The Unsung Hero《Sequel》

By Arrancar_

51.4K 2.8K 2.3K

It has been six years since that day. "The Unsung Hero? He wasn't just a Hero...He would have made the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Book 2 Chapter 1
Book 2 Chapter 3
Book 2 Chapter 4
Book 2 Chapter 5
Book 2 Chapter 6
Book 2 Chapter 7
Book 2 Chapter 8
Book 2 Chapter 9

Book 2 Chapter 2

1K 74 16
By Arrancar_


It was a very busy afternoon for the young Hokage. Doors in all directions constantly opened and closed begging for her attention. Sara's mind was becoming overwhelmed by the words of her guards and advisors became background noise. She would just nod and sign away the papers presented to her, not even sparing a glance at their reaction.

There was something much more important occupying her mind. Yes, the case of Naruto Uzumaki's innocence has been reopened. Currently half of her friends attended the courthouse excluding Hinata as much as she hated it. If everything went according to plan. The council would crumble with the presented evidence. They would have no choice but to deter and remove the Otsutsuki's claim. In turn removing the banishment of one Naruto Uzumaki.

In the span of six years not one bounty hunter from the Hidden leaf took on the contract to kill Naruto. Simply because they respected him, but most of all, they were afraid of him.

"Hokage-sama? Are you sure you want to sign this?"

Sara's train of thought crashed altogether bringing her back to reality. She shook her head and watched the half smiling advisor. She glanced down at her hand where half of her signature was written only to gasps.

She retracted her hand back immediately as if it was scorching steel and sighed to herself.

"Get rid of this document, we will not negotiate with those thieves,"

"Right, Hokage-sama!" the advisor bowed before leaving her chamber in quick succession.

The crimson haired Uzumaki shook her head in disbelief as she placed her fingers on her brow. A throbbing pain could be felt in her temples. She softly massaged the area with her forefingers and relaxed in attempts to relieve the tension that had built up. Her shoulders remained stiff as ever while her posture was poor.

I seriously need a vacation.

She instantly shook her head from such thought and focused on what mattered right now.

Suddenly the doors to her chamber busted wide open making her snap her head at the intruder, she could hear the commotion that was followed by this person.

It was Hinata. Wild with tears.



It was another quiet morning in the Uzumaki household. A Friday that fell in everyone's high spirit. A pay day for most and a beginning of their weekend. Both Boruto and Himawari were both up preparing breakfast for their beloved mother.

Boruto had a mission today which in result caused him to wake up extra early, as, for the younger Uzumaki, she just woke extra early on Fridays. It was her favorite day, her mother would be off work for today including the weekends which made them both plan a super weekend. However, it wasn't all happy for the small lavender haired girl. Her older brother was going to be gone for a couple of days, she understood his role in this family. She knew he would cancel his mission if she begged him to stay. But no, she understood his goal.

To be known, to be powerful more powerful that dad.

Himawari would help her older brother Boruto achieve his goal. Yet now, she always wondered how her father looked like. Both Hinata and Boruto never spoke much about him. And if it was, it would be a fond memory of him. Especially her mother, who would trail away in her memories as she spoke about her father.

He is a kind man a man who treasures his family like no other, a man with whiskers just like you!

Himawari giggled to herself as the memory finished playing in her mind causing her brother beside her raise a brow.

"You alright, Hima?"

Himawari turned her angelic face and looked at his brother with a bright smile.

"Do you think I'll be able to see Tou-chan one day?"

Boruto was struck back by this question, his breath was hitched in his throat, he didn't know what to say. He knew damn well it wouldn't be possible, however, there was still hope inside the young teen. He couldn't shatter that precious smile of his beloved little sister.

"Yea, you will one day. I will see that it happens Hima," reassured Boruto as he softly patted the top of her head.

"Yay!" she jumped and hugged Boruto tightly, they both giggled and embraced the moment of peace. Little did they know, Hinata watched the exchange between the two. She couldn't disturb this beautiful moment. It almost made her shed a tear.

But like all good moments, this one came to end the second her daughter's sapphire pools connected with her own. She wiggled out of her older brothers embrace and quickly scurried to Hinata's open arms. Her little sunflower crashed into her mother's bosom and tightly wrapped her hands around her mother's neck.

