning voice getting the best of her. She tried to wiggle away, but it was no use so she gave up. "Where are you going?"

"Andrea, Milika, and I are treating ourselves to a nice brunch," Clara said and Camila couldn't believe it was already the end of the morning. "Honey, can you please make sure mi hija wakes up in an hour. She takes so long to get ready and we have to meet Ryan Secreast at 2."

Camila nodded sleepily, "I'll make sure she's up."

Clara thanked her before leaving the room. The young Latina tried stretching but Lauren's grip was inhuman. She managed to roll around and face her gorgeous girlfriend.

The singer's lips were slightly parted and Camila leaned up and kissed them gently. It was cute that even asleep Lauren tried to reciprocate it. She leaned back in and captured her bottom lip between her own. She lightly grazed her teeth into it and Lauren let out a small moan.

"Mmm, Baby stop," her raspy voice let out, as her eyes fluttered open at the feeling of Camila's tongue running across her lip. "Mami is here," she whispered.

Camila chuckled and pulled away. She noticed Lauren's eye closing again and she went back in to place a kiss by her ear. "She just left and I want to cash in on that bet from last night," she said with a nibble on the ear.

Lauren's eyes opened, "Really babe?"

"Mhm," Camila hummed kissing her jaw.

"I'm tired," Lauren pouted.

"I don't care," Camila whispered giving her girlfriend kissed down her neck.

"You're really serious?" Lauren sat up letting go of the brunette who laughed.

"Yeah. Get up and strip."

Lauren rubbed her eyes and yawn. She stared off for a few moments, looking at her mom's bed that now only had a sleeping dog. She yawned again making Camila roll her eyes.

"You're really setting the mood now babe," she said sarcastically.

The sleepy singer laughed and got off the bed. She pulled Camila to the edge where she sat eagerly awaiting her lap dance striptease.

Lauren went to her small suitcase and grabbed a few things. "I'll be right back," she said making Camila pout. She tossed her cellphone at the girl, "Connect it to the speakers and play something sexy."

She quickly went into the bathroom to freshen up. There was no way she would look sexy dancing in an oversize Holy Trinity t-shirt and basketball short.

"It's too fucking early for this," she mumbled changing into red lace panties and a matching bra. She put her short silk black robe over it and threw on some black Louboutin red bottom heels for added sexiness.

"You really have a sex playlist?" Camila shouted from the room.

Lauren opened the door and the brown-eyed beauty's jaw dropped. She didn't even care about the dance now, she just wanted her girlfriend. She watched has those perfect hips sauntered towards her. She could never get tired of those desirable curves and flawless body.

The older girl grabbed the phone from the dazed Latina and put her playlist on shuffle. She smiled when she heard We Can Make Love by SoMo start to play. It was sexy enough for this moment.

She dropped the phone onto the bed and straddled Camila, "You ready?" She whispered slowing grinding her on her girlfriend who simply nodded not really knowing what to do.

Lauren stood back up and pushed apart Camila's knees. She turned around giving the younger girl her back. She leaned her back against Camila's front and wiggled her body sensually down to the floor.

She bounced up quickly and bent down so her ass was shaking in front of Camila's face. The younger girl couldn't help herself and she grabbed at it.

The popstar turned around with a smirk, "No touching, baby."

Camila groaned, "Okay, whatever. keep going."

Lauren bit her lip, loving how turned on Camila was. Everything the older Latina did was fucking dripping sex to Camila. She didn't want her to stop, but at the same time she wanted to just have her way with her. She felt herself aching for Lauren already.

The green-eyed girl walked away from Camila and moved her hips seductively to the beat of the song. The smaller Cuban watch wide-eyed when Lauren shimmied the robe off of her shoulders. She looked back at Camila innocently as it slowly slid off her body revealing her red underwear.

Baby, let me rock your body, ride your body.
Kiss your favorite spot.
You're screaming out my name, you don't have to tell me stop.
The way your body is moving like a bubble 'bout to pop.
I just want it all so don't stop.

