Secret Love Affair (Matt Espi...

By sailfaraway

1.9M 34K 13.6K

When Jen gets introduced to Matt through her best friend Cameron, sparks fly but Jen is tied down in a seriou... More

Secret Love Affair (Matt Espinosa Fanfiction)
Chapter One: Walk in the park
Chapter 2: Airport Cafe
Chapter 3: Teased
Chapter 4: Are we okay?
Chapter 5: Spend the day?
Chapter 6: Split
Chapter 7: A Little Suprise
Chapter 8: Flights
Chapter 9: New Friends
Chapter 10: Magcon Day 1
Chapter 11: Apple Bee's
Chapter 12: Magcon Day 2
Chapter 13: Travel
Chapter 14: Sick
Chapter 15: Doctor's Office
Chapter 16: Secrets
Chapter 18: Just A Dream
Chapter 19: Dinner Time
Chapter 20: Pick Up
Chapter 21: Sleep
Chapter 22: In the Am
Chapter 23: Thoughts
Chapter 24: Scrubby Scrubby
Chapter 25: Preparing
Chapter 26: First Date
Chapter 27: Pre-party
Chapter 28: Keep Him Busy
Chapter 29: Party Pooper
Chapter 30: Home
Chapter 31: Tears
Chapter 32: Coming
Chapter 33: Welcome To Cali
Chapter 34: Sorry Isn't Enough
Chapter 35: The End
Chapter 36: One Question
Chapter 37: No Different
Chapter 38: Phyisical
Chapter 39: Helpless
Chapter 40: Hospital
Chapter 41: Results
Chapter 42: Aftermath
Chapter 43: Together
Chapter 44: Hosptial Leave
Chapter 45: Leaving
Chapter 46: Sad
Chapter 47: Reunited
Chapter 48: Garden
Chapter 49: Visitors
Chapter 50: Beach
Chapter 51: Goodbyes
Chapter 52: Memories
Chapter 53: Existance

Chapter 17: Forgive Me

35.2K 634 279
By sailfaraway

Matt's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling as if I couldn't breathe. I was breathing it just felt a certain way. I sat up and wiped my eyes and looked at my luggage lined up by my bed. I frowned. I looked at my phone. 1 missed call from Jen and a voicemail. I got up and walked to the bathroom. While I brushed my teeth I played the voicemail.

"Hey Matt. It's 3 am and I don't know how to just make this go to voicemail so sorry if I bothered you." I heard a sniffle. "I just am sorry. Im really really sorry. I should have went to you first. I think what we did was a mistake." Her voice began to shake. "I think this was a mistake this whole thing. You make me happy but how is this going to work. I don't want to hold you back or be the reason your upset. I know that sounds bad coming from the way Im putting this." She began to cry. "I think we should end this for each other and so we don't have to be-be hung up on someone hundreds and thousands of miles away." She started to break down. I heard her constant sniffling. I looked down at my phone the whole time while listening. She was crying into the phone trying to make words come out. "Babe I j-j-just - Im sorry."

I quickly grabbed my phone and called her back. It rang 5 times before she picked up.

"Hello" I heard her weak voice.
"Hey babe."
"Did you listen to my message."
"Is that why your calling."
"So um."
"Are you being serious."
"I don't want to hold you back."
"I love you."
"Matt please don't do this to me."
"You're already doing it to me."
She didn't answer. I just heard her sniffles.
"You can't just do this. I know you don't want to so why are you forcing yourself?"
"Matt you don't understand."
"Ok so were still together everything is happy dandy. I have to go I love you so much. Bye."
I heard her weak laugh in the background. "Bye."

Jen's P.O.V.

I sat there on my bed and looked across the room. I sighed looking at the picture frame that stood on my desk with a picture of Jon and I. I walked over and unhooked the backing of the frame and pulled the picture out and let it fall into my garbage pail.

I was glad that Cam was coming home today, I needed someone to talk to. Im pretty sure all the boys where leaving today. Suddenly my mom's voice took me out of my thoughts.

"Jen the doctor just called."

"What did they say?" My heart began to race.

"They said you'll be fine. You just have a stomach bug."

"Ok. Thanks mom." I sighed it relief knowing that I wasn't pregnant.

I feel back onto my bed and smiled.

*2 Hours Later*

"Hey" Cam stood in my door way.

"Hey? I didn't know you were stopping by." I laughed a little.

"Well I'm here."

"Don't get to close, I don't want to get you sick. The doctor called and said I just had a stomach bug." As I said that he sighed in relief.

"That's great. Well not that your sick that- that your not pregnant." He word vomited.

I laughed as he sat down next to me ignoring my sickness. He looked at me and smiled.

"I have something to tell you." He had a big smile across his face.


"I met a girl while you were gone."

"Who?!" I practically screamed. I was so happy for him. He rarely finds "mets girls".

"Her name is Kristen." He smiled to himself and looked at the floor.

He began to tell me more and more about her. With every word he said the red snuck into his cheeks. Im happy for Cam. She better not be trash.



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