"Good morning, sweetheart!"

"Ohayo mama!" exclaimed Himawari before receiving a kiss on her forehead.

Boruto stood there and watched the exchange, he suddenly felt their stares and couldn't help but fluster up.

"I think Oni-chan feels lonely!"

"I-I don't!"

Hinata giggled at her son's embarrassed state, the lavender haired woman softly patted her son's blonde wavy locks and smiled. He looked away with a scowl as he crossed his arms.

"Breakfast is ready," he whispered under his breath making his mother's head snap.

She was amazed at the display at their kitchen table.

How could I not possibly smell this? Wondered Hinata, she took a deep breath and inhaled the breathtaking smell. All sorts of foods were placed on the table from pancakes to scrambled eggs. She was truly amazed.

"Did you two do this?" questioned his mother before taking her seat beside her daughter. Himawari nodded frantically as she began to internally dance in her mind.

"Yeah, Hima helped loads, it's a gift to you from us, we know how hard you work kaa-san,"

Hinata brought her hands near her chest, she could've sworn her heart was going to bust out. She was truly moved by this gesture, how gratefully she truly felt.

"Well, I'm off to my mission, see you guys in three days!" shouted Boruto as he stepped out of the kitchen.

"You're not going to stay and eat?" shouted his mother back before receiving a "Nope!"

"Stay safe Boruto! Listen to your leader!"

"Yeah! Yeah!" replied back Boruto in annoyance.

"Bye Oni-chan!"

"You knew he wasn't going to eat?" asked Hinata

"Bye Hima!" the sound of the door echoed throughout the house leaving both ladies along with their breakfast.

"Yep! He ate earlier, he didn't want to be late on picking up Sarada-chan!"

Hinata giggled at her daughter's teasing side. Her mother wondered who's trait she possibly inherited, Himawari sure did tease a lot.

"Let's eat mama!"

"Thank you for the food!" thus, both mother and daughter enjoyed each other's company as they both quenched their hunger in such a luxurious breakfast.


"Himawari, I have business to attend to with grandfather and the Hyuga clan, someone will be here shortly,"

Himawari's smile slowly died down, she placed down the plates slowly on the rack with a solemn expression. The young Uzumaki was heartbroken. Just when she thought she would have her mother all to herself.

Hinata saw the change of mood within her daughter and instantly regretted this. Her little sunflower shouldn't ever have this expression. Himawari stepped out of her stool near the sink and dried her hands before walking away in a down mood.

"Hima," Hinata called out stopping her in her tracks. The pale lavender orb mother rushed to be daughters side and kneeled down before her. She grabbed her tiny shoulders and softly turned her around.

Knock Knock Knock!

"Himawari, I promise I'll be back as fast as I can. Then we can do whatever you want ok-"

"No problem mama! Take care!"

Hinata couldn't believe what she saw, a bright smile on her daughter's face, a complete facade. It scared her, such a fake convincing smile. One she was all too familiar with, she knew exactly who she inherited this from. Naruto.

Hinata only smiled back and gave her daughter a kiss on her cheek before running her thumbs over her whiskered cheeks. Hinata then stood up and rushed towards the door, she undid the locks and with a turn of the knob, the door opened with a silent squeak.

"Hinata-sama! Good morning,"

"Hey Natsu-san, please Hinata is fine. Sorry for dropping this on in such short notice!" bowed Hinata before stepping aside letting her fellow clansmen inside.

"No worries Hinata-sama, I'm honored to care for young Lady Himawari," smiled the elder Hyuga woman with a heartwarming smile "She truly takes after you Hinata-sama!"

"Hinata is fine, Natsu-san!" Hinata shouted back before rushing towards her room retrieve her coat. Once it was in sight, she took it and rushed out the door, talk about preaching what you teach, I practically ran all around the house.



"... this concludes today's meeting. Thank you all"

Whispers and exchanges filled the usual quiet room as the high ranking clansmen all stood from their respective seats.

"Geez I almost fell for a spell halfway through this,"

"Hanabi! The elders are right next to you!" Hinata shouted a whisper to her younger sister who in return stuck her tongue out.