And we can make love,
Or we can just fuck.
We can get romantic, dirty dancing.
Feel my hands until the sun comes up.

Lauren licked her lips and her hands travel down her body then slowly back up. She began walking back towards Camila. Her hips moving side to side in tune with the click of the heels.

She reached behind her back and unclasping her bra. It dropped to the ground and Camila bit her lip at the sight of her rosy buds. She straddled the girl again and grinded on her sensually, keeping eye contact.

Camila's eyes were almost black with lust. She couldn't resist again and she reached for Lauren's bottom, giving it a rough squeeze. The older girl threw her head back and quicken the pace, releasing a little bit of the tension that rose in her core.

She speedily changed positions so that she wasn't facing the younger girl any longer. She grabbed Camila's hand and place one on her breast instantly feeling it get squeezed.

She guided the other over her very damp panties, Camila let out a needy groan. She moved her girlfriend's hand under her panties so she could feel just how wet she was.

Camila swiftly moved her hand so that it was on top of Laurens and she guided her girlfriend to touch herself. Lauren felt both her finger and Camila's circling around her bundle of nerves. She moaned bucking her hips forward and throwing her head against Camila's shoulder.

Her eyes opened and she whimpered at the loss of contact. Before she knew it, Camila's wet finger was tracing her bottom lip. She opened her mouth and suck her juices off her. A second later she felt Camila's mouth suck her own fingers. It was so damn hot.

Camila pushed her softly off her lap and stood up. She turned Lauren around and moved her so she was in front of the bed. She attached their lips and they moved intensely at a fast paced. Their tongues danced against each other passionately.

Lauren felt the back of her knees hit the bed and she fell onto it. She was in a sitting position and Camila looked like she was ready to devour her.

The younger girl knelt down in front of her reaching for Lauren's panties. She roughly pulled them off and was face to face with her girlfriend glistening core. She had zero experience here but that wasn't going to stop her. She yearned to know exactly how her girlfriend tasted.

Her tongue lapped her damp area and Lauren let out a moan Camila never heard. It was absolutely angelic. Her anxious tongue began working its way around her clit.

"Camz," Lauren moaned. "Fuck...that-that feels so good."

Camila flicked her tongue against it and sucked lightly. She felt a hand tangle in her hair. She looked up and caught the magnificent sight of Lauren rocking her hips against her face. One hand tangled in her hair, the other grabbing her own breast with her head tossed back.

She now understood why Lauren had no probably doing this all the time. It was so satisfying seeing her lover in an ecstasy she created just for her.

The younger girl moved her tongue lower and plunged herself in her girlfriend's dripping slit. She hooked her arms under both of Lauren's legs tossing them over her shoulders. With her heels digging into her back, she pushed her tongue deeper.

The singer threw herself down against the bed. "Camila," she moaned loudly. She felt her orgasm building quickly but she didn't want to just yet. "Baby, baby," she panted.

She used all her strength to sit up and tug on Camila's shirt trying to get the younger girl to ease up. Her girlfriend's tongue was working wildly inside her and it was driving her absolutely crazy. She moaned tugging on Camila's shirt again, "Baby, come here."

Camila pulled away slightly to look at Lauren's needy expression. She let her legs go and kissed her way up her girlfriend's body. Their lips locked and the singer tugged on the hem of Camila's shirt pulling it off, revealing her perfect perky breast.

She pushed Camila back and the girl stood up straight. Lauren left open mouth kisses on her stomach and pulled down her shorts and panties altogether.

She stood up in front of her and kick off her heels. "You had your fun," she whispered leaning into her neck. "It's my turn now," she sucked Camila's pulse point and picked her up.

Camila wrapped her legs around Lauren as she moved them on top of the bed. She didn't waste any time as she grinded down on Camila, core to core.

"Laur," Camila moaned bucking her hips upwards matching the pace while her nails dug into Lauren's back.

"Fuck, Camz," Lauren panted. "Say that again," light bites and kisses trailed down Camila's shoulder. The room was filled with moans, heavy breathing, and music.

Baby we can take it slow, say my name
Don't let go, I can hear your body when I
Pull your hair, what's my name
Girl I swear, I can hear your body babe

The bed is your stage
Take it away
Put on a show
Put on a play
Don't ask babe
You know I'm your number one fan babe
Get those cameras rollin right now
I'm directing and I really wanna see you act out
Let your body take over you
Your body's takin over you

"Laur," she whined loudly. The grinding got rougher as their sweaty bodies rubbed against each other fervently.

Lauren placed her forehead on top on Camila's and stared at her girlfriend's closed eyes and open mouth. She put a hand on the headboard for support and uncontrollably rocked her hips against Camila. Both girls knew they were going to lose themselves any moment.

Feeling her orgasm coming on quickly, Camila gripped Lauren's hips trying for pull her close as possible. Her nails dug into her sides, sure to leave the singer some marks.

"Fuck, Camz – I," Lauren dropped her face into Camila's neck. She mumbled things in between moans but the brunette couldn't make out what she was saying. She became undone and bit down hard on Camila's shoulder causing the younger girl to scream out while she hit her own climax.

Their movements slowed down and the pair tried to catch their breath. Lauren's heart was beating rigorously against her chest, Camila could feel it. She doesn't think anyone has ever made her feel as good Camila has.

It was more than just sex, more than the feeling of their bodies pressed against each other. She just laid there in thought while Camila ran her fingers through her hair and down her back.

"You alright babe," Camila asked kissing the top of Lauren's head.

The popstar nodded, "That was amazing, Camila. I can't wrap my head around it," she looked up into Camila's eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and she was still trying to a catch a breath. "I want this forever," she whispered with true conviction.

"Me too," Camila said pulling her down for a kiss.

Lauren groaned when she felt Camila pull away. "No babe, don't stop. Kiss me," she pouted.

"You have to get ready," Camila smiled.

"No," Lauren refused. "I don't care what I have to do. I'll quit music, right now, if you stay here with me and kiss me."

Camila giggled at her, "Good sex makes you whipped!!"

Lauren gasped, "I'm am not whipped." She shuffled a little reluctantly pulling herself off of Camila who whimpered at the loss of contact.

"I'm kidding! Come back!!"

"I'm going to shower," Lauren turned around and walked to the bathroom. She felt Camila's eyes burning into her, so she looked back with a smirk. "Come on, baby. we need to shower," she winked.

Camila tried to get out of bed a little too quickly and ended up on the floor. She banged her face into the hardwood floor of the hotel room.

Her girlfriend gasped and hurriedly ran over to her with wide eyes. She had her hand over her mouth in shock. "Baby, are you okay!?"

"Uh huh," Camila groaned turning around. She rubbed her face and winced, "This is gonna leave mark."

Lauren couldn't hold back, she started laughing at her poor naked girlfriend on the floor. "I'm sorry," she giggled trying to compose herself but it didn't work. Her laughter caused Camila to chuckle and the couple sat on the floor laughing.


"Yo, yo, yoooo we have the Holy Trinity in the studio," Ryan said.

"Heyyyyy," Lauren cheered.

While Dinah said, "What up, what up!!"

And Normani offered a simple, "Hello!"

"So, ladies," Ryan started, "It's a been a few months since you were here. What have we been up to?"

"Don't play, Ry. You know what's up," Dinah teased.

He laughed, "I do. I know that you have a number one song out right now. When are we getting the music video?"

"Soon," Normani smiled, "Very very soon."

Camila sat right outside the radio booth watching her girlfriend. She was so glad to be there to see her girlfriend work. She found Lauren a hundred times sexier when she was working.

The Holy Trinity got right down to business promoting their current single and talking about the upcoming shows they were doing. There was a break in between the interview when the radio played music and Lauren decided to sort of serenade her girlfriend.

That's What I Like was playing and she walked up to the giant window that separated her and Camila and lip synced the song very dramatically.