"Hinata-sama, Hanabi-sama, pleasure to see you both in today's meeting," said one of the elders who simply smiled at them.

Hinata and Hanabi both bowed in respect which made the elder Hyuga laugh "Please! No need for that, after all, you're both my son's daughter's,"

"Right," Hanabi responded with a smug smirk plastered on her face. Hinata too felt a bit awkward, talking casually with the man that made their lives a living hell when they were young wasn't too pleasing.

"What do you think about today's discussion?" asked the elder as he inspected both their expression. Noticing how the elder sister glanced at the clock occasionally.

"It was quite interesting, though there were parts that I could quite refresh a bit," responded Hanabi back with charisma laced in her voice for she had no clue what she was talking about.

I'm so late, I'm sorry Hanabi, thought Hinata as the conversation before her became background noise. She didn't know the hole her sister was currently digging herself in.

"What parts do you require the need of a bit of 'refreshing'?

Hanabi gulped, she elbowed her elder sister at her side making sure it didn't look too suspicious, Hinata finally caught on, her sister's eyes were currently throwing daggers at her. Something didn't feel right.

"I'm glad the Otsutsuki are gone from this village, somebody eventually would've taken care of them," replied back Hinata without giving as much as a second thought. She knew how much this elder praised and supported those scumbags.

Hanabi's jaw dropped wide open by her sister's bold response, she didn't see this blow coming. She looked around to see the elders equal shocked expression and beyond him was their father's also shocked expression.

"I will take my leave, I've extended my stay longer than I should have. Goodnight Hanabi, Father, Grandfather," Bowed Hinata as she rushed past the still shocked clansmen.

Right on! Hinata!


What is this feeling? Why do I feel like this? Why?

Hinata couldn't explain this eerie feeling, her house was just blocks away, almost in view. The afternoon sky was shadowing her home. Soon enough, she was able to see the dark shadows that brought her closer and closer. Her throat went dry and her hands began to tremble. The gates were opened, she quickly rushed to the door and inserted the keys. In quick succession, she barged in through the door with a loss of breath to be accompanied by complete silence.

The curtains cast shadows across the living room, not a single lit candle in sight.

"Natsu-san? Hima?" Hinata shouted out in the dark taking small steps around the house. Upon inspection of the whole first floor, she decided to inspect the second now.

They might've just gone out to the park. Yes.

Her nerves began to cool down as the worst case scenario was being thrown in the back of her mind. With every step ascending up, she began to sweat and tremble. Once she was up, she turned her head to the hallway to the right leading to both Himawari's and Boruto's respective rooms. She inched closer and closer to her daughter's door before stopping. She froze at the sight of the broken door knob.


She busted through the door causing a gust of wind, the curtains were waving with a rage, a dark shadow cast halfway through her room. And in that darkness laid a body, blood pooled around the body known as her childhood caretaker Natsu. Her hands went cold, her eyes began to blur. There was so much blood. She turned the body around slowly and gasped at the sight. Her neck slit open with blood still pooling out.

Then it dawned on her.


There was no sign of her anywhere. Nothing. Just the wide open window.

No! No! No!

She felt her world crumble down, she quickly ran out of the room and ran downstairs nearly tumbling down. Tears were now escaping, trailing down her silky perfect skin profusely. She opened the door to outside and screamed.



With no lead, she felt incredibly lost, a crime scene was placed in her home. Her daughter missing. She felt nothing but immense regret and fear.

Hinata ran through the balls without any concern. She could hear the constant shouts and the sound of shaking armor. She ran past the endless halls, shoving aside maids and advisors alike. Her vision full with a blur. She knew these halls, for she once ran through them before. A different time and different circumstance.

Soon the familiar big doors came to view, she placed her hands in front and tackled the door head on while the guards had a frozen shock expression. She busted down the doors and made herself known.

"Hinata?" said the young Hokage.

"Hokage-sama! We're sorry, well contain her at once!" they shouted as they grabbed each of Hinata's arms roughly. However, not as much of a single muscle moved. She remained rooted where she stood.

"Release her this instant! Leave us!" Ordered Sara scaring away the guards who protested. Sara quickly rushed towards Hinata's side capturing her hand with hers.