Jump in the Cadillac
Girl, let's put some miles on it
Anything you want
Just to put a smile on you
You deserve it baby, you deserve it all
And I'm gonna give it to you

She mouthed the words and danced along to the beat. She moved her hips inappropriately when the song mentioned anything sexual. After the first verse, Normani and Dinah joined in behind Lauren, pretending to be the background singers and dancers.

It didn't take much for Camila face to turn beet red. She felt a little embarrassed but she still enjoyed it. She thought Lauren was a complete fool.

You say you want a good time,
Well here I am, baby, here I am, baby.
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me.
Talk to me, tell me what's on your mind.
What's on your mind?
If you want it, girl, come and get it.
All this is here for you.
Tell me baby, tell me, tell me baby.
What you tryna do.

Cool jewelry shining so bright.
Strawberry champagne on ice.
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like.
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like.
Sex by the fire at night,
Silk sheets and diamonds all white.
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like.
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like.

"You all missed some serious dance moves from The Holy Trinity, specifically Lauren. She just finished putting on a show for her girlfriend. I didn't know she was here," Ryan said into the mic as they went back on air.

"Yeah, her and mom came out to show their support to me and girls," Lauren replied with very happy grin.

"Let's be honest though, Camila is here for me," Dinah flipped her hair dramatically.

"For real," Normani chuckled, "Those two are...something else."

"Yeah we were getting ready to come to LA and I couldn't find Camila, anywhere! I go to Dinah's room and there they are just painting each other's nails, as if we didn't have a plane to catch," Lauren said.

"How about we bring her out here for some fun," Ryan insisted looking through the window to the other room. "Oh my god, she is so red."

"She gets embarrassed easily," Lauren smiled, "Come on, babe."

Camila shook her head frantically. She wasn't ready to sit down and be interrogated by Ryan freaking Seacrest.

"Go," Will said, "They won't stop asking for you until you go in there. It's okay, Lauren will have your back. Just no album spoilers."

The young Cuban bit her lip and timidly stood up from her seat. She apprehensively walked towards the booth and Ryan cheered.

"Pull up a chair for her and get her a headset," he ordered.

Within seconds she was seated in between her girlfriend and Dinah. "Hello," she said into the mic.

"How are you doing sweetheart," Ryan smiled. "Wow, you're beautiful. It's Camilla?"

"Cameela," The Holy Trinity said in unison with a small attitude.

"I'm sorry," Ryan held his hands up in defense. "So, Camila, does Lauren serenade you often?"

"Honestly," she began, "No."

Everyone started laughing.

"I'll sing for you," Dinah winked making Camila laugh.

"You see?" Lauren grumbled.

Ryan laughed, "Okay, okay. So let's say you had to choose a song to dedicate to Camila right now what would it be?"

"Count on Me by Bruno Mars," Normani quickly said. "I know the question is for Lauren, but in the past couple of months Mila has become a part of the Holy Trinity family. We facetime a couple times a week when I'm away filming. She's definitely one of my best friends."

"That's cute and all. My song for Walz is My Little Secret by Xscape. It's old school R&B," Dinah smiled before breaking into song, "I like being in the same room with you and your girlfriend. The fact that she don't know, it really turns me on. She'll never guess in a million years, that we got this thing going on!"

Camila laughed until the point of tears, "You're so annoying," she said between giggles.

"Caminah is real, yall!" Dinah chuckled.

"ANYWAYS!" Lauren said, "Back to Camren. I'd have to dedicate There for You by Martin Garrix and Troye Sivan. In the first verse he says, I woke up pissed off today and lately everyone seems fake. Somewhere I lost a piece of me. And I think everyone could admit that this industry takes a toll on us all, I'm grateful that she's been this light for me. Then the chorus basically says I'll be there for you but you gotta be there for me too. And that describes that our relationship is 50/50... Actually more like 100/100. I give it my all and I know I get that in return."

"Damn Ralph," Dinah sighed, "You got all the women in this room looking at you with like hearts in their eyes."

"I don't think you've ever talked about another human this way," Normani added.

Lauren just shrugged and refused to make eye contact with Camila. She just openly talked about how much she truly likes Camila on the radio for all of the world to hear. It was weird for her because it felt so right.

"What about you, Camila? What's a song for Lauren," Ryan inquired.

"This is easy," the brunette smirked, "Work from Home by The Holy Trinity."

"Ayyyy," Lauren looked at her, "That's my baby. Get that promo!"

Camila laughed, "Buy Work from Home on iTunes!"

"She's a keeper," Ryan chuckled, "But for real."

"Um," Camila hummed, "Something Just Like This. I think it fits us perfectly. In the first verse, he's saying that he's not Hercules or Batman. He's no one special, he doesn't have superpowers. Then the chorus he goes into her response. Which is basically her saying that she's not looking for all that. She doesn't want the fairytale. This is perfect.

"Especially when Lauren and I first met, I used to wonder what the hell she wanted from me. Like she's this international superstar interested in me? Some geeky college student. This can't be real. She could have whoever she wanted but she didn't want anyone else. I was enough," Camila blushed at her own words and the memories they held.

"Something I can turn to, somebody I can miss. I want just something just like this," Lauren leaned over and gave Camila a soft kiss on the cheek.

"You two are honestly my favorite couple," Ryan stated, "We've run out of time here, but as always it was great to see you girls. And great meeting you Camila. I wish you two the best."

The Holy Trinity said their goodbyes and Camila took her time to thank everyone in the radio studio individually. She was extremely appreciative of their generosity.

Everyone piled into the SUVs and were on their way to Epic's headquarters. The girl group was so excited because their album was nearly done and they were going to start the promotion phase which is always fun.

Camila was anxious to see how all this worked. Maybe one day this was going to be her, visiting her label to finalize the schedule and celebrate the album. Hopefully with Lauren by her side, helping her. Kissing her. Loving her –

"Babe," Lauren's voice brought Camila out of her daydream. "You gonna sit in here all day? Or are you coming with us?"

The brunette blushed getting out of the Cadillac. They walked into the building and The Holy Trinity were literally treated like queens.

In the public, it was normal for people to gawk at them. Try to get pictures or autographs. Fans constantly told them how much they meant to them. However, being at the label was much more insane.

People seemed intimidated by them and just wanted to please them. They'd walked down a hallway and everyone would move out of their way. People were bringing them food and drinks while congratulating them on the album.

The girls were super humbled by it all, and it still seemed like others were scared. Camila guesses that's how it is when they're the labels highest grossing recording artists. They are royalty.

The conference room was filled with champagne and other hard liquors. Some label executives were talking while a projector showed highlights of the girl's recent performances.

Dinah and Lauren walked in rowdy, getting everyone ready to start a party. They sat around the oval table facing their label heads and management team. There wasn't a single person in the room without a smile plastered on their face.

Some people took turns raising a glass to toast the girl's sure future success. That's when the champagne bottles started popping and The Holy Trinity's music started blasting.

Camila wondered if this is how all their meetings went down. She was enchanted by how genuinely happy Lauren looked. She was glowing and the smile on her face was shining brighter than she's ever seen.

Simon Cowell stood up after a few minutes of everyone cheering and drinking. He cleared his throat raising a glass, "I just want to say a few things before we talk business."

"Boo!" Lauren shouted followed by a cute tipsy giggle.

"Business is boring," Dinah added filling up her glass with champagne.

"Y'all know not to give them alcohol before the actual meeting," Normani chuckled.

"That's alright, Miss Kordei. It's a time for celebration," Simon said and everyone cheered. He raised his hands to try to settle everyone down. "Before Will talks about the schedule, I just want you three to know how insanely proud I am of you. You girls work hard and the outcome is impeccable. This is going to be your year."

"Every year is our year!" Lauren snickered making Camila giggle beside her. The younger Cuban place a hand on the singer's leg trying to calm her down.