"What's wrong Hinata?"

Her swollen puffy lavender orbs looked straight into her gray ones as if Sara has seen it all. A sick feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach.

"H-Himawari has been taken"

"What?! When?!" Sara shouted insanely loud as she dropped her Hokage hat.

"Six- Seven... I don't k-know..."


Instantly twelve men marched inside weapons drawn towards Hinata.

"Find me all rescue man teams! The mission is of highest priority! Himawari Uzumaki has been taken! Go!"

The men quickly began to stumble and rush away as the two remained there planted. Sara walked towards the mother and embraced her in a hug to which she melted into, crying out her frustration and fear.

"I-I need to go f-find her!" sobbed Hinata even louder.

"I promise we will find her, I promise she is safe, they couldn't have gone far," Sara knew damn well they could've gone far. It is almost a twelve-hour nonstop hike to reach the nearest border. Once crossed, it would be out of her hands.

Who? Why?


Young Himawari had never felt this much fear before, her breaths were rigid and trembling, her eyes filled with tears, she was crawled up like a ball inside a sack. She was constantly bumping around, she could only guess she was on a horse. She heard the men laugh and banter with each other. She knew she was being taken away from her home. She felt so scared, the feeling of never seeing her mother and older brother again shook her making her sob.

"Quiet! You runt!" said of the men as he hit the bag behind himself causing her to yelp in pain. "You best shut the fuck up! You don't want to see a child's worst nightmare!"


She cried and sobbed silently as the pain on her arm throbbed.

Mommy! Oni-chan! Please help me...

After what seemed like hours. The horse stopped, the men began to disembark.

"I'll be taking a piss," said one of them as the other responded with grunt.

"Take the girl out of the sack," ordered what she only assumed to be the head of the group. She could feel the rope unknot at the opening as she hit the ground hard making her grunt and sob silently.

The sack was roughly lifted causing her to fall out of the small opening. Her mind was dizzy and the smell was overwhelming.

"Who the fuck did you pick up!?"

"Huh?!" responded the other man as he was equally dumbfounded.

Himawari saw their state of confusion and decided to get up and run away.

"Big mistake," she ran right into another man standing there with a disgusting looking smirk. He grabbed her arm with his big rough hands and threw her to the ground and pinned her making her cry even more.

"Shut the fuck up! You cry more and I swear I will rape you!"

Himawari instantly bit her lip and swallowed her moans as the men began to circle her.

"We were meant to kidnap an Uchiha with jet black hair not fucking blue!" shouted the one who was in front.

"I didn't know man! It all happened too fast! I thought it was the Uchiha household," explained the man who was pinning Himawari down roughly.

"Well shit! The deal with the fancy clan will be off. Shit! Fuck!" shouted the enraged leader, he turned around to the third and final guy who sat frozen on the log, never letting go of her eyes with his dark ones.

"Why haven't you said anything?"

"What's your name?" asked the third guy.

Himawari looked up with tears still streaming down her eyes, with her hoarse croaking voice she managed to whisper, "H-Hi-Hima-mawari U-U-Uzumaki-i,"

"Uzumaki!? Oh shit, she's related to the Hokage!"

"What's your mother's name?"

Again she croaked "H-Hi-Hinata Hyuga-"

"Her mother is from the Hyuga clan?! We might be able to bring her i-"

"W-What is your f-father's n-name?" asked the third guy with fear laced in his voice causing both men to face the girl with shocked eyes.

"N-Naruto U-Uzumaki,"

A silence passed the three, she could almost see the life leaving their eyes at their realization. They gulped and trembled, the leader began to pace around while the one sitting began to run his hands through his hair frantically. And the one pinning her slowly released his hold.

"We fucked boys,"

"Yeah we did,"

"You're the daughter of Akuma,"



Not very far away, walked a man in a cloak, a man that was the embodiment of fear. A real monster. A blue eyed demon.


Thanks for the likes and comments! I'm in the works of a completely new NaruHina book. I'm still going over it then ill decide whether to pursue it or not. It will not be all happy, but very serious and dramatic. I'll see, Thanks!

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