"You're absolutely right," Will applauded, "But this year will be the best of all. This album is going straight to number one. We're getting platinum single after platinum single. Your name will go down in history as the top selling girl group of all time!!"

Every applauded and shouted as more champagne was being popped. Camila quickly learned that she couldn't wait to have her own team gas her up this much. All these people actually believed in The Holy Trinity and it was beautiful.

"Calm down, calm down. You are all acting like we are done," Will tried gaining control of the party that was about to start. "We have a lot to do. This is merely the beginning. Let's get this schedule out of the way. We have exciting things to talk about."

Will went over the upcoming schedule for the girls. They would be recording for about two more weeks then they'd get two off. Free to do whatever they wanted. Lauren leaned over to Camila and whispered that the only thing she planned on doing was her.

The Holy Trinity would spend the last week in April and the beginning of May performing on late night shows like Fallon, Kimmel, Meyers. They would be doing carpool karaoke with James Corden. They even managed to get an interview and performance with Ellen DeGeneres.

Camila was amazed on how much they would accomplish in a month. After that, from May to June they would be doing a three week North American spring tour, where they would be performing at festivals that radio shows host.

They have KCA and TCA performances and they are nominated for several different categories. They'll also have bigger interviews and album previews with MTV, Apply, Spotify. Camila felt like she was taking a million mental notes, trying to prepare herself for all this time apart from her girlfriend.

The album, 7/27, is appropriately being dropped July 27th. They have this really cool concept for the release party. Each girl will host a party in their hometown and fill it with friends, family, and other celebrities, and also a hundred lucky fans will get the chance to join them each.

August will be for the album promotions. The last week of August and the first two weeks in September they'll have completely off. When this was announced Camila noticed that Lauren and Clara shared this look and smile. She wondered what they were thinking. Clara seemed extra excited.

"Oh!" Will said before finishing up, "I know you have been rehearsing hard, but this is just a reminder that we leave on Thursday for Mexico for iHeartRadio Latin Music festival."

"Why do we keep getting booked for these things? Lolo is the only one that speaks Spanish," Normani asked with a chuckle.

"Bullshit! Dinah speaks Spanish," Lauren nodded at the Polynesian who stood up with a wide grin.

"No mames!!!"

Camila shook her head laughing. She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket and pulled it out. She swiftly left the conference, trying to be undetected.

"Hey," she answered with a smile.

"KC! How are you?"

"Fantastic, Scooter. What's up?"

"That's great to hear. Listen, I'm gonna be in Florida this week, can you meet on Tuesday?"

Camila glanced back at the conference room and wondered how she would be able to get away from Lauren to meet with Scooter. "Is there any way you could do Thursday?" She figures if Lauren's away she would have to do that much lying.

"I'm going to be in a studio in Fort Lauderdale with one of my artists. You are more than welcome to come. You could see how I work with my people and we could talk. How does that sound?"

"Honestly, really good," Camila replied getting excited.

"I'll send a car to pick you up then," Scooter offered.

"No, that's fine. I'll get my own ride." She knows she's going to need moral support, so she'll make Shawn take her.

"Sounds great," Scooter replied. "I'll text you the address. I look forward to seeing you."

"Me too, Scooter!"

Hanging up the phone, Camila squealed happily. She couldn't imagine what this meant for her future. She peered into the conference room and saw everyone thankfully talking, and congratulating, and some were even dancing.

Maybe with Scooter, this could be Camila's. She could have her team ready and excited for her to take on the industry. She honestly didn't know what was going to happen, but she knew that it was the most exhilarating thing to happen to her in a while. She couldn't wait.


AN: Hi, hope you enjoyed.  😊

I woke up this morning with a stye & now my eye hurts like a bitch. Super swollen 😖 Anyways, I'm not gonna use my laptop for a little bit so I dont strain it anymore lol Hopefully it'll be gone or less painful in a week. sooo the next chapter might take a little while. sorrrry 😔

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